Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals On Rate Contract Basis For All Esis Hospitals 1. Anti ‘A’ Sera-10Ml, 2. Anti ‘B’ Sera-10Ml, 3. Anti ‘Ab’ Sera-10Ml, 4. Anti ‘D’ Sera Igm-10Ml, 5. Anti ‘D’ Sera Igm.& Igm ( Blended ) -10Ml, 6. Anti ‘H’ Sera-10Ml, 7. Anti A1 Lectin-10Ml, 8. Albumin Test Kit-2X50ml, 9. Alkaline Phosphates-125Ml, 10. A.S.L.O Test Kit-25Tests, 11. Amylase-3X30ml, 12. Billirubin-1000Ml, 13. Benedict’S Solution-500Ml, 14. Calcium, 15. Coomb’S Sera-5Ml, 16. Creatinine-1000Ml, 17. Cholesterol Test-1000Ml, 18. Cholesterol Hdl-1000Ml, 19. Crp Test Kit-25Tests, 20. Cedar Wood Oil-30Ml, 21. Chikungunya Card Test-10 Tests, 22. De Ionized Water-10Liters, 23. Dpx Mountant-250Ml, 24. Dengue Fever Igm & Igg Card Test-10Tests, 25. Edta Powder-500Gm, 26. Carbol Fuschin-125Ml, 27. Flow Cell Cleaning Solution-100Ml, 28. Methylene Blue-125Ml, 29. Gram Stain Kit-Cost / Kit, 30. Glucose Reagent -5000Ml, 31. Hba Ic Nycer Method -24Test, 32. Leishman’S Stain-250Ml, 33. Leishman’S Powder-50Gm, 34. Pregnancy Test Kit -50Tests, 35. Printer Roll, 36. Rapid Dot Elisa For Typhoid-50Tests, 37. Rapid Pap Stain Kit-250Smears, 38. R.A.Test Kit-25Tests, 39. Sulphosalicylic Acid-500Ml, 40. S.G.O.T-Costs Per Ml, 41. S.G.P.T-Cost Per Ml, 42. Sodium Citrate Solution 3.8%-Cost / Ml, 43. Troponin-I Card Test -10 Tests, 44. Total Protein-Cost Per Ml, 45. Triglycerides-Cost Per Ml, 46. Troponin-T Card Test -10Tests, 47. Urea Test Kit-Cost Per Ml, 48. Uric Acid-Cost Per Ml, 49. Uristics-Alb.Sug-100 Stripssl, 50. Uristics – 9 Parameters-100 Strips, 51. V.D.R.L Test Kit ( Rpr ) -50 Tests, 52. V.D.R.L Card Test-40Tests, 53. Vacuette System K2 Edta 2 Ml.-100Nos, 54. Vacuette System K3 Edta 2 Ml.-100Nos, 55. Vacuette System Sodium Citrate 3.8% -100Nos, 56. Vacuette System Plain Bulb 2 Ml.100Nos, 57. Vacuette System Microcuvette For Coagulometer Along With Lead Bullets-50Nos, 58. Vacuette System Microcuvette For Biochemistry Analyser -100Nos, 59. Widal Test Kit-50Tests, 60. Fouchets-125Ml, 61. Xylene-500Ml, 62. Micropipette Tips ( Yellow + White ) -Cost Per 1000, 63. Micropipette Tips ( Blue ) -Cost Per 1000, 64. Stool For Occult Blood-50 Tests, 65. Leptospirosis Test-10 Tests, 66. Macconikey Agar-Cost / Plate, 67. Muller Hilton Agar-Cost / Plate, 68. Chocolate Agar-Cost / Plate, 69. Nutrient Agar-Cost / Plate, 70. Sabourands Dextrose Agar-Cost / Plate, 71. Peptone Water-Cost / 5Ml, 72. Gram Negative Discs-Cost / 50 Discs, 73. Gram Positive Discs-Cost / 50 Discs, 74. Uti Discs-Cost-50 Discs, 75. Platinum Loops-Cost / Loop, 76. Sterile Urine Container -100 Nos, 77. Sterile Swabs For Culture In Sterile Container-100 Nos, 78. Sterile Stool Container With Spatula-100 Nos, 79. Urine Culture Bottles-12 Tests, 80. Blood Culture Bottles-10 Tests, 81. Coagulation Reagent For Pt-50 Ml, 82. Coagulation Reagent For Aptt-50 Ml, 83. K O H Solution--100 Ml, 84. Sulphuric Acid 5%-500Ml, 85. Iodine Solution-100 Ml, 86. Micro Albuminuria Test Kit-50 Test Kit, 87. H.I.V Rapid Card Test With Recombinant Hiv-I And Hiv-Ii Antigens ( Approved By Who ) -100 Test Kit, 88. H.C.V Card ( Approved By Who ) -50 Test Kit, 89. Hbs Ag Card Test ( Approved By Who ) -100 Tests, 90. Malaria Card Test Pv, Pf, Po, Pm-50-50 Tests,