
Supply Of Reagent , Chemical , Glass Ware , Stationary And General Items, Dean NSCB Medical College Jabalpur-Madhya Pradesh

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College has published Supply Of Reagent , Chemical , Glass Ware , Stationary And General Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-06-2020. Cosmetics Tenders in Dean NSCB Medical College Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Reagent , Chemical , Glass Ware , Stationary And General Items
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh
Dean Nscb Medical College Jabalpur

Tender Details

Supply Of Reagent , Chemical , Glass Ware , Stationary And General Items-2 Manual Kits 3 Acid Phosphates Kit 4 Albumin 5 Alkaline Phosphates Kit 6 Amylase 7 APTT 8 ASO Titre Test 9 Billirubin Direct 10 Billirubin Total 11 Blood Urea Kit 12 Calcium 13 Chicken Gunia Rapid Kit IgM 14 Cholesterol Kit 15 CK-MB 16 CPK MB 17 C-Reactive Protein 18 RPR 19 CRP Kit 20 CSF Protein 21 Dengue Rapid Kit For IgG & IgM 22 Dengue Rapid Kit for IgG&IgM 23 Drinking water testing (12 Parameters) 24 Factor 8,9 Kit 25 G6PD Kit 26 Glucose Kit God Method 27 Glycosylate HB% 28 HBsAg Card Test 29 Mountax Test 5 TU/PPD 30 Pragnancy Test HCG Card Test 31 Pregnancy test, Latex Agglutination inhibition Test 32 Prothombin Time Kit 33 RA Factor Test 34 Rapid Test Kit for Anti HCV ab 35 S.Acid Phosphtac 36 S.Alkaline Phosphate 37 S.Analyese 38 S.Cholestrol Kit 39 S.Glucose Kit 40 S.H.D.L. 41 S.Triglyceride 42 S.Uric Kit 43 Serum Bilirubin Kit 44 Serum Calcium Kit 45 Serum Cretinine Kit 46 Serum Protein Kit 47 Serum Uric Acid Kit 48 SGOT 49 SGPT 50 T3 Elisa Test Kit 51 T4 Elisa Test Kit 52 Total Protein 53 Triglyceride Kit 54 TSH Elisa Test Kit 55 Urea Enzymatic 56 Urea Kit 57 VDRL Card test -TPHA 58 VDRL Latex Test/ RPR 59 Widal Kit 60 Widal Test 61 CRP LATEX AGGLUTINATION TEST (50 test x 01kit) 62 RA Factor Test (50 test x 01kit) 63 ASO Titre Test (50 test x 01kit) 64 Robertson Cooked Medica (RCM) Meat Media (500gm X 01pck) 65 Liquid Paraffin (500ml X 01 Bottle) 66 Mac Conkey Agar (500 gm x 01PACK) 67 CLED MEDIA (500 gm x 01PACK) 68 TCBS MEDIA (250 gm x 01PACK) 69 NUTRIENT AGAR (500 gm x 01PACK) 70 Muler Hinton Agar (500 gm x 01PACK) 71 Potassium Per Magnet (500gm x 01 PACK) 72 Loffers Serum Agar (250gmX01pack) 73 Bile Salt Agar(BSA)(250gms X 01 Pack) 74 Carry Blair transport media Base (500gms X 01 pack) 75 Sodium Doxycholate (100 gms X 01 Pack) 76 Xylose (250 gms X 01 pack) 77 Potassium Chloride (500 gms X 01 pack) 78 Asperagine (100 gms X 01pack) 79 Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate (KH2P04)(500gms X 01pack) 80 Glycerol (500ml X 01bottle) 81 Methyl Red (100gms X 01pack) 82 Kits & Chemicals 83 Iso- Propyl Alchohol (1 liters) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 84 Benzene (1 Liters) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 85 Formaline (1 Liters) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 86 Hematoxyline Powder (Fisher/Loba) 87 DPX (500ml) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 88 Microtome Blade (Leica/Chile) 89 Alluminium Potassium Sulphate (1KG) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 90 Mercuric Oxide (100 gm)(Merck/Qualigen) 91 Carbolic Soap 92 Ammonium Potassium Sulphate (500 gm) 93 Nitric Acid (Merck/Qualigen) 94 HIV KIT ELISA 95 HIV KIT RAPID 96 HCV KIT ELISA 97 HCV KIT RAPID 98 HBsAg KIT ELISA 99 HBsAg KIT RAPID 100 RPR (VDRL) KIT 101 RPR KIT STRIP 102 RAPID MALARIA ANTIGEN DETECTION TEST CARD FOR PV& Pf ANTIGEN 103 ANTI ABD Monoclonal (IgM) 10ml 104 ANTI D BLEND, MONOCLONAL (IgM + IgG) anti sera 105 ANTI- A1 LECTIN 106 ANTI -AB MONOCLANAL 107 ANTI- H 108 ACTIVATED PAPAIN ENZYME STABLIZED SOLUTION 109 ANTI-C 110 ANTI-c 111 ANTI -E 112 ANTI-e 113 COOMBS ANTI SERA 114 ID-GEL CROSS MATCH CARD (AHG) (COOMS) TEST CARD 115 GEL DILUENT- 2 LISS 116 BLOOD BAG DOUBLE 350ML 117 BLOOD BAG DOUBLE 450 ML 118 BLOOD BAG TRIPLE 450ML 119 SINGLE DONOR PLATELET /PLASMA KIT, WITH ACD-A BAG 500ML (FOR APHERESIS) 120 Chemical 121 Mannitol 122 Absolute Alcohol 123 Acetone 124 Albumin flakes 125 Alpha Naphthol 126 Alpha naphthylamine 127 Ammonium Di Hydrogen Phosphate 128 Ammonium Molybdat 129 Ammonium Oxalate 130 Ammonium Sulphate 131 Barium Chroride 132 Basic fuschin 133 Benzidine Powder 134 Betadin Solution 135 Bile Salt 136 Bismuth ammonium Citrate 137 Bleaching Powder 138 Blood Group Anti Serum A,B & O 139 Bole Billirudin 140 Bole Billiverdin 141 Bromine Liquid 142 Bromothymol blue 143 Calcium Pure 144 Casein 145 Conc. H2So4 146 Conc. Hno3 147 Concentrated HCL 500,l 148 Copper Acetate 149 Cotton roll 150 Creatinine Powder 151 Crystal voilet 152 Cuso4 Crystal 153 D.P.X. Mount 154 Dextrose 155 Di Methyl amino Benzaldehyde 156 Di Pot. Hydrogen Phasphate 157 Di Sodium ortho phosphate 158 Dibasic sod. Phosphate 159 Disodium hydrogen phosphate 160 Distill water 5 Ltr 161 E.D.T.A. Powder 162 ECG Jelly 250gm 163 Eosin (CDH/Merck) 164 Eosin Stain (For Histology Staining) 165 Ferric Chloride (Fecl3) 166 Field stain A&B 167 Filter paper sheet whathman, No.1 168 Fontana stain 169 Formaldehyde (Formalin) 37% 170 Formaldehyde (Formalin) 37% 171 Formaldehyde (Formalin) 37% 172 Formaldehyde 40% 200 Kg Pack 173 Formaldehyde 40% 500 ml Pack 174 Fructose 175 Gelatin 176 Giemsa Powder 177 Giemsa Stain 178 Glacial acetic acid 179 Glucose 180 Glycerine 05 Liter pack 181 GMS stain 182 H2O2 183 Hand Lotion 250ml antiseptic washing 184 Hand Sanitizers 185 Hydrogen Peroxide (500 ml x 1Bottle) 186 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) 187 Hydrogen Peroxide SOLN 20% 188 India Ink 189 Iodine 190 Kovacs Indole reagent 191 L.Asparagine 192 Lactic Acid 193 Lactophenol Cotton Blue 194 Lactose 195 Lead Acetate 196 Leishman stain solution 197 Lens Cleaner 2000ml 198 Liquid Paraffin Heavy 199 Liquid Praffin 500ml 200 Liquor Ammonia (MERK/RAN/KEM/FISHER/QUALIGEN) 201 Lysozyme 202 Malachite Green (50GM x 01 PACK) 203 Maltose 204 Mercury for B.P. Instrument 500gm 205 Methanol 206 Methyl Red (pH Indicator) 207 Methyl Violet 208 Methylene blue 209 Na Natroprusside 210 NALC Powder 211 Neutral Red Indicator 212 Paraffin Wax (Merck/Qualigen/Fishe) 213 Paraffin Wax roll for test tube sealing 214 Peptone 215 pH strips (pH 1-10) 216 Phenol Crystal 217 Phenolphthalein 218 Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride 219 Phosphate Pure 220 Picric Acid 221 Pot. Dichromate 222 Pot. Hydroxide 223 Potassium alum 224 Potassium Iodide 225 Pottassium Iodide 226 Rectified Spirit 227 Ressorcinol 228 Saffranine 229 Salphate Pure 230 Silver Nitrate 231 Sodium Acetate 232 sodium Carbonate 233 Sodium Chloride 234 Electrolite Kit 235 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate 236 sodium Hydroxide 237 Sodium Hydroxide (Flakes) 238 Sodium Hydroxide pellets 239 Sodium Hypochloride 240 Sodium Sulphate 241 sodium taurocholate (Bile Salt) 242 Spirit 243 Starch 244 Sterile ontainer 245 Sucrose 246 Sulphur powder 247 Sulphuric Acid 248 Tetra Methylparaphenyl Diaminodihydro Chloride (oxidase Reagent) 249 Thallus Acetate 250 Thymol Crystals 251 Tincture Benzoin Co 252 Tri sodium Citrate 253 Trichloro acetic acid 254 Urea 255 Urea Powder 256 Whatmas Filter paper No. (Standard Size) 257 Xyline (1liters) (Merck/Qualigen/Fisher) 258 Yeast extract powder 259 Aluminium Ammonium sulphates -12 hydrate (CDH) Powder 260 GLASS WARE 261 Amplifire for neurograph 262 Anaerobic gas pack for 3.5 lit capacity, disposable oxygen absorbing, carbon dioxide generating agent used in anaerobic system no need to use catalysts or pressure gauge 263 Anaerobic Indicator Tables for anaerobic system (For anaerobic system ) 264 Anaerobic system rubber rings (For anaerobic system ) 265 Arnold sterilizer 266 B.P. Appraturs (Stand Type) 267 B.P. Blade 24 No. 268 Beaker (1000cc) 269 Beaker (100cc) 270 Beaker (500cc) 271 Beaker (50cc) 272 Beaker 100ml 273 Beaker 200ml 274 Blood Bag Tube Stripper mannual 275 Bone Marrow aspiration needle (16,18,20 No.) 276 Bone marrow trephine biopsy needle 277 Bottle with Clear Transparent Glass 50ml 278 Capillary Tube 1 mm (long) 279 Capillary Tube 1mm or all size 280 Centrifuge tube 15ml 281 Centrifuge tube 2ml (P.P) 282 Chamical Balance 283 Charging droppers 284 Collection vail 2ml 285 Collection vail 5ml 286 Colony Counter Digital for Bacteriology, Digital display to cout 9999 287 Colorimeter Cuvetts 288 Conical flask Flat bottom (1000cc) 289 Conical Flask flat bottom(250cc) 290 Conical Flask flat bottom(500cc) 291 Conical Flask flat bottom(50cc) 292 Coplins Jar 50ml 293 Coppling Jars (Horizontal) 294 Demonstration Stethoscope with multiple earpiece 295 Distilled water plant (all glass) 296 Dropping Bottel 297 Dropping bottles for stains (Plastic) 298 Durhams tube 299 E.S.R. Tube 300 ECG Roll 301 EEG Electrodes for neurograph 302 ESR Tube (Wwstergren) 303 flask Bottom flask 2 Ltr Capaciy 304 Flat Bottom flask 5 Liter capacity 305 Flat Bottom pH electrode for pH determination for use on soft moist surface like agar gel plate and both on solid and semisolid surface 306 Funnel 307 Glass pipetts each of each size 308 Glass slide (Sunbeam / BlueStar) 309 Glass Slide (Size 76x55mm) Thickness 1.35mm (Sunbeam / BlueStar) 310 Glass Slide(Size 76x26 / 75X25mm) Thickness :1.45mm) (Sunbeam / BlueStar) 311 Glass trough Pneumatic 312 Glycerine 313 Haemocytometer 314 Haemoglobinometer (Sahils) 315 Hammer (Reflex) 316 Hb Tube 317 Ink well for neurograph 318 Jar Glass (2Ltr) 319 Lovibond comparators 320 LP Bone Marrow Needle 321 LP Needle (Top Spinal ) 22x89mm 322 Mackartaneys Bottle 323 Maker pen for Digital colony counter 324 Measuring Cylinder 1000ml 325 Measuring Cylinder 100ml 326 Measuring Cylinder 500ml 327 Micro Coverslips (18mmx18mm) 328 Micro Coverslips (19mmx19mm) 329 Micro Coverslips (22mmx22mm) (SUNBEAN / BLUESTAR) 330 Micro Coverslips (22mmx25mm) 331 Micro Coverslips (22mmx30mm) 332 Micro Coverslips (22mmx30mm) 333 Micro Coverslips (22mmx40mm) (SUNBEAN / BLUESTAR) 334 Micro Coverslips (22mmx500mm) (SPECIAL) 335 Micro Coverslips (22mmx50mm) (SUNBEAN / BLUESTAR) 336 Micro Coverslips (22mmx60mm) (SPECIAL) (SUNBEAN / BLUESTAR) 337 Micro Coverslips (24mmx24mm) (SPECIAL) 338 Micro Coverslips (24mmx40mm) (SPECIAL) 339 Micro Coverslips (24mmx60mm) (SPECIAL) (SUNBEAN / BLUESTAR) 340 Micro Coverslips (24mmx60mm) (SPECIAL) 341 Micro Coverslips (25mmx50mm) (SPECIAL) 342 Micro Coverslips (25mmx60mm) (SPECIAL) 343 Micro Coverslips 18mm Circular 344 Micro Coverslips 19mm Circular 345 Micro Coverslips 22 mm Circular 346 Micro Coverslips 24mm Circular 347 Micro Pippete 10 ul 348 Micro Pippete 20 ul 349 Micro Pippette 1000 ul 350 Micro Pippette 100ul 351 Micro Pippette 200 ul 352 Micro Pippette 50 ul 353 Micro Pippette 500ul 354 Micro Pippette Tips (200-1000ul) 355 Micro Pippette Tips (2-200ul) 356 Micro Tips Yellow size small 357 Micrometer stage 358 Micropipate (00 to 210 Micro Litter) 359 Micropipate (00 to 1500 MicroLitter) 360 Micropipette tips 0-200µl 361 Micropipette tips 1000µl 362 Micropipette Tips 200 µl 363 Microscope oil immersion moveable stage abbe condenser etc 364 Multichannel Micropipette 10µl (Fixed Volume, 8 channel with Built in tip ejector 365 Multichannel Micropipette 100µl (Fixed Volume, 8 channel with Built in tip ejector 366 Multichannel Micropipette 200µl (Fixed Volume, 8 channel with Built in tip ejector 367 Multichannel Micropipette 50µl (Fixed Volume, 8 channel with Built in tip ejector 368 Museum Jar (Rectangular with Lid) 369 N-95 Mask 370 Patri dish 9cm glass 371 PCV Tube (Wintrobe) 372 Petri plate carrier for 10 Paltes anerobic system 373 PH meter digital 374 Pippete 1ml 375 Pippete 5ml 376 Plastic container for collection of stool, pus, sputum, with sepcimens 20ml capacity, sterile 377 Plastic container for collection of stool, pus, sputum, with sepcimens 50ml capacity, sterile 378 Platinum wire loop 379 Postmortem Glvoes Size 8 ½ 380 Pricking needles 381 Priestley Smith Perimeter 382 Rack for Patridish 383 Reagent Bottle (1000cc) 384 Reagent Bottle (100cc) 385 Reagent Bottle (2000cc) 386 Reagent Bottle (250cc) 387 Reagent Bottle (500cc) 388 Reagent Bottle (50cc) 389 Reagent Bottle 100ml 390 Reagent Bottle 50ml 391 Regent Bottle 250ml 392 Rubber Bulb for pipettes Big 393 Rubber Bulb for Pipettes small 394 Rubber teats varium volume 395 Scissors Big Size 396 Single Channel Fixed Volume Micropipette 10µl 397 Single Channel Fixed Volume Micropipette 100µl 398 Single Channel Fixed Volume Micropipette 25µl 399 Single Channel Fixed Volume Micropipette 50µl 400 Single Channel Micropipette variable volume 100-1000µl 401 Slide 76mmx25mm 402 Spatula 403 Spirit Lamp 404 Staining Trough 405 Stature needles (Half Dozen Stainless stell) Cat No. round bodied half circle Size -1 406 Surgical Gloves 7 407 Surgical Glvoes 6 ½ 408 Test tube Borocilicated (100x12mm) 409 Test tube Borocilicated (150x18mm) 410 Test tube Borocilicated (75x12mm) 411 Test Tube Basket 412 Test Tube Glass 5ml 413 Test Tube Holder 414 Test tube Plastic with cap 5ml 415 Test Tube stand (big) 416 Test tube washing Brush 417 Test tube with Rim 05 cm 418 Test Tube with RIM 10cm 419 Thermometer 420 Urinometer 421 VDRL Shaker 422 Water both (Serological)56c 423 Writing pen for neurograph 424 STATIONARY 425 CTG Roll Paper (BPL Company) 426 Photocopy Paper A3 Size (75gsm 500sheets) 427 Photocopy Paper A4 Size (75gsm 500sheets) 428 Photocopy Paper FS Size (75gsm 500sheets) 429 Photocopy Paper A4 (Green Color) (75gsm 500sheets) 430 Ruled Regiter 100 Pages 431 Ruled Regiter 200 Pages 432 Ruled Regiter 300 Pages 433 Ruled Regiter 400 Pages 434 Ruled Regiter 600 Pages 435 Ruled Regiter 800 Pages 436 Attendance Register student 437 Attendance Register Staff 438 Stock Register 100 Pages 439 Stock Register 200 Pages 440 Stock Register 300 Pages 441 Examination Copy 24 Pages(Size-32x20cm) 60 gsm with numbering-neolith paper 442 Examination Supplementary Copy 12 Pages(Size-32x20cm) 60 gsm with numbering-neolith paper 443 File Cover 444 File Folder 445 File Pad 446 Index File 447 Dak Book 448 Envelop Small 449 Envelop A4 Size 450 Carbon Paper 451 Lace 452 Tag 6 inch 453 Flag 454 Poker 455 Paper Weight 456 Duster 457 Pin Cushion 458 Stapler HP 45 459 Punching Machine (Big Size) 460 Stapler Pin (24/6-1m) 461 Stamp Pad (Small) 462 Stamp Pad (Big) 463 Pad Ink 464 Scissor (BIG) 465 Chalk White 466 Chalk Colour 467 Sealing Wax 468 Dusting Cloth 469 PEN (RED, BLUE,BLACK) 470 Locker 471 Bastha Cloth 472 LED Bulb (45 Watts) 473 LED Tube 474 Gum Bottle (Small) 475 Gum Bottle (BIG) 476 FS Size Printing Single Side 477 FS Size Printing Double Side 478 A4 Size Printing Single Side 479 A4 Size Printing Double Side 480 A5 Size Printing Single Side 481 A5 Size Printing Double Side 482 A3 Size Printing Single Side 483 A3 Size Printing Double Side 484 Cleaning Materials 485 Nirma Powder 1 Kg 486 Life Boy Soap 487 Hand Wash 488 Phenyle (1LTR) 489 Acid 5Ltr Pack (ISI Marked ) 490 Naphthaline Balls 491 Dustbin Small 492 Dustbin Big (50 ltr) 493 Plastic Bucket 50 Ltr 494 Toilet Brush 495 Date Broom 496 Coconut Broom 497 Wiper 498 Bamboo Stick 5 Fit 499 Bamboo Stick 12 Fit 500 Bamboo Basket 501 Floor Cleaning Moper 502 Plastic Mug 503 Mop 504 General Items 505 Macantosh Sheet 506 Jaggrey (GUD) (1KG) 507 Sugar (1 KG) 508 Common Salt (1 KG) 509 UREA 510 DAP 511 ALUM (Fitkary) (1KG) 512 Limestone ( Grind Chuna) (1KG) 513 Pily Electrolyte (Pack) 514 Bio Culture (pack)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 10000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1 Lakhs /-
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