
E Tender For Procurement Of Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology, SLBSGMCH Mandi at NerChowk-Himachal Pradesh

Directorate Of Medical Education And Research has published E Tender For Procurement Of Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-02-2020. Industrial Gases Tenders in SLBSGMCH Mandi at NerChowk Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

E Tender For Procurement Of Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh
Slbsgmch Mandi At Nerchowk

Tender Details

E Tender For Procurement Of Consumable Items For The Department Of Microbiology - I. Antibiotic Discs No Name Of Item Ampicillin Azithromycin Aztreonam Ampicillin / Sulbactam Amoxyclav Amikacin Cefuroxime Co-Trimoxazole Cefexime 10 Ceftazidime 11 Cefaclor 12 Cephalexin 13 Ceftriaxone 14 Ciprofloxacin 15 Cefotaxime 16 Cefoperazone 17 Cefepime 18 Cefoxitin 19 Cefopodoxime 20 Cefazoline 21 Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid 22 Clindamycin 23 Chloramphenicol 24 Colistin ( Methane Sulphonate ) 25 Doripenem 26 Erythromycin 27 Ertapenem 28 Fosfomycin 29 Gentamycin 30 High Level Gentamycin 31 Gemifloxacin 32 Imipenem 33 Levofloxacin 34 Linezolid 35 Meropenem 36 Moxifloxacin 37 Mupirocin 38 Nalidixic Acid 39 Netilimicin 40 Nitrofurantoin 41 Norfloxacin 42 Ofloxacin 43 Penicillin –G 44 Piperacillin 45 Piperacillin / Tazobactam 46 Polymyxin–B 47 Rifampicin 48 Streptomycin 49 High Level Streptomycin 50 Teicoplanin 51 Tetracycline 52 Tigecycline 53 Tobramycin 54 Vancomycin 55 Vancomycin E-Strips Ii Differentiation Discs 1 Bacitracin 2 Bacitracin 3 Bile Esculin 4 Lead Acetate Paper Strips 5 Novobiocin 6 Onpg 7 Optochin 8 V Factor 9 X Factor Iii. Standard Strains 1 E Coli 2 Staphylococcus Aureus 3 Staphylococcus Aureus 4 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 5 Enterococcus Faecalis Iv. Rapid Detection Kits 1 Beta Streptococcal Latex Kit Group A, 2 Menningitis Latex Agglutination Kit H.Influenzae Eschrechiae N.Menningitidis 3 Pregnancy Test Kit For Beta 4 Chlamydia Trachomatis Latex Test V. Biological Fluids 1 Plasma 2 Blood Vi. Antisera 1 Salmonella Antisera 2 Salmonella Antisera 3 Salmonella Antisera 4 Salmonella Antisera 5 Vibrio Antisera 6 Vibrio Antisera 7 Vibrio Antisera 8 Shigella Antisera 9 Shigelladysenteriae 10 Shigellaflexneri 11 Shigellasonnei 12 Shigellaboydii 13 Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 14 Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 15 Escherichia Coli Entero-Invasive 16 Escherichia Coli Verocytotoxin Producing Vii. Mycology S.No. Name Of Item 1 Bird Seed Agar 2 Corn Meal Agar With Dextrose 3 Corn Meal Agar With Dextrose 4 2% Malt Extract Agar Base 5 Potato Dextrose Agar 2% 6 Corn Meal Agar 7 Corn Meal Agar 8 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar 9 Sabouraudcycloheximide Agar 10 Tween 80 11 Yeast Agar Base 12 Yeast Nitrogen Agar Base 13 Candida Differential Chrome Agar Base 14 Muller Hinton Agar 15 Sabouraud Dextroseagar Viii . Sugar Assimilation Media S.No. Name Of Item 1 Glucose 2 Glucose 3 Maltose 4 Maltose 5 Sucrose 6 Sucrose 7 Lactose 8 Cellobiose 9 Galactose 10 Galactose 11 Trehalose 12 Raffinose 13 Meliobiose 14 Xylose 15 Inositol 16 Dulcitol 17 Adonitol 18 D-Arabinose 19 Dextrose 20 Dextrose 21 Fructose 22 Fructose 23 Mannitol 24 Sorbitol 25 Sorbitol 26 Mannose 27 Mannose 28 Salicine Ix. Antifungal E -Test Strips S.No. Name Of Item 1 Amphotericin B 2 Itraconazole 3 Ketoconazole 4 Fluconazole 5 Voriconazole X. Elisa Kits S.No. Name Of Item 1 Scrub Typhus Elisa Kit Igg 2 Scrub Typhus Elisa Kit Igm 3 Hepatitis A Virus Igmelisa Kit 4 Hepatitis E Virus Igm Elisa Kit 5 Hepatitis Cigg Avidity Elisa Kit 6 Hepatitisbsab Elisa Kit 7 Hepatitis D Virus Igmelisa Kit 8 Igm Elisa For Leptospirosis 9 Igm Elisa For Brucellosis 10 Toxopasmosisigg Elisa 11 Toxoplasmosis Igm Elisa 12 Dengue Igm Elisa 13. Chikungunyaigm Elisa 14 Hepatitis Be Ag Elisa 15 Hepatitis Be Ab Elisa 16 Je Virus Igm Elisa 17 Je Virus Igg Elisa 18 Varicella Zoster Igm Elisa 19 Ebv Igm Elisa 20 Measelesigm Elisa 21 Mumps Igm Elisa 22 Rubella Igm Elisa 23 Hsv- I Igm Elisa 24 Hsv-Ii 25 Cmv Igm Elisa 26 Dengue Ns1 Elisa 27 Parvovirus B-19 Igm Elisa 28 West Nile Igm Elisa 29 West Nile Igg Elisa 30 Human Adenovirusigg Elisa 31 Rota Virus Group Specific Ag Elisa 32 Human Adeno Virus Igm Elisa Xi. Bacteriology Section S.No. Name Of Item 1 Giemsa Stain 2 Absorbent Cotton Swab 3 Cover Slips No. 1 4 Liquid Soap 5 Marking Pencil 6 Carborundum Dental Discs 7 Crystal Violet 8 Ammonium Oxalate 9 Sodium Bicarbonate 10 Safranine 11 Basic Fuchsin 12 Potassium Iodide 13 Methylene Blue 14 Albert Stain A 15 Alberts Stain B 16 Silver Methenamine 17 Fluorescinisothiocyanate 18 Auramine O 19 Rhodamine B Xii Serology S.No. Name Of Item 1 Rpr 2 Widal Rapid Stained Salmonella Ag 3 Ra Factor 4 Crp 5 Aso 6 Ana 7 Hbsag Card Test 8 Scrub Typhus Rapid Card Test 9 Pan Malaria Card Test 10 Dengue Virus- Ns1 &Igm 11 Vdrl Antigen 12 Hcv Card Test 13 Hbsag Xiii. Media S.No. Name Of Item 1 Agar Powder 2 Meat Extract 3 Bhi Powder 4 Cooked Meat Medium 5 Cooked Meat Medium 6 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 7 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 8 Cled 9 Cled 10 Hugh &Leifson Medium 11 Hugh &Leifson Medium 12 Lj Medium Base 13 Lj Medium Base 14 Macconkey Agar Base 15 Macconkey Broth ( Double Strength ) 16 Macconkey Broth ( Double Strength ) 17 Mueller Hinton Agar 18 Cary Blair Medium 19 Cary Blair Medium 20 Nutrient Agar 21 Nutrient Agar 22 Peptone 23 Peptone 24 Nutrient Broth Medium 25 Nutrient Broth Medium 26 Selenite Broth Medium 27 Selenite Broth Medium 28 Stock Culture Medium 29 Tsi 30 Tsi 31 Tcbs 32 Urea Agar Base 33 Xld Agar 34 Yeast Extract 35 Bile Esculin Agar 36 Bile Esculin Agar 37 Mannitol Motility Test Medium 38 Deoxychlolsaurenatriumsalz 39 Arginine 40 Ornithine 41 Lysine Xiv - Miscellaneous S.No Name Of Item 1 Microhematocrit Tube 2 Forceps Toothed 3 Forceps Plain 4 Neubauer’S Chamber 5 Sahlihemoglobinometer 6 Elisa Plate 96 Wells 7 Heating Element Of Autoclave 8 Heating Element Of Autoclave 9 Qbc Malaria Kit 10 Anemometer 11 Uv Flux Meter 12 Universal Sterile Container 50 Ml 13 U V Tube Light 14 Sterile Cotton Throat Swab ( Single Packing ) 15 Latex Gloves Small 16 Latex Gloves Medium 17 Latex Gloves Large 18 Diamond Pencil 19 Surgical Mask Triple Layer 20 N-95 Mask 21 Permanent Marker Pens 22 Tissue Paper Roll 23 Absorbent Cotton 24 Non Absorbent Cotton 25 Anodized Slide Rack 26 Anodized Slide Folder 27 Personal Protective Equipment ( Complete With Gowns, Cover, Cap, Goggles ) 28 Adhesive Tape 29 Rubber Teat 30 Washing Brush For Glass Tubes 31 Laboratory Thermometer 32 Teasing Needle 33 Aluminum Foil 34 Magnifying Lens 35 Tuberculin Syringe 36 Pasteur Pipette 37 Christensen Citrate Agar 38 L-Phenylalanine 39 Nigrosin 40 Acid Fucshin 41 Autoclave Safe Polypropylene Rectangular Bottle Xv. Glassware S.No Name Of Item 1 Funnel 2 Funnel 3 Petridishes 90 Mm 4 Beaker 5 Discard Jars With Lid 6 Pipettes 7 Conical Flask 8 Conical Flask 9 Flat Bottom Flask 10 Flat Bottom Flask 11 Flat Bottom Flask 12 Mac Cartney Bottles 13 Durham’S Tube 14 Test Tube Brush 15 Slides 16 Screw Capped Bottle 17 Test Tube 18 Test Tube 19 Test Tube 20 Test Tube 21 Test Tube 22 Test Tube 23 Cover Slips 24 Cylinder 1000Ml 25 Water Sampling Bottles Rectangular 26 Reagent Bottle 1000Ml 27 Cavity Slides 28 Vdrl Slides 29 Glass Rod 30 Tubing 5Mm 31 Plasticine 32 Petri Dish 90 Mm Disposable 33 Broom Stick For Swabs 34 Egg 35 Tubing 5Mm 36 Tubing 10 Mm 37 Tubing 5Mm 38 Vortex 39 Stamp Xvi. Reagents S.No Name Of Item 1 Hcl 2 Sulphuric Acid 3 Iso-Amyl Alcohol Lab Grade 4 Methanol 5 Ethyl Alcohol Absolute Lab Grade 6 Lactic Acid 7 Acetone 8 Acetic Acid Glacial 9 Ammonium Dihy. Ortho Phosphate 10 Barium Chloride 11 Calcium Chloride 12 Ferric Chloride 13 Hydrogen Peroxide 14 Liquid Paraffin 15 Magnesium Sulphate 16 Alpha Naphthol 17 Potassium Dichromate 18 Potassium Iodide 19 Potassium Tellurite 20 Sodium Bicarbonate 21 Sodium Citrate 22 Disodium Orthophosphate 23 Sodium Chloride 24 Sodium Hydroxide 25 Sodium Hypochlorite 26 Phenol 27 Glutraldehyde 28 Pot. Hydroxide 29 Copper Sulphate 30 Para- Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 31 Nnnn Tetramethyl P-Phenylenediaminedihydochloride 32 Sulphanilic Acid 99% 33 D L Phenylalanine 34 Xylene 35 Basic Fuchsin 36 Bromothymol Blue 37 Bromo Cresol Purple 38 Crystal Violet 39 Malachite Green 40 Methylene Blue 41 Methyl Red 42 Nigrosin 43 Phenol Red 44 Safranine 45 Iodine 46 Aniline Blue 47 Cotton Blue 48 Toluidine Blue 49 Ph Paper 51 Ph Paper 52 Ether 53 Chloroform 54 Auraminerhodhamine 55 Potassium Permagnate 56 Nitric Acid 57 Acetic Acid 58 Iodine 59 Potassium Iodide 60 Cresol Red 61 Acid Fucshin 62 Acridine Orange 63 Dpx Mountant 64 Sodium Thiosulphate 65 Lysol 66 Ethanol Absolute Xvii. Vaccines S.No Name Of Item 1 Hepatitis Vaccine Recombinant I / M 2 Tetanus Toxoid I / M 3 Influenza Trivalent Vaccine I / M 4 Je Vaccine I / M 5 Mmr Vaccine I / M Xviii. Skin Test S.No Name Of Item 1 Casoni Antigen 2 2 Tu Of Ppd Rt23 With Tween 80 Xix. Stool Tests 1. Clostridium K-Set 2 Single Path & Duo Path Lateral Flow Test ( Bacillus Xx. Urinanalysis Reagent Strips 1 Leucocytes, Nitile, Urobilinogen, Protein, Blood, Glucose, Ketone, Bilirubin, Specific Gravity. Xxi. Practical ( Microbiology Slides ) S.No Name Of Item 1. Plasmodium Falciparum Ring Form 2 Plasmodium Gametocytes 3 Leishmaniaamastigotes 4 Toxoplasma Tachyzoites 5 Bacillus Spp.With Spores 6 Gram Negative Diplococci In Pmn Cellsn.Gonorrhoeae 7 Plague Bacillus Methylene Blue Stain 8 Cryptococcus Gram Stain 9 Giardia Trophozoitegiemsa Stain 10 Cryptosporidium Parvumoocsyt ( Modified Zn ) 11 Rhinosporidiumseeberi ( H& E ) 12 Cysticercuscellulosae ( H& E ) 13 Negri Bodies ( Seller’S Stain ) 14 Staining Racks 15 Spirit Lamp Steel 16 Standard Loop Platinum 17 L- Wire 18 Straight Wire Xxii Pcr Lab Sr.No. Name Specification 1. Rna Extraction Kit 2. Dna Extraction Kit 3. Viral Transport Medium With Swab 4. Pcr Tube 0.1 Ml With Optical Caps 5. Pcr Tubes 0.2 Ml With Caps 6. Molecular Grade Ethyl Alcohol 7. Self Seal Plastic Bags With Biohazard Sign 8. Paraffin Sealing Tape 9. Microcentrifuge Tubes 0.65Ml 10. Microcentrifuge Tubes 1.75Ml 11. Microcentrifuge Tubes 2.0Ml 12. 2Ml Screw Cap Micro Tube 13. Plaster Waste Bottle Nozzle 14. Nitrile Gloves Small 15. Nitrile Gloves Medium 16. Nitrile Gloves Large 17. Sterile Tips 1-200Ul 18. Sterile Tips 100-1000Ul 19. 20Ul Racked Filter Tips 20. 200Ul Racked Filter Tips 21. 1000Ul Racked Filter Tips 22. Petri Dishes 90X15mm ( Glass ) A Class Certified 23. Measuring Cylinder 500Ml ( Glass ) A Class Certified 24. Measuring Cylinder 1000Ml ( Glass ) A Class Certified 25. 5Ml Storage Tubes 26. Centrifuge Tubes 50Ml 27. Centrifuge Tubes 15Ml 28. Disposable Long Nozzle Tips 29. Falcon Tubes 30. Falcon Tubes 31. Discard Jar 32. Vortex Mixer ( Touch Mode ) 33. Dropping Bottle 34. Weight Boat Large 35. Disposable Inoculating Loops 36. Extra Long Filter Tips 1200Ul 37. Micropipette 0.5-10Ul 38. Micropipette 2-20Ul 39. Micropipette 10-100Ul 40. Micropipette 20-200Ul 41. Micropipette 100-1000Ul 42. Micro Tube Rack 1.5 / 2.0 Ml Tubes 43. 1Ltriple Density Ice Pan 44. Brush 2” 45. Laboratory Waste Collection Bin S.S. 10Ltr 46. 0.22Um Nitrocellulose Membranes 300X300mm 48. Dna Away 49. Rnase Away 50. Barrier Tips 51. Barrier Tips 52. Barrier Tips 53. Phosphate Buffer Saline 54. Multichannel Pipette 8 Channel 55. Endocervical Brush & Spatula 56. Rox Dye 57 Qrt-Pcr Kit With Rox Containing Taq Mix, Master Mix ( Rox, Dntp’S And Mgso4 ) , Mgso4 , Nuclease Free Water, Buffer. 58. Qrt-Pcr Kit With Out Rox Containing Taq Mix, Master Mix ( Dntp’S And Mgso4 ) , Mgso4 , Nuclease Free Water, Buffer. Xxiii. Hepa Filter Sr. No. Dimensions 1 Hepa Filter 8Х8х3-1 / 16 2 Hepa Filter 8Х8х5-7 / 8 3 Hepa Filter 12Х12х5-7 / 8 4 Hepa Filter 24Х24х5-7 / 8 5 Hepa Filter 24Х24х11-1 / 2 6 Hepa Filter 12Х12х11-1 / 2 Xxiv. Vacutainers Sr.No. Name Specification 1. Serum / Plain Red 2. Edta Lavender 3. Citrate Blue 4. Green Heparin Xxv. Syringes Plastic Sterile & Disposable 1. Syringe 2Ml 2. Syringe 5Ml 3. Syringe 10Ml Xxvi. Probes And Primers Kits For Various Pathogens 1 Human Adenovirus ( Quantitative ) 2 Cmv ( Quantitative ) 3 Ebv ( Quantitative ) 4 Hhv-4 ( Ebv ) , Hhv-5 ( Cmv ) And Hhv6a &Hhv6b 5 Hhv 6A &6B ( Quantitative ) 6 Hsv 1 & Hsv 2 ( Quantitative ) 7 Vzv ( Quantitative ) 8 Hsv-1, Hsv 2, & Vzv ( Quantitative ) 9 Bk Virus ( Quantitative ) 10 John Ccunningham Virus ( Quantitative ) 11 Enterovirus And Rhinovirus 12 Human Influenza Virus A &B And Swine Flu ( H1n1 ) 13 Mers-Coronavirus 14 Mers-Coronavirus ( N Gene ) 15 Human Metapneumo Virus A & B 16 Human Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 17 Rsv A & B 18 Bordetella Pertussis &Parapertussis 19 Pneumocystis Jirovecii 20 Norovirusgenogroup I & Ii 21 Rotavirus 22 C.Difficile Toxin A & B 23 Shiga Toxin 1 & Shiga Toxin 2 And Ipah 24 Hav 25 Hbv 26 Hcv 27 Hdvhev ( Quantitative ) 28 Hiv- 1 29 Parvovirus B 19 ( Quantitative ) 30 Chikungunya Virus 31 Cchf Virus 32 Trypanosomacruzi 33 Dengue Virus 34 Dengue Virus 1-4 And Serotype Differentiation 35 Filovirus 36 Lassa Virus 37 Rift Valley Fever Virus 38 West Nile Virus 39 Zika Virus 40 Plasmodium Species And Differentiation

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