
Supply Of Surgical Items As Per Tender Documents, LLRM MEDICAL COLLEGE MEERUT-Uttar Pradesh

Medical College has published Supply Of Surgical Items As Per Tender Documents. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-06-2020. Syringes and Accessories Tenders in LLRM MEDICAL COLLEGE MEERUT Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Surgical Items As Per Tender Documents
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Llrm Medical College Meerut

Tender Details

Supply Of Surgical Items As Per Tender Documents , Surgical Items , Abdominal Drain Kit 20Fg , Abdominal Drain Kit 24Fg , Abdominal Drain Kit 28Fg , Abdominal Drain Kit 30Fg , Abdominal Drain Kit 32Fg , Absorbable Gelatin Sponge 4Cm ( 2X2cm ) - , - Acrylic Hydrophilic , - Acrylic Hydrophilic Aspheric , - Acrylic Hydrophilic Aspheric Square Edge , - Acrylic Hydrophilic Aspheric Square Edge ( Imported ) , Air Matress , Air Way No-0 , Air Way No-00 , Air Way No-000 , Air Way No-1 , Air Way No-2 , Air Way No-3 , Air Way No-4 , Ambu Bag Adult , Ambu Bag Child , Apron Led Long , Apron Plastic , B . P . Instrument Digital , Balloon Catheter For Posterior Nasal Packing . , Blood Transfusion Set , Brain Circuit ( Adult ) , Brain Circuit ( Paedia ) , Cling Drape , Cannula Fixator , C-Arm Cover , Cath Fixator ( Tegaderm ) Large , Cath Fixator ( Tegaderm ) Small , Cautery ( Electric ) , Cautery Bipolar , Cautery Pencil ( Long Tip ) , Cautery Pencil ( Paedia ) , Cautery Pencil ( Standerd ) , Cautery Unipolar , Central Line Triple Lumen , Central Vendus Cathetor ( Cupline ) Double Lumen , Chest Tube ( Neonatal ) With Trocar No . 10 , Chest Tube ( Neonatal ) With Trocar No . 12 , Cling Drape , Colostomy Kit ( Adult ) , Colostomy Kit ( Paedia ) , Cord Clamp , Crescent Knife 8-0 , Cutting Burr 2-0 Mm , Delivery Under Sheet , Dialator Large , Dialator Small , Dializer F-6 , Dializer Tube , Dispo . Hypodermic Needle 16 No . , Dispo . Hypodermic Needle 18 No . , Dispo . Hypodermic Needle 22 No . , Dispo . Hypodermic Needle 24 No . , Disposable Face Mask ( Triplelayer ) , Disposable Head Cap ( Surgeon ) , Disposable Shoe Cover ( Pair ) , Disposable Syring 1 Ml , Disposable Syring 10 Ml , Disposable Syring 2 Ml , Disposable Syring 20 Ml , Disposable Syring 3 Ml , Disposable Syring 5 Ml , Disposable Syring 50 Ml , Disposable Syringe ( Insuline ) , Drain Size 10 , Drain Size 12 , Drain Size 14 , Drain Size 16 , Dynaplast ( Large ) , Dynaplast ( Small ) , Ear Wicks , Ecg Electrode ( Adult ) , Ecg Electrode ( Neonatal ) , Elastic Adhesiv 10Cm X 5 Mtr . , Elbow Gloves ( Utility ) , Endotracheal Tube No-2 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-2 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-3 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-3 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-4 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-4 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-5 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-5 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-6 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-6 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-7 . 0 , Endotracheal Tube No-7 . 5 , Endotracheal Tube No-8 . 0 , Enlarger 5 . 2 Mm Blade / Crescent Blade , Entry Blade 2 . 8 , Epidural Anaesthesia ( Paedia ) , Epidural Cathetor 16 No . , Epidural Cathetor 18 No . , Epidural Combined Spinal Set With L . O . R Syring , Epidural Kit ( Perifix 405 Filter Set ) , Epidural Needle 16 G , Epidural Needle 18 G , Epidural Set With L . O . R Syring , Examination Gloves , Eye Drape , Eye Pad , Finger Stall , Fistula Connector , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 10 Fr , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 12 Fr , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 14 Fr , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 16 Fr , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 18 Fr , Foleys Baloone Cathetor 8 Fr , G- Dress 10X10 , G- Dress 15X10 , G- Dress 25X10 , G- Dress 30X10 , Glass Ionomer Cement , Gloves Sterline Non-Powdered 6 . 5 Thickness 0 . 20 - 0 . 25Mm . , Gloves Sterline Non-Powdered 7 Thickness 0 . 20 - 0 . 25Mm . , Gloves Sterline Non-Powdered 7 . 5 Thickness 0 . 20 - 0 . 25Mm . , Gloves Sterline Non-Powdered 8-0 Thickness 0 . 20 - 0 . 25Mm . , Gloves Surgical Sterile No-6 . 0 , Gloves Surgical Sterile No-6 . 5 , Gloves Surgical Sterile No-7 . 0 , Gloves Surgical Sterile No-7 . 5 , Gloves Surgical Sterile No-8 . 0 , Glucometer , Glucostrip , Gown Surgical , Gromets , Guide Wire , Gyanecoligical Gloves All Size , Hemclock Clip , Hydroxyaptite ( Synthetic ) Granules , Hydroxyaptite ( Synthetic ) Cubes , Hemorrhoids Stapler ( Hemorrhoid And Prolapsed Staper Size Of 32 Mm , 2 Row ) , Hemorrhoids Stapler ( Hemorrhoid And Prolapsed Staper Size Of 34 Mm , 2 Row ) , Hip U Drapes , Hiv Kit With Draping Sheet , Hot Water Bag , I . O Drape Large , I . O Drape Small , I . O Drape Medium , I . V . Cannula No-18 , I . V . Cannula No-20 , I . V . Cannula No-22 , I . V . Cannula No-24 , I . V . Cannula No-26 , I . V . Safety Cannula No-18 , I . V . Safety Cannula No-20 , I . V . Safety Cannula No-22 , I . V . Safety Cannula No-24 , I . V . Safety Cannula No-26 , I . V . Set ( Adult ) , I . V . Set ( Micro ) , I . V . Set Paedia With Burret , Imdomethasone , Impression Powder ( Alginate ) , Impression Trays , Infant Feeding Tube No-10 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-12 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-14 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-5 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-6 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-7 Fg , Infant Feeding Tube No-8 Fg , Introducing Needle , K-90 Cathetor , Knee O Drape , Kaleys Pad , Keratome ( Wound Extender ) 5 . 2 , Keratome 2 . 8 , Lamino Spinal Drape , Laryngo Scope , Ligaclip-100 , Ligaclip-200 , Ligaclip-300 , Ligaclip-400 , Linear Cutter & Reload ( Two Row Titanium Stapler With Cutter 60 Mm , Reload Size 3 . 8 Mm & 4 . 8 Mm ) , Linear Cutter & Reload ( Two Row Titanium Stapler With Cutter 80 Mm , Reload Size 3 . 8 Mm & 4 . 8 Mm ) , M . V . R . Knife 20 G , M . V . R . Knife 30 G , Macintosh Sheet ( 10Mtr Roll ) , Malapex Syringe , Malicot Cathetor-14 , Malicot Cathetor-16 , Malicot Cathetor-18 , Malicot Cathetor-20 , Malicot Cathetor-22 , Malicot Cathetor-26 , Malicot Cathetor-28 , Malicot Cathetor-30 , Malicot Cathetor-32 , Mask N-95 , Mastoid Rhino Nasal Packs , Merocel Nasal Packing ( 10Cm ) , Merocel Nasal Packing ( 4 . 5Cm ) , Merocel Nasal Packing ( 8Cm ) , Metapex Syringe , Micromoter With Straight And Contra Angle Hand Piece , Mini Arch ( Single Incision System ) , Mucous Extractor , Nasal Oxyprong ( Adult ) , Nasal Oxyprong ( Child ) , Nasal Oxyprong ( Neonatal ) , Nasal Septal Buttons All Sizes , Nasal Splints , Nasal Triway Cannula ( Adult ) , Nasal Triway Cannula ( Child ) , Nebulizer , Nebulizer Mask ( Adult ) , Nebulizer Mask ( Child ) , Needle Cutter ( Electric ) , Needle Infiltra Long , N . G . Bag 4 , N . G . Bag 5 , N . G . Bag 6 , O . T . Dress Disposable , Oxygen Mask ( Adult ) , Oxygen Mask ( Child ) , Oxygen Twinbore Nasal Cannula ( Child ) , P . M . O Line 100Cm , P . M . O Line 200Cm , P . M . O Line 50Cm , Pharmacrisole Liquid , Physio Dispenser With Dental Implant Kit , Polyac Closed Wond Suction Unit No-12 , Polyac Closed Wond Suction Unit No-14 , Polyac Closed Wond Suction Unit No-16 , Porp ( Partial Ossicular Replacment Prosthesis ) , Ppe Kit , Putty Impression Material , Rubber Dam Kit , Ryles Tube No-10 , Ryles Tube No-12 , Ryles Tube No-14 , Ryles Tube No-16 , Ryles Tube No-8 , Sideport 150 , Spinal Needle -25G , Spinal Needle-26G , Spirometer , Stapes Piston 0 . 4 Mm , Stapes Piston 0 . 6 Mm , Stone Plaster , Styset All Size , Suction Catheter No- 18 , Suction Catheter No-10 , Suction Catheter No-12 , Suction Catheter No-14 , Suction Catheter No-16 , Suction Catheter No-20 , Suction Catheter No-22 , Suction Catheter No-8 , Suction Long Cathetor With Cannula , Surgi Cel , Surgical Blade No-11 , Surgical Blade No-15 , Surgical Blade No-21 , Surgical Blade No-23 , Surgical Blade No-24 , Surgical Drap Large , Surgical Pad Large , Surgical Pad Small , T . Tube 10 , T . Tube 12 , T . Tube 14 , Thermal Scanner / Hand Held Scanner , Thermometer Digital , Thermometer Infrared , Thorasic Drain Catheter No-26 , Thorasic Drain Catheter No-30 , Trucut Biopsy Gun ( Disposable ) , Tracheostomy Tube ( Cuffed ) No-6 . 5 , Tracheostomy Tube ( Cuffed ) No-7 . 0 , Tracheostomy Tube ( Cuffed ) No-7 . 5 , Tracheostomy Tube ( Cuffed ) No-8 , Triway Cannula No-18 , Trop ( Total Ossicular Replacment Prosthesis ) , T . K . R . Kit ( Total Knee Replacement Kit ) , T . H . R . Kit ( Total Hip Replacement Kit ) , Tur Set ( Ir

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 4425 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 25 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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