
, secunderabad-Andhra Pradesh

South Cental Railway has published . Submission Date for this Tender is 24-06-2011. R.M = 2404.85. Stack No. 1 to 12 S/Sheet No.51/SC/11-12. Loc: Available at BDCR at KM: 53/11-13 Tenders in secunderabad Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

(Scrap cond. rail 52 KG, 345 Nos., R.M = 2404.85. Stack No. 1 to 12 S/Sheet No.51/SC/11-12. Loc: Available at BDCR at KM: 53/11-13, 12-13, 15-16, 54/7A-8A.,5-6, 3-4)(Scrap cond. rail 52 KG, 80 Nos., R.M = 641.22, Stack No. 1 to 5 S/Sheet No. 74/SC/11-12. Loc: Available at 2/18-19(LC-1),3/2-3. near NAGH Delivery by Sectional Weighment basis)(Scrap Cond CST-9 Plates BG full, Stack No. 1, 2 to 8, 9 & 10, 11, 12..S/Sheet No. 33/SC/11-12Loc: Available near Sankarapalli at KM: 139/42-44, 139/44- 140/2, 140/4-6, 6-8, 16-18. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap Cond MS consisting of Canted bearing plates with/without siezed rail/plate screws = 2477 Nos., Flat bearing plates of sizes = 3952 Nos,Guage tie Plates of sizes = 204 Nos., Stretcher bars = 142 Nos, Stack 1 to 4, 1 to 29, 1 to 19 & 1..S/Sheet No14, 17, 18 & 27/SC/11-12 Loc: Available at PWI/LPI Office compound at KM: 160/35-39. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap Cond MS consisting of Slide chairs for woodden layout = 1063 Nos.SEJChair plates WSL with/without brackets & bolts =79 Nos, FSL Slide chairs with/without brackets = 447 Nos. SEJ brackets for WSL = 37 Nos.,Stack 1 to 3, 1 & 2, 1 to 4. S/Sheet No:26, 29 & 30/SC/11-12 Loc: Available PWI/LPI Off.compound at KM: 160/35-39 Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap Cond P&C ST Sleepers with/without slide chairs,522 Nos, Stack 1 to 20,.S/Sheet No39/SC/11-12 Loc: Available at at MMZ Yard at KM: OCS/O/35-33, 33-30, 33-30, 26-24…., 250/27-29, 250/30-MMZ 1096.., 250/30-28.., 3084-1088.. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap Cond CST-9 Plates/links broken with/without broken tie bars. 269 Nos. Stack No. 2 to 8 & 10. S.Sheet No.40/SC/11-12. Loc: Available at MMZ Yard at KM: 249/13-15, 11-13, 15-19, 249/19-19A, 19A-23.. Delivery by Actual weightment basis)(Scrap cond. CST-9 Plates BG,90 R,Full. Stack No.1 to 18 S/Sheet No.54/SC/11-12. Loc: Available at MUGR at KM: Back side ofRunning room..Delivery by Number basis)(Scrap cond./unserviceable Foam pillows. 1100 Nos.(500+500+100). D.S-8 No.130500002 Dt: 30.08.10, 130500004 Dt: 18.12.10 & 130500008 Dt: 12.03.11. Loc: Available @ SNAG. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap cond./unserviceable, torn Rexine bags. 10 Nos. D.S-8 No. 130500006 Dt: 18.12.10. Loc: Available @ SNAG. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap cond. unserviceable pieces of Pillow covers. 8350 Nos. D.S-8No. 000000101 Dt: 25.01.10. Loc: Available at SNAG. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap cond./torn pieces of Bath towels. 50 Nos. D.S-8No.000000015 Dt: 28.04.10. Loc: Available at SNAG. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap cond. unserviceable, torn/stained pieces of Woollen blankets. 35 Nos. D.S-8No.000000098 Dt: 29.01.10. Loc: Available at SNAG. Delivery by Actual Weighment basis)(Scrap condemned BG 4 Wheeler Fly ash Tank Wagons No.(1.) 79002 NR TK/F (2.) 100604 CR TP/F (3.) 49095 SC TL/F (4.) 101664 CR TK/F (5.) 73710 NR TK/F (6.) 78884 NR TK/F (7.) 45130 WR TK/F (8.) 34587 ER TP/F (9.) 44534 WR TK/F (10.) 102018 CR TK/F (11.) 33004 ER TL/F. D.S-8 No. 133900106 to 13390097 & 13390095 Dt: 30.10.10 with “NIL” R.C Items. Loc: Lying on Rails at HPCL Siding/Gangineni yard. Delivery by Lot basis)(Scrap cond BG-8 Wheeler Accident involved Wagon No. 70160300920 BOBYN.WC without trollies, wheel sets & other RC Items. DS-8 No: 134000058 Dt: 06.12.10. LOC: Available at WIRRUR Yard. Delivery by Lot basis).

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