supply of Equipment For Civil Department Uit-Rgpv , Bhopal , equipments of civil lab , creep test apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , concrete impermeability apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , digital mortar mixer ( specification as per tender document ) , vibration machine for mortar ( specification as per tender document ) , concrete mixer , drum type , capacity 30l ( specification as per tender document ) , concrete mixer , pan type , 250l capacity ( specification as per tender document ) , pull out bond test for concrete ( specification as per tender document ) , jaw crusher , three phase ( specification as per tender document ) , pulveriser , three phase , new model ( specification as per tender document ) , jolting apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , vibrating table , 1m x 1m for 16 moulds of 150mm cube ( specification as per tender document ) , automatic blaine apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , laboratory ball mill ( specification as per tender document ) , shrinkage bar mould ( specification as per tender document ) , digital length comparator ( specification as per tender document ) , heat of hydration apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , abrasion resistance of concrete under water method ( specification as per tender document ) , abrasion resistance of concrete ( specification as per tender document ) , accelerated curing tank ( specification as per tender document ) , laboratory electric oven ( specification as per tender document ) , laboratory electric oven ( specification as per tender document ) , muffle furnace ( specification as per tender document ) , vicat apparatus with isi certification mark , is:5513 , fitted in aluminium box ( specification as per tender document ) , compaction factor apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , air entrainment meter ( specification as per tender document ) , slump test apparatus ( specification as per tender document ) , demountable mechanical strain gauge , 150mm , digital ( specification as per tender document ) , digital lateral extensometer ( specification as per tender document ) , pycnometer ( specification as per tender document ) , iron cube moulds ( specification as per tender document ) , consistometer ( specification as per tender document ) , buoyancy balance ( specification as per tender document ) , concrete needle vibrator ( specification as per tender document ) , on-site water/waste water analysis kit ( specification as per tender document ) , air-quality parameter on-site testing kit ( capability of operation in indoor and outdoor both ) ( specification as per tender document ) , digital cod meter ( specification as per tender document ) , atomic emission spectrometer ( mpaes ) ( specification as per tender document ) , laboratory thermometer ( specification as per tender document ) , u-v visible double beam spectrometer ( specification as per tender document ) , distillation unit for nitrogen ( specification as per tender document ) , co2 incubator/ carbonation test chamber ( specification as per tender document ) , biological safety cabinet ( specification as per tender document ) , auto clave ( specification as per tender document ) , total station ( specification as per tender document ) , digital level ( specification as per tender document )