
Procurement Of Medicine, HIsar Cantt-Haryana

Indian Army has published Procurement Of Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-07-2020. Container Tenders in HIsar Cantt Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Medicine
Open Tender
Hisar Cantt

Tender Details

Procurement Of Medicine-1        Rapid PAP stain kit 250 smear 2        Rapid H and E stain for Histopathology 250 smear 3     Microanatomy Fixative 50 mL 4    Microscope Lens Cleaner 150 mL 5     Haem occult blood test pack of 200 Tests 6      Cytochrome Stain Kit with Buffer 2 x 500 mL 7     Chemistrix 5p Sg pack of 50 strip 8     Rapid triline card test pack 50 test 9     Rapid Malaria Stain Kit -JSB I & II 150 smear test 10    Field Stain Kit A & B 150 smear test 11 Giemsa Test Kit with Buffer & Fixative Spray HE810 500 mL Stain + 500 mL Buffer 12 Grams Stain 4 x 100 mL 13    MGG stain 150 smear test 14     Retic view 125 smear kit 15   Paraffin wax 58-60C with cerein 16    Biolyse 5 litre 17     80% Ethanol with levandar 5 litre 18 Cyology collection kit(50 smears) 19    De colouriser for hematoxylin 500ml 20    Scotts tap water substitute 100 ml 21    Distilled water Biochemistry grade 5l 22   Rapid HCG conclusion Card 50 Test per Pack  23    Rapid AFB Stain Kit 2 x 100 mL 24 Response 5H haematology pack for 350 test 25 Response 5H calibrator 26 Iron kit FS 4x200T Response 910 27 LDH kit FS 4x200T Response 910 28 SGOT kit FS 4x200T Response 910 29 SGPT kit FS 4x200T Response 910 30 Urea kit FS 4x200T Response 910 31 Creatinine kit FS 4x200T Response 910 32 CRP kit FS 4x200T Response 910 33 Glucose Kit FS 4x200T Response 910 34 Triglycerides kit FS 4x200T Response 910 35 Ca kit FS 4x200T Response 910 36 T cholesterol FS 4x200T Response 910 37 LDL C kit FS 4x200T Response 910 38 HDL C kit 4x200T Response 910 39 Ferritin kit FS 4x200T Response 910 40 AST FS 4x200T Response 910 41 ALT FS 4x200T Response 910 42 Amylase FS 4x200T response 910 43 GGT FS 4x200T response 910 44 Lipase 4x200T response 910 45 ADA kit FS Response 910 46 ADA calibrator FS Response 910 47 ADA control FS Response 910 48 RA Factor FS kit Response 910 49 RA factor calibrator FS response 910 50 Microalbumin urine/CSF FS kit 910 51 Tru cal Microalbumin urine/CSF FS calibrator 910 52 Tru lab Microalbumin urine/CSF control 910 53 Tru cal lipid 910 54 Tru Normal Protein 910 55 Tru lab protein 910 -1 56 Tru lab protein 910-2 57 Tru Cal U 910 58 Tru Cal N 910 59 Tru cal P 910 60 Tru lab CRP 910 61 Qdx Malaria Pan/Pf response 910 62 Qdx Malaria Pv/Pf response 910 63 Cuvettes response 910(16x240) 64 HIV tridot 65 HCV tridot 66 Cover glass 18x18 mm 100pcs 67 Cover glass 22x22 mm 100 pcs 68 Microscopic slides 75mmx25mmx1.25mm(10X50) 69 Frosted Microscopic glass slides 75mmx25mmx1.25mm(10X50) 70 Absolute alcohol 500 ml 71 Acetone 500 ml 72 Deionized water 5000 l 73 HCL N/10 74 Swab sticks sterilized 75 Urine container 30 ml 76 Petridish 90mm sterilized 77 Red cap vacutainer plain 100 pack 78 Purple cap vacutainer 100 pack 79 Gray cap vacutainer 100 pack 80 Yellow cap vacutainer 100 pack 81 Cytobrush standard nylon bristle wire PP stick 82 PAP smear kit 4 pc 83 Wooden ayre scrapper 84 pf/pan 40Tpack 85 pf/PV antibody 40T pack 86 Pf/pv antigen 40T pack 87 Ns1/IgG/IgM 10T pack 88 Dengue IgG/IgM 10T pack 89 Rapid Trop I 10 T pack 90 Rapid S typhi Igm/IgG 10T 91 Nasopharyngeal medicated Nylon fibres EO sterile swabs molded break point 92 Oral medicated Nylon fibres EO sterile swabs with break point 93 Slide mailer box-6 94 Slide mailer box-50 95 Slide mailer box-100 96 Pregnancy test 50T pack 97    EB curette 98 Leisham stain sol 500 ml 99    Swab stick wooden sterilized 100 ps 100    Indian Ink 100 ml 101    Test tube Glass tubes 100 ml 102    Antiseptic Emollient with pump(O.5% w/vCholorohexdine gluconate(2.5% v/v) ethanol IP (70% v/v) 500ml 103    2proprnal,1 propnal ethylhexadecyldimethyl ammounium ethylsulphate.500ml bottle blue(desmenolMCT) 104    Broad antimicrobial spectrum(Ethanol, 2proprnal,1 proponal,milkroid 25) 250 ml bottle 105 SSII Advance 5.0 ml 106 Na2Edta/Naf 3mg/6 mg 2.0 ml 107 CAT 4.0 ml 108 K2EDTA 4.5 mg 3.0 ml 109 Bone marrow needle adult disposable 110 Bone marrow needle paediatrics disposable 111 Bone marrow aspiration 16 G disposable 112 Bone marrow aspiration 18 G disposable 113 Tru cut biopsy 14 G disposable 114 Trucut biopsy 16 G disposable 115 Trucut biopsy 18 G disposble 116 Rapid test RAF of 10 test 117 Rapid test CRP of 10 test 118 Tisse embedding cassested dispiosable 119 Rapid test Igm/IgG S typhi pack of 25 test 120 Rapid test device HbsAg sensitivity 0.3ng/ml pack of 25 test 121 Rapid test total antibodies HCV pack of 25 test 122 PT ready to use combipack for 250 test 123 APTT ready to use combipack for 250 test 124 Latex agglutinin for fibrinogen for 250 test 125 FDP card test for 250 test 126 D Dimer card for 250 test 127 ABA MTB for 150 test 128 Stromalyser 500ml xp300 129 Cell pack 20 lite xp 300 130 lisa Dengue NS1 for 96 test 131 lisa HIV Gen 4 for 96 test 132 lisa SEN HbsAg for 96 test 133    lisa HCV gen3(V2) for 96 test 134    lisa TSH for 96 test 135    lisa T3 for 96 test 136        lisa T4 for 96 test 137        Glucose 2x200ml 138      TG 5x6.5ml 139      Urea 5x20 ml 140       Creatinine 4x60 ml 141       ALP 6x6ml 142      SGOT5x6.5ml 143        SGPT 5x6.5ml 144       Uric acid 5x6.5ml 145   Cholesterol 5x20 ml 146    Total protein 5x50 ml 147    LDH P 4x8/1x8 ml 148    Calcium 2x50 ml 149    Bilirubin(T) 4x60 ml 150    Bilirubin (D) 4x60 ml 151    Cholesterol 5x20 ml 152    GGT 5x6.5 ml 153    Amylase 6x6 ml 154    Lipase1x20/1x15 155    Albumin5x50 ml 156    Alkaline phosphates kinetic 6x6 ml 157    Trop T Kit 158    PCT SQ kit 159    NANOSIGN MALARIA ANTIGEN PF/PV POCT 160    H.PYLORI ANTIGEN/ANTIBODY CARD 161 Biopsy gun 162       Multistix pro 10SG 163        Cled agar 500 mg Bottle 164       Blood agar 500 mg Bottle 165        Muller Hilton agar 500 mg 166       Mac Conkey agar 500 167        TSI agar 500 mg 168       Sabaurads agar 500 mg 169      Peptone water agar 500 mg 170      Urea base agar 500 mg 171     Citrate base agar 500 mg 172     Blood culture bottle Adult 173      Blood culture bottle peaditric 174    Sugar set kit 175    LJ media 176    ABST-Tetracycline 10 mcg 177    ABST- Tobramycin 30 mcg 178 ABST Oxacillin 5 mcg 179    ABST Polymixin B 100 units 180    ABST rifampicin 30 mcg 181 ABST Roxithromycin 30 mcg 182  ABST Tetracycline 10 mcg 183 ABST Vancomycin 5 mcg 184 ABST Vancomycin 10 mcg 185   ABST optocin 5 mcg 186 ABST Amikacin 10 mcg 187 ABST Ampcillin 2 mcg 188 ABST Azithromycin 30 mcg 189 ABST Ciprofloaxcin 10 mcg 190 ABST Doxycycline 10 mcg 191 ABST Gentamycin 30 mcg 192 ABST Ceftriaoxne 10 mcg 193 ABST Nitofuraantion 200 mcg 194 ABST Norfloxcin 10 mcg 195 ABST Ofloxcin 2 mcg 196 Dispoble wire loop round 197 Dipsoable wire loop straight 198 TMPPD powder 199 Water culture kit 200 Lactophenoal cooton blue.

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 40000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 20 Lakhs /-
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