construction and repairing of footpath, cement concrete road, patch and labour work, grouting work, supply of vetmix, repairing and painting of footpath, road reinstate work, supply of road hotmix material, thermoplastic paint, road street furniture work, Fixing of paver block, road motorable work, construction of rigid pavement road, repair of potholes, construction of anganwadi, demolition of old anganwadi, building work, civil work in garden, rstation, repairing of fire station, urban health center, crematorium, sub zonal office cabin, bore, fixing of interlock paver block, repairing and renovation of building, garden, anganwadi, pay and use, construction of compound wall, Carried out necessary repairing / renovation work in different municipal buildings & Bore cabin, maintenance and laying of drainage line, up-gradation of manhole and road leveling work, laying of storm water line, construction of catch pit, raising of manhole, breakdown of drainage line, supply of tanker, water maintenance labour work, water line leakage, pollution work, maintenance, pressure of water line, supply of tractor trolley, labour, fitting of board.