
Tender Form For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals / Glassware/ Plastic Ware/ Laboratory Apparatus / Minor Instruments, For The Government School In Kachchh-Gujarat

Department Of Education has published Tender Form For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals / Glassware/ Plastic Ware/ Laboratory Apparatus / Minor Instruments, For The Government School In Kachchh. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-08-2020. Chemical Supply Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender Form For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals / Glassware/ Plastic Ware/ Laboratory Apparatus / Minor Instruments, For The Government School In Kachchh
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender Form For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals / Glassware / Plastic Ware / Laboratory Apparatus / Minor Instruments, For The Government School In Kachchh :-1 Student Microscope : Isi : Eye Pieces - 10X & 15X, Objective Lens - 10X & 45X 2 Disssecting Microscope : Student Monocular Microscope Model Has Standard Set With Two Eye Pieces - 10X & 15X 3 Test Tube : 5 X 8 : Borosilicate ( 100 ) 4 Watch Glass : 3 5 Staining Rack : Wooden For Six Bottles 6 Pre. Slide : Meiosis - Mitosis - Set Of 17 7 Cucurbita Stem L.S / T.S 8 Sunflower Stem T.S., D.S. + P.S. 9 Sunflower Root T.S., D.S. + P.S. 10 Sunflower Leaf T.S., D.S. + P.S. 11 Maize Root T.S., D.S. + P.S. 12 Maize Leaf T.S., D.S. + P.S. 13 Maize Monocot Stem T.S. Class Work Material 14 Aceto Carmine : 100 Ml 15 Benedict Solution : 500 Ml 16 Biuret : Reagent : 125 Ml 17 Blotting Paper 18 Carnoys Fluid : 250 Ml 19 Eosine Solution : 125 Ml 20 Fehling : A : 500 Ml 21 Fehling : B : 500 Ml 22 Formaldehyde : 500 23 Hydrochloric Acid - Diluted : 500 24 Iodine Solution - 500 Ml 25 Jenus Green Solution - 100 Ml 26 Millons Reagent - 125 Ml 27 Potassium Bisulphate - 500 Gm 28 Saffranine Solution : 125 Ml 29 Starch Powder : 500 Gm 30 Sudan-Iii : 100Ml 31 Sulphuric Acid Diluted : 500 Ml 32 Bile Salt : 100 Gm 33 Cobalt Chloride Paper 34 Gentian Violet : 100Ml 35 Methyl Orange: 125Ml 36 1-Nepthol : 100Gm 37 Nitric Acid-Dil : 500Ml 38 Phenol Red Solution : 100Ml 39 Phenolphthelene : 125Ml 40 Potassium Chloride : 500Gm 41 Potassium Dichromate : 500Gm 42 Potassium Hydroxide:Pellets:500Gm 43 Sodium Chloride : 500 Gm 44 Sulpher : 500Gm 45 Sulpho Salicylic Acid : 250 Ml 46 Aceto Methenol : 500 Ml 47 Cotton Blue: 100 Ml 48 Lactophenol Blue Cotton : 100 Ml 49 Hydrogen Sulphide Solution : 500 Ml 50 Sp Jar - Usnea 51 Sp Jar - Lichen 52 Sp Jar - Cycus Chart 53 Sp Jar - Coral 54 Sp Jar - Jelly Fish 55 Sp Jar - Sea Anemone 56 Sp Jar - Honey Bee 57 Sp Jar - Ascaries 58 Sp Jar - Tape Worm 59 Sp Jar - Liver Fluke 60 Sp Jar - Planneria 61 Sp Jar - Neries 62 Sp Jar - Millipede 63 Sp Jar - Cockroach 64 Sp Jar - Scorpion 65 Sp Jar - Unio 66 Sp Jar - Sea Urchin 67 Sp Jar - Amphioxus 68 Sp Jar - Calotes 69 Sp Jar - Sponge 70 Sp Jar-Opuntia 71 Sp Jar-Orchid 72 Sp Jar-Cuscutta With Host 73 Ganongs Respirometer 74 Mortar - Pestle 75 Rubber Cork 76 Beaker 250 Ml : Glass Borosilicate 77 Burette 25 Ml : Glass Borosilicate 78 Graduated Pipette ; 1Ml : Borosilicate 79 Graduated Pipette ; 5Ml : Borosilicate 80 Petri Dish : Plastic : 3 81 Specimen Tube : 20 X 3.5 Cm 82 Conical Flask 250 Ml : Borosilicate 83 Funnel : Plastic : 3 84 Burette Stand : 8 X 5 24 85 Completer : 8 X 5 24 86 Wash Bottle : 250 Ml : Plastic 87 Methylene Blue : Srl / Merck / Bdh 88 Leishmans Stain : Srl / Merck / Bdh 89 Glacial Acetic Acid : Srl / Merck / Bdh 90 Sucrose : Srl / Merck / Bdh 91 Boric Acid : Srl / Merck / Bdh 92 Potassium Nitrate : Srl / Merck / Bdh 93 Magnesium Sulphate : Srl / Merck / Bdh 94 Glycerine : Srl / Merck / Bdh 95 Distilled Water : Srl / Merck / Bdh 96 Neutral Litmus Solution : Srl / Merck / Bdh 97 Universal Indicator : Srl / Merck / Bdh 98 Vaseline : Srl / Merck / Bdh 99 Diphenylamine Solution : Srl / Merck / Bdh 100 Acetone : Srl / Merck / Bdh 101 Petroleum Ether : Srl / Merck / Bdh 102 Ethanol : Srl / Merck / Bdh 103 Calcium Carbonate : Srl / Merck / Bdh 104 Sodium Bicarbonate : Srl / Merck / Bdh 105 Benzene : Srl / Merck / Bdh 106 Urea : Srl / Merck / Bdh ( 500Gm ) 107 Roberts Solution : Srl / Merck / Bdh 108 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Liver Wort 109 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Moss 110 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Pinus 111 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Dryopteris 112 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Mushroom 113 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Lilliacease Plant 114 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Bryophyllum 115 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Water Hyacinth 116 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Hydrilla 117 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Opuntia 118 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Agave 119 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Ultricularia 120 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Pisum Sativum 121 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Lathyrus 122 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Prassiflora 123 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Ascaris 124 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Snail 125 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Liverfluke 126 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Bat 127 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Scoliodon 128 Lifehistory Of Anophelese / Cutex / Silkmoth 129 Development Stages Of Cockroach 130 Lifehistory Of Butterfly / Honey Bee 131 Modification Of Root / Stem / Leaf 132 All Inflorescences 133 Tapeworm 134 Pearl Oyster 135 Sea Horse 136 Permanent Slides Of : Bacteria 137 Permanent Slides Of : Paramecium 138 Permanent Slides Of : Euglena 139 Permanent Slides Of : Chlamydomonas 140 Permanent Slides Of : Volvox 141 Permanent Slides Of : Entamoeba 142 Permanent Slides Of : Budding Of Yeast 143 Permanent Slides Of : Rhlzopus 144 Permanent Slides Of : Epidermal Peel With Stomatas 145 Permanent Slides Of : Parenchyma / Collenchymas / Scelerenchyma 146 Xylem / Phloem 147 Vessels 148 Pollen Germination 149 Pollen Germination On Stigma 150 T.S. Testis Of Any Mammal 151 T.S. Ovary Of Any Mammal 152 T.S. Blastula Of Any Mammal 153 T.S. Morula / Gastrula Of Any Mammal 154 T.S. Bonet.S.Cartilage 155 Wm.Hydra 156 Malarial Parasite In Blood 157 Charts Rexine - Family-Fabaceae / Liliaceae / Solanaceae 158 Pedigree Charts-Rolling Of Tongue / Widows Peek / Colourblindness 159 Controlled Pollination-Emasculation, Bagging Teachnique 160 Malarial Parasite-Life Cycle 161 Hiv Life Cycle 162 Pollination By Different Agencles 163 Tyoes Of Gynoeclum / Placentation / Aestivation 164 Fabricated Models With Dissectible Parts 165 Human Skeleton 166 Chart - Human Torso 167 Chart-Heart 168 Chart Kidney 169 Chart - Brain 170 Chart - Eye 171 Chart - Ear 172 Chart - Lung 173 Development Of Ovule Of Anglosperm 174 Ts.Dicot / Monocot Root / Stem 175 Test Tube Stand Plastic 176 Brush Camel 177 Bunsen Burner 178 Slide Box 179 Forceps 180 Needle 181 Measuring Cylinder 182 Scissors 183 Glass : Test Tubes Borosil Box 184 Glass : Measuring Cyclineder 10Ml / 20Ml 185 Plastic : Beakers - 50 Ml 186 Plastic : Beakers - 100 Ml 187 Plastic : Beakers - 250 Ml 188 Plastic : Beakers - 500 Ml 189 Glass : Conical Flask 100 Ml 190 Glass : Round Bottom Flask 250 Ml 191 Cover Slips -Blue Star - Box 192 Glass : Slides - Pack Of 50 193 Glass Rod 194 Digital Balance 195 Test Tube Brushes 196 Test Tube Holder 197 Test Tube Stand 198 Wire Guage 199 Cork Borer - Set 200 Thermometers 201 Plastic : Measuring Cylinders 10Ml 202 Measuring Cylinders - 203 Tripod Stand 204 Spirit Lamp Brass 205 Staining Rack 206 Droppers 207 Fouchet Reagent 500Ml 208 Seliwanoffs Reagent 500Ml 209 Ph Indicator Paper, Ph 2-11 & Ph 7-9 Set 210 Cavity Tile ( Porcelain ) 211 Gooch Crucible With Paforated Bottom 212 Mechanical Sieve Set Brass 213 Lugols Iodine Solution 214 Sodium Potassium Tartrate 215 Amylase 216 Spirit Or Ethyl Alcohol 500Ml 217 Secchis Disc 218 Filter Paper - Packet 219 Dropper 220 Sodium Hypobromite 221 Sodium Hydroxide 222 Models - Dna / Rna On Board 10X15 223 Slide Box 224 Glass Cupboard 225 Sp Jar - Earthworm 226 Sp Jar - Grasshopper 227 Sp Jar - Leech 228 Sp Jar - Spider 229 Sp Jar - Crab 230 Sp Jar - Prawn 231 Sp Jar - Octopus 232 Sp Jar - Amphioxus 233 Frog Chart 234 Tortoise Chart 235 Banyan Roots 236 Opuntia 237 Avecinia Chart 238 Orchid 239 Sp Jar - Ground Nut Root Nodules 240 Sodium Chloride : Srl / Merck / Bdh 241 Ph Tablets / Paper : Srl / Merck / Bdh 242 Eosine : Srl / Merck / Bdh 243 Development Stages Of Frog 244 Octopus 245 Lizard 246 Permanent Slides Of : Spirogyra 247 Permanent Slides Of : Oscillatoria 248 Electric Water Bath 249 Electronic Balance 250 Mortar And Pestle 251 Cover Slips -Blue Star - Box 252 Glass : Slides - Pack Of 50 253 Cavity Slides 254 Cork Borer - Set 255 Dessicator 256 Buffer Solution Ph4 & Ph9 257 Indicator Solution 258 6-8 Ph Buffer Tablet 259 Models - Dna / Rna On Board 10X15 260 Squamous Epithelium T.S. Class Work Material 261 Stratified Epithelium P.S. Class Work Material 262 Calliated Epithelium P.S. Class Work Material 263 Columner Epithelium P.S. Class Work Material 264 Areolar Connective P.S. Class Work Material 265 Frog Blood Smear, P.S. Class Work Material 266 Human Blood Smear, P.S. Class Work Material 267 Hyline Certilage P.S. Class Work Material 268 Straited Muscle W.M. P.S. Class Work Material 269 Non Straited Muscle W.M. P.S. Class Work Material 270 Medulated Nerve T.S. P.S. Class Work Material 271 Non Medulated Nerve T.S. P.S. Class Work Material 272 Hydrolyzing Solution : 500Ml 273 Sp Jar - Star Fish 274 Sulphosalycylic Acid 275 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Rohu 276 Preserved Specimen Plastic Mounted Or Embedded : Frog 277 Wash Bottle 278 Foreceps 279 Hot Plate / 1 A Meter : 0-5 A 2 Ac Power Source For Sonometer 3 Aluminium Block With Hook 4 Balance Digital, Lc, 0.1Gm ( 100Mg ) Imported. 5 Balance Physical ( Cap. 250Gm ) , 3 Stone Wood Case 6 Banana Lead, Banana To Banana, ( Non Stackable ) 7 Bar Magnet 2 8 Battery Eliminator ( Superior Quality ) Dc - 2-12 V, 2 Amp 9 Beaker - 250 Ml : Plastic 10 Beaker - 3 Litter 11 Bob With Hook Brass, Dia 18Mm 12 Boyles Law Apparatus Supplied Without Mercury 13 Capillary Tube , 4 Cm, L 1.25 M, Consumable 14 Concave Lens, Dia 50Mm, Fl 15 15 Concave Lens, Dia 50Mm, Fl 20 16 Concave Mirror, Dia 50Mm, Fl 10 17 Concave Mirror, Dia 50Mm, Fl 15 18 Constant Wire / Resistance Wire 100Gm 19 Convex Lens, Dia 50Mm, Fl 15 20 Convex Lens, Dia 50Mm, Fl 20 21 Convex Mirror, Dia 50Mm, Fl 10 22 Convex Mirror, Dia 50Mm, Fl 15 23 Copper Calorimeter, Size 3X2 ( In Wooden Box ) 24 Copper Connecting Wire - 50 M - Black 25 Copper Connecting Wire - 50 M - Red 26 Daniel Cell ( Complete ) Includes Copper Pot, Empty Porous Pot & Zinc Rod 27 Different Bore 28 Drawing Board, ( Superior Quality Soft Wood ) 12X18 29 Drawing Pin 30 Dropper 31 Fortins Barometer, Life In Years - 2 32 Galvanometer ( Dc With Stand ) 30-0-30, Mo 65 Superior 33 Gas Burner : Life In Years - 2 34 Glass Prism, Equilateral 60X60x60, 38Mm ( Routine Quality ) , 1.5 35 Glass Slab ( English Glass ) 75X50x12 Mm ( Ordinary Quality ) 36 Glycerine - Litter 37 Grave Sands Apparatus, Life In Years - 3 38 Helical Spring 39 Horshe Shoe Magnet / U Magnet ( Routine Quality ) 50Mm 40 Inclined Plane With Roller ( Without Weights ) 100Mm With Roller & Pan, Superior Quality 41 42 Leclanche Cell ( Complete ) Includes Filled Porous Pot, Zinc Rod & Plastic Jar 43 Liquid For Boyles Law 44 Magnetic Needle ( 75Mm ) With Aluminium Stand 45 Magnifier ( Metal Frame ) 2 46 Magnifier ( Metal Frame ) 4 47 Metal Balls - Small Different Diameters 48 Metal Cube - Aluminium, 25 Mm 49 Metal Cylinder - Hollow Set Of 5 Different Diameter 50 Metal Cylinder - Set Of 5 Different Diameter 51 Meter Bridge ( Wheatstone Bridge ) With Pencll Jockey ( Sunmica Base ) Routine 52 Meter Scale, One Meter, Routine Quality 53 Micro A Meter 54 Milli-Ammeter, Dc Range 0-100 Ma 55 Milli-Ammeter, Dc Range 0-250 Ma 56 Milli-Ammeter, Dc Range 0-50 Ma 57 Milli-Ammeter, Dc Range 0-500 Ma 58 Milli-Volt Meter, Dc Range 150 Mv 59 Milli-Volt Meter, Dc Range 250 Mv 60 Milli-Volt Meter, Dc Range 500 Mv 61 Mirror Strip, 4X1, With Plastic Stand. 62 Multi Meter, Digital ( Imported ) , Super Quality 63 Newton Law Of Cooling, School Pattern, G.I.Sheet 64 Optical Bench ( Metal Double Rod ) Iron Rod, 1 Meter Long Heavy 65 Optical Needle ( Parallax Pin ) 100Mm Iron, Cp 66 P N Junction Diod Apparatus, Superior, Only Printed Board 67 Pencil Jockey 68 Physical Weight Box - Brass Cp, 1Gm To 100Gm 69 Plane Mirror, Consumable 70 Plug Key One Way With Brass Block 71 Plug Key Two Way With Brass Block 72 Plum Bob 73 Potentiometer, One Meter Long Wooden Board Quipped With Brass Strips On Sunmica Base 4-Wire With Pencil Jockey, Routine 74 Resistance Box 1 To 1000 Ohm, S.Q. 75 Resistance Box, ( Brass ) Plug Type, Constant Coil, 9Mm Thick Brass Block, 1 - 100 Ohm, Superior Quality 76 Resistance Box, 1000 Ohms 77 Resistance Coil ( Round Bakelite Case ) 1 - 100 Ohm 78 Resonance Tube Apparatus, 25 Mm, Ss 79 Reversable Key 80 Rheostat ( Brass Rod ) , 15Cm, 4.3 Cm Dia Tube 81 Rheostat 8:0.5 A 82 Rubber / Cork Butch 83 Rubber Pad 84 Screw Driver : Life In Years - 1 85 Screw Gauge ( Micrometer ) Ss Rod Micrometer 25 Mm 86 Slotted Weight : 2.5 Kg 87 Slotted Weight : 5 X 500 Gm 88 Sono Meter, Soft Wood, ( Aluminium Feeting ) 89 Sono Meter, Wooden Support 90 Spherometer, Brass Double Disc, Heavy Pattern ( Superior ) 91 Spirit Level, 6, Plastic 92 Spring Balance, Tubular Acrylic, 1000Gm 93 Stop Watch Digital, 100Sec, Routine Quality 94 String Reel 95 Thermometer ( 30Cm Length ) , 10 - 360 Celcious, Mercury 96 Thermometer ( Faranhit ) , 30 To 110 C, Alchohol 97 Transistor Characteristic Apparatus, Pnp Or Npn, With Four Meter, Only Wooden Board Type Required 98 Travelling Microscope, Lc, 0.01 Mm, 2-Motions, In Wooden Box 99 Tripot Stand, 7X4 100 Tunning Fork, Welnch Type Tuning Fork With Pad In Welwet Case 101 Unknown Resistance Board On Wooden 102 V - Shape Stand, Wooden 103 Venturi Tube 104 Vernier Calliper, Wheel Type, 12 Cm, Stainless Steel 105 Viscosity Apparatus With Metal Stand, Glass Tube With Rubber, Cork And Thistle Funnel 106 Wolt Meter ( Mo-65 ) , Round Dial Dc With Stand, Range 0-12 V 107 Wolt Meter ( Mo-65 ) , Round Dial Dc With Stand, Range 0-5 V 108 Younges Modulus : Vernier Type 109 Zener Diod Apparatus, Superior, Only Printed Board 110 Stand ( With Clamp ) 111 Set Square 112 Spring Balance, Digital 113 Rheostate 100 Ohm 114 Rheostate 500 Ohm 115 Rheostate 50 Ohm 116 Rheostate 20 Ohm 117 Resistance Box 50 Ohm 118 Resistance Box 10 Ohm 119 Voltmeter 0-1 Volt 120 Voltmeter 0-15 Volt 121 Voltmeter 0-12 V 122 Micro A Meter 0-100 Microa 123 Micro A Meter 0-500 Microa 124 A Meter : 0-20 Ma 125 Physical Weight Box - Brass Cp, 1Gm To 200Gm 126 Rheostate 1000 Ohm 127 Resistance Box 0-10000 Ohm / 1 Wash Bottle - Plastic - 500Ml 2 Beaker - Borosilicate - 100Ml 3 Beaker - 250Ml - Borosilicate 4 Beaker - 1000 Ml - Plastic 5 Conical Flask - 100 Ml 6 Conical Flask - 250 Ml - Borosilicate 7 Tripod Stand Heavy 6 X 4 Triangle Containton 8 Evaporating Dish 3 Div 9 Test Tube Stand Pvs With 6 Test Tube Capacity 10 Test Tube Holder 11 Test Tube 5 X 5 / 8 ( 100 ) Borosilicate Box ( 10 Ml ) 12 Burette - Poly Plastic 25 Ml 13 Pipette - 10 Ml Borosilicate 14 Crusible Tongs 8 15 Burette Stand Completer ( 8X5x24 ) 16 Spectula S.S. - 6 17 Volumatric Flask - 250 Ml Borosilicate 18 Burner With Stop Cock 19 Wire Gauge Asbestose - With Frame 20 Reagent Bottle - 250 Ml - Nm 21 Reagent Bottle - 500 Ml - Ac 22 Reagent Bottle - 250 Ml - Wm 23 Claypipe Triangle 2 24 Glass Road 15 Cm - 0.5 Mm 25 Dropper With Teat For Reagent Bottle ( 250 Blue 6 Long Ml ) Special Dropped With Safely 26 Ele. Digital Balance - 200 Gm Cape +- 0.001 Self Calibration 27 Copper Metal - Foil - 500 Gm 28 Ferric Nitrate - 500 Gm 29 Hydrochloric Acid - 2.5 Ltr 30 Methyl Orange - 100 Ml 31 P.H. Paper - 100 Lrs Box 32 Ammonium Salt - 500 Gm 33 Sodium Bicarbonate - 500Gm 34 Sodium Carbonate - 500Gm 35 Sodiyum Hydroxide - Flakes - 500 Gm 36 Sulphuric Acid - 2.5 Ltr 37 Tartaric Acid - 500 Ml 38 Sodium Salt 500 Gm 39 Ammonium Phospet - Di - 500 Gm 40 Ammonium Sulphate - 500 Gm 41 Barium Carbonate - 500 Gm 42 Barium Chloride - 500 Gm 43 Barium Nitrate - 500 Gm 44 Cadmium Chloride - 100 Gm 45 Copper Chloride - 500 Gm 46 Copper Nitrate - 500 Gm 47 Copper Sulphate - 500 Gm 48 Ferric Chloride - 500 Gm 49 Ferrous Sulphate - 500 Gm 50 Ferrous Sulphide - 500 Gm 51 Filter Paper - Whatman Paper 40 No. Big Box 1 52 Lead Acetate - 500 Gm 53 Lead Carbonate - 500 Gm 54 Lead Nitrate - 500 Gm 55 Lead Paroxide - 500 Gm 56 Liquid Ammonia - 500 Ml 57 Magnesium Carbonate - 250 Gm 58 Magnesium Chloride - 500 Gm 59 Magnesium Sulphate - 500 Gm 60 Manganese Chloride - 500 61 Manganese Dioxide - 500 62 Mercuric Chloride - 250 Gm 63 Picric Acid - 500 Gm 64 Potassium Bromide - 500 Gm 65 Potassium Carbonate - 500 Gm 66 Potassium Chloride - 500 Gm 67 Potassium Chromate - 500 Gm 68 Potaasium Dichromate - 500 Gm 69 Potassium Ferrocynide - 500 Gm 70 Potassium Ferricynide - 500 Gm 71 Potassium Iodide - 500 Gm 72 Potassium Nitrate - 500 Gm 73 Potassium Permenganate - 500 Gm 74 Potassium Pyrontimonate - 50 Gm 75 Potassium Sulphate - 500 Gm 76 Potassium Phosphate - 500 Gm 77 Silver Nitrate - 25 Gm 78 Sodium Bromide - 500 Gm 79 Di Sodium Hydrogen Phospet - 500 Gm 80 Sodium Metal - 250 Gm 81 Sodium Phospet - 500 Gm 82 Tin Chloride - 250 Gm 83 Zinc Carbonate - 500 Gm 84 Zinc Chloride - 500 Gm 85 Zinc Dust - 500 Gm 86 Zinc Nitrate - 500 Gm 87 Zinc Sulphate - 500 Gm 88 Aluminium Sulphate - 500 Gm 89 Cadmium Nitrate - 100 Gm 90 Copper Oxide - 100 Gm 91 Di Phynyl Amine - 250 Gm 92 Ferrous Ammo.Sulphate - 500 Gm 93 Methyl Acetate - 500 Ml 94 Methylene Blue - 100 Ml 95 Potassium Oxalate - 500 Gm 96 Acetamide - 500 Gm 97 Acetophenone - 500 Ml 98 Acetone - 500 Ml 99 Ammonium Acetate - 500 Gm 100 Ammonium Chloride - 500 Gm 101 Aniline - 500 Ml 102 Benzaldehyde - 500 Ml 103 Benzamide - 500 Gm 104 Benzene - 500 Ml 105 Benzoic Acid - 500 Gm 106 Chloro Benzene - 500 Ml 107 Dextrose - 500 Gm 108 Metadinitro Benzene - 500 Gm 109 Napthelene - 500 Gm 110 Nesslers Reagent - 100 Ml 111 Nitro Benzene - 500 Ml 112 Pera Toludine - 500 Ml 113 Phenol - 500 Gm 114 Pthelic Anhydride - 500 Gm 115 Potassium Iodate - 100 116 Resorcinol - 500 Gm 117 Cobalt Nitrate - 100 Gm 118 Sodium Nitro Pruside - 100 Gm 119 Toluene - 500 Ml 120 Urea - 500 Gm 121 Zinc Sulphide - 500 Gm 122 Thermometer 360 Degree +- 1 Degree C. Mercury 123 Nitric Acid - 2.5 Ltr 124 Cloroform - 500 Ml 125 Methanol - 500 Ml 126 Sodium Cobalt Nitrate - 500 Gm 127 Ethanol - 500 Ml 128 Digital Ph Meter 0-14 Ph : Auto Temp. Conponsetion With Combinelectode 129 Burner Pipe - 10 Meter 130 Sodium Sulphide Flakes 500Gm Pure 131 Benzyl Alchole - 500 Ml 132 Beaker - 5000 Ml - Plastic 133 Beaker - 100 Ml - Plastic 134 Beaker - 250 Ml - Plastic 135 Beaker - 2000 Ml - Plastic 136 Beaker - 500 Ml - Plastic 137 Capillary Tube 138 Funnel - Plastic 139 Funnel - Glass 140 Measuring Cylinder 100 Ml 141 Measuring Cylinder 250 Ml 142 Rubber Cork 143 Spirit Lamp ( Brass ) 144 Test Tube Brush 145 Tiles White 146 Agar - Agar 100 Gm 147 Aluminium Chloride - 500 Gm 148 Ammonium Carbonate - 500 Gm 149 Ammonium Cerric Nitrate -100 Gm 150 Ammonium Molybdate - 500 Gm 151 Blue And Red Litmus Paper - Box 152 Borax - 500 Gm 153 Bromine Water - 500 Ml 154 Calcium Carbide - 500 Gm 155 Calcium Carbonate - 500 Gm 156 Calcium Hydroxide - 500 Gm / Ml 157 Calcium Oxide - 500 Gm 158 Calcium Sulphate - 500 Gm 159 Calcium Nitrate - 500 Gm 160 Carbon Disulphide - 500 Gm 161 Charcoal - 500 Gm 162 Chlorine Water - 500 Ml 163 Chromatography Paper Box 164 Calcium Chloride - 500 Gm 165 Dimethyl Glyoxime - 100 Ml 166 Distilled Water - 100 Ltr 167 Fehling Sollution - A - 500 Ml 168 Fehling Sollution - B - 500 Ml 169 Glacial Acetic Acid - 2.5 Liter 170 Iodine - 100 Gm 171 Magnessium Ribbon 100 Gm 172 Manganese Sulphate - 500 Gm 173 Mohrs Salt - 500 Gm 174 Nesslers Reagent - 500 Ml 175 Oxalic Acid - 500 Gm 176 Phenophthalein - 100 Ml 177 Potash Alum - 500 Gm 178 Potassium Aluminium Sulphate - 500 Gm 179 Red Litmus Paper - Box 180 Red Litmus Solution - Set And Blue Litmus Solution Set 181 Sodium Nitrate - 500 Gm : Nano3 182 Sodium Nitrate - 500 Gm : Nano2 183 Sulphur Powder - 500 Gm 184 Tin Metal - 100 Gm 185 Zinc Acetate - 500 Gm 186 Zinc Bromide - 500 Gm 187 Zinc Granules - 100 Gm 188 Ammonium Oxalate 500 Gm 189 1-Napthol 500 Gm 190 2-Napthol 500 Gm 191 P-Toludine 500 Gm 192 Ammonium Sulphide ( Yellow ) - 500 Gm 193 Acetaldehyde - 500 Gm 194 Acetyle Chloride- 500 Ml 195 Amyl Alcohol- 500 Ml 196 Arsenic Oxide - 500 Gm 197 Benedict Reagent- 500 Ml 198 A- Nephthol- 500 Gm 199 B- Nephthol- 500 Gm 200 P- Toluedene- 500 Gm 201 Nickel Sulphate- 500 Gm 202 2 , 4 Dinitro Phenyle Hydrezene- 500 Ml 203 Carbon Tetra Chloride- 500 Ml 204 Ammonium Bromide- 500 Ml 205 Di Ethyle Ether 206 Ninhydrene- 500 Ml 207 Potessium Bicarbonate- 500 Gm 208 Ether- 500 Ml 209 Piredene- 500 Ml 210 Schiff Reagent- 500 Ml 211 Sodium Thiosulphate- 500 Ml 212 Starch- 500 Gm 213 Tollens Reagent- 500 Ml 214 Urenyle Zinc Acetate- 5Gm 215 Zinc Nitrate- 500 Gm 216 Mangenise Sulphide- 500 Gm 217 Stop Watch 218 Lucas Reagent- 500 Ml 219 Dioxane- 500 Ml 220 Naocl ( Sodium Hypo Chloride ) - 500 Ml 221 Aniline Hydro Chloride- 500 Ml 222 Di Azo Amino Benzene- 500 Ml 223 Barfod Reagent- 500 Ml 224 Selivanoff Reagent- 500 Ml 225 Paraffin- 500 Ml 226 Hydrogen Peroxide -200Gm 227 Gum-200Ml 228 Water Tank 20 Ltr 229 Cobalt Sulphide 500Gm 230 Platinum Wire 231 Fusion Tube 1- Box 232 Rubber Tube 1Mtr 233 Sodium Iodide-500Gm 234 Cobalt Oxide-500Gm 235 Barium Carbonate-500Gm 236 Lime Water-500Ml 237 Ammonium Cerric Nitrate - 500 Gm 238 Potassium Iodate - 100 Gm 239 Benedict Reagent- 250 Ml 240 Ninhydrene- 100 Ml 241 Kcns 500Gm 242 Plastic Tin ( 10Lit ) 243 Paraffin 500Ml 244 Universal Indicator 500Ml

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1770 /-
INR 12000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6 Lakhs /-
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