Annual Rate Contract For Supply Of Feeds And Feed Ingredients For 2020-21 :-Pig Prestarter Feed , Grower Pellets ( For Growing Pigs ) , Grower Pellets ( For Growing Pigs ) , Pig Finisher Pellets ( For Finishing Pigs ) , Pig Gestation Pewllets , Pig Lactation Pellets , Horse Feed , Cattle Calf Starter , Cattle Milch Ration , Broiler Pre-Starter Crumb , Broiler Starter Crumb , Broiler Finisher Crumb , Layer Chick Mash , Layer Chick Crumb , Layer Grower Mash , Layer Grower Crumb , Layer Mash , Layer Crumb , Quail Pre Starter Crumbs , Quail Starter Crumbs , Quail Finisher Pellet , Maize , Wheat Bran , Rice Bran , Deoiled Ricebran , Rice Polish , Soyabean Cake , Groundnut Cake , Mustard Oil Cake , Fish Meal , Dicalcium Phosphate , Lime Stone Powder , Lysine ( Feed Grade ) , Methionine ( Feed Grade ) , Threonine ( Feed Grade ) , Common Salt , Animal Fat , Vitamin Mixture , Molasses , Magnesium Oxide , Copper Sulphate , Zinc Oxide , Cobalt Sulphate , Manganese Sulphate , Potassium Iodide , Ferrous Sulphate , Mineral Mixture ( Cattle ) , Mineral Mixture ( Poultry ) ) , Mineral Mixture ( Swine ) , Oyster Shell Grit , Trace Mineral Mixture , Coccidiostat , Toxin Binder , Meat-Cum-Bone Meal , Optimix He ( Special Mineral Mixture For Milking Cow ) , Soya Oil