
11 Kv Interlinking Palakkaparamba To Thalakkodu And 100 Kva Tr Insertion Under 11 Kvputhalam Feeder Constuction Of 11 Kv Line -875 Meter And Installing 100 Kva Transformer, AREEKODE-Kerala

Kerala State Electricity Board-KSEB has published 11 Kv Interlinking Palakkaparamba To Thalakkodu And 100 Kva Tr Insertion Under 11 Kvputhalam Feeder Constuction Of 11 Kv Line -875 Meter And Installing 100 Kva Transformer. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-11-2020. Feeder Pillar Tenders in AREEKODE Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : 11 Kv Interlinking Palakkaparamba To Thalakkodu And 100 Kva Tr Insertion Under 11 Kvputhalam Feeder Constuction Of 11 Kv Line -875 Meter And Installing 100 Kva Transformer
Open Tender

Tender Details

11 Kv Interlinking Palakkaparamba To Thalakkodu And 100 Kva Tr Insertion Under 11 Kvputhalam Feeder Constuction Of 11 Kv Line -875 Meter And Installing 100 Kva Transformer

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrignedum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 24-Nov-2020 Addition to the clause No 45 of the general conditions of the contract Other 30-11-2020

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1428 /-
INR 14000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document

BOQ Items

Sl.No.Item DescriptionItem Code / MakeQuantityUnits
11Loading HT 'A' type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle).item127No
22Loading HT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle).item22No
33Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance upto 5km and carrying upto 4 poles excluding loading & unloading.item38Trip
44Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel/Cross Arm.item450No
55Fitting and erecting one HT 'A' type Pole in position incl. fitting cross arm, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads.item523No
66Additional rate for providing one disc set on any type of HT pole for making cut point.item624No
77Fitting and providing one HT Stay for 11kV pole incl. digging & back filling pit.item724No
88Fitting and providing one Strut using HT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit.item81No
99Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HT Stay in Hard Laterite.item926No
1010Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Hard Laterite.item1027No
1111Stringing of one km 11kV line with ACSR Raccoon (3 conductors) incl. cutting and removing tree branches wherever necessary.item110.875km
1212Fitting and erecting one HT DP using 'A' type pole in position incl. fitting 2 channel cross arms, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads.item122No
1313Fitting 5 channel cross arms, AB switch, DO fuse, LA, HT & LT connections on existing DP, 3 LT fuses.item131No
1414Erecting one 100kVA Transformer to existing DP and giving connections, incl. loading & unloading, excluding transportation.item141No
1515Fitting one additional Fuse unit and giving connection from Transformer to fuse and DB to LT OH line.item153No
1616Providing one Earth using earth pipe incl. digging separate pit at standard distance away from the pole/structure & backfilling.item1612No
1717Providing one Coil Earth using GI earth wire, digging separate pit at standard distance away from the pole/structure & backfilling.item1720No
1818Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5m depth) in Hard Laterite.item189No
1919Fitting one Additional V cross arm in existing single pole incl. conveyance of materials.item192No
2020Fitting one Additional 2.4m/3m Channel cross arm (100x50x6mm), in existing 11kV DP incl. conveyance of materials.item2020No
2121Dismantling (without damage) one LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same.item2110No
2222Fitting one LT 4 line cross arm on HT or LT existing poles incl. fitting insulators and binding the same with LT Line.item2210No
2323Dismantling one damaged LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays, strut etc. and stacking the same.item2312No
2424Dismantling (without damage) LT stay incl. digging pit in all classes of soil and backfillingitem2415No
2525Transferring LT Sph 2/3 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole and refitting all items to the new pole.item256No
2626Transferring LT 3ph 4/5 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole and refitting all items to the new pole.item2625No
2727Dismantling and reconnecting Sph service connection from the OH line incl. lowering down the WP portion.item2736No
2828Providing concrete muffing (0.45x0.45x1.5m) inclusive of cost of all material (as per specification).item2827No
2929Fitting one set AB switch and giving connectionitem291No
3030Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11kV pole using HT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pits.item301No
3131Fitting one set AB switch and giving connectionitem311No
3232Installing one DTR Meter with box on existing poles and giving the complete connections incl. conveyance of materials.item321No
3333Erection of LT 2 way distribution box on existing cross arm giving connection incl. cable and earth connection (excluding earthing).item331No
3434Traffic signal painting of pole 1.5m height using black and white paints in alternate rings of 25cm width incl. cost of paint as specified.item3427No
3535Providing barbed wire protection (2.5m height) for one 11kV pole.item3527No
3636Pole numbering using printed Aluminium sheets / Painting the surface of pole with anti algal yellow paint and painting Letters with black paint as specified incl. cost of paint.item3627No
3737Providing Transformer fencing to a height of 1.8 m above ground level using MS Angle frames of size ISA 50x50x6mm for outer frame, 2 runs of 40 x 6 MS flat for horizondal brasing and grills with MS rods 8 mm Dia @ 10cm c/c for verticals, providing gate with locking arrangements, providing danger board & name board, embeding the legs in cement concrete 1:2:4, footing of size 30cmx30cmx50cm, painting with synthetic enamel paint two coats over one coat of iron primer etc complete, incl cost of transportationitem3728.8m2
3838Cleaning and levelling of transformer yard/RMU, spreading 40 mm broken stone in yard for a thickness of 10 cm above bed of 10 cm thick 6 mm broken stone, after constructing a curb wall of height 20cm above ground and 10cm below level including cost of all materials and charges for conveying, spreading, consolidating etc.item3817.75m2
3939Providing Guarding for LT line using No.8 SWG GI wire one span for road crossing and drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing, excluding provision of earthing.item395No
4040Providing Bucket type cradling for one span 11kV line using 8 SWG GI wire including provision of two stays and drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing, excluding provision of earthing.item405No
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