
Supply Of Laboratory Items-Gujarat

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Supply Of Laboratory Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-12-2020. Brushes Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Of Laboratory Items
Open Tender

Tender Details

supply of Laboratory Items 201. 10 % barium chloride solution 202. 3.8% sodium citrate 203. abaclean semi auto (abacus solution) 204. abalyse semi auto (abacus solution) 205. abatm semi auto (abacus solution) 206. amylase kit (tulip/agappe/human) 207. anti a1 (tulip/span) 208. anti ab sera (tulip/span) 209. anti h lactine (tulip/span) 210. anti.a.b.d.sera set 3 x 5 ml (tulip/span) 211. anti.a.b.d.sera set-span 3 x 10 ml (tulip/span) 212. auto dispensar bottle(amber colour ) (5ml capacity + 1liter bottle) 213. auto pipeete 20 mcg fix 214. auto pipette ( 10- 100 ) 215. auto pipette ( 5 – 50 ) 216. auto pipette ( 100- 1000 ) 217. auto pipette 10 micro fix 218. auto pipette 100 micro fix 219. auto pipette 1000 micro fix 220. auto pipette 100-1000 micro 221. auto pipette stand (capacity- 6 pipette) 222. autoclave electric (smallest size ) 223. biofix spray 50ml bottle (micoanatomy fixative) 224. blood bag (single bag) 225. blood bags weight machine 226. blood lancet 227. blood sample rack 228. blood sugar kit (g.o.d.p.o.d.) (span) 229. blood urea kit (birthlot) 50ml 230. blood urea kit (kinetic) 4x20+2x10ml 231. bovine albumin (tulip/span) 232. c.s.f.protein kit 2 x50 ml 233. c.s.f.protein meter 234. capillary tube 235. cedar wood oil 236. chikenguniya elisa test (96 test/kit) (spin react ) 237. chikengunya rapid kit (30 test/kit) 238. ck-mb kit –kinetic (spin react (turbi)/redcell) 239. coomb sera(ahg) anti human globuline (tulip/span) 240. copper sulphate powder 241. corona rapid antibody test kit 242. corona rapid antigen test kit 243. cover slip 10 gm (22 x 22) 244. cover slip 10 gm (22 x 50 ) 245. crp kit (spinreact) (turbidimetry) 246. culture swab with jelly 247. culture swab without jelly 248. cuvet tube round (50mm x 10mm) 249. cytofix solution (micro anatomy fixative) 250. cytofix spray 251. d.p.x mountain 252. dengue (igm) antibody elisa kit (96 test/kit) 253. dengue (nsiag) antigen elisa kit (96 test/kit) 254. dengue card test (duo) s.d. 255. diazzo-a solution 256. diazzo-b solution 257. disposable screwcap vial (2.0ml) 258. disposable tips(1000 micro) blue 259. disposable tips(200 micro) yellow 260. dispossable esr tube 261. distilled water 262. drabkins hemoglobin reagent with standard 263. dropper bottle plastic(100ml capacity) 264. e d t a powder 265. eosin stain 266. field stain-a 267. field stain-b 268. fouchest reagent 269. glass slide 270. gluco card strips for akinson glucometer 271. gluco card strips for piramal gluco meter 272. gluco card strips for prestige glucometer 273. halogen lamp for colorimeter 274. hb meter (fingerprik digital ) 275. hb meter (fingerprik digital ) with curette 276. hb meter mission accon strips (digital) 277. hb meter with curette 278. hb testing kit 279. hba1c kit (proton) 280. hbsag elisa kit (96 test/kit) 281. hbsag rapid strip acon 282. hcv elisa kit (96 test/kit) 283. hcv rapid card acon 284. heamatoxilin stain 285. hepatitis a elisa kit (96 test/kit) 286. hepatitis a rapid kit (tulip/agappe) 287. hepatitis e elisa kit (96 test/kit) 288. hepatitis e rapid kit (tulip/agappe) 289. hiv elisa kit (96 test/kit) 290. hiv rapid kit (ritroquick) 291. hiv rapid kit (tridot) 292. ise based electrolyte analyzer (3 parameter) model: aft 300(acculyte -3p) acculyte reagent pack (3p) model: aft 300 brand: cornley 850 ml pkt 293. k-3 edta tube with cap 294. ldh kit (tulip/agappe/human) 295. ldl cholesterol test kit (agapee/acurate/siemens/proton) 296. leptospirosis card rapid 297. lipase kit (tulip/agappe/human) 298. lishman stain 299. m 53 d diluent (20 lit) hematology cell counter solution (mindray) 300. m 53 leo (1) lyse 1 lit hematology cell counter solution(mindray) 301. m 53 leo (2) lyse 200 ml hematology cell counter solution (mindray) 302. m 53 lh lyse 500 ml hematology cell counter solution (mindray) 303. m 53 probe cleaner hematology cell counter solution(mindray) 304. m.p. card test (antigen) (s.d.) (malaria card) 305. methanol 306. micro-pipette stand 307. microscope olmpus cx-41i 308. microscope-bulb no.7388 (philips) 6v / 20 w 309. n/10 hcl 310. oil imersion lens (micoscope labomade) (only lens not oil) 311. pap stain (250 test kit) (biolab) 312. plain test tube with cap (100mm x 12mm) 313. plastic dropper(capacity 3ml) 314. plastic stool container with lid 315. platelet diluting fluid 316. pregnancy test strip (acon) 317. punture proof plastic jar 318. ra test kit (50 test kit ) 319. rbc diluting fluid (compo lab-ts ) 320. reagent kit for pt (prothombin time) (spin react (turbi)/redcell) 321. reticulocyte stain 322. rpr kit (100 test) 323. s. albumin kit 324. s. alk phosphate kit 325. s. cholinesterase test solution 326. s. g.o.t. kit (2x40+2x10ml) (siemens/diasys) 327. s.bicarbonate cartridge for electrolyte analyzer 328. s.bicarbonate solution for electrolyte analyzer 329. s.calcium kit 330. s.chloride cartridge for electrolyte analyzer 331. s.chloride solution for electrolyte analyzer 332. s.potassium cartridge for electrolyte analyzer 333. s.potassium solution for electrolyte analyzer 334. s.protein kit 335. s.sodium cartridge for electrolyte analyzer 336. s.sodium solution for electrolyte analyzer 337. semi-automated bio-chemistry analyzer 338. serum acetone kit (25ml) 339. serum aso kit (25 test) 340. serum bilirubin kit (kinetic)(2x50ml) (siemens/diasys) 341. serum cholesterol kit (agapee/acurate/siemens/proton) 342. serum container (2 ml capacity) 343. serum creatinine kit (kinetic)(2x50ml) (span/diasys) 344. serum ferritine kit (25ml) 345. serum iron kit (25ml) 346. serum s.g.p.t. kit (kinetic) (siemens/diasys) 347. serum sample transporting box (capacity- 100 sample) 348. serum tibc kit (25ml) 349. serum vldl (agapee/acurate/siemens/proton) 350. serum widal kit (o & h) 2x2x5 ml (span/becon) 351. serum. hdl kit (agapee/acurate/siemens/proton) 352. serum. triglyceride kit (agapee/acurate/siemens/proton) 353. small test tube rank (caping-12 x 4 aluminium) 354. stool ocult blood strips 355. t3 elisa kit (96 test/kit) (ctk) 356. t4 elisa kit (96 test/kit) (ctk) 357. test tube 12mm x 100mm (borosilicate) 358. test tube 12mm x 75mm (borosilicate) 359. test tube brush (small) 360. tissue paper roll 361. tournequet belt 362. trisodium citrate powder 363. troponin i card (qualitative) 364. tsh elisa kit (96 test/kit) (ctk) 365. typhoid card (typhoid test) 366. urine multi strip 367. urine sugar / albumin strip 368. urine suger / acetone strip 369. vaccum vaccutainery set ( 1. vacutte tube edta k2 2ml 1 no. 2.vacute needle 22 g 1 no. 3. suction holder 1 no.) 370. vaccute floride tube 371. vacute needle 22 g 372. vacutte tube citrate 373. vacutte tube edta k2 374. vacutte tube plain 375. vdrl strip (acon) 376. w.b.c. diluting fluid 377. xylene

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