Supply of Brass Full way Valve with CI Wheel 15 mm ISI MK,C P Shower Rose 100 mm Dia ISI,M S Curtain Rod 20 mm Dia,Distemper Brush 100 mm,P V C Bent 4” ( Prince ),P V C Rain Water Pipe 4” (Prince ),Lime un-slaked,M/S Sliding door bolt 250 x 16 mm,Foot Rest 250 x 130 x 30,WC Pan Indian Type Orrissa Pattern 580 mm (Hardware ),12” Screw Driver,Bitumen Felt S T P Make,GI J’ or L Hooks 8 mm Dia,Asbestos Cement corrugated sheet 6 mm Thick,Plain A C Sheet 6 mm Thick,G I Pipe 40 mm Normal Bore ISI Mark,Puncher with Rod for hand Pump,Hand Pump Head,Non Return Valve 40 mm,Urinal Pot 430 x 260 x 350 mm,Galvanized Wire mesh of average width of aperture 1.4 mm and normal Dia of wire 0.63 mm,15 mm CP Brass Pillar Cock ISI Mark,15 mm Brass stop cock ( 400 Gm ) ISI Mark,15 MM Brass Bib Cock ( 400 Gram ) ISI Mark,Plat Pressured 3 layer Particle board 12 mm thick (NevapanEcoboard,Sal wood 4” x 3”,G I Socket 15 mm ISI Mark,Glass Panes 4 mm Thick,Glass Self 600 x 120 mm with Guard Rail Slandered size andBracket (CP),P V C Tank cover ( Polycon/ T-Taki,M- Seal Solution,Ball Valve ( Brass )/ High of low pressure with plastic floats 25 Ml,Hydraulic Door closer with accessories (Code/Universal),Kitchen Sink 610 x 460 mm Bowl depth 178 mm (Hindware),Mirror size 60 x 45 Cm ( Modiguard ),Plastic washer for big cock 15 mm,Ply wood 4 mm thick (Nevapan, Ecoboard ),P V C connection pipe with brass union 30 cm long (15 mm Bore) ISIMark,Sand Paper various number ( ISI),Read Oxidized Primer (Berger),M S Hinges 4” ISI,Full Tread Screw ½”,White Cement,Distemper ( Berger/Asian),G I Nipple 20 mm x 4” long,Synthetic Enamel Paint (Asian/Berger,Turpentine Oil (Asian/Berger),M S Tower Bolt 200 x 10 mm,M S handle 25 mm ISI Mark,Bitumen Washer,Steiner 100 Ml (Asian/Berger ),12” Screwdriver,Shalimar Glass Putty ISI,GI Tea 15 mm ISI,Washbasin Flat back 560 x 400 mm (Hardware ),Cement ( Ambuja/ L & T/ Birla Plus,GI union 1” ISI Mark,P V C Flashing System Low Level 10 Ltrs Capacity ISI Mark,Plug ( GI ) 15 mm ISI Mark,Waterproof Cement,Wooden Primer (Asian/Berger ),Reducer 25 mm x 20 mm ISI Mark,Hacksaw Blade,Pig Lead,Helical Door Closer 8” x 10” ISI Mark,Jumber Washer 15/20 ML,GI Socket 40 mm ISI Mark,Bucket Valve with cap ISI MK,Nut and Bolt 2” x 4”,Hand Pump Base Plate,Non return valve 40 mm,Hand Pump Machine Complete,Shoes Brush for white wash,Painting Brush 3” / 4”,Stone aggregated,Water tank (500 Ltr) ISI,Find sand,Bend for W C Sheet,Pipe range ISI Mark,Humber (1/2 Kg) ISI Mark,Plastic pipe for sewerage pump ISI Mark,Bricks,Plier (Tapparia ),Mirror Nut,Plain sheet,Hanger Rods.