
Tender Enquiry For Purchase Of Laboratory & Microbiology Item For General Hospital,Rajpipla, District Narmada-Gujarat

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender Enquiry For Purchase Of Laboratory & Microbiology Item For General Hospital,Rajpipla, District Narmada. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-03-2020. Chemical Supply Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender Enquiry For Purchase Of Laboratory & Microbiology Item For General Hospital,Rajpipla, District Narmada
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Tender Details

tender enquiry for purchase of laboratory & microbiology item for general hospital, rajpipla, district narmada-1 abx difftrol all level ( control ) 5 part control low high normal for horiba 3x3ml 2 abx minoclair xlr weekly maintenance 100ml bottle for horiba cell counter 3 acetic acid 500ml 4 acetone detection reagent 100ml 5 acetone powder 500gm pkt 6 adjustable micropipette 100-1000ul 7 adjustable micropipette 10-100ul 8 adjustable micropipette 20-200ul 9 adjustable micropipette 05-50ul 10 ammonia solution 500ml 11 ammonium oxalate powder 500gm 12 ammonium sulphate powder 500gm 13 anti human globulin ( ahg ) 5ml vial 14 apen drop cup 500ul ( for hplc machine ) 15 bacl2 10% 500ml 16 benzedine powder 500gm 17 b-hcg kit 18 binocular microscope 19 blood administration set 20 blood glucose test strip sd biosensor 21 blood grouping sera a 10ml 22 blood grouping sera ab 10ml 23 blood grouping sera b 10ml 24 blood grouping sera d 10ml 25 blood sugar estimation kit enzymatic god pod method 26 blood urea kit 27 bovine albumin 5ml 22% 28 calcium kit 29 capillary tube for bt, ct 100no pkt 30 cedar wood oil 150ml 31 centrifuge machine 32 tube 32 chikungunya rapid test 33 chloride kit 34 coombs sera for direct & indirect combs test 35 cover slip 10gm 36 control for rx50 machine blood sugar 37 control for rx50 machine serum creatinine 38 control for rx50 machine blood urea 39 control for rx50 machine serum bilirubin total & direct 40 control for rx50 machine sgpt 41 control for rx50 machine sgot 42 csf diluting fluid 43 disposable gloves sterile ( medium size ) 44 distil water 5 litter jar 45 drabkins reagent 5 litter 46 dropper bottle 47 edta solution 500ml 48 erycard tm 2.0 for card test for abo rho ( d ) forward grouping with auto control 49 esr pipette ( esrite ) 50 esrite vial 51 ferittin kit 52 ferric chloride 10% 500ml 53 field stain a 500 ml bottle 500ml 54 field stain b 500 ml bottle 500ml 55 filter paper 100 no 56 fixed micropipette 100ul 57 fixed micropipette 10ul 58 fixed micropipette 20ul 59 fixed micropipette 25ul 60 fixed micropipette 50ul 61 fixed micropipette 5ul 62 floride tube ( blood collection ) 63 fouchets reagents 125ml 64 glass beaker 100ml 65 glass beaker 250ml 66 glass beaker 500ml 67 glass beaker 50ml 68 gram’s stain 69 h & e ready made stain for fnac 500ml 70 hav rapid test 71 hb pipette 72 hb tube ( square ) 73 hba1c kit 74 hba1c rapid method card reader 75 hba1c reagent kit for semi auto analyzer 40ml 76 hdl kit ( direct ) 77 hemocytometer cover slip 10gm 78 hemoglobino meter with top square tube 79 hev rapid test 80 hitachi cup for hplc machine 81 hplc machine for hbac 82 immersion oil 100ml 83 k3edta tube 2ml 84 k3edta tube 4ml 85 k3edta tube 5ml 86 k3edta vacate 2ml 87 k3edta vacate 4ml 88 k3edta vacate 5ml 89 lancet ( disposable ) 100 no pkt 90 ldl kit ( direct ) 91 lh kit 92 lipase test 93 liquiplastain reagent for pt determination 5ml 94 low voltage halogen lamp for microscope ( projection lamp type 7388 6v 20w g4 ) 95 lugol’s iodine 125ml 96 malaria antigen detection strip for pf / pv 97 matrix ahg ( coombs ) test card for direct coombs test indirect coombs test 98 matrix forward & reverse grouping card with auto control 99 methanol 2.5 lit 100 meyers hematoxylin solution ( really to use ) 101 micro albumin kit 102 micro slide 50 no pkt 103 micro tips 200-1000 500 no 104 micro tips 50-100 1000no 105 microscope 100x / 1125 oil immersion lens 106 n / 10 hcl 500 ml bottle 107 neuber’s chamber ( total count ) 108 para film 109 pasture pipette 110 plain tube ( blood collection ) 111 plain tube 4ml 112 plain vacate 2ml 113 plain vacate 5ml 114 plain vaccute 4ml 115 platelet diluting fluid 116 potassium kit 117 potassium oxalate powder 500gm pkt 118 prolactin kit 119 printing roll for hplc machine 120 pt analyzer cuvette 121 pt analyzer stir bar 122 rapid pap tm ( pap smear kit pap smear spatula & brush ) 123 rbc diluting fluid 100ml bot 124 rbc pipette 125 reticulocyte count kit 126 rapid pap smear kit 127 semen diluting fluid 125ml bot 128 serum albumin estimation kit 129 serum alkaline phosphate estimation kit 130 serum amylase test 131 serum bilirubin estimation kit 132 serum cholesterol estimation kit 133 serum ck-mb test 134 serum creatinine estimation kit 135 serum protein estimation kit 136 serum transport vial 3ml 137 serum triglyceride estimation kit 138 serum v.l.d.l test 139 sgot estimation kit 140 sgpt estimation kit 141 sickle cell solubility test kit with tubes, stoppers, dropper, reading card { 2x50ml buffer ( r1 ) & 2 powder vials ( r2 ) } 142 sickle cell solubility test solution 100ml 143 sickle cell solubility test solution 5000ml 144 sickle cell solubility test solution 500ml 145 slide staining jar big 146 slide staining jar small 147 sodium citrate tube ( pt ) 3.2% 148 sodium dithionite powder 100gm 149 sodium fluoride powder 500gm 150 sodium kit 151 sodium nitroprusside powder 100gm 152 soft tissue paper roll big size 153 sulphosalicylic acid 5% 154 syringe needle destroyer 155 t3 kit 156 t4 kit 157 temperature chart for blood storage refrigerator 60 no 158 temperature chart pen ( mark a metric ) 159 test tube 75x12 100 no 160 test tube big 100 no 75x75 161 test tube brush 162 test tube rack plastic 163 test tube small 100 no 164 thromboplastin reagent 4ml 165 tourniquet 166 trisodium citrate tube 3.2% 2ml 167 trisodium citrate tube 3.2% 5ml 168 troponine t & l kit 169 tsh kit 170 typhoid antibody strip 171 uri strip 10 parameter for urine analyzer 172 uri strip 10 parameter manually 173 uri strip 11 parameter for urine analyzer 174 uri strip 5 parameter manually 175 uri strip gk 176 uri strip gp 177 uric acid kit 178 urinalysis strips ( albumin , glucose ) 179 urine analyzer strip for 11 parameter ( bilirubin, urobilinogen, blood ketone, protein, nitrate, leukocytes, glucose, specific gravity, ph microalbumin ) 100 strip 180 urine collection cup 30ml 181 urine pregnancy strips 182 urine test strip ( 10 parameter ) 100 strips 183 wbc diluting fluid 500ml 184 wbc pipette 185 xylene for lab reagent 500ml bot microbiology item 186 albert stain 187 antibiotic sensitivity disk for gram negative organism 188 antibiotic sensitivity disk for gram positive organism 189 antisera salmonella h-a antisera 190 antisera salmonella h-b antiserum 191 antisera salmonella h-d antisera 192 antisera salmonella polyvalent o ( contain group o2, o4, o7, o8, o46, o3, o0, o1, o19 193 antisera shigella dysenteries polyvalent a antiserum contain s. dysenteries type 1-7 194 antisera shigella flexnari polyvalent b antiserum contain s. flexnari ( 1-6 ) 195 antisera shigella sonnine polyvalent d antiserum contain s boyddi 196 aso latex agglutination kit 197 atcc stain e-coli 25922 1 stick 198 atcc stain pseudomonas aeruginosa 2 stick 199 atcc stain staphylococcus areas 25923 2 stick 200 autoclave glass bottle 201 bact / alert 3d biomerieus 202 blood agar readymade media 203 cavity slide 204 concave slide 10 no 205 cotton role 206 cover slip big 207 crp latex kit 208 dehydrate powder macconkey purple broth for water culture 500gm 209 dengue igm & ns1 elisa kit 210 dengue nsiag +ab combo test strips ( igg / igm ) 211 electric loop sterilizer 212 flask 500ml 213 forceps plain 214 gram stain 215 h2o2 bottle 216 hbsag rapid test strip 217 hcv rapid test kit 218 hepatitis –a rapid test 219 hepatitis –e rapid test 220 hi viral tm transport kit 3ml in 15 ml centrifuge tub ( himedia company ) 221 himedia disc vial form 1 bottle of every disk ( 1 ) cefotaxime ( 2 ) ceftriaxone ( 3 ) cefaperazone ( 4 ) cefador ( 5 ) cotrimazole ( 6 ) ceftazidime ( 7 ) cefadroxil ( 8 ) nitrofuratoin ( 9 ) cephalixin ( 10 ) amikacin ( 11 ) erythromycin ( 12 ) clindamycin ( 13 ) gentamycin ( 14 ) ofloxacin ( 15 ) ciprofloxacin ( 16 ) tobramycin ( 17 ) amoxicillin ( 18 ) augmentain 222 igm elisa for hav 223 igm elisa for hev 224 koh powder 500gm pkt 225 kovacs indole reagent 100ml 226 leptospyrosis antibody detection kit 227 lughole’s iodine 228 mac coankey purple broth for water culture 229 measuring scale for zone 230 media dehydrated powder mac conkey 500gm 231 media dehydrated powder muller hinton agar 500gm 232 media dehydrated powder nutrient agar 500gm 233 media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator phenol red dextrose 500gm 234 media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator phenol red lactose 500gm 235 media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator phenol red maltose 500gm 236 media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator phenol red manitol 500gm 237 media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator phenol red sucrosel 500gm 238 media dehydrated powder tcbs agar 500gm 239 media ready made blood culture bottle biphasic for adult ( large ) 240 media ready made blood culture bottle biphasic for pediatric 241 media readymade blood culture bottle paediatric fan 242 media readymade blood culture bottle fan aerobic 243 media readymade mac conkey agar 244 media readymade muller hinton agar 245 media readymade nutrient agar 246 media readymade phenylalanine agar 247 media readymade simmons citrate agar 248 media readymade sugar with ph indicator phenol red dextrose 249 media readymade sugar with ph indicator phenol red lactose 250 media readymade sugar with ph indicator phenol red maltose 251 media readymade sugar with ph indicator phenol red mennitol 252 media readymade sugar with ph indicator phenol red sucrose 253 media readymade tcbs agar 254 media readymade telluriite potassium 255 media readymade triple sugar iron agar 256 media readymade urea sugar base christensen ) + ultra 40% ( 5ml per vial ) 257 media readymade chocolate agar plate 100 plate 258 media readymade blood agar plate 100 plate 259 media readymade miller hinton agar plate 100 plate 260 media dehydrate agar agar powder 500gm 261 micro slide 50 no pkt 262 micropipette single chanel 263 micropipette multi channel 50ul 264 n.n.n tetra methyl-p-phenyl lenediamine dihdrochloride dehydrate powder 5gm 265 nicrome straight wire with handle 266 nicrome wire loops with handle 267 oxides disc 268 parafin oil 500ml bot 269 petri dish 100mm 270 petri dish 90mm 271 ph strips 272 ra kit ( latex angulations ) 273 readymade alkaline peptone water 500gm 274 readymade chocolate agar 275 rpr ( vdrl ) kit 276 saborand’s dextrose agar with chloramphenicol readymade 277 saboraut dextrose agar with chloramphenicol dehydrate powder 500gm 278 sabourand’s dextrose agar l readymade media 279 serum vidal test kit 280 stain giemsa 500ml 281 staining rack iron 282 sterile transport swab with tube & cap 283 sterilium 500ml 284 stool occulted blood kit 285 swab stick 286 syphilis antibody detection strips 287 tissue role 288 tpha syphilis test kit 289 triple sugar iron powder 500gm 290 urease powder 500gm 291 z.n stain

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Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 15000.0 /-
Tender Value
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