TENDER FOR Servicing And Routine Maintenance Of Air Conditioners , servicing of existing installed wtac/ stac of 1 . 5 tr & 2 . 0 tr capacity ac & water coolers of 80/150/250 lph , checking for unit , inspection greasing , oiling etc . i/c chemical cleaning of condensing & cooling coil with high pressure pump changing the air filter , checked & tightening all electric connections , testing the machine etc . as reqd . , supply & charging refrigerant gas in the existing wtac/stac / of 1 . 5/2 . 0 tr unit i/c pressure testing , flushing the system and gas charging complete as reqd . , replacement of following capacity compressor in the existing wtac/split ac making copper pipe connection , brazing pressure testing and supplying and charging refrigerant gas i/c cutting the copper piping dismantling of the old compressor complete as reqd . ( make:- hitachi/ whirlpool/ kirloskar as per compatibility of air conditioner ) , 1 . 5 tr , 2 . 0 tr , providing & replacement wtac/stac/ ctac fan motor capacity 1/4 to 1/8 hp including dismantling the burned motor from the existing unit & fixing of new motor , making connections testing , commissioning etc . as reqd . ( make:- lg/ voltas/ as per compatibility of air conditioner ) , providing & replacement wtac/stac/ fan motor capacity 1/2 to 1 hp including dismantling the old and worn out motor from the existing unit and fixing of new motor , making connections testing , commissioning etc . as reqd . ( make:- lg/ voltas/ as per compatibility of air conditioner ) , supplying & fixing 25 mm diameter pvc heavy duty pipe for drainage in the existing split type ac unit with supporting clamps etc . complete as reqd . ( make :- polycab/ finolex/ akg ) , supplying , fixing , testing and commissioning of interconnecting copper refrigerant pipe of size of 1/4 discharge side & 1/2 suction side from indoor unit to outdoor unit alongwith closed cell nitrite rubber insulation as per specification properly supported with clamps etc . complete as reqd . ( make :- mandev / malaysia ) , providing & fixing of ( 3x2 . 5 sq . mm ) pvc insulated & pvc sheathed copper conductor circular flexible cable & commissioning etc . as required . ( make:-finolex/rr kable/ skytone/havells/polycab/ralison/ bencab ) , relocating of existing installed stac of 1 . 5 tr & 2 . 0 tr capacity with outdoor unit , from its location to another location , i/c testing & commissioning etc . as required . , supplying & replacement of following defective spare parts in the existing ac unit i/c connection testing etc . complete as required . ( dismantle material retained by contractor ) ( make:- shiva/ tibkon/ shrada/ havells ) , running capacitor - 36 mfd . /45 mfd . , starting capacitor- 80/100 mfd . , repair of damaged pcb of indoor & outdoor unit including tightening the loose connection , testing the machine etc . as reqd . , supplying & replacement of remote control system with remote ( wireless/with wire remote ) in the existing installed window/split type ac i/c all interconnection , testing and commissioning complete as reqd . ( l . g/ azure/ voltas or different suitable make ) , supplying & replacement of wornout/defective copper condenser coil with same size of design suitable for following capacity split type ac out door unit i/c breezing the all copper pipe with all distribution joints of make sure the connection with capillary tube linking dryer duly proper etc pressure testing leak detection , vaccumizing the unit , gas charging etc complete as reqd . ( dismantle retain by contractor ) , a ) 1 . 5tr capacity , supplying and replacement of cooling coil suitable for 1 . 5 ton/2 ton wtac unit i/c cutting the existing condenser from the existing unit rewelding new condenser pressure testing of leakage i/c gas charging complete as reqd . , comprehensive & routine maintenance of wtac/stac/ unit & water cooler i/c attending day to day complaints from 9am to 5pm & rectifying the defects , supplying & replacement of worn out parts such as capacitors , starting relays , selector switches , sleeves , knobs , front grills connectors etc . which required to be replace during routine maintenance & monthly cleaning of filters etc . ( replacement of compressor , condenser fan , blower , fan/blower motor , coils , main lead , gas charging etc . not covered under routine maintenance ) complete as per terms & condition and direction of engineer-in-charge . ( 106 nos . x 8 months= 848nos . ) ( note:- the comprehensive maintenance will start after 01 month of servicing of acs ) , credit for dismantle material , worn out 1 . 5/2 . 0 tr capacity compressor , burn out fan motor 1 , 1/2 , 1/4 , 1/8 , , refrigerant copper pipe , worn out condenser coil , worn out coiling coil , running/starting capacitors