
Supply Of Dphl Dhh Nabarangpur Chemical & Consumables, Nabarangapur-Odisha

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Supply Of Dphl Dhh Nabarangpur Chemical & Consumables. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2020. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Nabarangapur Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Dphl Dhh Nabarangpur Chemical & Consumables
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Dphl Dhh Nabarangpur Chemical & Consumables- 1. Micropippete (0.5-10μl) 2. Micropippete (20-200μl) 3. Micropippete (200-1000μl) 4. Micropippete (1000-5000μl) 5. Micropippete Stand(6 Pippetes) 6. Microtip Box (200μl) 7. Microtip (200μl), Bulk. 8. Autoclavable Microtip Box (1000μl) 9. Microtip (1000μl) Univ, Grad. Sterile, Low ret.Bulk. 10. Microtip (5000μl) 11. Microtip Box (10μl) 12. Microtip (10μl), Univ, Grad, Sterile, Low ret Bulk 13. Test tube Racks Plastic Multipurpose 14. Sample Collection Vials Plastic (Capped) 15. Sample container Plastic Sterile Uricol 16. Transport container, Vaccinecarrier 17. Discarding Tray, Hard Plastic, Autoclavable 18. Nitrile Gloves ( 7’’ & 8”) 19. Wash bottles 500ml 20. Antibiotic zone diameter Scale Plastic 21. Bunsen Burner with Pad & Stand 22. Stop watch 23. Spirit Lamp 24. Aprone White Full Sleeve L & XL 25. Sterile Cotton Swab-PW1136-1X500nos 26. Dustbin Medium 27. Sterilizing indicator OK strips in Packets, Self adhesivetape 28. Masks 100/pkt 29. Test tube washing brush (Big, Medium, Small 30. EDTA Vials 31. Plain vials 32 EDTA Vials 33 Plain vials 34 Autoclavable Sterile Plastic Vials (5ml) 35 Autoclavable Sterile Plastic Vials (10ml) 36 Tourniquet 37 Disposable Syringe 38 39 40 Spreader Autoclavable 41 Wattmans Filter paper 42 Tissue Paper in rolls 43 Rubber band in kg 44 Adhesive labels in rolls 45 Parafilm roll 46 Autoclavable sterile wodden stick (Round bottom one side) 47. Gas Cylinder 48. Glass bottles with lid (500ml) 53 Borosil Glass bottles with lid (1000ml) 54. Borosil Glass pipettes (1,2,5,10 ml) 55. Borosil Glass Test tube Rimless (10, 20, 30 ml) 56. Borosil Glass rod (for stirring) 57. Borosil Glass Beaker (50 ml, 100 ml, 500ml, 1000ml) 58. Conical flask (100ml, 250ml) 59. Conical Flask (500 ml, 1000 ml) 60. Borosil Measuring cylinder (10ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml) 61. Stainless steel forcep pointed 62. Durahm’s tube GW163 63. Inoculating loop (2, 5 & 10 mm dia ) 64. Staining Trays 65. Tongue depressor 66. Dacron or Calcium alginate swab (Throat swab ) 67. Antibiotic disc dispensor 68. Kirby-Bauer discdiffussion 69. Throat swab steak 70. Reference Thermometer Large Mercury 71. Pre sterilised& Disposable petridishes 80- 90 mm 72. Sterile wide mouthed leak proof container 73. Clinicol Sterile -PW-015(100/Pkt.) himedia 74. Staining rods 75. Staining racks 76. Spatula (Medium) 77. Innoculating straight wire 78. Scissor Stainless steel (Medium) 79. Microscopic glassslide 80. Glass Coverslip 81. Glass test tubes 5ml 82. Glass test tubes 10ml 83. Plastic screw cap centrifuge tube 15ml 84. Urine culture collection vial 1 Immersion oil for microscopy 2 Absolute Alcohol (99.99%) 3 Rectified Spirit(Surgical) 4 Phenyl 5 3% Hydrogenperoxide(H2O2) 6 Kovacs Indole reagent 7 Barrits reagent A 8 Barrits reagent B 9 KOH 10 Sodium Hydroxide(NaOH) crystals 11 4% Sodium Hypochloride solution 12 Formaldehyde 37-41%LR 13 Concentrated Sulphuric Acid 14 Acetone Conc. 15 Buffer Capsules(pH 4& 9) 16 Deionised/Distilled water 17 Dettol Handwash 18 Sanisol 19 Deoderising Pearl 20 Urea Crystals for Urease Agar 21 Liquid Paraffin 22 70% Ethanol 23 Oxidase disc 24 Ferric chloride 25 Durham Tube 26 Glass Beads 1 Nutrient Broth 2 Nutrient agar 3 Agar Agar 4 Peptone Water 5 Mac-conkey broth Mac-conkey broth 6 Mac-conkey Agar 7 Selenite FBroth 8 XLD Agar ( 9 Deoxcholate Citrate agar 10 TCBS agar (Selective) 11 Mueller Hinton Agar 12 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 13 Simmon citrate Agar 14 Carry Blair medium 15 Alkaline peptone water 16 Lysine Iron Agar 17 Kligler Iron Agar 18 Mannitol Motility Agar 19 Salmonella ShigellaAgar 20 Hektoen Enteric Agar 21 Glucose Broth 22 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 23 Bile esculine Agar 24 Brilliant Green Bile Broth 25 MR-VP broth 26 Indole Nitrate Medium 27 Urea Hi- veg Agar Base 28 Loefflers serum Medium 29 Tellurite blood Agar 30 Strenotrophomonas selective Agar Base 31. Methyl Red Indicator 32. Mannitol Salt AgarBase 33. Egg yolk Emulsion 34. CLED Agar medium w/ Bromo Thymol blue 35. Urea Agar 36. Catalase Test Hydrogen peroxide 37. UTI Agar(Urochrome Agar) (M1353R)Himedia 38. Motility Test Agar (M260) Himedia 39. Carry Blair Medium Himedia(HD001) 40. Hip-DIP-Cled-cetri-Mac-Medium(HD001)Himedia 42. SD Medium (himedia) 43. Sterile Clinicol (PW015)Himedia 44 Sorbitol Mac-conkey Agar 45 Blood Agar Base 46 Tetrathionite broth 1 Gram staining kit 2 Leishmans Stain kit 3 Oxidase discBottle 4 ZN Staining Kit 5 Lactophenol Cotton Blue Staining 6 KOH Solution 16 | P a g e 1 Amikacin 30 mcg 2 Ampicillin Ab 10 mcg 3 Azithromycin 15 mcg 4 Cefaperazone 75 mcg 5 Cefixime 5 mcg 6 Cefodoxime 10 mcg 7 Cefoperazone 75 mcg 8 Cefotaxim 5 mcg 9 Ceftriaxone 30 mcg 10 Chloramphenicol 30 mcg 11 Ciprofloxacin 5 mcg 12 Clindamycin 2 mcg 13 Co-Trimoxazole 25 mcg 14 Doxycyclin 30 mcg 15 Erythromycin 15 mcg 16 Gentamycin 10 mcg 17 Levofloxacin 5 mcg 18 Linozoid 30 mcg 19 Nilididixic 30 mcg 20 Nitrofurantoin 100 mcg 21 Norfloxacin 10 mcg 22 Ofloxacin 5 mcg 23 Oxacillin 1 mcg 24 Piperacillin 100 mcg 25 Tobramycin 10 mcg 26 Vancomycin 30 mcg 27 Bacitracian

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Document Fees
INR 2360 /-
INR 5000.0 /-
Tender Value
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