supply of Lab Consumable And Equipments , auto pipette with variable volume multi- channel , autoclavable 2-20 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with variable volume multi- channel , autoclavable 30-300 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with variable volume single channel , autoclavable 0-50 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with variable volume single channel , autoclavable 10-100 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with variable volume single channel , autoclavable 20-200 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with variable volume single channel , autoclavable 100-1000 ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with fixed volume single channel , autoclavable 500ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , auto pipette with fixed volume single channel , autoclavable 1000ul ( micro litre ) ( per piece ) , tips for auto pipette- yellow / white 0-200 ul ( universal to fit all brands of pipettes ) ( pkt of 1000 ) , tips for auto pipette- blue / white 200-1000 ul ( universal to fit all brands of pipettes ) ( pkt of 500 ) , halogen lamp for microscope 6v / 20w ( per piece ) , lens cleaning paper ( very soft fluffiness & absorbent for cleaning microscope lens ) ( pack of 100 ) , oil immersion for microscopy ( 100ml ) , micro slides plain ( per piece ) , glass micro slides deluxe ( per piece ) , glass micro slides frosted ( per piece ) , labels for glass slides marking ( 1pkt of 100 labels ) , wash bottle for cleaning & washing of staining ( 250ml ) , cover slips 18 x 18 mm ( 10gmpkt ) , cover slips rectangular 22x30 mm ( 10gmpkt ) , cover slips 22 x 60 mm ( 10gmpkt ) , slide staining rack with tray under neath to contains excess stain & to accommodate at least 50 slides at one time for staining ( per piece ) , slide trays vertical with 4 rows ( per piece ) , slide tray horizontal to accommodate 20 slides ( per piece ) , staining jar 500ml with glass lid to hold 20 slides each ( per piece ) , diamond pencil ( per piece ) , urine collection plastic bottles sterile 50 ml ( per piece ) , urine collection plastic bottles unsterile 30 ml ( per piece ) , uristix ( alb , sug ) with long stick ( pack of 100 ) , multistix ( multiparameter urine stix ) with long sheet 11 parameter ( with micro-protein ) ( pack of 100 ) , qdx urine test reagent strip for urine analysis 10 parameter ( pack of 100 ) , urine strips for estimation of sugar & ketone ( pack of 100 ) , pregnancy card kits ( rapid card test with positive control in each card ) ( per test ) , dropper plastic disposable 1ml ( per piece ) , dropper plastic disposable 5ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers for pediatric sampling k2edta 3 . 6 mg 1ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers for pediatric sampling plain serum 1ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers k2edta 3 . 6 mg 3ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers k3edta 7 . 5 mg 3ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers , glucose estimation tubes with sodium fluoride 2ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers 3 . 2% buffered sodium citrate 2 . 7 ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers 3 . 2% buffered sodium citrate 1 . 8ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers 3 . 2% buffered sodium citrate 1 . 6ml ( per piece ) , blood collection vacutainers plain serum 4 ml ( per piece ) , vacuum tube plastic with clot actigstor for serum chemistry 4ml / 5ml ( per piece ) , vacuum tube plastic with acrylic gel clot actigstor 5ml ( per piece ) , tourniquet strap type 1 inch in breath ( per piece ) , rubber tourniquet ( per piece ) , spirit swabs ( per piece ) , rectified spirit ( 500ml ) , filter paper round pkt of 100 , 15cm ( pkt of 100 ) , filter paper sheet 46 x 57 cm ( pkt of 500 ) , filter paper round ( pkt of 100 ) , 9cm , filter paper round ( pkt of 100 ) , 11cm , aluminum foil , ( 1kg ) , printing paper for semi auto analyser size ( 55mm x 25 mts ) , printing paper for semi auto analyser size ( 50mm x 25 mts ) , vacutainers needles for blood collection with safety shield ( 22 g ) single use ( per piece ) , vacutainers needles for blood collection without safety shield ( 22 g ) single use ( per piece ) , holder for vacutainer for vacutainer needle universal to fit all size ( per piece ) , solution for hand sanitizer for hand wash ( with minimun 70% alcohal concentration ) ( alcohalic hand rub with moisturiser ) ( 500ml ) , coplin jar ( per piece ) , tissue paper roll ( 3 ply ) ( good quality ) , lancet disposable sterile ( each ) , leishmans stain ( stain with diluent & buffer ) rtu ( 500ml ) , platelet diluting fluid ( 125ml ) , wbc diluting fluid ( 500ml ) , methanol ( ch3oh ) solution for stain ( 500ml ) , brilliant cresyl blue / reticulocyte stain or new methylene blue ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , flow cell cleaning solution for semi auto analyser , haematology analyser & electrolyte analyser ( 500ml ) , grams iodine solution ( 125ml ) , crystal violet stain 0 . 5% ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , lugols iodine solution ( 125ml ) , safranine stain ( 125ml ) , field stain a ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , field stain b ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , capillary tubes ( bt / ct ) ( per piece ) , hb pipette ( per piece ) , haemocytometer improved neubaurs chamber ( per piece ) , aso latex kit ( per test ) , hbsag rapid diagnostic kit ( per test ) , vdrl ( rpr ) rapid plasma reagent carbon antigen agglutination method ( per test ) , vdrl syphilis test ( card test ) ( per test ) , crp kit latex text kit ( with control ) ( per test ) , ra test kit ( latex slide test ) ( per test ) , rmt ( rapid malaria pan / pf test ) ( per test ) , widal test kit ( per ml ) , hepatitis c virus rapid card test ( who approved ) ( per test ) , troponin t test card test ( pack of 5 test ) , esr tubes disposable plastic ( westergrens method ) ( per pc ) , typhoid rapid test ( pack 30 test ) , grouping rack tray plastic ( per pc ) , tooth picks / wooden applicator sticks ( pkt of 100 ) , anti a monoclonal igm ( 10ml / vial ) , anti b monoclonal igm ( 10ml / vial ) , anti ab monoclonal igm ( 10ml / vial ) , anti d monoclonal igm ( 10ml / vial ) , strip for hb meter compatible with hb meter ( per pc ) , blood cell counter five key ( heavy duty ) ( per pc ) , blood cell counter eight key ( heavy duty ) ( per pc ) , lead pencil ( per pc ) , permanent marker thin tip ( per pc ) , distill water ( 5 litre ) , conc . sulphuric acid ( 500ml ) , carbol fuchsin for ziehl- neelsen staining ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , swab sticks ( 1pkt of 100 stick ) , 20% sulphuric acid ( 500ml ) , glass marking pencil ( single ) , methylene blue solution ( rtu ) ( 125ml ) , glass funnel of 9 cm diameter ( per pc ) , potassium hydroxide 10% ( koh ) liquid form ( 500ml ) , hydrogen peroxide ( 500ml ) , sodium hypochlorite solution ( with 10 % available chlorine in tightly sealed can ) ( 5 litre ) , plastic vials for calcium ( pkt of 1000 ) , sulphosalicylic acid 20% ( 500ml ) , glacial acetic acid ( 500ml ) , acetone ( 500ml ) , n / 10 hcl ( 500ml ) , teepol cleaning solution ( 1000ml ) , giemsa stain ( rtu ) ( 250ml ) , eosin ( yellow ) ready to use ( 125ml ) , ethanol absolute ( 500ml ) , harris haematoxylin ( rtu ) without acetic acid ( 125ml ) , orange o . g6 papanicolaou solution 2b ( 125ml ) , eosin azure ea 36 / ea 50 / papanicolaou solution 2b ( 125ml ) , xylene ( 500ml ) , dpx mountant ( 250ml ) , plastic ion free test tube ( 12x 75 mm ) , test tubes without rim 12mm x 100mm ( per pc ) , test tubes without rim 12mm x 75mm ( per pc ) , glass