Supply Of Lab Consumables And Chemicals To Dtc Kims Campus Hubli 1. Broom Sticks, 2. Hydrochloric Acid, 3. Phenol 40% Liquid, 4. Distilled Water, 5. Cotton Napkins, 6. Foot Operation Bins, 7. Blotting Papers, 8. Rubber Gouns ( Aprons ) , 9. Borosil Conical Flask ( 3 Ltrs Flat Bottom ) , 10. Borosil Funnel 10 Inch, 11. Plastic Funnel Small, 12. Funnel 18 Inch, 13. Spray Bottle, 14. Beaker 500Ml, 15. Beaker 250Ml, 16. Beaker 100Ml, 17. Droper Bottle 100 Ml ( Stains ) , 18. Dropper Bottle 500 Ml, 19. Syringe 20 Ml, 20. Glass Pipettes 5 Ml With Rubber Cock, 21. Sodium Hydroxide 500Gm ( Pellets ) , 22. N.Acetyl L-Cysteine 100 Gm, 23. Malachite Green, 24. L- Aspargine, 25. Magnesium Sulphate 500G, 26. Magnesium Citrate Tribasic Monohydrate 500G, 27. Sodium Hypchlorite Solution 500Ml, 28. Brain Heart Infusion Agar 500 G, 29. Hand Wash Soap Solution 1 L ( Liquid Hand Soap ) , 30. Surgical Disposable Gouns-L, 31. Surgical Disposable Gouns –Xl, 32. Filter Tips ( Dnaase Rnaase Free ) 100 1000 Micro Litter, 33. Filter Tips ( Dnaase Rnaase Free ) 20-200 Micro Litter, 34. Filter Tips ( Dnaase Rnaase Free ) 1-20 Micro Litter, 35. Long 1 Ml Filter Tips :1250 Ml Dna Rna Pree, 36. Plastic Bag 30 Litre Capacity Red Auto Cleavable With Biohazard Sticker, 37. Plastic Bag 30 Litre Capacity Yellow Auto Cleavable With Biohazard Sticker, 38. Sterile Pasture Pipettes 5 Ml, 39. Non Sterile Pasture Pipettes 5 Ml, 40. Shoe Covers, 41. Cryo Tags, 42. Scotch Tape / Magic Tape Transparent Adhesive, 43. Syringe Membranes Filter, 44. Cryovials ( Sterile With Caps ) 1.5Ml, 45. Pcr Vials ( Dnaase Rnaase Free ) , 46. Rubber Gloves For Washing, 47. Transparent Polypropylene Bag ( Auto Cleavable ) , 48. Plastic Forceps, 49. Sterile Indicator Tape-Autoclave, 50. Sterile Indicator Tape- Hot Air Oven, 51. Slide Keeping Box ( 50 Slides Each ) , 52. Mc Cartey Bottles, 53. Nichrome Metal Loops ( 4Mm ) Hi Media, 54. Metal Loop Holders Hi Media, 55. Cryo-Vials Racks, 56. Water Proof / Chemical Proof / Blue Ball Pen For Lpa Strip Marking, 57. Auramine 100 Mg, 58. Bottle Brushes Small,