
Annual Rate Contract For Supply And Installation Of Various Chemicals And Regents And Consumable Items For Department Of Microbiology, jaipur-Rajasthan

Rajasthan University Of Health Science has published Annual Rate Contract For Supply And Installation Of Various Chemicals And Regents And Consumable Items For Department Of Microbiology. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-07-2020. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in jaipur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Annual Rate Contract For Supply And Installation Of Various Chemicals And Regents And Consumable Items For Department Of Microbiology
National Competitive Bid

Tender Details

Annual Rate Contract For Supply And Installation Of Various Chemicals And Regents And Consumable Items For Department Of Microbiology-2 Absolute Ethanol 3 Acetone 4 AFB (ZN Acid fast kit) 5 Agar powder (Bacteriological grade) 6 Albert’s Stain (A+B each) 7 Alkaline peptone water 8 Anaerobic system envelope with palladium catalyst (Gas Pak) 9 Alpha naphthol AR 10 Aniline 11 Anti HBc IgM ELISA Kit 12 Anti Hbe ab ELISA test 13 Anti HBS antibody ELISA test kit 14 Antinuclear antibody (ANA) ELISA Kit 15 Autoclave indicator strip 16 Biodegradable Plasic Bags (Yellow, Red, Blue, Black) 17 Bleaching Powder 18 Blood Agar Base 19 Blood culture bottle (Adult) – glass bottle of 100 ml capacity with lid of aluminum with rubber cork in it. 20 Brain Heart Infusion broth 21 Chikungunya rapid test kit for IgM 22 Chlamydia trachomatis IgM ELISA Kit 23 CLED media 24 Conc. H2SO4 25 Corn meal agar 26 Cover slips 22 X 22 mm 27 CRP test kit 28 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG ELISA kit 29 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM ELISA kit 30 Deionized water 31 Dengue NS1 antigen ELISA Kit 32 Dengue Rapid test card 33 Dengue rapid test card along with NS1 antigen 34 Deoxycholate citrate agar 35 Di sodium hydrogen phosphate 36 Discarding Plastic Buckets (Yellow, Red, Blue, Black) 20 litre 37 Disposable individually packed Centrifuge tube conical bottom capacity 50 ml 38 Disposable Polythene gloves 39 Disposable sterile test tube with swab individually packed 40 Dubos medium 41 Ecoshield 42 EDTA powder 43 Face mask 44 Ferric chloride 45 Filter paper Box Whartman No. 1, 12.5 cm circular 46 Filter paper sheet Whartman No. 1 47 Fluid Thioglycollate broth (Anaerobic) with indicator 48 Formalin pellets 49 Glass marking pencils (Red, White) 50 Glass test tube 100 mm X 12 mm without rim 51 Glass test tube 75 mm X 12 mm without rim 52 H2O2 (30%) 53 HAV IgM ELISA kit 54 HCV IgM ELISA kit 55 HEV IgM ELISA kit 56 KOH pellets 57 Kovcks Indole Reagents 58 L - arginine 59 L - lysine mono dihydrochloride 60 Lactophenol cotton blue solution 61 Liquid paraffin 62 Loeffler serum medium base bovine serum 63 Lowenstein Jensen medium 64 MacConkey Agar 65 MacConkey broth 66 Malaria rapid test card (antigen) 67 Maltose 68 Mannitol 69 Mannitol salt agar 70 McCartney bottle 71 Methyl red powder 72 Microcentrifuge tube with cap capacity 2 ml 73 MR - VP Medium (glucose phosphate broth) 74 Muller Hinton Agar 75 N-acetyl L-cysteine 76 N naphthyl ethylene diamine dihydrochloride 77 N,N,N,N Tetra Methyl-p-Phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride 78 Nigrosin 10% 79 Nutrient Agar 80 Oxacillin powder 81 Oxidase disc 82 Peptone water 83 Perforated Bucket (Red, Blue) 15 litre double bin 84 Petridish Glass 100 mm 85 Petridish Glass 75 mm 86 pH Indicator Strips 6.5 to 9 pH measurement 87 Phenol 88 Pottasium Dihydrogen phosphate 89 Pregnancy test card 90 RA factor Kit 91 Readymade blood culture bottle with sterile brain heart infusion medium, size 5 ml 92 Readymade blood culture bottle with sterile brain heart infusion medium, size 50 ml 93 Robertson cooked meat medium readymade 94 RPR Rapid test card 95 Sabraud’s dextrose agar 96 Selenite F broth bacteriological 97 SIM agar 98 Simmons citrate Agar 99 Sodium chloride 100 Sodium hydroxide pellets 101 Sodium hypochlorite solution 102 Sterile Autoclavable Skirted plate 96 wells X 0.3 ml 103 Sterile Readymade plates of Blood Agar (90 mm size) 104 Sterile Readymade plates of MacConkey Agar (90 mm size) 105 Sterile Readymade plates of Nutrient Agar (90 mm size) 106 Sterile storage vial 2 ml capacity 107 Sterile storage vial 5 ml capacity 108 Sterile transport medium (Stuart medium) with test tube and swab individually packed 109 Stool container with spoon 110 Sulphanilamide 111 TCBS 112 Triple layer mask Disposable 113 Trypticase soya broth 114 TSI agar 115 Urea Agar Base 116 Viral Transport Medium with Dacron Swab (D/S 2 Nos. Each VTM Tube 117 Widal Slide test 118 Wilson and Blair medium 119 Xylene 120 Xylose 121 ds-DNA ELISA kit 122 Gram Stain Kit 123 HbeAg ELISA kit 124 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1 & 2) IgG ELISA Kit 125 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1 & 2) IgM ELISA Kit 126 Resazurin powder 127 Rubella IgG ELISA kit 128 Rubella IgM ELISA kit 129 Sterile Readymade plates of DCA (90mm size) 130 Sterile Readymade plates of TCBS (90mm ) 131 Toxoplasma IgG ELISA kit 132 Scrb Typhus IgM ELISA Kit 133 Toxoplasma IgM ELISA kit 134 Vancomycin powder 135 Vancomycin Disc 136 Amikacin 30 µg 137 Amoxycillin 30 µg 138 Amoxyclav 20/10 µg 139 Amphotericin B 140 Ampicillin + Sulbactum 141 Azithromycin 15 µg 142 Aztreonam 30µg 143 Bacitracin (0.04 unit) 144 Bile esculin disc 145 Cefepime 30 µg 146 Cefixime 5 µg 147 Cefoperazone + Sulbactum 75/10 µg 148 Cefoperazone 75 µg 149 Cefotaxime 30 µg 150 Cefotetan 151 Cefoxitin 30 µg 152 Cefpirome 153 Cefpodoxime 10 µg 154 Ceftazidime + Clavulanic acid 30/10µg 155 Ceftazidime 30 µg 156 Ceftriaxone 30 µg 157 Cefuroxime 30 µg 158 Cephalexin 30 µg 159 Chloramphenicol 30 µg 160 Ciprofloxacin 5 µg 161 Clarithromycin 15 µg 162 Clindamycin 2 µg 163 Clotrimazole 164 Colistin 165 Cotrimoxazole 25 µg 166 Cyclopirox 50 µg 167 Dalfopristine 168 Daptomycin 169 Doripenam 10µg 170 Doxycycline 30 µg 171 E Strip for ESBL detection 172 E Strip for MBL detection 173 E Strip Oxacillin 174 Ertapenam 10µg 175 Erythromycin 10 µg 176 Faropenam 177 Fluconazole 25 µg 178 Fosfomycin 200 µg 179 Furazolidone 50 µg 180 Fusidic acid 181 Gentamicin 120µg 182 Gentamicin 30µg 183 Gentamycin 10 µg 184 Griseofulvin 10 µg 185 Hippurate 186 Imipenam 10 µg 187 Itraconazole 8 µg 188 Kanamycin 189 Ketoconazole 15 µg 190 Levofloxacin 5µg 191 Lincomycin 10 µg 192 Linezolid 30 µg 193 Meropenam 10 µg 194 Miconazole 10 µg 195 Moxalactum 196 Nalidixic acid 30µg 197 Netilmycin 30 µg 198 Nitrofurantoin 300 µg 199 Norfloxacin 10 µg 200 Novobiocin 201 Nystatin 202 Ofloxacin 5 µg 203 ONPG 204 Optochin 205 Oxacillin 1 µg 206 Piperacillin + Tazobactum 100/10 µg 207 Piperacillin 100 µg 208 Polymyxin B 30 units 209 Pristinomycin 15µg 210 Quinopristin 211 Teicoplanin 30 µg 212 Terbinafine 1 µg 213 Tetracycline 30 µg 214 Ticarcillin+clavulanic Acid 75/10 µg 215 Ticarcillin75µg 216 tigecyclin 15µg 217 Tobramycin 10 µg 218 V factor 219 Vancomycin 30 µg 220 Voriconazole 1 µg 221 X + V factor 222 X factor 223 Immersion Oil 224 Occuet Blood on Stool- Kit Hemoccult Sensa Aninophezone Test 225 HCV Igm Rapid Card 226 Micro Pipette Tips 200 Micro Liter 227 Micro Pipette Tips 1000 Micro Liter 228 Micro Pipette Tips 10 Micro Liter

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 94000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 47 Lakhs /-
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