tender for Road Works Inside Manali Refinery Of Cpcl , Chennai , preparation and consolidation of subgrade with vibratory power roller of 8-12t capacity after box cutting earth below finished ground level for road work in all types of soil , dressing of sides in slopes , levelling , grading and ramming of bottoms , de-watering of accumulated water from any source and keeping the surface dry till the completion of subsequent work and disposal or stacking of excavated materials within a lead of 100m as directed supply of all labours , tools , equipments to complete the work , etc . as per specifications and directions of engineer-in-charge . , providing and construction of granular sub-base ( gsb ) with close graded coarse and fine material confirming to grade-i ( size range 75mm to 0 . 075mm ) , mixed well as per specifications; over prepared subgrade as directed including the cost of gsb material , taxes , royalties , transportation to site , handling , spreading , watering , compacting in layers to proper grade/camber/level with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density , ramming , with all transportation , leads and lifts , etc . complete as per specifications and directions of engineer-in-charge . , providing and laying to required camber granular base wet mix macadam , comprising of coarse aggregate 53 mm & down size as per specification including preparation of mix in approved mixing plant with controlled addition of water , spreading with paver finisher or motor grader & rolling with vibratory power roller in layer of compacted thickness 150mm as directed by engineer-in-charge . , providing & laying to required camber bituminous macadam with 60/70 ( vg-30 ) grade bitumen over prepared granular base comprising of bitumen , coarse aggregate , fine aggregate , anti stripping agent as per specification , including spraying of prime coat @ 0 . 9kg/sq . m . and tack coat @ 0 . 3kg/sq . m . , spreading of mix with self propelled paver finisher & rolling with vibratory power roller inclusive of applying prime coat and tack coat as per specifications , as directed by engineer-in-charge . , providing and laying 30 mm thick bitumen premix carpet consisting of 12mm & down stone with 5 . 5% , 60/70 ( vg-30 ) grade bitumen and including heating bitumen , mixing stone chips , grit , laying to proper grade and camber with 12 mm and down size aggregate , including the preparation of surface , rolling premix carpet with vibratory power roller , including spreading sand over finished surfaces including brushing and clearing surfaces , spraying tack coat of bitumen @ 0 . 9kg/sq . m , etc . , all complete as per specifications and directions of engineer-in-charge . , transporting & disposing the surplus earth from construction area ( beyond the initial lead of 100m ) to vaikkadu area up to a lead of 7km including re-excavating the deposited soil excavated earlier , transportation , loading , unloading , laying at all depths & heights , stacking , levelling and dressing both areas ( viz . , from where the earth is transported and where it is deposited ) to required levels and slopes complete with all lifts as directed by engineer-in-charge . ( note:- if measured by stacks , 30% voids will be deducted . ) , demolishing plain cement concrete ( taking all necessary safety precautions ) manually / by mechanical means for all depths and heights below and above plinth level including supply of all tools and tackles , necessary scaffolding , propping , underpinning , cleaning and disposal of unserviceable material in vaikkadu area within a lead of 7km outside the refinery premises as directed by the engineer-in-charge . , demolishing reinforced cement concrete ( taking all necessary safety precautions ) manually / by mechanical means for all depths and heights below and above plinth level including supply of all tools & tackles labours , necessary scaffolding , propping , underpinning , cleaning and including , cutting , straightening , scrapping of rebars and disposal of unserviceable material in vaikkadu area within a lead of 7km outside the refinery premises as directed by the engineer-in-charge . , cutting and clearing the area of grass , rank , vegetation , wild growth bushes , trees and plants upto 30cm girth measured at a height 1 . 0m above ground level , etc . , including removal of rubbish , grass , plants , bushes , by cutting it , removing completely as per directions of engineer-in-charge and collecting all cut grass , vegetation , etc . and disposal at vaikkadu area within a lead of 7km outside the refinery premises with all tools , labour , etc . complete as per specfications and directions of engineer-in-charge . , removal/cleaning of earth deposits from existing road surface , cutting and removing all loose and defective materials of road work by mechanical /manual means , cutting and levelling the high berms/road surface including proper alignment to the required grade and camber , preparing the surface for further laying of bitumen premix carpet layer and disposal of unserviceable material lead upto 100m , etc . complete as per directions of engineer-in-charge . , providing and laying non-pressure np3 class ( medium duty ) rcc hume pipe of 450mm dia . with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 for road crossing , etc . including cutting , lowering , laying in position , with proper level , slope , testing of joints , etc . as per specifications and directed by engineer-in-charge . , demolishing bituminous road ( taking all necessary safety precautions ) including bituminous carpet , metal base , soling , etc . including supply of all tools & tackles , necessary scaffolding , propping , underpinning , etc . , disposal of the unserviceable material up to 7 . 0km lead outside the refinery premises in vaikkadu area complete as per specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge . , providing and laying at or near ground level factory made precast cement concrete kerb stones of 1:1 . 5:3 ( 1 cement: 1 . 5 coarse aggregate: 3 fine aggregates ) cement concrete of size as per site condition , including excavation , backfilling , postion to the required line , level and curvature , jointed with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement: 2 m-sand ) including making joints with or without grooves ( thickness of joints except at sharp curves shall not be more than 5mm ) including making drainage opening wherever required , submitting of test reports , all complete , etc . as per direction of engineer-in-charge . , supplying and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint for kerb stones of asian or any other equivalent approved brand of required shade and including surface preparation , cleaning , removing dust , filling all holes , etc . all complete as per specifications and directions of engineer-in-charge . , providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2 . 5mm thick as road marking strips including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sq . m area , thickness of 2 . 5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per irc:35 . the finished surface to be level uniform and free from streaks and holes , etc . complete as per morth specification and as directed by engineer-in-charge .