
Procurement Of Icu Consumables Items, CH (WC) Chandimandir-Haryana

Indian Army has published Procurement Of Icu Consumables Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-07-2020. Diaper Tenders in CH (WC) Chandimandir Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Icu Consumables Items
Open Tender
Ch (Wc) Chandimandir

Tender Details

Procurement Of Icu Consumables Items-2 Syringe Disposable, plastic, sterile, 2 ml with needle 3 Disposable Syringes 10mL with Luer Lock; Single packing; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 4 Disposable Syringes 20mL with Luer Lock; Single packing; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 5 Disposable Syringes 50mL with Luer Lock; Single packing; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 6 Bi Extension Set (Octopus) with Luer Access Split-Septum, 15 cm length, transparent, low priming volume; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 7 Coagu Check XS Strip for Coagu Check XS Instrument (Box of 2 x 24 Strips) 8 Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes with needle : Sodium Citrate - 3ml, US FDA,ISO certified Both 9 Bandage Elastic Adhesive, 6 cm X 4 metres unstretched and 5-6 metres when stretched. Tin pack of one roll (e.g. Elastoplaster/Leukoband) 10 Bandage DVT Stocking upto thigh Large size 11 Cotton Absorbent Pkt of 500gm 12 Cotton Wool, Non-absorbant Pkt of 500g (Non-Sterile) 13 Dressing Wound Care Dressing 10cm x 10cm (Box of 5) 14 Dressing Wound Care Dressing 20cm x 20cm (Box of 3) 15 Dressing Extra Thin Wound Care Dressing 10cm x 10cm (Box of 5) 16 Dressing sterile 8 x 8, Box of 3 17 Transparent Adhesive Film, Moisture Vapour Permeable, Conformable and extensible, Post-Operative Dressing 15.5 cm x 8 cm, e.g Opsite; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 18 Conformable adhesive dressing consisting of a breathable non-woven top layer and a low-adherent absorbant pad 3.3 cm x 10 cm. e.g Primapore 19 Conformable adhesive dressing consisting of a breathable non-woven top layer and a low-adherent absorbant pad 20 cm x 10 cm. e.g Primapore 20 Transparent film dressing for fixation of intracath 6 cm x 7 cm 21 Transparent film dressing for fixation of intracath Size 7 cm x 8.5 cm 22 Transparent film dressing for fixation of intracath 10 cm x 12 cm with label 23 Sterile Drape Sheet 120 cm x 120 cm 24 IV Extension tube with 3-Way adaptor length 200cms (Clear, Soft and Kink resistent extension tubing, Three way connector at one end and male leur lock at other end, rotating leur lock); USFDA/ European CE (Full quality assurance)/BSI complient 25 IV Extension Tube with 3-Way Adaptor Length 25 cms (Clear, Soft and kink resistent extension tubing, Three way connector at one end and male Luer Lock at other end, rotating Luer Lock); US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 26 IV Infusion set with prime stop & air stop with Luer Lock 27 Disposable Buffet Cap , Female 28 Adult Diaper Extra Large (disposable, contoured shape for better fitment, Inner absorbant pad to convert liquid into gel, two pairs of re-fasten tape tabs) 29 Pressure Monitoring Line 200 cm,non toxic medical grade PVC material, Non bulging at high pressures, pyrogen free, male or female luer lock for secure connection; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 30 Micro infusion set for Paediatric use,with drop size reduced to 60 drops per ml, sharp piercing spike, Cylindrical collapsible drip chamber with Disc type fluid filter; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 31 Sterile Utrasound probe Cover set with sterile ultrasound gel packet (Transducer Sheath / Probe Cover with One Closed End - 1 No, Ultrasound Gel 30 ml Sachet - 1 No, Elastic Bands - 2 Nos. and Sheath to Cable Tie - 1 No) 32 Micro Cuvettes for HB Compatible with HB 201+ Analyser (Box of 200 Strips) 33 Femoral Angiography Drape control plus fabric reinforced 82’’ x 135’’ (208cm x 343cm) 34 Gum elastic bougie for Endotracheal intubation, Size 15 CH, 600 mm Length, Coude Tip, US FDA/ EU CE (Full Quality Assurance)/BIS compliant 35 Airway exchange catheter with rapifit Adaptor, Size -14FR, 83 Cm length, US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 36 Strips for PT INR Compatible with Siemens Xprecia stride Box of 100 37 Disposable Patient Trolley Sheet 38 Disposable Bed Sheet 39 ECG cable for PM 6000 monitor 40 Closed System Suction Catheter with T-connector, 570 mm length 14Fr 41 Lumen Closed Ventilation Suction Catheter with T connector, 570 mm length 16 F 42 DVT Stocking For automatic pneumatic compression Large Size, Compatable to KENDAL- equipment Specific 43 DVT Stocking For automatic pneumatic compression Medium Size, Compatable to KENDAL- equipment Specific 44 DVT Stocking For automatic pneumatic compression Small Size, Compatable to KENDAL- equipment Specific 45 Volume Based Incentive Spirometer 2500 ml Volume with one way valve, Single Box Packing; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 46 AMI-I cTnl (Cardiac Troponin I) - stored at room temperature compatible with Nano Checker 710 47 NT-Pro BNP(Congestive Heart Failure) -Stored at room temperature 48 AMI - III (3 - in - 1 Test) CK-MB/cTnl/Myo - stored at room temperature compatible with Nano Checker 710 49 PCT (WB) - stored at room temperature compatible with Nano Checker 710 50 CRP (C Reactive Protein) (Finger Prick) - stored at room temperature 51 HS-CRP (High Sensitive - C Reactive Protein) (Finger Prick) - stored at room temperature 52 Dengue IgG/ IgM Test - for detection of dengue virus IgG/IgM in human whole blood/plasma/serum - stored at room temperature 53 Dengue NS1 Test - for detection of dengue virus NS1 Ag in human whole blood/plasma/serum - stored at room temperature 54 Malaria Pf/PAN Ag Test - for detection of Malaria Pf/PAN Ag in human whole blood/plasma/serum - stored at room tempertaure 55 Self Inflating Resuscitation Bag Adult Size (Self Inflating Bag of 1600 ml Size, Oygen reservoir bag of 2600 ml), e.g Ambu Bag,; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 56 Nasopharyngeal Airway ID 7 mm PVC; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 57 Nasopharyngeal Airway ID 8 mm PVC; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 58 Tracheotomy HME Filter with suction port 59 Oral care suction brush for ICU patients 60 Rebreathing oxygen Mask (with reservoir Bag) with tubing 61 Alcohol free 2% chlorhexidine gluconate saturated cloth (Pack of 200 wipes) 62 Vomit Support made of durable and 100% recyclable polyproplane plastic 63 Urinal Support made of durable and 100% recyclable polyproplane plastic 64 Hygenic Cover for bedpan support and comfort with super absorbant pad in Cover -100% Recycled Material 65 Hygenic Cover for Vomit support and comfort with super absorbant pad in Cover -100% Recycled Material 66 Hygenic Cover for Urinal support and comfort with super absorbant pad in Cover -100% Recycled Material 67 Sterile Disposable soakage absorption sheet (using gel based technology to keep patient dry Size 24 x 36cm) 68 Micro Cuvettes for WBC Differential Point of Care Testing Compatible with HemoCue WBC Diff System (Box of 50) 69 Tri Extension Set (Octopus) with Luer Access Split-Septum, 15 cm length, transparent, low priming volume; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 70 Anaesthetic Kit (SMS material, apron (01), cap (01), Mask (01), Spinal drape (01), Swab (01 pack of five), Galipot with tray (01), Plastic Forcep (01) 71 Oxygen Face Mask with medication delivery without sacrificing FiO2,Accomodates NG/OG tube,provides FiO2 range from 28 percent to 99 percent on varying flow rates; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 72 Arterial Cannula with switch to prevent backflow, 20G, with wings for fixation: US FDA/ EU CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 73 Silk size 2/0, 70-80cm, 1/2 circle taper cutting needle, 25-30mm, EU CE/ US FDA/BIS approved Box of 12 74 Cannula IV size 16G (Intravenous Catheter, Injection port with non return valve, colour coded caps for instant sizes identifications, Wings for easy fixation, radiopaque); US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 75 Cannula IV size 18G (Intravenous Catheter, Injection port with non return valve, colour coded caps for instant sizes identifications, Wings for easy fixation, radiopaque); US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 76 Triple lumen Catheter Kit , J tip Guide Wire, 7.0 F/7.5 F outer dia, 15/16 cm length with Dilator introducer needle; US FDA Approved SN05149 77 BlueRhino G2 Ciaglia advanced percutaneous tracheostomy Set with 24/26/28 dilator set and 8.0mm ID tracheostomy tube 78 Tube Endotracheal Nasal/Oral Size 8.5 mm ID PVC Cuffed (with murphy eye, smoothly finished tube tip and walls, Radiopaque Line throughout the tube, High Volume, Low Pressure Cuff, Pilot Balloon with Spring Valve); US FDA/ European CE (full quality assuran 79 Single lumen radioopaque cv catheter16 Ga. x 6 (16 cm) Polyurethane CVC Kit with Integral Suture Wing; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS compliant 80 Disposable inline nasal cannula adult with curved, non-flared nasal prongs, latex free with PVC tubing 7 ft length; US FDA/ European CE (full quality assurance)/BIS complianI 81 Urometer Urine meter directly attached to two ltr capacity urine bag with overflow facility.Tube length 150 cm completelt closed circuit

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INR 66556.0 /-
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