
Supply Of Item- 1 A2 6350-000011 Siren Hand Operated 2 A4 8465-000672 Adjustable Weapon Case Individual 3 Cc 8415-000315 Gloves Gauntlet Protective Welder Leather 4 F1 5110-000321 Plane Plough Complete (With 8 Single Iron) 5 F1 5120-0009-Uttar Pradesh

Indian Army has published Supply Of Item- 1 A2 6350-000011 Siren Hand Operated 2 A4 8465-000672 Adjustable Weapon Case Individual 3 Cc 8415-000315 Gloves Gauntlet Protective Welder Leather 4 F1 5110-000321 Plane Plough Complete (With 8 Single Iron) 5 F1 5120-0009. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-03-2020. Forming Tools Tenders in Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Item- 1 A2 6350-000011 Siren Hand Operated 2 A4 8465-000672 Adjustable Weapon Case Individual 3 Cc 8415-000315 Gloves Gauntlet Protective Welder Leather 4 F1 5110-000321 Plane Plough Complete (With 8 Single Iron) 5 F1 5120-0009
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Supply of item- 1 a2 6350-000011 siren hand operated 2 a4 8465-000672 adjustable weapon case individual 3 cc 8415-000315 gloves gauntlet protective welder leather 4 f1 5110-000321 plane plough complete (with 8 single iron) 5 f1 5120-000984 pots glue 1000 ml 6 f1 5120-001013 bars crow chisel & claw ends 1250 x 32 mm 7 f1 5140-000077 chest tool kit small mild steel 42 x 22 x 18 cm 8 f1 5140-000075 chest tool kit large wooden 1450x400x400 mm 9 f1 5110-001095 planes stanley no.45 10 f1 5120-002138 spanners socket accessories 1/2 in square drive 11 f1 5120-000095 pliers sidecutting 200mm 12 f1 5120-002959 hammer sledge double faced 3 kg (fitted with handle) 13 f1 5120-000992 bars crow bar chisel & claw ends round steel 1680 x 38 mm (14.5 kg) 14 f1 5120-000641 vices bench 125 mm 15 f1 5120-003086 spanner adj s/e open jaw steel 200 mm 16 f1 5120-007763 spanner pop adjustable 250 mm (capacity 15 to 41 mm) 17 f1 5120-007681 spa 18 f1 5140-000076 chest tool kit medium wooden 950 mm x 350 mm x 200 mm 19 f3 3920-000094 machine plastic strapping, sealer 12mm 20 f6 8120-000341 compressed air cyl 140 mm dia 21 f6 8120-000348 cyl compressed gas nitrogen empty 6 m 3 22 f6 8120-000001 cyl gas acetylene dissolved empty 2832 liters (2.83 m3) 23 g1 5310-001276 washers plain copper 13 mm 24 g1 5315-000817 nails steel wire round 50 mm x 2.8 mm 25 g1 5340-000968 padlocks ig 4 levers 50 mm 26 g1 5340-000969 padlocks ig 4 levers 75 mm 27 g1 5340-000967 pad lock ig 4 lever 40mm 28 g1 5340-003617 seal metallic lead 10mm 29 g2 3439-000008 electrodes welding, steel armour 4.00mm 30 g2 3439-000001 electrodes welding, bronze 3.15mm 31 g2 9520-000012 steel angles 50x50x6 mm 32 g2 3439-000203 solder soft grade-c 33 g2 3439-000095 rod welding copper 3.15mm 34 g2 9535-000021 aluminium sheet soft 1.63 mm 35 g2 9535-000012 aluminium sheet half hard 1.22 mm 36 g2 9535-000004 aluminium sheet hard 1.22 mm 37 g2 9535-000011 aluminium sheet half hard 0.91 mm 38 g2 9535-000023 aluminium sheet soft 3.25 mm 39 g2 3439-000018 electrodes welding, steel mild general purpose 4.00 mm 40 g2 3439-000017 elect rodes welding, steel mild general purpose 3.15 mm 41 g2 4710-000100 tubing copper round seamless od 16mm x wt 1.20mm 42 g2 9520-000008 steel angles 40x40x6 mm 43 g2 4710-000097 tubing copper round seamless od 8mm x wt 0.80mm 44 g2 9520-000001 steel angles 20x20x3 mm 45 g2 9520-000002 steel angles 25x25x3 mm 46 g2 3439-000202 solder soft grade-b 47 g2 9505-000047 wire steel mild drawn, galvanised 2.00mm 48 g2 3439-000154 brazing alloy silver wire 49 h1(a) 8010-000288 putty carpaters 50 h1(a) 8010-000128 thinner, antichill 51 h1(a) 8010-000229 paint r.f.u marking black 52 h1(a) 8010-007485 paint r.f.u., finishing, synthatic enamel br/ light buff 53 h1(a) 8010-000110 paint rfu priming red oxide 54 h1(a) 8010-000575 paint, finishing : matt rfu air drying brushing/sp dark brown 55 h1(a) 8010-000578 paint, finishing : matt rfu air drying brushing/spraying sand colour 56 h1(a) 8010-007489 paint rfu fin airdrying br/spr syn enam mb green (isc-226) 57 h1(a) 8010-000577 paint rfu finishing matt air drying brushing/spraying olive green (isc-220) 58 h1(a) 8010-007497 paint rfu fin syn ena br/spr red oxide 59 h1(a) 8010-007495 paint rfu air dry br spr ena green grass 60 h1(a) 8010-007496 paint fru gs syn dark brown 61 h1(a) 8010-007482 paint rfu fin syn ena br/spr black 62 h1(a) 8010-007493 paint rfu syn spr white 63 h1(a) 8010-007492 paint rfu fin syn ena br/spr signal red 64 h1(a) 8010-007499 paint rfu olive green 65 h1(b) 7930-000019 polish leather dark tan 66 h1(b) 8520-000001 soap carbolic 67 h1(b) 6810-000031 soda ash tech 68 h1(b) 5350-000008 abrasives cloth emery or corundum size of sheets 280 x 230mm is grit no. 50 69 h1(b) 8040-000008 adhesive padding glue (mowicol l) 70 h1(b) 9160-000015 bees wax 71 h1(b) 6810-001152 charges silicon metal granules 72 h1(b) 7930-000006 polish leather black 73 h1(c) 8030-000016 solvent rust 74 h1(c) 8110-000017 can screw cap rectangular 5 litres 75 h2 4020-000195 twine jute 76 h3 5530-000208 plywood for general purposes bwr-aa 5 ply l b x t 2400 mm x 1200 mm x 6 mm 77 h3 5530-000206 plywood for general purposes bwr-aa 5 ply l b x t 1800 mm x 1200 mm x 6 mm 78 h3 5530-400040 plywood for general purpose mr-aa 5 ply 1800 mm x 1200 mm x 6 mm. 79 h3 5530-400171 plywood marine 7 ply lxbxt 180 cm x 90 cm x 12mm 80 h4 9330-000027 polythene film .18 mm thick x 1 m width 81 h4 8135-000096 paper wrapping waterproof plain 1189 mm x 100 m 82 h4 8135-000087 paper wrapping brown unglazed 560 mm x 735 mm 22.6 kg 83 h4 8135-000033 paper wrapping kraft 1189 mm x 100 mm 84 h4 8135-000089 paper wrapping brown,unglazed 735 mm x 1120 mm, 45.3 kg 85 h4 8135-000084 paper wrapping brown unglazed 445 mm x 570 mm x 9.5 kgs 86 h4 8135-000095 paper wrapping water proof plain 841 mm x 100 m 87 h4 8135-000091 paper wrapping grease resistant 1189 mm x 100 mtrs 88 h4 8040-000047 tape adhesive transparent waterproof width 40mmxlenth 65 m 89 h4 8115-000525 boxes fibre board rigid size 375x300x300 mm 90 h4 8115-000543 boxes fibre board rigid size 600x600x300 mm 91 h4 9330-000028 polythene film .25 mm thick x 1 m width 92 h5 1080-000010 ecsg 50mm mb green 93 h5 1080-000011 ecsg 50 mm undyed 94 h5 1080-000042 ecsg 50 mm light green 95 h5 1080-000041 ecsg 50mm dark brown 96 h5 1080-000044 ecsg 75 mm lt green 97 h5 1080-000009 ecsg 50 mm grass green 98 h5 1080-000013 ecsg 75mm mb green 99 h5 1080-000014 ecsg 75 mm undyed 100 h5 1080-000012 ecsg 75 mm grass green 101 h5 1080-000043 ecsg 75 mm dark brown 102 h5 1080-000063 ec nets (jute) 5.5 x 4 m large mesh 50 mm 103 h5 1080-000062 ec net (jute) 8.0mx5.5 mm large mesh 75mm square 104 h5 1080-000065 ec net (jute) 11 x 8 m large mesh 75 mm 105 h5 1080-000064 ec net 16x11 mm large mesh 75mm sqr hemp 106 h5 1080-000053 net camouflage 16x11 metre shrimp type og 20 mm square mesh for equipment camouflage 107 j1 5110-000532 axes fiiing head 2 kg 108 j1 5110-001142 phawrah complete 109 j1 5120-003630 shovel hand and handle 110 w8 5410-000023 fabric revetment flexible 111 w8 1095-000545 winder tape 1a 112 w8 5660-000086 post fence metal angle 1830 mm long (picket angle 6)

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