
E –Tender For Rate Contract Of Consumable Items-Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd has published E –Tender For Rate Contract Of Consumable Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-06-2020. Bandages Dressings and Related Products Tenders in Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

E –Tender For Rate Contract Of Consumable Items
Open Tender

Tender Details

E –Tender For Rate Contract Of Consumable Items - 1 MN15 Bandage 2 BD1 Bandage 1 inch (Finger) 3 CN10 Boric Acid powder 500gm 4 CN64 Compressor nebulizer(Piston) 5 AWC13 Cotton Bandage 5cm x 5 mtrs. X 6 Rolls 6 C25 Crape Bandage 7 C26 Crape Bandage 15cm 8 MN18 Lancet 9 C82 Mackintosh Double Colour Water Proof 10 CN36 N/10 HCL 11 C93 Plaster of Paris Bandages BP 12 C94 Plaster of Paris Bandages BP 15cm X 2.7 mts/Roll 13 C96 Pulse oximeter 14 C58 Surgical Rubber Gloves,Sterile ISI mark Size 6 ½,smooth 15 C59 Surgical Rubber Gloves,Sterile ISI mark Size 6,smooth 16 C60 Surgical Rubber Gloves,Sterile ISI mark Size 7 ½,smooth17 CN56 Urine bag (URO bag) 18 CN5 Ammonium Sulphate Powder 19 CN8 Barium Chloride 20 CN29 Liquid Ammonia Sodium 21 CN42 Saponin Powder 22 HIVKIT 01 HIV Rapid whole Blood Finger Prick Test Kits 23 C17 Bone Biopsy Needle 24 C18 Bone Cement 25 C19 Bone Narrow Aspiration Needle 26 C20 Bone Narrow Biopsy Needle 27 C23 Central Vein Catheters 28 C24 Corrugated rubber/latex 29 C32 Disposable Needles 30 C27 Disposable Needles 16G 31 C28 Disposable Needles 18G 32 C29 Disposable Needles 20G 33 C30 Disposable Needles 22G 34 C31 Disposable Needles 23G 35 C35 Disposable Scalp Vein Set 24g 36 C36 Disposable Suction Catheter 37 C37 Disposable Suction Catheter 14 38 C43 ECG Papers 39 C45 Elastoplast 15cm 40 C46 Endotracheal Connectors 41 C48 Endotracheal Tubes (Uncuffed) 2.5-5 mm 42 C49 Epidural Set 43 C50 Epidural Set 18G 44 C53 Foleys Urinary Catheter size 16 45 C54 Foleys Urinary Catheter size 18 46 C55 Foleys Urinary Catheter size 20 47 C73M I V Cannula With Injection valve wings SIZES 18G 48 C76M I.V.Cannula With Injection valve wings SIZES: 24G 49 C77 IV Cannula (Two Way) 3 way stop cock size 22 50 C72 IV Cannula (two way) 3 way stop cock size 18 51 C74 IV Cannula (two way) 3 way stop cock size 20 52 C73 IV Canula size 18 CE Certified and should have wings with injection port 53 C75 IV Canula size 22 CE Certified and should have wings with injection port 54 C76 IV Canula size 24 CE Certified and should have wings with injection port 55 C62 Infant feeding tubes 56 C65 Infant feeding tubes 10 57 C67 Inter costal drainage Tube (With Under Water Seal) 58 C68 Inter costal drainage Tube (with Under water seal) Pediatrics 59 C70 Intravenous Set With Airway and Needle Pediatrics 60 C81 Laryngoscopes Set of 4 Blades 61 C142 Lohexol Injection 350 mg lodine/ml 62 C85 Microdrip set 63 C88 Neonatal Rescitation Kit 64 C89 Neonatal Suction tube 10 french 65 C148 Non Ionic Contrast Media 350mg/20ml 66 C92 Pediatric drip set 67 C100 Ryles Tube (P.V.C.) Audult:18 68 C104 Simple Plain Catheters 69 C105 Skin grafting Blade 70 C106 Spinal Needle 22G 71 C107 Spinal Needle 23G 72 C110 Stilletes 73 C111 Suction Set 74 C126 Trochar and canula bivalve (Disposable and Metallic) (For SPC) 75 C127 Trochar and canula blvalve (Disposable and Metallic) (For SPC) 18 76 C128 Trochar and canula blvalve (Disposable and Metallic) (For SPC) 20 77 C129 Tube Drain PVC 78 C130 Universal Protection Kit (For Operation of HIV +ve Patient, NACO) 79 C132 Vaccum Drain 80 C165 Insulin Syringe 81 C133 Barium Sulfate 82 C56 Benedict Reagent for Suger 83 C32 Disposable Needles 84 C66 Infusion Pump 85 C144 MRI Contrast media 86 C145 MRI Contrast media 20 ml vial 87 C120 Suture Needles Curved And Round Body Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle RB 88 C131 Urinary Drainage Bag 89 SPC08 Central Venous Catheter(Double Lumen, Made of Certon, Length 15/20 cm) 90 SPC11 Central Venous Catheter(Triple Lumen, Made of Certon, Length 15 cm) 91 SPC15 Central Venous Catheter(Triple Lumen,Made of Certon, Length 20 cm) 92 S84 B.B. silk with 3/8 Cir CD with cutting needle 45 mm length 76 cm 8/0 93 S85 B.B. silk with 3/8 Cir CD with cutting needle 45mm length 76 cm 10/0 94 S2 B.B. silk with 3/8 Cir CD with cutting needle 45mm length 76cm 95 S29 Chormic with ST RB needle 60 mm Length 75 cm 96 C83 Mayos cutting suture Needle 97 C87 Needle Hypodermic - Insulin Needle 98 S43 Polydioxane with And Round body heavy needle 40mm,length 90cm size 1 99 C122 Suture Needle Curved And Round Body Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle RB Size 16-20 100 C116 Suture Needles Curved And Cutting Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle Cutting 101 C117 Suture Needles Curved And Cutting Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle Cutting Size 1-5 102 C118 Suture Needles Curved And Cutting Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle Cutting Size 16-20 103 C121 Suture Needles Curved And Round Body Assorted Pack 1/2 Circle RB Size 1-5 104 C33 prickling Needles Disposable 26G 105 S10 Black braided silk (without needle in reels) 3/0 106 S30 Coated polyster Braided (1/2 Cir. RB D needle 25mm length 75cm) size 3/0 107 S48 Polyglecapron with 1/2 Cir Oval RB JB needle 26mm Length 70m size 2/0 108 S50 Polyglecapron with 3/8 cir reverse cutting needle 16mm size 4/0 109 S51 Polyglecapron with curved reverse cutting needle 16mm 110 S39 Polymide with CD cut 16mm length 70cm 111 S63 Polypropylene with 1/2 Tapper cut double needle 25mm length 90 cm size 112 S64 Polypropylene with 1/2 Tapper cut needle 25mm length 90 cm size 2/0 113 S67 Polypropylene with cutting needle 45mm length 100cm size 1 114 CN62 X -ray Film Developer Ltr. 115 CN63 X -ray Film Fixer 13.5

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