
Annual Repair And Maintenance Of Various Roads Under Pwd South East Road-2 During 2019-2020 ( Sh- Conducting Ground Truthing Survey For Roads Under Sub-Division Ser-24 ) ., NEW DELHI-Delhi

Public Works Department has published Annual Repair And Maintenance Of Various Roads Under Pwd South East Road-2 During 2019-2020 ( Sh- Conducting Ground Truthing Survey For Roads Under Sub-Division Ser-24 ) .. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-02-2020. Road Work Tenders in NEW DELHI Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Annual Repair And Maintenance Of Various Roads Under Pwd South East Road-2 During 2019-2020 ( Sh- Conducting Ground Truthing Survey For Roads Under Sub-Division Ser-24 ) .
Open Tender
New Delhi

Tender Details

Annual Repair And Maintenance Of various roads under pwd south east road-2 during 2019-2020 ( sh- conducting ground truthing survey for roads under sub-division ser-24 ) . , conducting topographical survey of various roads including service roads of pwd in delhi with the help of dgps ( digital global positioning system ) or any suitable digital instruments and taking longitudes , latitudes coordinates at required distance and plotting the same with the help of required software and submission of three sets of hard copy of drawings for each road and one editable soft copy in kml format of the same for each road . the work will be carried out strictly as per actual site requirement , site conditions , complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge with the following scope of work: ( i ) establishment of control points on every road with the dgps with minimum observation time duration of 2:00 hrs . having longitudes , latitudes & elevation . ( ii ) work shall be carried out under the jurisdiction of south east roads division-ii ( scaterred all over 5 assembly constituency i . e . okhla , kalkaji , badarpur , tughlakabad & greater kailash ) ( iii ) coordinates of each location will be taken at three points i . e . extreme left and right of the available row and at centre of road if centre verge is not available . in case centre verge is available , third point will be the centre of central verge of the roads . ( iv ) coordinates will be taken a ) at start , end points and at every 50 meter interval in longitudinal direction if available row is uniform and straight . b ) at the each location of road where row is changing so as to find the actual ground position of the row . the changes in such stretch will be decided by the engineer-in-charge for which contractor / agency is bound to act accordingly . , c ) at each curve , coordinate will be taken at close interval say 3 to 5 meter . however in case of sharp curves , this distance may vary and has to be decided on site itself by mutual consent of both the parties i . e . the contractor and the engineer-in-charge to plot the ground position of roads correctly . ( v ) location of street features like central verge , footpath , drain , service roads etc . along with width of each features at each section where coordinates to be taken . ( vi ) location , type and size of each encroachment also to be marked in the drawing . ( vii ) after doing all field exercises on each road , same shall be plotted in soft copy as well as in hard copy form and one draft drawing of each road shall be handed over to engineer-in-charge for checking its correctness as per requirement of gsdl . after checking , the agency will get verified its correctness for proper ground truthing in colour coded zonal maps from gsdl at his own cost . in case any suggestions are made to be incorporated in the drawing , same shall be incorporated by the agency till finalization of ground truthing by gsdl before submission of final hard copy & soft copy of the drawings . ( viii ) the rates quoted by the agency shall be inclusive of all main power , t & p , digital survey instruments and transportation for conducting complete survey of all roads of any row including service roads . the agency has to quote their rates keeping in view the site conditions , traffic conditions , any permission from local bodies / traffic police etc . and nothing extra shall be payable on any account in this regard . ( ix ) payment to the agency shall only be made after proper ground truthing of each road in cczm by gsdl and issue of certificate for completion of correct ground truthing by gsdl in this regard . , plotting available row with actual coordinates as per item no . 1 and approved row of each road on google map for correct ground truthing in cczm and drawing cross section at each location of coordinates being taken under item no . 1 above for all roads with available row and submission of same in editable soft copy in kml format . , submission of hard copies of each cross section at each coordinate location of each road duly authenticated by the agency after proper ground truthing by gsdl . note: department is at liberty to decide whether this item is required to be executed or not during the currency of execution of work .

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INR 5000.0 /-
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