
Dismantling Fabrication And Erection Of Machinery For Year 2020-21, THE BAGHPAT COOPERATIVE SUGAR MILLS LIMITED-Uttar Pradesh

Baghpat Cooperative Sugar Mills Limited has published Dismantling Fabrication And Erection Of Machinery For Year 2020-21. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-06-2020. Drilling Rigs and Machinery Tenders in THE BAGHPAT COOPERATIVE SUGAR MILLS LIMITED Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Dismantling Fabrication And Erection Of Machinery For Year 2020-21
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
The Baghpat Cooperative Sugar Mills Limited

Tender Details

Dismantling Fabrication And Erection Of Machinery For Year 2020-21-2 Dismantling of Old M.S. Pipeline with flange, bend up to 12” Ø size. 3 Erection of Old & New M.S. Pipeline with Flange up to . 12”Ø size 4 Fabrication & Erection of following up to 12” Ø(M.S) Bends Erection only(Readymade) 5 Fabrication & Erection of following up to 12” Ø(M.S) Nipples 6 Fabrication & Erection of following up to 12” Ø(M.S) Cross 7 Fabrication & Erection of following up to 12” Ø(M.S) Tee 8 Fabrication & Erection of following up to 12” Ø(M.S) Reducer 9 Dismantling of valves up to 12” Ø 10 Fitting of valves up to 12” Ø 11 Dismantling of valves above 12” Ø 12 Fitting of valves above 12” Ø 13 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Bend 14 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Nipple 15 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Flanges 16 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Tee 17 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Reducer 18 Fab.& Ere, of following above 12” Ø Blind 19 Dismantling of following above 12” Ø(M.S) Bend 20 Dismantling of following above 12” Ø(M.S) Nipple 21 Dismantling of following above 12” Ø(M.S) Flange 22 Dismantling of following above 12” Ø(M.S) Reducer 23 Dismantling of M.S. Pipeline with Bend, Flange, Nipple etc. above 12” Ø 24 Fabrication of M.S. Pipe above 12” Ø 25 Erection of M.S. Pipe above 12” Ø 26 Fab., Ere. of M.S. Ring over vapour pipe. 27 Dis. Of M.S.Heavy structure. 28 Dis. Of Light structure 29 Fab. & Ere. of heavy structure 30 Fab. & Ere. of Light structure 31 Dis., Fitting. Of Plate form using old plate 32 Fab. & Ere. Of M.S. Railing from old/new 33 Patching of worn out portion of Round/Square vessel 34 Fab. & Ere. Of Square/Round closed/open tank with required connection 35 Removal of S.S./Brass Tubes Pan 36 Removal of S.S./Brass Tubes Evaporator Bodies 37 Removal of S.S./Brass Tubes Semikestner/ Juice heater 38 Fitting of S.S./Brass tubes with hydraulic testing for leak proof of the Pan 39 Fitting of S.S./Brass tubes with hydraulic testing for leak proof of the Evaporator Bodies 40 Fitting of S.S./Brass tubes with hydraulic testing for leak proof of the Semikestner 41 Fitting of S.S./Brass tubes with hydraulic testing for leak proof of the Juice heater 42 Dis. Cleaning & Re-fitting of M.S. Pipeline with bends, flanges, nipples etc 43 Dis., Fab. & Ere. of different size M.S. Coil from 1” to 6” size 44 Feb. of Pump & Motor Bed with fitting & alignment etc. Up to 30 H.P. 45 Feb. of Pump & Motor Bed with fitting & alignment etc. Above 30 HP 46 Dis., & fitting of C.C., B.C., I.R.C. Runners 47 Reconditioning of links of C.C., B.C., to suit sizes of pin & bushes 48 Reconditioning of links of R.C. & I.R.C. to suit sizes of pin 32mm Ø welding holes of links & making size on lath machine:- Three hole link 49 Reconditioning of links of R.C. & I.R.C. to suit sizes of pin 32mm Ø welding holes of links & making size on lath machine:- One hole link 50 Dis. & Fitting of new M.S. Bottom of I.R.C, S.R.C, B.C., R.B.C., M.B.C etc. 51 Dis. fab. ere. of runners supporting box of I.R.C. & S.R.C.. B.C. & M.B.C. etc. 52 Dis. & Fitting of Square bar of cane unloader 53 Dis. & modification and re-alignment of runner beam as per instruct from chopper to drive end of CC 54 Welding of mill roller, crown pinion damaged teeth to be built as per teeth gauge and as per instruction of Engineer I/C. 55 Dis. fab. & erec. of worn out Tail end Bend (Boot) of S.R.C & I.R.C.. 56 Dis. Repairing/Replacement of worn out Scrol (Tawa) of Mill Screw Conveyor 57 Repairing worn out portion of Screw Conveyor of bottom juice trough with complete pipeline 58 Fab/Erec. mill screw conveyor new with its shaft and Tawa as per drawing. 59 Fab., & Patching of worn out damaged portion of Boiler Feed Tank 60 Dis., Repairing worn out portion & re-fitting bagasse feeder sliding arrangement of Boiler No.4,5,6 61 Dis., Fab., Ere. repairing, replacement worn-out portion of bagasse spreader of boiler No.5 & 6. 62 Dis., Repairing, Replacement & re-fitting of Ash discharge chute of boilers. 63 Cleaning inside, out side 3 Nos. boilers chimney & painting inside & out side as per instruction of I/C. 64 Fab. & Ere. of Rings for the strengthening of Boiler Chimney 65 Repairing, Fab. & Fitting of worn-out ladder of Boiler Chimney 66 Dis. Fab, & Fitting of M.S. Siev of Boiler No. 04 Fly Ash Arrestor 67 Dis., of Boiler No.4 Economizer all bends & cleaning bends tubes at site & re- fitting with hydraulic testing. 68 Dis. Fab.,& Ere of. worn out side plates approx. 6mm thick x 230 mm Height of C.C., IRC, SRC, BC, M.B.C., R.B.C., by new/old plate etc. 69 Welding at sprocket of C.C.,M.B.C., B.E,. R.B.C., S.R.C & IRC as per teeth gauge 70 Dis. Fab. & Replacement of worn out damaged portion of Boiler Chimney shell 71 Dis., of Ducting and re-fitting after mordification of Boiler No. 04 Fly Ash Arrestor 72 Fabrication, & Erection of suction cone of I.D. Fan of Boiler. 73 Feb. & Fitting of Baga-Cillo Fan Impeller As per sample. 74 Feb, & Fitting of Baga Cillo Casing. As per instruction. 75 Fab. Ere of Rotary Drum for Bagasse feeder Stacker 76 Dis. Fab. & Ere. Of New Condenser Catcher Juice & Syrup Catcher 77 Dis., Repairing, & Fitting of condenser catchers/ juice &/syrup catcher. 78 Dis., Fab., & Ere. of Sulphur Burner melter with internal coil including all necessary connection with hydraulic testing etc. 79 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of M.S. Coil in Melters/Melter Shell & Vice Versa with all necessary connection. 80 Dis Repairing & Fitting of worn out cooling Jacket of sulphur burner 81 Dis. Fab. & Fitting of Sulphur Burner Scrubber( Cooler) pipe with flanges. & Nipples. 82 Dis. Fab. & ere. of new So2 gas /boxes with Flange & Nipple at Juice Sulphitor., 83 Dis., Fab. & fitting of sulphur burner scrubber shell up to one meter height with all necessary connection. 84 Dis. Repairing, & Re-fitting of worn out sublimation pipe jacket of So2 Gas. 85 Dis. Fab. & Ere. of new Endrainment catcher/save-all of Pan/Quad /S.K. Etc. 86 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of Endrainment Catcher/Save-all of Pan Quad/S.K. Etc. 87 Dis. & Repairing of foot valve strainers for quad/spray pond/Injection pump etc. 88 Dis. repairing of worn out stirrer arm of crystallizer 89 Fab. of Seed & sugar elevator bucket as per sample. 90 Dis. Fab. Ere. of Hopper trough with trial 91 Dis. Fab., & Ere.. of internal down take of vacuum pan with all necessary connection. 92 Dis. Fab. & Ere. Of Internal down take of S.K., Vapour Shell Evaporator with all necessary connection. 93 Dis., Repairing & Fitting of discharge valve seat of V/Pan 60/40 Ton. 94 Dis.] Fab. & fitting of discharge chute of C/F Machine 95 Dis. Fab. & Ere. of umbrella from for Quad 96 Dis. Fab. & Ere. of umbrella from for Pan 97 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of condensate bottle of quad & Juice Heater. 98 Dis. Fab. Ere. Of New Condensate Bottle of Quad & Juice Heater 99 Dis. Fab.& Ere. of feed header at vacuum pan with all necessary connection. 100 Feb. Ere. & fitting of Super heated wash water system Coil in columns with necessary connection etc. 101 Fab., Ere., & replacement of worn-out Partition plate of juice heater. 102 Fab., Ere., & replacement of worn-out Grooves of Juice heater for fitting rubber strips in Juice Heaters. 103 Dis. Fab;., & Ere. of Juice Sulphitor & Syrup Sulphitor Tower Cone with all necessary connection. 104 Dis. repairing & fitting of worn out portion of old cooling coils of twin/mono vertical crystallizer & hydraulic testing. With all necessary connection. 105 Fab. & Ere. of cooling coil of Mono/Twin Vertical Crystallizer from new pipes with all body connection & hydraulic testing. 106 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of Mono/Twin Vertical Crystallizer Coil with all necessary connection. 107 Modification in Magma Mixer Arms as per instruction. 108 Dis. Fab., & Ere of . Massecuite/Juice/Lime/Syrup /Mud Gutter with all necessary connection. 109 Dis., Fab. & Ere. & of Dorr Compartment Tray. 110 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of Mud Boot of Clarifier. 111 Dis. Fab. & Ere. Of Clarifier Arms with Scrapers 112 Fab. & Ere. of cover of NK 1100/1350/WK-1150 C/F m/c as per sample 113 Shifting and re-arrangement of magma mixer with all necessary connection & driving arrangement with trial. 03 Nos. 114 Dismantling/Cleaning/Refitting PVC Cluster and its branch pipes with nozzle of spay pond 115 Dist./Fab. Ere. Quad/Pan/J.H., Condensate boxes. 116 Mordification of juice sulphider providing necessary connection of juice , lime & So2 Gas as per instruction of chief Chemist 117 Fab. and Erection of New Screw conveyor of mud mixer as per sample. 118 Repairing of worn out portion of Mud Conveyor Trough with complete pipeline. 119 Dis. Fab., & Fitting of Vacuum Filter Trough with all connection. 120 Dis. Repairing & Fitting of Vacuum Filter Trough with all connection 121 Fab. & Fitting of Vacuum Filter Agitator. 122 Dis. Fab. & Fitting of Molasses Separator for KB-1250, KCP, WK-1150 & NK-1100 C/F M/C. 123 Dis. Fab. & Ere. of Molasses Distributor(Kachchvaa) of Pans 124 Dis. Fab., & Fitting of worn-out calendria shell with new one of Pan No.6 with all necessary connection.& with hydraulic testing. 125 Modification in Bottom Saucer of Pan No.6, to suit New Calendria.. 126 Dis. & Fitting of Top Portion of Pan No.6 Shell to suit New Calendria 127 Dis. Fab. & fitting of Pan Calendria Pan No. 6 & to fitting of outer shell around calendria with all necessary connection & hydraulic testing. 128 Dis. fab. & Ere of Top Tapper Cone Vacuum Pan 129 Dis. fab. & Ere of Top Tapper Cone Quad 130 Dis.Fab. & erection of Vacuum Crystallizer Shell from M.S. Plate with all connection & satisfactory trial, 131 Dis. & Fab, & Fitting of worn-out sight glass of Pan/Quad/with flange as per sample. 132 Dis. Fab ,& Ere of new condensor of vacuum filter as per sample Dia- 600mm Height- 2.5 Mtr 133 Staightning of M.S. platform old pipe and vessal for the use of required job. 134 Dis. Od old M.S. blowdown Pit with pipe line and Valve & shiftting to scrap yard ID,FD,SA,FAN Duamper 135 Dismantling of required old flange/blind from old pipe line upto 12 dia line. 136 Dismantling fabrication, modification and erection of hopper drive arrangement. 137 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of new condenser as per sample for vacuum filter dia 600mm × height 2.5 meter 138 Dismantling of old multi cyclone type Fly Ash Arrester of Boiler No 04 with ducting and shifting to scrap yard. 139 Dismantling, fabrication & fitting of toper portion of syrup sulphitor. 140 Making straight of M.S. Platform old pipe and vessel for the use of required patching job. 141 Dismantling of Old M.S. Blow Down Pit with pipe line and valve and shifting to Scrap yard. 142 Dis., & Repairing of ID FD, SA Fan Damper 143 Fab., of IRC & SRC Rakes 144 Fab., of Old RBC & MBC Rake 145 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Dorr Compartment Shell 146 Dis. & Fitting of Bottom Compartment after removing old compartment bottom plate. 147 Dis., Fab., & Ere., of worn out C/F Machine monitor casing including housing base plate with proper support & alignment/Trial. 148 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Complete Shell of Pan/ Quad with Tapper portion and save all Pan 149 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Complete Shell of Pan/ Quad with Tapper portion and save all Quad 150 Dis, of Old C/F Machine to fit new centrifugal Machine 151 Dis., of Old Calendria of Quad body & fitting of New Calendria with all necessary connection 152 Dis., Feb., & Ere. Of worn out portion of Syrup Sulphitor/Juice Sulphitor/Pan/Quad Body shell up to one meter height 153 Feb., & Ere. Of M.S. Angle valve 800 mm size as per drawing. 154 Feb., & Ere. Of Plate form & Boiler No. 4 Chimney for sampling port. 155 Replacement of worn out portion of Boiler ID/FD Fan Casing 156 Dis., Feb., & Ere. Of Juice withdrawal Tray of Dorr of Size 6’ length x 3’ width x 2’ height. 157 Dis. Feb. Fitting & hydraulic testing of Transient Heater. 158 Dis., Feb. & fitting of Bottom plate of So2 Scrubber 159 Dis., Feb., & Fitting of Baffle plates in Juice/syrup Sulphitor 160 Dis., Feb., & Fitting of New So2 Cooler with all pipes & accessories 161 Feb., & fitting of KB-1250 Molasses Chamber Ring. 162 Dis., Feb., & fitting of Syrup sulphitor Tank with all connection & Chimney pipe etc. complete. 163 Dis., Feb., & Fitting of complete Telescopic Valve Juice Box with all connection. 164 Dis., Feb., & fitting of Half Bottom at Crystallizer. 165 Feb., & Fitting of Channel providing plate at various station for strengthening. 166 Dis., Feb., & fitting of Chain Support Guide in Secondary Rack Carrier Under Fibrizer, Bagasse elevator, RBC, & MBC. 167 Dis., Feb., & fitting of full bottom of crystallizer with all connection. 168 Dis., Feb., & Ere. Of S.K./V. Cell/Pan/Quad Bottom saucer 169 Dis. & Fitting of Juice heater Cover. 170 Feb., of 6’x6” M.S. Tee Ring from new 12 mm thick M.S. Plate and erection around vacuum Pan. 171 Dis., Fab & Ere. Of Quad Shell with save-all & all necessary connection 172 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of New Sulphur furnace with all accessories’ & connection 173 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of Juice Sulphitor shell with all accessories & connection & chimney etc. 174 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of M.S. Ring, Round, Quad Body (Bottom side) 175 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of Bottom Dome of Quad 176 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Hopper drive with all connection 177 Repairing dampers of ID/FD/SA Fan ducting to make it leak proof. 178 Dis., Repairing, & fitting of magma mixer bottom 179 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Bagasse Cello line (Approx. length of one pcs.3 meter ) 180 Modification of ID Fan Hood of Boiler No.5 181 Fab., & Ere., of Ash Discharge chute of Boilers. (Appx. L- 1 x W-1 Mtr.) 182 Fab., of M.S. Bend up to 12” Ø 183 Dis.. Fab., & Ere., of Ducting plate at Fly Ash Arrestor Chute 184 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of Fly Ash System D.S.M. Screen with Side M.S. plate 185 Ere. & Commissioning of Vibro Screen at Filtrate Tank with all connection. 186 Dis., Fab.., & Fitting of Steam Jacket at Pan 187 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of S.S. Juice Tray of Mill 188 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Cone Above One Meter Dia 189 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Cone Up to One Meter Dia. 190 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Oil Guard of Pinion & Gear at Mills & MBC/RBC 191 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Vertical Shell of Clarifier 192 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Bottom Cone of Dorr 193 Dis., & Fitting of Screen of D.S.M. at Mills. 194 Replacement of all broken & damaged Bagasse Spreader teeth (Kanghi) from M.S. Angle of 30 Ton Boiler Bagasse feeder drum. 195 Modification of Bagasse Feeding chute of 30 Ton boiler from MBC Trough as per direction given 196 Repairing & Strengthening of Weigh Bridge Structure 197 Dis., Fab., & Ere. Of Front Beam of Boiler alignment of furnace gate, upper & lower window and Bagasse feeder spreader & wall 198 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Feeder & Spreader Bed. 199 Dis., Fab., & Ere., of Front wall to make it leak proof by providing plate between spreader & wall 200 Dis., & Ere., of Channel of C.I. Plate near Steam Drum to make it leak proof of Boiler 201 Dis., & fitting of Demister plate in Wet Scrubber of Boiler and its trial. 202 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of man holes for various equipment. 203 Dis., of Top Ring and D.S.M. Screen, Providing a New extra ring to increase capacity of clarifier Fly Ash Arrestor. 204 Fab.of M.S flange upto 12 205 Repairing of Old Clear Juice heater & Fitting at Position by making staging etc. and gives successefull trial with all necessary connection 206 Fab., & Fitting of Transient heater for New C/F machine with necessory connection.to mono vertical crystalizer 207 Repairing of Damaged staging of Juice heater & fitting of Juice heater at above staging 208 Dis., Fab., & Fitting of Hanging water tank with successful trial. 209 Fab., & Fitting of New Magma Mixer with motor, pump, R.G. Box alignment work etc and gives successful trial. 210 Dis., & Fab., of Injection Suction mouth piece 211 Fitting of New Lime Circulator with pipeline with successful trial 212 Alignment work of Belt Conveyor from Hopper No. 5 to Sugar elevator. 213 Repairing of damaged staging of Pan Condensor 214 Fab., & Fitting of Monitor Gate of Molasses at Centrifugal machine. 215 Fab., & Fitting of New water super heater at Centrifugal Machine. 216 Modification in Old mud conveyor belt staging, fitting of rollers, conveyor belt durm, motor & R.G. along with mud chute suitable for 1000 mm wide belt.and to give successful trial. 217 Repairing of lime Slaker guide wheel and guide ring and to give successful trial. 218 Dis., Fab., & Erc. Of wet scrubber coil with nozzle . 219 Dis., Fab., & Erc. Of juice sulphitor bottom with all accessories and connection . 220 Dis., Fab., & Erc. Of juice sulphitor inner plate with all accessories and connection . 221 Dis., Fab., & Erc. Of New complete DSM screen. 222 Dis., Fab., & Erc. Of New Juice tank at Mill.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 15000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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