Tender For Training School Of Nursing Equipment And Instrument , 24*16 , 14*10 , 11*9 , 8*5 , Trays , 6 Diameter , 4 Diameter , Enema Can 1/2 Leter , 1000 Ml , 500 Ml , 250 Ml , Assorted Size Basins , Catheter Dish Cover Stainless Still , Knife With Cover Stainless Still , Feeding Cup Stainless Still , Douche Can , Sputum Mug , Bed Pans , Urinal Male , 4 Diameter , 2 Diameter , 12*8 , 6*4 , 8*4 , 12*9 , Tub For Sitz Bath , 1 Ltr Capacity , 2 Ltr Capacity , 1 Ltr Capacity , 2 Ltr Capacity , Pint Measure , Bottle Brush , Cheatle Forceps , Sponge Holding Foceps , Artery Clamps , Straight 6 , Curved 6 , Mosquito Forceps , Kockers , Surgical 8 , Bandage , Sinus Forceps , Biopsy Needle , Liver Biopsy Needle , Alice Forceps , Probe , Groove Directors With Probe , Mouthe Gag , Tongue Depressor , Tongue Holding Forceps , Nasal Speculam , Aural Speculam , Single Hooke , Double Hooke , Bladder Sound , Male Urethral Dilators , Nasal , Oral , Era Irrgation Syringe , Era Speculum , Shaving Set , Safety Razor With Blades , Bard Parker Knife Handle , Surgical Blades Different Sizes , Catheters , Airway , Small , Big , Protoscope , Infusion Set , Otoscope , Ophthalmoscope , Tracheostomy Set With Various Size Of Tracheal Tubes , Head Mirror , Tuning Fork , Oxygen Cylinder With Stand , Oxygen Mask , 240 Ml , 120 Ml , 30 Ml , Undine , Eye Batch Cup , Pipettes And Droppers , Glass Connection , Differen Types E . G . Ytl , Wolfs Bottle , Conical Flasks , Ounce Glass , Dram Glass , Oral , Rectal , Pulse Meter , Urinometer , Lactometer , Haemoglobinometer , Glass Slides With Cover , Bottle 500 Ml Capacity For Lotions And Mixtures , Atomizer , Manometer , Glucometer , Head Mirror , 2 Ml , 5 Ml , 10 Ml , 20 Ml , Tuberculin Syringe , Insulin Syringe With Needle , Needles - All Sizes , Lumbar Puncture Needle , Trocar , Cannula For Abdominal Paracentesis , Iv Cannulas Different Types And Sizes , Adult , Children , Sternal Puncture Needle , 6 , 7 , 8 , Each Two , Suture Cutting Scissors , Straight , Curved , Cotton , Catgut Tube Breaker , Suture Clip , Suture Clip Applier And Remover , Mackintosh Roll , Full Bed Length , Draw Mackintosh , Extra For Treatment And Dressing , Hot Water Bag , Gloves Different Sizes , Urinary Catheter , Foleys Catheter , Nasal Catherer , Plain Catheter , Rectal Catheter , Finger Stalls Different Sizes , Air Rings , Mucus Sucker , Breast Pump , Nipple Shield , Gastric Lavage Tube , Ryles Tube , Flatus Tube , Blakemore Sengstaken Tube , Rectal Syrgines With Nozzle , Ring Pessaries All Sizes , Douche Nozzle Different Sizes , Mortar And Pestle , Nelsons Inhaler , Wooden Shock Blocks , Test Tube Stand , Test Tube Holder , Steriliser Small , Portable Autoclave , Torch , Nail Brush , Adult Weighing Scale , Baby Weighing Scale , Back Rest , Spints Different Sizes , Bandages Different Sizes , Adhesive Tapes , I . V . Stand , Tape Measure , Bucket With Cover , Comb , Microscopes , Regular , Electronic , Strthoscope , Soap And Soap Dish , Dust Bins , Over Bed Table ( Heart Table ) , Screen/Bed Side Curtains , Methylated Spirit , Benedicts Solution , Tr . Loading/Betadine , Tr . Benzoin , Nitric Acid , Acetic Acid , Sulphur Powder , Ammonium Sulphate Crustals , Vaseline , Glycerine , Liquid Paraffin , Potassium Permanganate Crystals , Boric Solution , Hydrogen Peroxide , Sodium Bicarbonate Powder , Litms Paper Strips Red And Blue , Linen , Adult , Child , Adult , Child , Bed Sheets , Baby Cot Sheets , Pillows , Large , Small , Pillows Cover , Large , Small , Sand Bag With Covers , Blankets , Bed Spreads , Towels , Bath , Hand , Surgical , Packing , Towels Clip , Sponge Cloth , Hot Water Bag Covers , Ice Cap Covers , Air Rings/Cushion Covers , Gowns And Mask , Patients Clothes , Male , Female , Baby Fresses Of Different Sizes , Diapers Different Sizes , Trolly Cover , Dirty Linen Bag/Box , Legginngs , Perineal Sheets , Trinangular Bandages , Many Tailes Bandages , Eye Shield , Dusters , Slings , T Binder , Screen Curtains , Elegible Couple And Child Register , Diary , Community Bags , Tables One For Four Students , Chairs , Sterlizer , Infant Weighing Scale , Salter Scale , Spring Balance , Weighing Machine , Sphygmomanometers , Stethoscopes , Dari/ Mats For Health Education Purpose , Community Bag , Should Contain Following Articles : , The Bag Should Have Separate Compartments For Clean Articles , Urine Testing Kit And Hand Washing Kit , Assessment Articles , Thermometer , Tape Measure , Stethoschope , Fetus Scope , Hand Washing Articles , Nail Brush , Gas Stoves With Cylinders/ Pipe Line Tubings , Gas Lighters , Pressure Cookers Of Different Sizes 2 Kg , Pressure Cookers 2 Kg , Steel Cooking Vessels Big , Medium And Small Sizes , Cutliery Set , Juice Squeezer , Water Reservoir , Sauce Pan With Handle Medium And Small Size , Table Spoons , Desert Spoons , Soup Spoons , Rice Serving Spoons , Soup Bowls , Forks , Sieve , Tongs , Knives , Peeler , Vegatable Cutters , Vegatable Cutting Plates , Water Filter/Aqua Guard , Flask , Frying Pans , Tawa , Vessel Holders ( Chimta ) , Mixer With Accessories , Glassess For Drinking Water - ( Glass ) , Kithenweighing Scale , Chapati Making Plate And Rolling Pin , Measuring Scoops , Napkins , Glass Bowls , Tea Strainer , Egg Beater , Toaster , Microwave With Approprite Cooking Vessels , Dinner Set ( 12 ) Persons , Tea Set ( 12 Persons ) , Bed Pans , Urinal Male , 4 Diameter , 2 Diameter , 12*8 , 6*4 , 8*4 , 12*9 , Tub For Sitz Bath , 1 Ltr Capacity , 2 Ltr Capacity , 1 Ltr Capacity , 2 Ltr Capacity , Pint Measure , Bottle Brush , Cheatle Forceps , Sponge Holding Foceps , Artery Clamps , Straight 6 , Curved 6 , Dissecting Forceps , Toothe , Non-Toothed , Mosquito Forceps , Kockers , Scissors , Surgical 8 , Bandage , Maos Cutting Scissors , Tissue Forceps , Sinus Forceps , Biopsy Needle , Liver Biopsy Needle , Alice Forceps , Probe , Groove Directors With Probe , Mouthe Gag , Tongue Depressor , Tongue Holding Forceps , Nasal Speculam , Aural Speculam , Re-Tractors , Single Hooke , Double Hooke , Bladder Sound , Male Urethral Dilators , Packing Forceps , Nasal , Oral , Era Irrgation Syringe , Era Speculum , Shaving Set , Safety Razor With Blades , Bard Parker Knife Handle , Surgical Blades Different Sizes , Catheters , Airway , Laryngoscope , Small , Big , Protoscope , Infusion Set , Otoscope , Ophthalmoscope , Tracheostomy Set With Various Size Of Tracheal Tubes , Head Mirror , Tuning Fork , Oxygen Cylinder With Stand , Oxygen Mask , Glass Ware , 240 Ml , 120 Ml , 30 Ml , Undine , Eye Batch Cup , Pipettes And Droppers , Glass Connection , Differen Types E . G . Ytl , Wolfs Bottle , Conical Flasks , Ounce Glass , Dram Glass , Thermometers , Oral , Rectal , Pulse Meter , Urinometer , Lactometer , Haemoglobinometer , Specimen Glasses , Test Tubes , Glass Slides With Cover , Bottle 500 Ml Capacity For Lotions And Mixtures , Atomizer , Manometer , Glucometer , Head Mirror , Syringes And Needles , Syringes , 2 Ml , 5 Ml , 10 Ml , 20 Ml , Tuberculin Syringe , Insulin Syringe With Needle , Needles - All Sizes , Lumbar Puncture Needle , Trocar , Cannula For Abdominal Paracentesis , Iv Cannulas Different Types And Sizes , Biopsy Needle , Adult , Children , Sternal Puncture Needle , Suture Materials , Needle Holder , 6 , 7 , 8 , Each Two , Suture Cutting Scissors , Suture Needle , Straight , Curved , Suture Thread , Silks , Cotton , Catgut Tube Breaker , Suture Clip , Suture Clip Applier And Remover , Rubber Goods , Mackintosh Roll , Full Bed Length , Draw Mackintosh , Extra For Treatment And Dressing , Hot Water Bag , Ice Caps , Ice Collar , Corrugated Rubber Sheet , Gloves Different Sizes , Catheters , Urinary Catheter , Foleys Catheter , Nasal Catherer , Plain Catheter , Rectal Catheter , Finger Stalls Different Sizes , Air Rings , Mucus Sucker , Breast Pump , Nipple Shield , Gastric Lavage Tube , Ryles Tube , Flatus Tube , Blakemore Sengstaken Tube , Rubber Tubes With Different Diame