
Tender For Rate Contract Of Lab Consumables Items At Iiit Naya Raipur --Chhattisgarh

International Institute Of Information Technology has published Tender For Rate Contract Of Lab Consumables Items At Iiit Naya Raipur -. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-12-2020. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract Of Lab Consumables Items At Iiit Naya Raipur -
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Tender Details

Tender For Rate Contract Of Lab Consumables Items At Iiit Naya Raipur -669. Gravi ty: Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor For Arduino 670. Mini T ouch Kit 671. Phidg etCircularTouch 672. Phidg ets Touch Sensor 673. 30 Am p Current Sensor AC/DC 674. 50A C urrent Sensor(AC/DC) 675. ACS7 09 Current Sensor Carrier -75 to +75A 676. ACS7 11EX Current Sensor Carrier -15.5A to +15.5A 677. ACS7 11EX Current Sensor Carrier -31A to +31A 678. ACS7 11LC Current Sensor Carrier -12.5 to +12.5A 679. ACS7 11LC Current Sensor Carrier -25 to +25A 680. ACS7 14 Current Sensor Carrier -30 to +30A 681. ACS7 14 Current Sensor Carrier -5A to +5A 682. ACS7 15 Current Sensor Carrier 0 to 30A 683. Volta ge and Current Sense Breakout - 180A 684. AttoP ilot Voltage and Current Sense Breakout - 45A 685. Volta ge and Current Sense Breakout - 90A 686. Gravi ty: Analog 20A Current Sensor 687. Gravi ty: Analog Ambient Light Sensor TEMT6000 688. Gravi ty: Conductivity Sensor Switch 689. INA2 19 High Side DC Current Sensor Breakout - 26V ±3.2A Max 690. Non-I nvasive Current Sensor - 30A 691. Preci sion Voltage Sensor 692. Wasp mote 4-20 mA (Current Loop) Sensor Board 693. Bilge Pump 500 GPH 694. G1/2 Water Flow Sensor Enclosure 695. Gravi ty: Digital Peristaltic Pump 696. Brass -1-2-Nominal-Threaded 697. Plasti c-1-2-NPS-Threaded 698. Solen oid-Valve-12V-1-2-Nominal 699. Wate r flow large sensor 700. Wate r flow small Sensor 701. Wate r Turbine Generator (5VDC) 702. Electr onic Thermometer L431 703. Grove - Water Sensor 704. Grove - Moisture Sensor 705. Gravi ty: Dust Sensor Adapter 706. Leaf W etness Sensor 707. Meth ane Gas Sensor MQ-4 708. Gravi ty Analog UV Sensor V2 709. Carbo n Monoxide & Flammable Gas Sensor MQ-9 710. Temp erature-Sensor-Breakout-TMP102 711. Hydro gen Gas Sensor - MQ-8 712. Adafr uit VEML6070 UV Index Sensor Breakout 713. Humi dity and Temperature Sensor - RHT03 714. Gravi ty: Analog UV Sensor (ML8511) 715. Temp erature and Humidity Probe (White) 716. Alcoh ol, toluene, xylene Organic Solvent Vapors sensor - TGS822 717. Grove - Air quality sensor v1.3 718. Grove - UV Sensor 719. Grove - Water Atomization v1.0 720. Optic al Dust Sensor - GP2Y1010AU0F 721. UV-Se nsor-Breakout-ML8511 722. Grove - Dust Sensor 723. Temp erature-Humidity-Sensor-High-Accuracy- Mini 724. Gravi ty: I2C BME280 Environmental Sensor (Temperature, Humidity, Barometer) 725. URM0 7 - UART Low-Power Consumption Ultrasonic Sensor (20~750cm) 726. Heart -Rate-Monitor-Sensor-for-Arduino 727. Soil M oisture Probe for Open Garden 728. Adafr uit MiCS5524 CO, Alcohol and VOC Gas Sensor 729. Grove - HCHO Sensor 730. I2CBM E680- 731. Envir onmental-Sensor 732. Smar t Dust Sensor - SM-PWM-01A 733. atmo spheric- 734. senso r-breakout-bme280 735. Envir onmental Sensor (Qwiic) - BME680 736. Adafr uit CCS811 Air Quality Sensor Breakout - VOC and eCO2 737. Analo g-pH-Sensor-Meter-Kit-For-Arduino 738. PH SE NSOR for Hydroponics 739. AM23 15 - Encased I2C Temperature/Humidity Sensor 740. Temp erature, humidity and pressure sensor 741. CO2 ( CARBON DIOXIDE) GAS SENSOR - MG811 742. Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor 743. Soil M oisture & Temperature Sensor 744. Indus trialpH- 745. Electr ode-Armor-Casing 746. Senso r-Module-Laser-Sensing 747. Senso rs/808H5V5-Humidity-Sensor 748. Gravi ty: Formaldehyde (HCHO) Sensor (Arduino & Raspberry Pi Compatible) 749. Analo g-CO2-Gas-Sensor-For-Arduino 750. Analo g-pH-Sensor-Meter-Pro-Kit-For-Arduino 751. Gravi ty: Analog Infrared CO2 Sensor For Arduino 752. Grove - Oxygen Sensor 753. Cond uctivity Sensor 754. Gravi ty: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor /Meter V2 (K=1) 755. Pocke t Geiger Radiation Sensor - Type 5 756. Air Q uality Monitor (PM 2.5, Formaldehyde, Temperature & Humidity Sensor) 757. Redu ction-Potential-Sensor 758. Load- Cells/ Load-Sensor- Combinator 759. Gravi ty: Digital Crash sensor (Left) 760. Force Sensitive Resistor - Small 761. Force Sensitive Resistor 0.5 762. Force -Sensing Resistor: 0.25″-Diameter Circle, Short Tail-FSR 400 Short 763. Force -Sensing Resistor: 0.6″-Diameter Circle, Short Tail - FSR 402 Short 764. Load Sensor - 50kg 765. Sensi tive-Resistor-Square 766. Weig ht Sensor (Load Cell) 0-10kg 767. Senso r-Load-Cell-0-20kg 768. Senso r-Load-Cell-0-30kg 769. Senso r-(Load-Cell)-0-3kg 770. Sensi ng-Linear-Potentiometer-1-4-0-4 771. Load- Cells/DIY-Sensor-Film-Kit-4x6-Small-Kit 772. Sensi tive-Resistor-Long 773. Press ure-Sensor-100lbs 774. Flexif orce Pressure Sensor - 25lbs 775. SoftP ot Membrane Potentiometer - 500mm 776. Open Scale 777. Level -Sensors/12-eTape-Liquid-Level-Sensorextras 778. 8 eT ape Liquid Level Sensor + extras 779. Analo g-Ambient-Light-Sensor-TEMT6000 780. Nonc ontact

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INR 20000.0 /-
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