Procurement Of Drugs For Npcb, Dhfws, Mandya 1. Disposable Blades For Sics-Mvr-Crescent, 3-2/5-2 Etc, 2. Iol A) Rigid Lens No. 1 To 30, 3. Iol B) Foldable Lens No. 1 To 25, 4. Sutures(9-0 Or 10- Nilone), 5. Disposable Eye Drapes, 6. Blades (Carbon Steel) 11& 15 Numbers, 7. Inj. Xylocaine 2% (30 Ml), 8. Inj Hyalase (Hyaluronidase), 9. Inj Gentamycin, 10. Inj Betamethasone/Dexamethasone, 11. Inj Adrenaline, 12. Inj. Trypan Blue, 13. Visco-Elastics From Reputed Firms (Phacotips, Sleeves Cassettes), 14. Disposable I/A Cannulas, 15. 26 G Needles, 16. Gauze, 17. Paracaine Eye Drops, 18. Phenylepherine With Tropicamide Eye Drops, 19. Formalin Bottle 400Ml, 20. Intracameral Tricort, 21. Betadine Scrub, 22. Hiv Kit (Srerile Ot Gown), 23. Ab+Steroid Drop, 24. Balanced Salt Solution (200Ml), 25. Injection Pilocarpine, 26. 2% Homotropine Eye Drops, 27. Formalin Bottle 400Ml, 28. Intracameral Phenylepherine, 29. 1 % Homotropine Eye Drops, 30. 4% Xylocaine, 31. Viscoat, 32. Ciplox Eye Ointment, 33. 6-0 Vicryl Reverse Cutting, 34. Pilocarpine Eye Drops, 35. Betadine Eye Drops 5%, 36. Green Shades/Dark Goggles, 37. Eye Bandages, 38. Ear Buds (Johnson), 39. Eye Shield Plastic, 40. Suture Tier (Jaffe) Curved – 5 No., 41. Hoskin Forceps, 42. Moorefied Forecps, 43. Wescott Conjunctival Scissors, 44. Vannas Scissors Curved, 45. Barraquer Needle Holder For 10.0 Sutures, 46. Cats Paw Retractor, 47. Kelman Mc Pherson Forceps 1.Straight, 48. 2. Curved, 49. Dettol Solution, 50. Sterilium 500Ml, 51. Cadlone Antiseptic Lotion, 52. Surgical Spirit 5 Litre Can,