Supply Of Machine Equipment -1 MACHINE/EQUIPMENT (MECHANICAL ) nLab Name- Theory of Machine (TOM) 2 Size- 38*26 cm sq. nHeight - 24cm 3 Size- 26*26 cm sq. nHeight - 5cm 4 Base- 21*21 cm sq. nHeight- 43 cm n1.Triangular cam- 1 n2.Circular cam- 1 n3.Conical cam- 1 nwith followers 5 Base- 25*20 cm sq. nHeight- 21 cm nLarge spur gear-75 teeths nSmall spur gear-30 teeths 6 Base- 25*25 cm sq. nHeight- 13 cm nLarge gear-20 teeths nSmall gear-11 teeths 7 Base- 40*26 cm sq. nLength of cam shaft- 38cm nDiameter of flywheel- 14 cm 8 Base – 30*28 cm sq. nLength- 24 cm nBreadth- 22 cm 9 Base – 32*27 cm sq. nLength- 26 cm nBreadth- 35 cm 10 Base – 28*30 cm sq. nLength- 26 cm nBreadth- 21 cm 11 1.5 HP motor 12 1.5 HP Motor 13 Lab Name- Power Engineering (TOM) nSuction pressure gauge-(1)-(0-17.5 kg/cm) ndelivery pressure-(1)-(0-35 kg/sq cm) ncompressor-(1)- 230v,50 Hz,RLA-0.8 ncondenser(1), ncapillary tube(1), nevaporator(1) 14 Cooling system-water cooled power-10HP nSpeed-1500rpm nRope brake dynamometer-01 nSpring balance-2 ndia of brake drum-0.266 m 15 Pressure gauge-(0-7)kg/sq cm, npower-2 HP ndisplacement-196 litre/min ncylinder bore-64 mm nstoke length-75 mm ntank- 50 litre npressure-115 psi nspeed-2850 rpm nweight-36 kg 16 Pressure gauge-(0-7)kg/sq cm, npower-2 HP ndisplacement-196 litre/min ncylinder bore-64 mm nstoke length-75 mm ntank- 50 litre npressure-115 psi nspeed-2850 rpm nweight-54 kg 17 Standard 18 Standard 19 Standard 20 Standard 21 Standard 22 Standard 23 Standard 24 MACHINE/EQUIPMENT (MECHANICAL ENGG. + CIVIL ENGG.) nLab Name- Strength of Material (SOM) 25 Frame= 150*75cm2 nWire Size= 0.4mF 26 Dia of Axle = 16mm nDia of wheel= 190mm nWidth of Wheel=45mm 27 Capacity= 3000kgm nManufacture-A.S.I.salepvt ltd 28 Modal No-ATM 3 nMotor capacity-0.37KW n12mm F*100mm nCapacity= 50kgm nManufacture-A.S.Isalepvt ltd 29 Model No- AI-RAS SR.No-251-2010/11 nManufacture-A.S.I.salepvt ltd nModal no-SGIRHTM-150 nSR No-115-2012/13 nCapacity-187.5kgf nManufacture-A.S.I.salepvt ltd 30 0 – 150 mm 31 Pendulum Type nScale nStriking Hammer nBreaking System nCharpy Test – 300 Joule nIzodeTes - 164 Joule 32 Model FTT- 200NM nTorque range- 200, 150, 50 NM nTorque Capacity- Maximum 200NM 33 Atomatic 34 Standard specification 35 Lab Name- FLUID MECHANICS LAB (F.M.)/ FLUID HYDRAULICS LAB 36 Area of tank- 2500, nAngle of hill-10, nweight-2.2 kg,height-21 cm 37 Measuring tank-900 sqcm,piezometer tube-9,motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 38 Measuring tank-900 sqcm,u-tube differential manometer containing murcury,,motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 39 Measuring tank-900 sqcm,u-tube differential manometer containing murcury,,motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 40 Measuring tank-900 sq cm,orifice-08 mm dia, slidings cale with vernier scale,motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 41 Measuring tank-900 sqcm, notch angle-60,width of rectangular notch-9 cm,sliding scale with vernier scale,motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 42 Measurement tank-900 sqcm, efficiency of motor- 80%,digital wattmeter, DC motor- 5 HP, pressure gauge- (0-100) kg/cm 43 Measurement tank-900 sqcm, efficiency of motor- 80%,digital wattmeter, DC motor- 5 HP, pressure gauge- (20-45) kg/cm 44 Measuring tank-700 sqcm, u-tube differential manometer containing murcury, venturimeter -(inlet dia-2.8 cm and throat dia- 2 cm),motor-0.37 kw/0.5 HP(self priming) 45 Table size-26x26 cm,height-24 cm 46 Table size-25x25 cm,height-24 cm 47 Table size-25x25 cm,height-24 cm 48 Table size-25x25 cm,height-10 cm, diameter – 16 cm 49 Table size-25x25 cm,height-35 cm 50 In wall mounted nRange in mm n50-0-50 to 1000-0-1000 mm Wc/hg 51 Standard test apparatus 52 1.A sump tank 550 X 430 X 225 n2. Flow pipe length 700mm n3. Measuring Flask 1 Litre n4. Pump Submersible type n5. Piping with necessary valves and fittings. n6. Detailed Technical manual and on-site demo n8. Control Panel On/off switch, Mains indicator etc 53 Design speed- 750-900 RPM, Output Power- 3.7kW(5.0HP), design Head and discharge 46-50 m and 700-900lpm, cast iron body with a large transparent acrylic window a nozzle and spear arrangement, hydraulic casing window a nozzle and spear arrangement, hydraulic casing braking jet arrangement, a bearing pedestal, a rotor assembly of shaft, runner and brake drum all mounted on a sturdy base Buckets- Gunmetal, spear made of stainless steel for corrosion resistance, centrifugal monoblock pump set of 15HP capacity of size, Opera table on 440 Volts, 3phase, 50Hz line Complete test rig is mounted on a storage tank of suitable capacity 54 Design speed- 1500 RPM, Output Power-37kW(5.0HP), design Head and discharge 15-20 m and 1800-200lpm, cast iron spiral casing, a rotor assembly of shaft, gunmetal runner and brake drum all mounted on a sturdy base, Aerofoil shaped gunmetal guide vanes, Conical draft tube, Stainless steel for corrosion resistance, centrifugal monoblock pump set of 15 HP capacity of size Flow measuring unit- venturimeter of size 100mm, Operatable on 440 Volts, 3phase, 50Hz line. Complete test rig is mounted on a storage tank of suitable capacity. 55 MACHINE/EQUIPMENT (CIVILL ENGG.) nLab Name.- Geo Technical Engineering Lab 56 A brass bowl (cup), an adjustable bracket. A rubber of a standard hardness by cam action. 57 Casagrande grooving tool and one ASTM grooving tool and height gauge. Complete Set. 58 Standard Compaction Test- Compaction Mold- Brass 100 mm Internal dia. X 127.3 mm height X 1000 cc volume. Complete with collar & Base plate with rammer 2.6 kg X 310 mm controlled fall. 59 Heavy compaction Test Compaction Mold- Brass, 150 mm internal dia. X 127.3 mm height, volume 2250 cc. Complete with collar and base plate. Rammer 4.89 Kg. X 450 mm controlled fall as for IS2720 (part-VIII) 60 Standard IS: Set of Sieves Ranging from 125 mm to 750 Micron 61 Gyratory type ¼ H.P. motor Compatible with 1.25 HP Motor 230 volts, 50 Cycle phase, AC supply 62 Double walled oven with the inside made of thick anodized aluminum or stainless steel. Outside mild steel finished in white enamel. The gap between the inside and outside is 75 mm and is filled with pure glass wool. Adjustable air ventilators are provided near the top on the Sides. Fitted with Air circulating fan. Dimension (mm) 455 X 455 X 455, Shelves. Digital PiD controlled, Temperature range [(50)^0-(250)^0C), suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz Single Phase. 63 1 kg glass jar with brass cone, locking ring and rubber seal. - Spare: Rubber seal. 64 (CBR) motorized 9 (nine) load frame 1.25 mm/min-0.025 mm n1. Motorised Load Frame having single rate of strain of 1.25 mm/m, Capacity 5000kg (50KN) n2. CBR mould 150 base plate and collar inner dia X 175 mm high n3. Cutting Collar n4. Perforated swell plate n5. Spacer disc. n6. Metallic ring made of mild steel. n7. Metal tripod aluminum n8. Penetration Piston Assembly n9. Proving ring 10 KN capacity n10. Surcharge weight, 2.5 Kg and 5 kg, 147 mm dia with 53 mm dia central hole. n11. Surcharge weight 2.5 and 5 kg. 147 mm dia with 53 mm dia slot. n12. Dia gauges. 2 Nos. 0.01 mm X 25 mm n13. High sensitivity Proving Ring 3000 kg capacity with calibration chart and carrying case. n14. Compaction Rammer 2.6 kg X 310 mm fall. n15. Compaction Rammer 4.89 kg X 450 mm fall. n 65 Shear box assembly, 60 mm square, complete with a. U. bracket, guide pins and spacing screws, made of brass Gipper assembly consisting of two plain grid plates, two perforated grid plates, one base plate and one loading pad, all made of brass. nTwo porous stones each 6mm thick, fitted with the shear box. nShear box housing of brass, complete with two ball roller strips. nLoading unit with normal loading of 8 Kg/(cm)^2 on 60mm square specimen. nSpecimen cutter for a specimen size of 60mm X 60 mm X 25 mm. nSet of weights to give a normal stress up to 3kg/(mc)^2, 3 of 0.5 kg/(cm)^2 and 1 of 1kg/(cm)^2 nComplete Unit Electrically Operated with a turret type gear box to give twelve different rates of strain: 1.25, 0.625, 0.25, 0.125, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0004, 0.0002, mm/min and arrangements to carry out residual shear strength test. Suitable for operation with 220 volts, 50 Hz. Single- Phase supply 66 capacity: 500 Kg nProving Ring Type (Manually) screw operated load frame cap 5000kg. with a gear box and motor drive giving 1.25, 1.5, 2.5 mm/min rates of strain. A pair of cone seating, adaptor for proving ring and strain dial gauge bracket Supplied with one pair of male/female coning tools for 38 mm, 50mm, 75mm & 100mm dia for each sample 67 Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus 68 Sand Replacement Method Apparatus 69 Permeability by Constant Head Test Equipment 70 Core Cutter 71 Brass Handle & Brass Tally, As per IS SWG 8 GI wire 72 Length – 30 m/ Rewinding 73 Image – Erect Magnification – 32 X , Minimum Effective Objective Aperture-36 mm, Field of view- 1020’ Minimum Focusing Distance 0.5m, Multiplication constant- 100, Additive constant -0 Compensator range +- 15’, Compensator setting accuracy- +-0.5’ or better Sensitivity of bubble – 10/2mm, Horizontal circle- reading-10 or 1 gon standard deviation for 1 km double run leveling- 2mm or better 74 Standard Size 75 Standard Size 76 Standard Size 77 Standard Size 78 Standard Size 79 a) .Prismatic Compass 80 b). Surveyor Compass 81 Sprit level 82 Lab Name:- Transportation Lab nSieves of sizes 80, 40, 20, 10, 4.75mm 83 Sieve Shaker (Motorised) 84 Loading unit motorized. a capacity of 5000 kgf with two telescopic pillar n2 Compaction rammers- 4.5 Kg, wt. Free Fall- 45.7 cm nOther Accessories are dial gauge, proving ring (3000 Kg), universal water bath & Thermometer. 85 Ductility Testing Machine for elongation rate 50 mm/min. 86 Ring and Ball apparatus according to IP 58 and IS 1205. nHand Operated, Apparatus consists of Glass beaker of heat resistant glass having internal diameter of 8.5 cm x 12 cm. depth two steel balls each of 9.5 mm dia two tapered brass ring two ball guides, ring stand and hand stirrer 87 AS per IS 1203. nBitumen Penetrometer manually operated including adjustable weight arrangement standard accessories. 88 Consists of a hollow steal cylinder, closed at both and inside dia of 700 mm and inside length of 500 mm. Drum rotation 30-33 KPM. Set of 12 No. Cast iron Sphere, 48 mm dia wt= 390-445 gran. 89 Type – Spare oil cup Therometer nAccording to IP33, IP 170 also IS 1448 90 Lab Name:- Building Material Lab nCompression 650 mm Testing 800 mm Space -50 mm 91 Specification will be provided later on 92 Slump Test Apparatus 93 MACHINE/EQUIPMENT (ELECTRICAL ENGG.) nLab Name.- ELECTRICAL LAB 94 Mains supply : three phase 415 volt +/- 10%, 50 HZ nLoad : R-L nAnalog Meters used nWattmeter: 500W (2 nos) nVoltmeter : 500 V nAmmeter : 1A 95 Parameter – LQ, C-D, R-Q and Z-Q nFrequency : 00H, 120 Hz and 1 KHz nAccuracy : 0.3% nDisplay : 5 digit display for both primary and secondary parameters measurement range L-100Hz, 120 Hz- 1MHz-9999 Hz n1kHz-0.1 mH-999.9H nC-100Hz, 120 Hz-1pF-9999mF 1kHz-0.1 pF-999.9 mF 96 Inbuilt variable AC supply 0 to 230 volt nInbuilt variable DC supply: 0 to 6 Six volt (with load) nMeter used- nACVolt meter o to 300 volt nDC volt meter o to 10 volt AC ammeter 0 to 1 Amp nDC Ammeter o to 1Amp nAC watt meter o to 500 watt nMain supply; 230V +/- 10% 50 Hz 97 Bridge: - Kelvin nWaveform Provided :- Sine nPotentiometer- 1K & 10K?, helical 10 turn pot mounted with dial for easy measurement nFixed Resistance :- 10M, 1M, 100K, 10K, 1K, 100 & 10? available through Selector Switch nVariable Power DC supply :- 0-15V nInterconnections :- 2mm Banana Socket nTest Points :- 3 nos nPower Supply :- 230V ±10%, 50/60Hz nPower Consumption :- 3VA approximately nDimension (mm):- W 190 X D 279 X H 95 nWeight :- 2.8 Kg. approximately nOperating Condition :- 0-40o C, 80% RH 98 Operating Modes: sine, Squire, Triangle& DC Outputs nFrequency Range: 0.1 Hz-1Mhz in 7 decade steps nFrequency Accuracy: +/- 0.5% 99 Range-1 ohms to 10 Mohm, 5 watts 100 Range- 10 pF to 150 Uf 101 Range – up to 1000 Mohm 102 Range – 3 ½ Digit nDC-AC Volts & Currents nResistance/Diode/Continuity testing nCapacitance/frequency/Measurement Transistor HFE Measurement 10A Range fuse protected Auto polarity nOver Range indication 103 230 V, 10A 104 400V, 10A 105 MACHINE & EQUIPMENT (COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING) nCOMPUTER LAB 106 Core-i7 7th/8th/9th generation, nRam- 8GB and extented to 32 GB nHDD :- 2TB OR more, nMonitor- 18.5 or more 107 1KVA nInput-Single Phase Sine wave, 160V-280V nOutput- Single Phase Sine wave, 230 V AC, nBackup time-30 min 108 SOFTWARE nTurbo C++ nWindow 10 or above system 109 MS office -2016 for nWindows O/S 110 Quick Heal Total Security 16 or Higher)