
E-Tender Are Invited Online For The Supply Of Veterinary Instrument , Equipments And Others Item From Manufactures , Stokist And Authorized Distributors For The Year 2020-21, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh-Madhya Pradesh

Department Of Animal Husbandry has published E-Tender Are Invited Online For The Supply Of Veterinary Instrument , Equipments And Others Item From Manufactures , Stokist And Authorized Distributors For The Year 2020-21. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-07-2020. Coats and Jackets Tenders in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : E-Tender Are Invited Online For The Supply Of Veterinary Instrument , Equipments And Others Item From Manufactures , Stokist And Authorized Distributors For The Year 2020-21
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

E-Tender Are Invited Online For The Supply Of Veterinary Instrument , Equipments And Others Item From Manufactures , Stokist And Authorized Distributors For The Year 2020-21-1 A.I guns French mini with container (As per specifications) (Sample) 2 A.I Kit (As per specifications) (Sample) 3 A.I sheaths French Mini (As per specifications) (Sample) 4 A.I.crate cum trevis (As per specifications) (Sample) 5 LN2 Funnel (As per specifications) (Sample) 6 Dip stick plastic for LN2 containers (Sample) 7 Disposable A.I Gloves (As per specifications) (Sample) 8 Cryocans 1-2 lts Portable (As per specifications) C&S 9 Cryocans 3-4 lts Portable (As per specifications) C&S 10 Cryocans 7-10 lts Portable (As per specifications) C&S 11 Cryocans 10-12 lts Portable (As per specifications) C&S 12 Cryocans 20-25 lts Storage (As per specifications) C&S 13 Cryocans 25-35 lts Storage (As per specifications) C&S 14 Cryocans 50-55 lts Storage (As per specifications) C&S 15 Digital Electronic Thawing Unit (Sample) 16 Straw Cutter round Plastic body (As per specification) (Sample) 17 P.V.C. Goblets made of Virgin Plastic Round Size 35mm X118mm (Sample) 18 P.V.C. Goblets made of Virgin Plastic Round Size 65mm X118mm (Sample) 19 Sperm Warmer (As per specification) (Sample) 20 Cervix Dilator 12 (As per specification)(Sample) 21 Spermoscope (As per specification)(Sample) 22 Rubber Gum Boot Size 9 No(Sample) 23 Rubber Gum Boot Size 10 No (Sample) 24 Estrous Detector (As per specification) (Sample) 25 Nitrile Examination Gloves Medium (Sample) 26 Nitrile Examination Gloves Large (Sample) 27 Disposable Latex surgical gloves no. 6.5 sterilized ISI Marked (Sample) 28 Disposable Latex surgical gloves no. 7.5 sterilized ISI Marked (Sample) 29 Orthopedic Gloves sterilized size (Sample) 30 Allies Tissue forceps size 6 (Sample) 31 Allies Tissue forceps size 8 (Sample) 32 Long Forceps size 20 (Sample) 33 Long Curved Throat Forceps (Sample) 34 Dressing Forceps Straight 15 cms (Sample) 35 Dressing Forceps Straight 30cms (Sample) 36 Dressing Scissors Curved 6 (Sample) 37 Dressing Scissors Curved 8 (Sample) 38 Dressing Scissors Straight 6 (Sample) 39 Dressing Scissors Straight 8 (Sample) 40 Artery Forceps Straight 6 (Sample) 41 Artery Forceps Straight 8 (Sample) 42 Artery Forceps Curved 6 (Sample) 43 Artery Forceps Curved 8 (Sample) 44 Clipper scissors size 20 cm curved (Sample) 45 Mayo Scissors Straight 6.5 (Sample) 46 Mayo Scissors Straight 7.5 (Sample) 47 Mayo Scissors Curved 6.5 (Sample) 48 Mayo Scissors Curved 7.5 (Sample) 49 Suture cutting forceps size 6 (Sample) 50 Suturing needle straight traumatic and afraumatic size No. 1 (pkt of six) (Sample) 51 Suturing needle Straight Size 3/4 Circle (Pkt of six) (Sample) 52 Suturing needle straight traumatic and afraumati size No.2 (pkt of six) (Sample) 53 Suturing Straight needle traumatic and afraumati size No.5 (pkt of six) (Sample) 54 Suturing needle curved traumatic and afraumati size No. 1 (pkt of six) (Sample) 55 Suturing needle Curved Size 3/4 Circle (Pkt of six) (Sample) 56 Suturing needle curved traumatic and afraumati size No.2 (pkt of six) (Sample) 57 Suturing Straight curved traumatic and afraumati size No.5 (pkt of six) (Sample) 58 B.P Blades sterilized with ISI mark (pkt of 100 blades) size 10 (Sample) 59 B.P Blades sterilized with ISI mark (pkt of 100 blades) size 15 (Sample) 60 B.P Blades sterilized with ISI mark(pkt of 100 blades) size 20 (Sample) 61 B.P Blades sterilized with ISI mark(pkt of 100 blades) size 24 (Sample) 62 B.P handle size 4 (Sample) 63 B.P handle size 3 (Sample) 64 Disposable needle 16 Gauge 1 (Sample) 65 Disposable needle 16 Gauge 1.5 (Sample) 66 Disposableneedle 18 Guage 1 (Sample) 67 Disposable needle 18 Guage 1.5 (Sample) 68 Disposable needle 20 Guage 1 (Sample) 69 Disposable needle 20 Guage 1.5 (Sample) 70 5ml Syringe With needle (As per specification) (Sample) 71 10 ml Syringe With needle (As per specification) (Sample) 72 Disposable syringe without needle 2 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 73 Disposable syringe without needle 5 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 74 Disposable syringe without needle 10 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 75 Disposable syringe without needle 20 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 76 Disposable syringe without needle 50 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 77 5 ml Disposable syringes with needle 21” (As per specification) (Sample) 78 Automatic breaking single use vaccination syringe 2 ml 16G, 3/4 Inches needle (Sample) 79 Automatic breaking single use vaccination syringe 5 ml 18G, 3/4 Inches needle (Sample) 80 Auto Collect Blood Vial 2 ml(As per specification) (Sample) 81 Auto Collect Blood Vial 3 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 82 Auto Collect Blood Vial 5 ml (As per specification) (Sample) 83 Disposable I.V set sterilized, non-pyrogenic, with double filter and needle 16 1/2 guage (Sample) 84 Scalp Vein set 22 No. (Sample) 85 Operation Table for large animals (Hydraulic) (As per specification) (Catalouge) 86 Operation Table Hydraulic for small animal with Remote (As per specification)(Catalouge) 87 Working Table for Hospital and Labs (As per specification) (Sample) 88 Examination Table (As per specification) (Sample) 89 Post Mortem Table Stainless steel (As per specification) (Sample) 90 Minor Surgical Instrument Kit. (As per specification) (Sample) 91 Veterinary Surgical equipment kit (for Large animals) (As per specification) (Sample) 92 Veterinary Surgical equipment kit (for Small animals (As per specification) (Sample) 93 Vaccination Kit (as per specifications) (Sample) 94 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 2-0 Round body (AS per specification) (Sample) 95 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 1-0 Round body (AS per specification) (Sample) 96 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 1 Round body (AS per specification) (Sample) 97 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 1 RC(AS per specification) (Sample) 98 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 3-0 Round body (AS per specification) (Sample) 99 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 1-0 Reverce Cutting (AS per specification) (Sample) 100 Polyglactin 910 with Triclosan Coating 2-0 Reverce Cutting (AS per specification) (Sample) 101 Chromic 1-0 , RB (AS per specification) (Sample) 102 Chromic 1 , RB (AS per specification) (Sample) 103 Chromic 2-0 , RB (AS per specification) (Sample) 104 Nylone 2-0 Reserve Cutting (AS per specification) 105 BB SILK 2-0 RB(AS per specification) (Sample) 106 BB SILK 3-0 RC(AS per specification) (Sample) 107 Surgical Tray SS with cover12x10 (Sample) 108 Instrument Sterilizer (As per specification) (Sample) 109 Autoclave 20 Lit. with Dressing Drum Bin SS (AS per speification) (Sample) 110 Cold Light Operating Lamp (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 111 Needle Cum Syringe Destroyer(L16.5xW16.5xH40) (As per specification) (Sample) 112 Face Mask (Pkt of 100 Nos.) (Sample) 113 Bouffant Caps Individually 50Caps/ Pack (Sample) 114 Stomatch tube for cattle size 10 long Rubber (Sample) 115 Cattle Probang (Sample) 116 Hoof cutter double action (Sample) 117 Instrument Cabinet (As per specification) (Sample) 118 Instrument Trolley (As per specification) (Sample) 119 Hoof Trimming Set (As per specification) (Sample) 120 Docking Machine for Large animals, chrome plated (Sample) 121 Dog Nail Cutter SS (Sample) 122 Drenching Bottle SS 500 ml (Sample) 123 Bowls stainless steel size 20 cms (Sample) 124 Coil Embryotomy knife SS (Sample) 125 Cool Bucket 5 lit. (Sample) 126 Small range Vaccine Carrier Portable 1.6 to 2.0 Lit. (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 127 Medium range Vaccine Carrier 8 Lit. (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 128 Long range Vaccine Carrier 20 Lit. (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 129 Vaginal Speculum for small animals size 6 (Sample) 130 Vaginal Speculum for large animals size 14 (Sample) 131 Gilies Combined Needle Holder & Scissor SS & CE- certificate (Sample) 132 Double Door Refrigerator(As Per Specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 133 Swab Holder SS 18(Sample) 134 Trocar and Cannula for large animals with metal handle SS(Sample) 135 I.V. Catheter (As per specification)(Sample)(Sample & Catalogue) 136 Castrator (Large Animals) (Imported) (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 137 Castrator (Small Animals) ( Imported ) (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 138 Castrator (Large Animals) (Indian) (As per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 139 Castrator (Small Animals) ( Indian ) (As per specification)(Sample & Catalogue) 140 U.V.Sterlizer (veterinary) (As Per Specification)(Sample & Catalogue) 141 Post Mortem Set SS (As per specifications)(Sample) 142 Teat surgery set complete (As per specifications)(Sample) 143 Dystokia Set (as per specification)(Sample) 144 X Ray Film Viewer Single section (as per specification) (Sample & Catalogue) 145 X Ray Film Viewer Double section (as per specification)(Sample & Catalogue) 146 Sharps Collectors size 3 Lit (As per specification) Sample 147 Sharps Collectors size 5 Lit (As per specification)(Sample) 148 Sharps Collectors size 30 Lit (As per specification)(Sample) 149 Abdominal Sponge with X-Ray opaque detachable n25x25x8 Ply(Sample) 150 Abdominal Sponge with X-Ray opaque detachable n40x40x8 ply(Sample) 151 Packside Bleaching Gauge swab Type 17 (30x20) Size 4 inc. x 4 inc.(Sample) 152 Ice lined Freezer cum Refrigerator (As per specification) (Catalogue) 153 Prolapse clamp 4(Sample) 154 Prolapse clamp 7(Sample) 155 Whelping Forceps Grays (Sample) 156 Needle Holder SS 6(Sample) 157 Towel Clamp 6 (Sample) 158 Mouth Gag (Sample) 159 Stethoscope (As per specification)(Sample) 160 Non Absorbable Haemostatic Dressing size 80mm x50 mm(Sample) 161 Hack and Wire(Set of One roll and two Handles) (Sample) 162 Stainless Steel Waste Bins Grade SS 304 (As Per Specification)(Sample) 163 Infra red Thermometer(As Per Specification)(Sample) 164 PPE Kit Small Size (Personal protective equipment) (As Per Specification)(Sample) 165 PPE Kit Large Size (Personal protective equipment) (As Per Specification)(Sample) 166 Mask -N95 (As Per Specification)(Sample) 167 Face Shield (As Per Specification)(Sample) 168 Automatic show cover Dispensor Machines (As Per Specification)(Sample) 169 Show Cover Disposable (As Per Specification)(Sample) 170 Radiosterilised I.V. (As Per Specification)(Sample) 171 Impregnated Surgical Brush (As Per Specification)(Sample) 172 Impregnated Surgical Brush (As Per Specification)(Sample) 173 Whelping Forceps (Feline) (Sample) 174 Whelping Forceps (Canine) (Sample) 175 ECG Machine (As Per Specification) (Catalogue) 176 Ultrasound Machine (As per specification)(Catalogue) 177 Veterinary Multiple Parameter Monitor (As Per Specification)(Catalogue) 178 X-RAY Machine 30 KW High Frequency(As per specification)(Catalogue) 179 X-RAY Machine 600mA (As per specification)(Catalogue) 180 Electro Magnetic Wave Therapy Instrument - Vet (As per specification)(Catalogue) 181 Veterinary Digital thermometer (As per specification) (Sample) 182 Electrosurgical Generator (Diathermy) (As per specification) (catalouge) 183 Teat Endoscopy Set (As per specification) (Sample) 184 Syenthetic Absorable Braided Coated polyglacttin 910 with chlorhexidine 1-0 HC RC 36 mm Needle Profile 90 cm (Sample) 185 Natural Abosorable Virtual Monofilament Chromic Gut 2 no 1/2 HC RB 45 mm Needle Profile 100 cm (Sample) 186 Natural Abosorable Virtual Monofilament non needle chromic Gut 1-0 & 152 cm (Sample) 187 Syenthetic Non Absorable Monofilament Polyamide 1 no 1/2 RC 45 mm Needle profile 100 cm (Sample) 188 Syenthetic Non Absorable Monofilament Polyamide 1-0, 3/8 RC 45 mm Needle profile 70 cm (Sample) 189 Natural Non Abosorable Braided Silk 1-0 , 3/8 RC 45 mm Needle Profile 76 cm (Sample) 190 Syenthetic Non Absorable Monofilament Polypropylene 1 No, 1/2 RC 45 mm Needle Profile 100 cm (Sample) 191 Skin Stapler with 35 stapplinng pin of stainless steel (Sample) 192 Face Mask (As Per Specification) (sample) 193 Air Curtain (As Per Specification) (catalouge & Sample) 194 Infra Red Thermometer (As per specification) (sample) 195 Surgical Mask (As per specification) (sample) 196 Fogger Machine for Disinfection (As Per Specification) (catalouge & Sample) 197 Long Gown with separate hood (Small) (As Per Specification)(catalouge & Sample) 198 Long Gown with separate hood (Large) (As Per Specification)(catalouge & Sample) 199 Disposable Protective Eye wear (As Per Specification)(Sample) 200 Gloves (As Per Specification)(Sample) 201 Shoe Cover (As Per Specification)(Sample) 202 Pneumatic Lithotripter For Veterinary Use (As Per Specification)(Catalouge) 203 Fully Automatic Hematology Analyzer 5 part Veterinary Mode ( As per Specification) (Catalouge) 204 Fully Automatic Biochemical Analyser (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 205 Semiautomatic Microtome + Accessories (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 206 BOD Incubator (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 207 Cell Imagine Station (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 208 Digital Hemoglobinometer (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 209 Urine Analyzer (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 210 Image Analyzer System with software & PC (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 211 Fume Hood apparatues (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 212 Autoclave Digital (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 213 Frost Free Refrigerator (As per Specification)(Sample & Catalogue) 214 Nunc Immonowash -12 (As per Specification) (Catalouge) 215 8-channel Micropipettes (As per Specification) (Catalouge) 216 12-channel Micropipettes (Catalouge) 217 Parafin Bath (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 218 Cooling Platform (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 219 Water Bath (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 220 Automatic Macro block PC Compatible Digestion System for Nitrogen / Protin estimation for 12 sample (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 221 Automatic Scrubber System (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 222 Automatic PC compatible solvent Extraction System (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 223 Automatic PC compatible fiber estimation System (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 224 Muffle furnace (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 225 Chimney (High Powder) (As per Specification)(Catalouge) 226 Glass Slide, Fine smooth edges, Clean(Sample) 227 Sterile cotton swab in tube(Sample) 228 Serum collection vial 2 ml, inner screw cap, leak proof graduated, writable external surface(Sample) 229 Cryo Vial, Sterile, Graduated, Polypropyline, 2/1.8 ml capacity(Sample) 230 Vaccuitainer Plain 10 ml with clot activator , with 20 Gauze needle and Holder(Sample) 231 Immunoplate 96 well, Maxisorp, (Sample) 232 Debeaker Machine (As Per specification) (Sample) 233 Electric Debeaker Blade (As per specification) (Sample) 234 Bird Transportation Cages (As per specification) (Sample) 235 Automatic Vaccinator (As per specification) (Sample) 236 Chick guard (As per specification) (Sample) 237 Flame Gun (As per specification) (Sample) 238 Flame Gun(Baby) (As per specification) (Sample) 239 Pressure washer cleaner (As per specification) (Sample) 240 Electric brooder (As per specification) (Sample) 241 Gas Brooder (As per specification) (Sample) 242 Chick Drinker (As per specification) (Sample) 243 Chick feeder (As per specification) (Sample) 244 Grower feeder (Jumbo Feeder) (As per specification) (Sample) 245 Jumbo drinker (As per specification) (Sample) 246 Grower drinker (As per specification) (Sample) 247 Fogger (As per specification) (Sample) 248 Parent feeder (male/female) (As per specification) (Sample) 249 Chick feeder tray (As per specification) (Sample) 250 Chick transportation Cages (As per specification) (Sample) 251 Poultry Setter Capacity 30,240 Eggs (As per specification) (Sample) 252 Poultry Hatcher Capacity 10080 Eggs (As per specification) (Sample) 253 Air circulation fan (As per specification) (Sample) 254 Exhaust Fan (As per specification) (Sample) 255 Egg Candling Portable Type (As per specification) (Sample) 256 Spray Machine (As per specification) (Sample) 257 Bell drinker (As per specification) (Sample) 258 Thermometers (Sample) 259 Hanging Scale (Sample) 260 Dry and Wet Thermometer (Sample) 261 Semi Automatic Mash feed Plant with full screen grinder and Double Ribbon Screw Mixer (capacity-1.5-3.00 tonn/hr) (Catalouge)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 15-06-2020 Change of date and ammendment in validity period of mandatory documents Date 16-07-2020
2 15-07-2020 Sample submission date has been changed Other 16-07-2020

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Crore /-
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