
Supply Of Nursing School Equipments, Civil Hospital Dhule-Maharashtra

Directorate Of Health Services has published Supply Of Nursing School Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-03-2020. Tape Supply Tenders in Civil Hospital Dhule Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Nursing School Equipments
Open Tender
Civil Hospital Dhule

Tender Details

supply of Nursing School Equipments , bed side locker , adult male , adult female , child , trays of different sizes 11*9 , trays of different sizes 8*5 , trays with cover-assorted sizes , bowls with cover 6 diameter , bowls with cover 4 diameter , enema can 1lit capacity , enema can 1 / 2liter capacity , kidney trays of assorted sizes , measuring jugs 1000ml , knife with cover , sputum mugs , urinal-male , funnel 4 diameter , funnel 2 diameter , dressing drums 8*4 , dressing drums 12*9 , tub for sitz bath , sauce pan with lid 1liter capacity , sauce pan with lid 2leter capacity , kettle 1 liter capacity , kettle 2liter capacity , trolley with upper and lower shelves , bottle brush , bladder sound , male urethral dilators , packing forceps nasal , packing forceps oral , era lrrigation syringe , era speculum , shaving set , safety razor with blades , bard parker knife handle , surgical blades different sizes , ophthalmoscope , head mirror , oxygen cylinder with stand , oxygen mask , measuring cups 240ml , measuring cups 120ml , measuring cups 30ml , undine , eye batch cup , pipettes and droppers , glass connections ( different types eg ytl ) , wolfs bottle , conical flasks , ounce glass , dram glass , thermometers oral , thermometers rectal , puise meter , urinometer , lactometer , heaemoglobinometer , specimen glasses , test tubes , glass sildes with cover , bottles 500ml capacity for lotioons and mixtures , atomizer , manometer , glucometer , head mirror , tuberculin syringe , insulin syringe with needle , needles-all ssizes , lumbar puncture needle , trocar , cannula for abdominal paracentesis , iv cannulas different types and sizes , biopsy needle adult , diopsy needle children , sternal puncture needle , suture cutting scissors , suture needle stright , suture needle curved , suture thread silks , suture thread cotton , catgut tube breaker , suture clip , suture clip applier and remover , mackintosh roll full bad length , mackintosh roll draw mackintosh , mackintosh roll extra for treatment and dressing , hot water bag , ice caps , ice collar , corrugated rubber sheet , urinary catheter , nasal catheter , plain catheter , rectal catheter , finger stalls different sizes , air rings , mucus sucker , breast pump , nipple shield , gastric lavage tube , ryle s tube , flatus tube , blakemore sengstaken tube , rubber tubes with different diameter and size , rectal syringr with nozzle , ring pessaries all sizes , douche nozzle different sizes , mortar and pestle , nelsons inhaler , wooden shock blocks , portable autoclave , torch , nail brich , adult weighing scale , baby weighing scale , back rest , splints different sizes , bandages different sizes , adhesive tapes , i . v stand , tape measure , bucket with cover , comb , microscopes , sphygmomanometer rgular , sphygmomanometer electronic , strthoscope , sop and soap dish , dust hins , screen / bed side curtains , phenyl , methylated spirit , benedicts solution , tr . benzoin , nitric acid , acetic acid , suplphur powder , ammonium sulphate crystals , vaseline , glycerine bottel , liquid paraffin , potassium permanganate crystals , boric son solution , hydrogen peroxide , sodium dicarbonate powder , litmus paper strips red and blue , mattress cover adult , bed sheets , drow sheets , pillows large , pillows small , pillow covers large , pillow covers small , towels bath , towels hand , towels sugical , towels packing , towel clips , sponge cloth , hot water bag covers , ice cap cpvers , air ring / cushion covers , gowns and mask , patients clothes male , patients clothes famale , patients clothes baby dresses of different sizes , patients clothes diapers different sizes , trolley cover , dirty linen bag / box , leggings , perineal sheets , triangular bandages , many tailed bandages , eye shield , dusters , slings , t binder , screen curtains

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 5000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.63 Lakhs /-
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