supply of Nursing School Equipments , bed side locker , adult male , adult female , child , trays of different sizes 11*9 , trays of different sizes 8*5 , trays with cover-assorted sizes , bowls with cover 6 diameter , bowls with cover 4 diameter , enema can 1lit capacity , enema can 1 / 2liter capacity , kidney trays of assorted sizes , measuring jugs 1000ml , knife with cover , sputum mugs , urinal-male , funnel 4 diameter , funnel 2 diameter , dressing drums 8*4 , dressing drums 12*9 , tub for sitz bath , sauce pan with lid 1liter capacity , sauce pan with lid 2leter capacity , kettle 1 liter capacity , kettle 2liter capacity , trolley with upper and lower shelves , bottle brush , bladder sound , male urethral dilators , packing forceps nasal , packing forceps oral , era lrrigation syringe , era speculum , shaving set , safety razor with blades , bard parker knife handle , surgical blades different sizes , ophthalmoscope , head mirror , oxygen cylinder with stand , oxygen mask , measuring cups 240ml , measuring cups 120ml , measuring cups 30ml , undine , eye batch cup , pipettes and droppers , glass connections ( different types eg ytl ) , wolfs bottle , conical flasks , ounce glass , dram glass , thermometers oral , thermometers rectal , puise meter , urinometer , lactometer , heaemoglobinometer , specimen glasses , test tubes , glass sildes with cover , bottles 500ml capacity for lotioons and mixtures , atomizer , manometer , glucometer , head mirror , tuberculin syringe , insulin syringe with needle , needles-all ssizes , lumbar puncture needle , trocar , cannula for abdominal paracentesis , iv cannulas different types and sizes , biopsy needle adult , diopsy needle children , sternal puncture needle , suture cutting scissors , suture needle stright , suture needle curved , suture thread silks , suture thread cotton , catgut tube breaker , suture clip , suture clip applier and remover , mackintosh roll full bad length , mackintosh roll draw mackintosh , mackintosh roll extra for treatment and dressing , hot water bag , ice caps , ice collar , corrugated rubber sheet , urinary catheter , nasal catheter , plain catheter , rectal catheter , finger stalls different sizes , air rings , mucus sucker , breast pump , nipple shield , gastric lavage tube , ryle s tube , flatus tube , blakemore sengstaken tube , rubber tubes with different diameter and size , rectal syringr with nozzle , ring pessaries all sizes , douche nozzle different sizes , mortar and pestle , nelsons inhaler , wooden shock blocks , portable autoclave , torch , nail brich , adult weighing scale , baby weighing scale , back rest , splints different sizes , bandages different sizes , adhesive tapes , i . v stand , tape measure , bucket with cover , comb , microscopes , sphygmomanometer rgular , sphygmomanometer electronic , strthoscope , sop and soap dish , dust hins , screen / bed side curtains , phenyl , methylated spirit , benedicts solution , tr . benzoin , nitric acid , acetic acid , suplphur powder , ammonium sulphate crystals , vaseline , glycerine bottel , liquid paraffin , potassium permanganate crystals , boric son solution , hydrogen peroxide , sodium dicarbonate powder , litmus paper strips red and blue , mattress cover adult , bed sheets , drow sheets , pillows large , pillows small , pillow covers large , pillow covers small , towels bath , towels hand , towels sugical , towels packing , towel clips , sponge cloth , hot water bag covers , ice cap cpvers , air ring / cushion covers , gowns and mask , patients clothes male , patients clothes famale , patients clothes baby dresses of different sizes , patients clothes diapers different sizes , trolley cover , dirty linen bag / box , leggings , perineal sheets , triangular bandages , many tailed bandages , eye shield , dusters , slings , t binder , screen curtains