
Supply Of Museum Items To The Department Of Anthropology - 1. Hand Axe(S) 2. Hand Axe Cum Scrapper (2) 3. Cleaver (B) 4. Core Scrapper(B) 5. Hand Axe(B) 6. Scrapper (B) 7. Borer (B) 8. Point 9. Burin 10. Bone Awl (B)-Sikkim

Sikkim University has published Supply Of Museum Items To The Department Of Anthropology - 1. Hand Axe(S) 2. Hand Axe Cum Scrapper (2) 3. Cleaver (B) 4. Core Scrapper(B) 5. Hand Axe(B) 6. Scrapper (B) 7. Borer (B) 8. Point 9. Burin 10. Bone Awl (B). Submission Date for this Tender is 06-06-2020. Medical Equipment Tenders in Sikkim. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Museum Items To The Department Of Anthropology - 1. Hand Axe(S) 2. Hand Axe Cum Scrapper (2) 3. Cleaver (B) 4. Core Scrapper(B) 5. Hand Axe(B) 6. Scrapper (B) 7. Borer (B) 8. Point 9. Burin 10. Bone Awl (B)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Museum Items To The Department Of Anthropology - 1. Hand Axe(S) 2. Hand Axe Cum Scrapper (2) 3. Cleaver (B) 4. Core Scrapper(B) 5. Hand Axe(B) 6. Scrapper (B) 7. Borer (B) 8. Point 9. Burin 10. Bone Awl (B) 11. Triangle 12. Trapeze 13. Flutted Core 14. Knife 1 15. Knife 2 16. Elk Tooth Utility Pendant 17. Polished Celt 1 18. Polished Celt 3 19. Polished Celt 4 20. Polished Celt 6 21. Polished Celt 7 22. Disc 23. Carved Axe For Hafting 1 24. Mallet Axe 2 25. Adze 2 26. Flaked Celt 2 27. Chisel 2 28. Lunate 29. Laurel Leaf Point 30. Willow Leaf Point 31. Tortoise Core (S) 32. LPT-Sharpening stone 33. Tear drop hand axe 34. NT-Bone beamer skinner 35. UPT-Flaked scrapper 36. UPT-Flutted core 37. UPT-Trapeze 38. UPT-Triangle 39. UPT-Venus 40. Lion –man statue 41 Dimetrodon 42 Darwinus 43 Therocephalia 44 Cynodont 45 Smilodectus 46 Shoshonis 47 Parapithecus grangeri 48 Parapithecus fraasi 49 Aegyptopithecus zeuxis 50 Proconsul africanus 51 Turkanapithecus 52 Shivapithecus 53 Dryopithecus pilgrimi 54 Dryopithecus fontani 55 Ramapithecus 56 Gigantopithecus Mandible 57 Australopithecus sediba 58 Australopithecus africanus (Taung Child) 59 Paranthropusboisei 60 Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) 61 Australopithecus robustus 62 Homo habilis 63 Paranthropus boisei 64 Homo ergaster (Turkana Boy) 65 Pithecanthropus erectus (Javaman) 66 Sinanthropus pekinensis (Peaking Man) 67 Narmada Man (Homo Narmodensis) 68 Homo heidelbergensis (Petrilona 69 Homo sapiens (Progressive Neanderthal) Skull V 70 CroMagnon Man 71 Chancelade Man 72 Grimaldi Man 73 Homo neanderthalensis denisovan (Molars) 74 Orangutan 75 Gorilla 76 Chimpanzee 77 Baboon 78 Gibbon

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