
Auction Sale Of Condemned Scrap Items-Bihar

Survey Of India has published Auction Sale Of Condemned Scrap Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-07-2020. Scrap Tenders in Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Auction Sale Of Condemned Scrap Items
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Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Condemned unserviceable stores Scrap Items - tent, iron peg, iron angle, durri, instruments computer computer set with cpu monitor key board and mouse, furniture – table office folding, rack wooden, vip sofa, computer table, chair godrej, double decker, office table steel wooden, table office steel, table non folding, chair steel revolving fitting with plastic cane, chauki wooden big, camp khat, computer chair, visitor chair, plastic chair, steel rack, steel almirah, executive chair high back hydro lock wooden handle, table wooden camp folding, table steel folding, equipment – axe country, aluminum box, air cooler, ari iron, automatic voltage stabilizer, aquaguard water filter cum purifier, air conditioner, balance spring, belt leather, belt cloth red for shoulder, bicycle, tarajua, brief case, battery charger, cash chain, chest iron, basula, basell water zuic, chisel iron, chain for gate, dao straight blade, degchi aluminum, drill machine, dhurmush, exhaust fan, electric kettle, emergency light, fan pedestal, fire bucket, fan table electric, first air box, fire bucket stand iron, gas stove, haver shake, hammer iron, hammer iron mallet, hook machine, invrster, iron, knief, key box, khurpi, ketali, matteress, padlook godrej navteal, lock telephone, laltern hericane, letter box, planter for flower, pharwa, photo album, mosquito net, pick axes, screw driver, stapler machine, scissor big, surveyors board portable, mini magic super water, suspen, swowel with handle, stand for air cooler, tourch eveready, thurmus, tarpauline, transister, tegar, wooden box, umbrella country, wall fan, ceiling fan, bucket linc, chonga linc, water bottle, water purifier ro, water cooler, zinic plate, box steel, steel box, crobar, steel box round small dabha, bag for office, trolley bag, clock wall, generator, notice board, roap ordinary, bag cloth for cash, scissor, umbrella surveyed, pen knife, box steel, chonga, stabilizer, stabilizer generator, telephone set, battery exide, battery charger, petromax, room heater, inverter, wall clock, instruments – iron shoes for leveling staves, pen drawing dotting, pt level, rulles parrelled on roller, lettering set lerroy type, magnet bar in wooden box, pentagraph, planimetter stand sype, stereos cope pocket, staves for traverso stm, ups, scale diagonal, scale diagonal braso, scale aluminum, set square set, scale diagonal, tape measuring steel, laptop hp, machine calculating, scanner,holdol convas survey, line pen, rules parrel, protector, set square, road pen, mouse optical, fax machine, photocopier machine, 5 kva on ups, blue tooth usb, height indicator, compass proportional, compass beam wooden, compass magnetic, circle pen, cup enamulled, pt top with screw stand, curve french small, divider hair spring, dish tv, ups, rules sight rule brass, calculator citizen, cordless phone, rules ebonite, pin chain, rules strait age, bianacular prismatic, camera, divider large, drawing board, tap linen, pen drive, ink slab, glass magnifying, pen drive curve, staff levelling, steroscope topo mirror, folding in wooden case, slinometer, compass iron ingraving, balance taraju, hp lazer jet printer, epson printer, liveries clothing – boot jungle hunter, blanket woolen, bed sheet, leather chappal, socks, woolen jercy, mv mt stores – tyre and tube etc

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