Tender For Fabrication And Erection Jobs-1 Dismantling of M.S./G.I./ C.I./ SS / RMP pipe from 1” to 12” dia 2 Erection of MS/GI/CI/SS/ RMP pipe 1” to 12” dia 3 Dismantling of M.S. / SS/C.I. pipe line above 12” dia 4 Fabrication & Erection of M S / SS pipe line above 12” dia from M.S. / SS plate 5 Erection of C.I pipe line above 12” dia 6 Fabrication & Erection of Nipple 1” to 12” 7 Fabrication & Erection of Nipple above 12’’ dia 8 Fabrication & Erection of bend 1” to 12” 9 Fabrication & Erection of bend above 12’’ dia 10 Dismantling of Reducer/Tee 1” to 12” dia 11 a) Dis,Fab & Erection of Blind 1” to 12” dia 12 a) Dis,Fab & Erection of Blind above 12” dia 13 a) Dis,Fab & Erection of valve 14 Cutting & washing of old flange 15 Dismantling of structure/Platform 16 Fabrication & erection of structure/platforms 17 Dis & erection of railing 18 Dismantling of M.S. Round/Square/conical bottom Tanks 19 Fabrication& Erection of M.S. Round/ Square /conical bottom Tanks 20 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of suction strainer of Spray pump / injection pump 21 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Manhole with neck flange cover 22 Cutting & strengthening of old material 23 Dismantling,Fabri & erection of coils 24 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of M.S. Gutters. 25 Fabrication of flange from M.S. Plate with drill 26 Dismantling & Erection of Angle valves size 450 mm & above 27 Dismantling fabrication and erection of foundation bed of pumps/gear box with their drives 28 Patch work at Mill house ,Boiling House and C/F House etc. 29 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of Grab of unloader complete. 30 Fabrication & Erection of Grab Arm 31 Dismantling fabrication and erection of grab box of unloader 32 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of unloader Bridge rail 33 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of sq. bar of cane unloader. 34 Dismantling and erection of worn-out runners of cane carrier, RBC, Bagasse Elevator and inter carrier 35 Dismantling and erection of worn-out Angle and channels of runners of cane carrier, RBC, Bagasse Elevator and inter carrier 36 Dismantling, Fabrication and erection of worn-out trough of RBC, Bagasse Elevator & Rack carriers from a) M S plate 6/8 mm 37 b) S S plate 4/5 mm 38 Dismantling, Fabrication and erection of worn-out side plate of cane carrier & Rack carriers from a) M S plate 6/8 mm 39 b) S S plate 4/5 mm 40 Fabrication of rake for rake carrier 41 Dis. Feb. & erection of rack carrier trough tail end side complete 42 Dis. Feb. & erection of rack carrier trough tail or rear end side complete 43 Fabrication and erection of Donnelly chute of Rack carrier 44 Dismantling Fabrication and erection structure of cane carrier drive 45 Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection of a) Mincer Hood 46 b) Cutter Hood 47 c) Chopper Hood 48 Dismantling, Fabrication and erection of worn-out Juice tray at mill house from 10/12 mm plate 49 Dis. Feb. & erection of Mill house screw conveyor 50 Dis. Feb. & erection of mill house screw conveyor trough 51 Dismantling, Fabrication and Erection of economiser side plates and top plates (from 6 mm plate) 52 Dis,feb,& erection of boiler flue gas ducting between boiler & chimney (from 6mm/8mm plate.) 53 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of bend of boiler flue gas ducting between boiler and chimney ( from 6/8mm thick plate.) 54 Dismantling and Erection of boiler bagasse feeding CI mouth piece. 55 Dismantling ,fabrication and erection of new wet scrubber 56 Dismantling & Erection of Wet scrubber of sieve plate 57 Dismantling ,fabrication and erection of worn out plate of wet scrubber 58 Dismantling ,fabrication and erection of worn out plate of feed tank(from 10 mm plate) 59 Dismantling ,fabrication and erection of feed tank(from 10 mm plate) 60 Dis. & Erection of FD and ID fan casing 61 Fabrication of FD and ID fan casing 62 Dis. Fabrication And erection of bagasse cillow blower 63 Dismantling & Erection of Boilers furnace C.I Door frame and Door. 64 Dismantling .Feb & Erection of dampers of Boilers 65 Dismantling .Feb & Erection of bagasse feeder dampers 66 Patch work of worn our portion of pan / evaporator body shell 67 Patch work of Save all & Umbrella of pan / evaporator bodies 68 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of De-Super Heater Coils 69 Dismantling Fabrication and erection of inter connecting square box for juice heater Double beat valve 70 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Mud Scroll / screw conveyor 71 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Bagacillo cyclone 72 Dismantling ,Fabrication &Erection of stone catcher strainer 73 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Save all from 10 mm to 12mm MS plate a) Pan 74 b) Quad & Vapour cell 75 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Umbrella a) Pan 76 b) Quad & Vapour cell 77 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of bottom and top cone a) Pan 78 b) Quad & Vapour cell 79 c) Juice sulphiter / syrup sulphiter and cone of any other units above 12” dia 80 a) Replacement of cooling jacket for the sulphur burning chamber 81 b) Replacement of sulphur furnace cooling scrubber complete with internal 8” cooling jacket, 6” gas pipe and 4” cooling pipe 82 c) dismantling, fabrication & erection of cooler made from 8” dia pipe for sulphur furnace 83 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Sulphur burning chamber of Sulphur Furnace(satwik type) 84 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Sulphur melt Tank 85 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of coil for Sulphur melter 86 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of condenser of vacuum filter 87 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Vacuum filter a) Mud trough 88 b) Agitator 89 Fabrication & erection of Mud Boots for Dorr 90 a. Replacement of clarifier center tube 91 b. Replacement of MS Scrapper arms of clarifier center tubes. 92 c. Replacement of clarifier juice distribution plates 93 Replacement of Clarifier Bottom plate complete 94 Replacement of Clarifier Bottom plate complete 95 Vapour Cell a) Dismantling of Vapour Cell Tube plate 96 b) Erection of Vapour cell Tube plate 97 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Calendria Shell of Vapour cell with 12 mm M.S. plates. 98 Dismantling and erection of semi Kestner top/ bottom saucer for its tube replacement 99 Replacement of Quad / Vapour Cell down take 100 Strengthing of Umbrella of pan / evaporator bodies 101 Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of body shell a) Juice Sulphitor 102 b) Evaporator bodies 103 c) Pan 104 Dismantling of brass/SS tubes of a) Pans 105 b) Evaporator bodies 106 c) Juice heater 107 d) Semi Kestner 108 Fitting of Brass/SS Tubes and to be tested at 80 PSI Hyd. Pressure a) Pans 109 b) Evaporator bodies 110 c) Juice heater 111 d) Semi Kestner 112 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of flash tank for juice clarifier. 113 Replacement of worn out compartment plate& square grooves of juice heaters a) Damaged top compartment plates 114 b) Damaged bottom compartment plates 115 Juice heater covers a) Dismantling and erection of top cover of juice heater. 116 b) Dismantling and erection of bottom covers of juice heater. 117 Strengthening of Pan /quad shell with Ms angle an channel(circular type Ms channel and cross by angle 118 Replacement of J-pipe in vapour cell/ quad body/ pan 119 Dismantling, Fabrication and erection of clear juice over flow box for juice clarifier including all accessories. 120 Dismantling, Fabrication & fitting of Jet Box in M.S. Material 121 Dismantling, Fabrication, fitting of Jet Box in S S Material 122 Dismantling, Fabrication & fitting of Nipples 8” to 10” dia for Jet Box of Condenser 123 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of vapour pipe bend 36” to 40” dia from MS plate 124 PAN a) Dismantling & Erection of pan tube plate 125 b) Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Calendria Shell with 12 mm M.S. plates pan 126 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of segment of pan shell 127 Dismantling, Fabrication and erection of complete pan shell including sight glass, Man hole, provision of key sample, vacuum gauge, ammonia pipes ,glass washing pipe, cold water line connections and other accessories connected to body shell, Umbrella including welding of M.S. angles for supports etc., top taper cone including connections of washing steam pipes etc., save all including J-pipes etc, vapour pipe outlet nipple of save all, Feed pipe connections etc. 128 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of worn out feeding Header of pans 129 Replacement of C.I. Cone (venture)of Multijet condenser 130 Dismantling’ fabrication & erection of molasses / m/c gutter 131 Lifting of syrup sulphiter & connected pipe lines etc.to1.0mtr approx. height above the top level of syrup / molasses storage tanks at pan station. 132 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of over head water tank, syrup/molasses tank complete in all respects i.e. welding of MS angles for strengthening of tanks, dismantling and erection of platform , ladders, railings. 133 Replacement of Pan down take 134 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of rectangular coil of molasses tank 135 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of save all from 8mm to 10mm 136 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of save all from 8mm to 10mm MS plate excluding outer shell 137 Dismantling ,Fabrication & Erection of Vapour pipe 36’’-40’’ dia 138 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of molasses conditioner stirrer 139 a) Dismantling . Fabrication & Erection of Crystallizer cooling shaft 140 a) Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of cooling pipe coil in the crystallizer made from 4” dia pipe 141 b) Patch work of crystallizer cooling shaft 142 Vacuum crystallizer / Dry seed crystallizer (i) Dismantling, fabrication & erection of complete shell or its part along with dismantling, erection & alignment of complete drive system 143 Installation, fabrication and erection jobs of plentary gear box: na)Dismantling of existing gear box, motors, .worm and worm wheel &Fabrication of foundation bed and erection of plentary gear box. n 144 Worm and worm wheel, Gland housing of Crystallizers: a)Dismantling and erection of existing worm and worm wheel, gear box, motor and alignment work of worm and worm wheel, gear box and motor for satisfactory trial. 145 b)Dismantling and erection of gland housing of crystallizer shaft. 146 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of shaft with arms of Dry seed crystallizer / vacuum crystallizer. 147 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of agitator arms of juice sulphitoror dry seed crystallizer or vacuum crystallizer. 148 Replacement of all arms of air cooled crystallizer. 149 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of circular bottom portion of magma mixer. 150 Magma Mixer nDismantling ,Fabrication &Erection of magma mixer including shaft / arms / drive etc. n 151 Dismantling and erection of existing syrup/ molasses/ magma pipe lines for their internal/external cleaning 152 Replacement of Transient Heater Tubes with tube plates 153 dismantling of old transient heater and erection of new transent heater 154 Hoppers a) Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Deck piece & alignments of Hopper 155 b) Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Hopper piece 156 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Hopper piece including Multi trays. 157 d) Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Hopper complete. 158 Fabrication of bucket for Sugar Elevator / Dry Seed Elevator 159 For spray Pond one side na) Fabrication of SS pipe line up to 12” dia from 4 mm thick SS plate n 160 b) Fabrication of SS cluster for fitting 2” size pipe with nozzles n ( as fitted in existing clusters) n 161 c) Threading in 2” dia SS pipe line for fitting nozzles 162 Fabrication of balanced single/double stage fan / impeller having outer dia up to 18” and width up to 5” for air blower of hopper as per existing. 163 Fabrication of balanced fan/impeller for exhaust blower having OD 23” & width 14” approx. as existing for batch type centrifugal machines. 164 Fabrication and erection of complete casing having outer dia for circular portion from 20” to 22” approx. as existing for hot / cold air blower of hoppers. 165 Fabrication and erection of complete casing having outer dia for circular portion 32” approx as existing exhaust blower of batch type centrifugal machines. 166 Dismantling and erection of sugar grader of side plate including modification of structure. 167 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of Discharge Chute of batch Type C/f machine 168 Replacement of Transient Heater Tubes with tube plates 169 dismantling of old transient heater and erection of new transent heater 170 Fabrication & erection of new heating unit of hot air blower including its shell and tube plate, fitted with new tubes for hopper no. 2 171 Dismantling C/F Machine including water, steam connection and discharge chute 172 Erection C/F Machine including water, steam connection and discharge chute including modification of staging / structure 173 Dismantling of juice heater along with connected pipe line and valve up to 2 mtr. 174 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of roof for Final Molasses Tank 175 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of shell for Final Molasses Tank