
Supply Of Suture And Pledget Items, BMHRC BHOPAL-Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal Memorial Hospital And Research Centre has published Supply Of Suture And Pledget Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-08-2020. Waxes Tenders in BMHRC BHOPAL Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Suture And Pledget Items
National Competitive Bid
Madhya Pradesh
Bmhrc Bhopal

Tender Details

Supply Of Suture And Pledget Items - 1 Abrasive Fine Solution 2 Acetic Acid Glacial 3 Acid Fuschin Powder 25Gm 4 Agar-Agar Media 500 Gm 5 Albert Stain A 6 Albert Stain B 7 Alcian Blue Reagent 25Gm 8 Ammonium Oxalate 500 Gm 9 Anaerobic Gas Pack ( Pack Of 05 Nos. ) 10 Asparagine Monohydrate 25 Gm 11 Atcc Escherichia Coli 2 Sticks 12 Atcc Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 27294 13 Atcc Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 2 Sticks 14 Atcc Staphylococcus Aureus 2 Sticks 15 Atcc Streptococcus Pneumoniae 2 Sticks 16 Atcc Streptococcus Pyogenes 2 Sticks 17 Auramine O 100 Gm 18 Bile Esculin Agar 19 Bile Salts 100 Gm 20 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 500 Gm 21 Bromophenol Blue 5Gm 22 Buffer Tablet 4.0 23 Buffer Tablet 7.0 24 Buffer Tablet 9.2 25 Calcofluor White1. Should Be Able To Be Used For Rapid Detection Of Yeasts, Fungi And Parasitic Organisms. 2. The Fluorescent Stain Calcofluor White Should Be Able To Properly Bind Cellucose And Chitin In Cell Walls. 3. Grade: For Microbiology4. Composition: Calcofluor White M2r - 1 G / L, Evans Blue - 0.5 G / L.5. Should Be Stable At Room Temperature. 26 Carbol Fuschin Strong 125Ml 27 Carmine Reagent 5Gm 28 Cled Agar 500 Gm 29 Copper Sulphate Reagent 500 Gm 30 Dextrose Powder 31 Diethyl Ether Reagent 500 Ml 32 Dimethyle Formamide Solution 500Ml 33 Disc Bacitracin 1 Vl 34 Disc Bacitracin 5Vl 35 Disc Carbenicillin 5Vl 36 Disc Cefdinir 5Vl 37 Disc Cefotaxime + Clavulanic Acid 5Vl 38 Disc Ceftazidime + Clavulanic Acid 5Vl 39 Disc Ceftriaxone 5Vl 40 Disc Cefuroxime 5Vl 41 Disc Chloramphenicol 5Vl 42 Disc Cotrimoxazole 5Vl 43 Disc Doripenem 5 Vl 44 Disc Ertapenem 5Vl 45 Disc Gentamicin 120 Mcg 5Vl 46 Disc Imipenem 5Vl 47 Disc Meropenem 5Vl 48 Disc Optochin 49 Disc Oxidase 1Vl 50 Disc Polymyxin B 5Vl 51 Disc Tigecyclin 5Vl 52 Edta Solution 500Ml 53 Ehrlich Aldehyde Solution 54 Eosin Soln 2% W / V 125 Ml 55 Eosinophils Counting Solution 56 Ethanol Ar 99.9% 500Ml 57 Ethidium Bromide 10Ml 58 Extran Reagent 500 Ml 59 Formaline Reagent 5 Ltr 60 Fouchts Reagent 125 Ml 61 Gentian Violet Reagent 125 Ml 62 Gold Chloride 1Gm ( 49% ) 63 Gram Iodine Reagent 125Ml 64 Grams Iodine Crystalline 125 Ml 65 Hema Type Segment Device 66 Hexamine Pure 500Gm 67 Hydrochloric Acid 35% Gr 500 Ml 68 Hydrochloric Acid Concentrate 500 Ml 69 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% 70 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% 71 Id Diluent 72 Immersion Oil 25 Ml 73 India Ink 100Ml 74 Isoamyl Alcohol 100 Ml 75 Knife Microtome ( Disposable Blade ) 76 Koser Citrate Medium 100 Gm 77 Koser Citrate Medium ( Pack Size 100 Gm In Powder Form Or 500 Ml In Liquid Analytical Grade ) 78 Kovacs Reagent 100 Ml 79 Lactophenol Cotton Blue Reagent 80 Leishman Stain 250Ml 81 Liquor Ammonia Reagent 82 Lugols Iodine Reagent 125 Ml 83 Mcfarland Standards Kit 84 Mercuric Chloride 100 Gm 85 Methanol Reagent 500 Ml 86 Methyl Red Reagent ( Ready To Use, Pack Size = 100 Ml ) 87 Methylene Blue Powder 100 Gm 88 Methylene Blue Reagent 125 Ml 89 Mic Test Strip For Cefoperazone Sulbactam 30 Strip 90 Mic Test Strip For Ceftazidime 30 Strip 91 Mic Test Strip For Colistin 30 Strip 92 Mic Test Strip For Imipenem 30 Strip 93 Mic Test Strip For Meropenem 30 Strip 94 Mic Test Strip For Piperacillin Tazobactam 30 Strip 95 Mic Test Strip For Ticarcillin Clavulanic Acid 30 Strip 96 Mic Test Strip For Vancomycin 30 Strips 97 Motility Sulphide Medium 98 Mrvp Medium 99 Muller Hinton Agar 500 Gm 100 N-Acetyl-L Reagent 25 Gm 101 Naphthol Alpha 100 Gm 102 Nnnn Tetra Methyl P Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 5 Gm 103 Nuclease Free Water 500 Ml 104 Papnicolaous Soln 125 Ml 105 Papnicolaous Soln Ea 36 125 Ml 106 Papnicolaous Soln Ea 50 125 Ml 107 Papnicolaous Soln Og 6 125 Ml 108 Paraffin Wax 58 C-60 109 Parafin Liquid Light 500 Ml 110 Peptone Water 500 Gm 111 Petridishes 150X25 Mm ( Borosilicate Glass, Autoclavable ) 112 Petrolium Ether 60-80 °C Reagent 2.5Lt ( Pack Of 500 Ml ) 113 Ph Strip Full Range ( Ph Indicator Strips, Non Bleeding Ph Range 5.0-10.0, Pack Of 100 Strips ) 114 Ph Strips Range 6.5-10 115 Phenol Granules 500Gm 116 Phenol Red Indicator Solution 117 Phospho Molydic Acid 118 Phospho Tungstic Acid 100 Gm 119 Pipette Pasteur Plastic 1 Ml 120 Poly-L-Lysine 100 Ml 121 Potassium Oxalate+Fluoride Solution 122 Pseudomonas Isolation Agar 100 Gm 123 Rbc Diluting Fluid 500Ml 124 Reticulocyte Fluid 25 Ml 125 Sabouraud Agar 500 Gm 126 Safranine Powder 25Gm 127 Safranine Reagent 125 Ml 128 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum 2-O 129 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum 4-O 130 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum 67-O 131 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum 9-O 132 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum B-H 133 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum D-H 134 Salmonella Agglutinating Serum Polyvalent Group A-G 135 Selenite Broth 100 Gm 136 Semen Diluting Fluid 125 Ml 137 Semen Diluting Fluid 125 Ml 138 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Boydii Polyvalent – 1 1-6 139 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Boydii Polyvalent-2 7-11 140 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Boydii Polyvalent-3 12-15 141 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Dysenteriae Polyvalent 1-10 142 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Flexneri Polyvalent 1-6 X & Y 143 Shigella Agglutinating Serum Sonnei Phase 1 & 2 144 Sodium Chlride Ar 500 Gm 145 Stainfield A 500Ml 146 Stainfield B 500Ml 147 Starch Soluble Ar ( Pack Size 100 Gm Analytical Grade ) 148 Sulphuric Acid Concentrate 500 Ml 149 Swab Viscose Sterile 150 Swab With Amies Medium With Charcoal Pack Of 5Mlx25 Nos. 151 Tb Niacin Test Kit 152 Thrombin Powder 1 G 153 Trichloro Acetic Acid 154 Trisodium Citrate 500 Gm 155 Tsi Agar 500 Gm 156 Urea Agar Base 500 Gm 157 Veal Infusion Broth 500 Gm 158 Vibrio Cholera Agglutinating Serum 01 Polyvalent 159 Vibrio Cholera Agglutinating Serum Inaba 160 Vibrio Cholera Agglutinating Serum Ogawa 161 Wbc Diluting Fluid 500Ml 162 Wintrobe Esr Tube 163 Xylene Sulphur Free Reagent 2.5 Litre

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 21000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10.50 Lakhs /-
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