Supply Of Icu Medicine And Consumables , Adenosine 6Mg / Ml , Azithromycin 500 Mg , Acyclovir 500 Mg , Bactrum 400 Mg , Bactrum 800 Mg , Butorphanol Tartrate 1Mg / Ml , Clindamycine 600 Mg , Colistin 3 Miu , Caspofungin 50 / 75 Mg , Cefoperazone 1Gm , Cefipime 500 Mg / 10 Ml , Calithromycin500 Mg , Dobutamine 250Mg 5Ml , Dopamine 200Mg , Doxycycline 100 Mg , Dexmedetomidine Hcl 100 Mcg / 1Ml , Dexmedetomidine Hcl 200 Mcg / 2Ml , Esmalol 100 Mg , Fentanyl 100 Mg / 2Ml , Fluconazole 200 Mg , Hydealazine 20 Mg / Ml , Itraconazol200mg , Imipenum 1 Gm , Levitracetum 500Mg , Livoflox 500 Mg , Linezolid 300 Mg , Meropenam 1 Gm , Moxifloxaxin 400 Mg , Mucinac 100 Mg 5 Ml , Morphine 10 Mg / Ml , Naloxone400mcg / Ml , Ns 0 . 45% , Ns 0 . 3% , Nitrofurantoin 5 Mg , Nor-Adrenaline 2Mg / Ml , Piperacilline+Tazobactum 4 . 5 Gm , Paracitamol 1Gm 100Ml , Teicoplaninn 400 Mg , Tegicycline 50 Mg , Thiopentine 500 Mg , Vassopression 20 Units , Vancuronium 25 Mg / 5 Ml , Vencomycin 1 Gm , Hydroxy Chloroquine 400 Mg , Hydroxy Chloroquine 200 Mg , Tamiflu 75 Mg , Syp Creamfin Pink 170 Ml , Syp Creamfin Without Sugar 170 Ml , Syp Pot-Klor 170 Ml , Pentaprozole -D , Dulcolax Suppositries . , Clotimazole Powder , Xylocain Spray 10% , Aretery Canula , Abg 7+ Cartidge , Close Suction Set , Clave Connector , Central Line Triple Lumen 7Fr , Central Line Double Lumen 7Fr , Candom Catheter Large , Candom Catheter Medium , Catheter Mount , Diaper ( Adult / Paediatric ) Packet Of10 , E . T . Suction Catheter 14F , Hme Filter , Igeal Lma , Leader Cath , T-Piece Nebulizer Kit , Nasal Oxygen Catheter Adult , Yankur Suction Set , Mucus Extractor , Three Way Stop Clock 10Cm , Extention Line , Urobag With Urometer , Ryles Tube 16 Nomber , Diaper Adult , Heavy Duty Pressure Fusor Cuff Suitable For Pressure Upto 400Mm Of Hg Size 500Ml , Disposal Core Biopsy Instrument With Pd 22Mm Lsn 1 . 9Cm Gl Size 16Gx16 , Ventilator Circuit ( 22Mm Cap , 22Mm Corrugated Tube , 0 . 8 Mtr X4pc . , 22Mmwater Trape 2 Pc , 22Mm Male / 22Mm Female Strainght Connector , 22Mm Maparallel Y Connector Withpatient Port , 15Mm Corrugated Limb And 15Mm Female Angle Connector With Luer Port , 22Mm Corrugated Limb 45Cm With22mm Male Straight Connector ) .