Supply Of Laboratory Material At Wardha , Acetic Acid , Acetocarmine , Acetone , Acid Can ( Poly ) , Acid H2so4 , Acid Hcl , Acid Hno3 , Acid Oxalic , Analog Multimeter , Aniline , Astronomical Telescope , Barometer , Battery Eliminitor 1 Amp , Beaker 100Ml , Beaker 250Ml , Benedict Reagent , Bent Tube , Bones Set , Bread Board , Burette 25Ml , Carnos Fluid Sol , Charts , Charts ( As Per Syllabus ) , China Dish , Chloroform , Chromotography Appt , Chromotography Jar Apparatus , Chromotography Paper Sheet , Classwork Materials , Compound Microscope , Conical Flask 100Ml , Conical Flask 250Ml , Copper Calorimeter , Copper Connectiong Wire Coil , Copper Pot , Copper Sulphate , Daniel Cell Set , Deflection Magnetmeter , Digital Balance , Digital Multimeter , Diodes , Dissecting Microscope , Dissecting Needle , Dpx Mount , Drawong Board , Drawong Pin Set , Edta , Electric Shigdi , Eosin Solution , Fast Green Sol , Fehling Sol A , Fehling Sol B , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate , Fisher Clamp , Forcep , Formaline , Frictioin Appt , Funnel , Galvonometer/Micrometer , Ganong Respirometer Set , Geometrical Box Set , Glass Prism 38X38 , Glass Prism 50X50 , Glass Slab , Glass Slides Pkt , Glucose/Freactose , Glycerine , Hcl 1 N , Henatoxyline Sol , Hooks Law Appt ( Spring Appt ) , Horseshop Magnet , Human Skelaton , Hydrogen Peroxide , Hygrapmeter , Ic , Industrial Solvent , Iron Metal Dust , Lachleche Cell Set , Lcr/Ldr Apparatus , Lctose Powder , Lead Acetate Paper , Led , Leishmans Stain , Lens Concave/Conves , Lens Stand Mettalic , Logic Gate , Magnaifying Glass W/Handle , Magnetic Compass , Meldes Apparatus , Menthyl Otange Sol , Meter Bridge , Meter Scale Full , Meter Scale Half , Methyl Orange , Mgnet Bar , Millianeter /Voltmeter , Millions Reagent , Mirror Concave/Conves , Mortor & Pestle , Nesslers Reagent , Nitric Acid , Ohms Law Appratus , Optical Bench Mettalic , Optical Bench Wooden , Oxalic Acid , P N Junction Diode Appt , Parallogram Appt Woodent , Periodic Table , Petri Dish , Phenophethelene , Phenoplette Sol , Physical Weight Box , Pipette 10Ml , Plier , Hammer , Screwdriver , Patti Panna Set , Plug Key One Way , Plug Key Two Way , Potassium Dicromate , Potassium Permagnet , Potentiometer 10 Wire , Potentiometer 4 Wire , Prepared Slides ( As Per Syllabus ) , Preserve Specimen In Jar , Projection Microscope , Reagent Bottle Nm , Resistance Box0 . 1 To 100 Ohms , Resistance Box1 To 1000 Ohms , Resistance Box1 To 500 Ohms , Resonance Tube Appt , Retord Stamd , Retord Stand ( Base Rod ) , Retord Stand Set , Rheostate , Rissistor , Rubber Cork , Screw Guage , Series And Parallel Appt , Simple Pendulum Appt , Slide Box 50 Cap , Slotted Weight 10X5gm , Slotted Weight 25X5gm , Slotted Weight 50X50gm , Sodium Bromide , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Nitrate , Sodium Nitrit , Soldering Set ( Iron Paste , Wire ) , Spherometer , Spirit Lamp , Spirit Lamp Glass , Starch Lodide Paper , Stop Clock , Stop Clock , Test Tube 5X5/8 Smal , Test Tube 6X1 Large , Test Tube Holder , Thermometter 110 C , Thermometter 360 C , Tollens Reagent , Transistor , Travelling Microscope , Tunning Fork , Universal Ph , Urea , Vernier Calliper , Viscosity Appt ( Stokes Law ) , Volumetric Flask 100 Ml , Wall Thermometer , Watch Glass , White Board , Youngs Modulus Appt , Zenier Diode Appt , Zinc Metal Dust