Supply Of Drip Materials On Annual Rate Contract Basis At Icar-Iiopr , Pedavegi , Supply Of Drip Materials On Annual Rate Contract Bais , 110Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , 90Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , 75Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , 63Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , 40Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , 16Mm Lateral Tube , 12Mm Lateral Tube , 3 Screen Filters Metal , 2 1/2 Screen Filters Metal , 2 Screen Filters Metal , Hydro Cyclone Filter 3 Metal , Hydro Cyclone Filter 2 1/2 Metal , 50Mm Ball Valve Plain , 40Mm Ball Valve Plain , 16Mm Start Connectors , 16Mm Gromat Rubber Washers , 16*12 Takeoff , 12Mm Gromat Rubber Washers , Goof Plugs Pin Type Black , Goof Plugs Blue , 16Mm Joinners , 12Mm Joinners , Micro Jet Half Circle 40Lph , 16Mm End Stopper , 12Mm End Stopper , 90Mm Local Body Plain Ball Valve , 75Mm Local Body Plain Ball Valve , 63Mm Local Body Plain Ball Valve , Inline Drip Laterals 2Lph 40Mm , Micro Tubes 0 . 6Mm , Micro Tube Pin Connectors 0 . 6Mm , Drippers 4Lph , Drippers 8Lph , Pvc Couplings 110Mm , Pvc Couplings 90Mm , Pvc Couplings 75Mm , Pvc Couplings 63Mm , Pvc Couplings 50Mm , Pvc Couplings 40Mm , Teflon Tapes ( Roll Of 50 Meters ) , Gi 3 Tee , Gi 2 Tee , Gi 3 Flang Setes With B*N , R*W ( Set Of 2 Pieces ) , Gm 3/4 Ball Valve , Pvc 3/4 Elbow , Pvc Mta 3/4 , Pvc Fta 3/4 , Gi 3/4 Nippal , Solvent Cement , Pvc Tee 75 Mm , Pvc Tee 63Mm , Pvc Elbow 63Mm , Pvc Elbow 40Mm , Pvc 3/4 Couplings , 50Mm Pvc Pipes ( Length Of 6 Meters ) , Flush Valve 63*50 Pvc , Flush Valve 63*40 Pvc , Pvc 63*50 Reducers , Pvc 63*40 Reducers , Pvc 63*75 Reducers , Pvc 50*40 Reducers