Tender For Retail Technology Meet, Goa.-1 Stage With Carpet And Steps ( 28X16x1.5 Ft Ht ) , 2 Qty. 2 Stage Masking [ With Frames & Black Cloth ] , 60X2 Ft, 2 Qty. 3 Riser, 32 Ft, 1 Qty. 4 Console Masking, 28X4 Ft, 2 Qty. 5 Self Standee With [ Star Flex ] , 8X4 Ft, 4 Qty. 6 Podium With Branding, 4X2 Ft, 1 Qty. 7 Registration Table With Flex Masking, 8X3+3X3 Ft, 2 Qty. 8 Entrance Standees, 8*3 Ft, 2 Qty. 9 Flipchart And Stands, 8 Qty. 10 Sofa For Top Mgmt 11 Sound For 80 People - 2 Qty., Sound With Jbl Base - 2 Qty., Cordless Mic - 6 Qty., Lapel Mic - 2 Qty., Podium Mic - 2 Qty., Stage Monitor - 2 Qty. 12 Led Parcans - 20 Qty., White Light For Stage - 8 Qty., Lightining Program Board - 1 Qty. 13 T Stands, 2 Qty. 14 Led Wall, 16X8 Ft 15 Wings, 6X10 Ft 16 Switcher / Cremer - 1 Ft, 1 Qty. 17 Pointer - 1 Ft, 1 Qty. 18 Laptops - 1.5 Ft, 4 Qty. 19 Photographer - 1 Qty. 20 Genset For Sound , Lights And Av - 125 Ft, 4 Shifts 21 Cabling & Technicians - 1 Qty. 22 Stage With Carpet And Steps, 16X 8X 2 Ft Ht, 2 Qty. 23 Stage Masking [ With Frames & Black Cloth ] , 32X2 Ft., 2 Qty 24 Console Masking, 28X4 Ft, 2 Qty. 25 Self Standee With [ Star Flex ] , 8X4 Ft, 6 Qty. 26 Podium With Branding, 4X2 Ft., 1 Qty. 27 Photo Op Backdrop, 12X8 Ft., 2 Qty. 28 Photo Op Platform With Red Carpet, 12X8 Ft, 2 Qty. 29 Sound For 80 People- Outdoor - 2 Qty., Sound With Jbl Base - 2 Qty., Mixer With 16 Channel [ Digital Mixer 32 Chanel ] - 2 Qty., Cordless Mic - 1 Qty., Lapel Mic - 1 Qty., Podium Mic - 1 Qty., Stage Monitor - 2 Qty. 30 Led Parcans - 24 Qty., Sharpees - 2 Qty., Led White Light - 8 Qty., Lightining Program Board - 1 Qty. 31 T Stands - 4 Qty. 32 Led Wall- With Masking- 16X8 Ft. 33 Switcher / Cremer - 1 Ft, 1 Qty. 34 Laptops - 4 Qty. 35 Photographer - 1 Qty. 36 Videographer - Qty. 37 Genset For Sound , Lights And Av - 125 Ft, 4 Shifts 38 Cabling & Technicians - 2 Qty. 39 Live Band - 1 Qty. 40 Creative Cost 41 Av 42 Potrait 43 Transport 44 Labor 45 Agency