Supply Of Bcl, Lab. Chemicals & Drugs & Medical Consumables To The Cdm&Pho Angul. chemicals:- 1 Inj. Ampicilin (100mg) 2 inj 5%Dextrose+ 0.9% Normal Saline solution parenteral use 500mle 3 Inj. Amikacin(100) 4 Inj. 10% Dextrose Soll.500ml 5 Inj. 25 % Dextrose -100ml. Bott. 6 inj. 3% Normal saline 100 ml 7 Inj. 5% Dextrose Sol.500ml 8 inj. adrenaline 1:10000 9 Inj. Amikacin-500mg. 10 Inj. Aminophyline 11 Inj. Ampicilin250 mg+cloxacilin250 12 inj. ampicillin 125mg 13 inj. ampicillin 250mg 14 inj. Ampicillin125+Cloxacillin 125 15 Inj. Anti Rabies Immunoglobin 16 Inj. Anti Rabies Vaccine 1ml 17 Inj. Anti Rabies Vaccine 0.5ml 18 Inj. Anti Snake Venom 19 Inj. Anti Tetanus Immunoglobin 20 Inj. Artesunate (60mg) 21 Inj. Atracurium 22 Inj. Atropine Sulphate 0.6mg/1ml. 23 inj. Bupivacaine Heavy 24 Inj. Buterphanol 25 Inj. Caffine 26 Inj. Calcium Gluconate 27 Inj. Carboprost 28 inj. cefemine+tazobactum 1.125 29 Inj. Cefepime – 1gm. 30 Inj. Cefoperazone+Sulbactum 1.5Gm 31 Inj. Cefotaxime (125 mg) 32 Inj. Cefotaxime-1gm. 33 Inj. Cefotaxime-250mg. 34 inj. cefriaxone 500+Salbactum250 35 inj. cefriaxone 500+tazobatum63mg 36 Inj. Ceftriaxone – 250mg. 37 Inj. Ceftriaxone + Sulbactum 1.5mg. 38 Inj. Ceftriaxone- 1gm. 39 inj. ceftriaxone 250+Tazobactum31.5mg 40 Inj. Ceftriaxone –500mg. 41 Inj. Chloromphenicol - 42 Inj. Chorionic Ganadotropin-5000 unit 43 inj. ciprofloxacin 44 inj. citicholine 400mg 45 Inj. Clonion 46 Inj. Cloxacillin (250 mg) 47 Inj. Dexamethasone- 2ml. 48 Inj. Diazepam 49 Inj. Diclofenac Aqua 1ml 50 Inj. Diclofenac Sodium -3ml. 51 inj. dicyclomine 52 Inj. Distilled water 5ml/Ample 53 Inj. Dopamine 54 Inj. Drotaverin-80mg 55 Inj. Ephidrine 56 Inj. Erythroprotein 4000 IU/ml 57 Inj. Ethamsylate 58 Inj. Flumazenil 0.1mg/ml 59 Inj. Frusemide 60 Inj. Gentamycin -20mg. /2ml. Vial 61 inj. gentamycin80mg 62 Inj. Glyceryl Trynitrate 63 Inj. Glyopyrolate 64 inj. Haemaccel (plasma volume expander) iv 65 Inj. Haloperidol 66 inj. HCG 5000 67 Inj. Heparine 68 Inj. Human Anti-D Immunoglobuline-300 69 inj. Human Premid Insulin (30/70) 70 Inj. Human Premixed insuline (regular)(40units /ml) 71 Inj. Human Premixed insuline 30/70 (40units /ml) 72 Inj. Human Premixed insuline 50/50 (40units /ml) 73 inj. Hydrocortisone sodium Succinate 200mg vial 74 Inj. Hydroxy Progesterone 75 inj. hynidase/anavase 1500 iu 76 Inj. Iron Dextrose 77 inj. isoxsuprine 78 inj. ivolyte p 79 inj. ketorolac 80 inj. labetalol 81 inj. laevetiracetum 82 inj. lignocaile plain 83 inj. lignocaine 2% + adrenaline 84 inj. lignocaine 4% tropical 85 Inj. Lincomycin 1ml. /Amp. 86 Inj. Lincomycin 2ml. /Amp. 87 Inj. Lorazepam 88 Inj. L-Orithin 89 Inj. M.V.I. 10 ml. amp. 90 Inj. Magnesium Sulphate 91 Inj. Mannitol 92 Inj. Mecobalamine(1000mcg)+Pyridoxine(100mg)+Nicotinamide(100mg) 93 Inj. Meropenum 94 Inj. Methyl Cobalamine 95 inj. methyl ergometrine 96 Inj. Methyl Prednisolone-40mg. 97 Inj. Metronidazole IV. 100Ml 98 Inj. Midazolan 10ml/Vial 99 inj. multivitamin10ml 100 Inj. Nandrolone-25mg 101 Inj. Neostigmine-2ml/amp 102 Inj. Neostigmine-5ml/amp 103 inj. netilmycin10mg 104 inj. Netilmycin25mg 105 Inj. Netromycin 10mg. 106 inj. Noradrenaline 107 Inj. Normal Saline (100 ml) 108 Inj. Normal Saline 0.9% - (500 ml) for parenteral use 109 Inj. Ofloxacin -100ml 110 Inj. Ondansetron 111 Inj. Oxytocin 112 Inj. PAM-20ml./Amp (Pralidoxime) 113 Inj. Pantoprozole (IV) 114 Inj. Paracetamol 115 inj. pentazocaine HCl 116 Inj. pheniramine Mealiate-2ml. 117 Inj. Phenobarbitone 118 Inj. Phenyton Sodium 119 inj. phosphenytoin 120 Inj. Phytopmenadoin 1mg/0.5ml 121 Inj. Pipercillin + Tazobactum (1.125 gm) 122 Inj. Pipercillin + Tazobactum (2.5 gm) 123 Inj. Pipercillin + Tazobactum (4.5 gm) 124 inj. piracetam 1.5mg 125 inj. piroxicam 126 inj. potassium chloride 127 Inj. Primacort-100mg. 128 Inj. Primacort-200mg. 129 Inj. Promethazine 130 Inj. Propofol 131 Inj. Prostadine 132 inj. Pure Crystaline Aminoacid ( I.V.) 133 Inj. Quinine 600mg (2ml/amp) 134 inj. rabeprazole 135 Inj. Ranitidine 136 Inj. Ringers Lactate 500ml 137 inj. sensorvaine 0.5 138 Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate -10ml. Amp. 139 inj. sodium bicarbonate 5ml 140 Inj. Sreptokinase 7.5Lac 141 Inj. Streptomycin 0.75mg/Vial 142 Inj. SuccinylCholine 143 Inj. Tetanus Toxid 144 Inj. Theophylline +Etophylline 145 Inj. Thiopentone Sodium 146 inj. Tramadol 147 Inj. Trenexamic Acid -500mg. 148 Inj. Hynidase 1500 IU 149 Inj. Triamcinolone -10mg 150 inj. tripan blue 1ml 151 Inj. Vecuronium 152 inj. vit b complex 153 Inj.Ketamine 154 Inj.Triamcinolone Acetonide-40mg(Kenacort-40mg) 155 X-Ray Film 8x10 -50 nos.pkt. Kodak 156 X-Ray Film 10x12 -50 nos.pkt. Kodak 157 X-Ray Film 12x12 -50 nos.pkt. Kodak 158 X-Ray Film 15x12 -50 nos.pkt. Kodak 159 X-Ray Developer(9ltrs) 160 X-Ray Patient Gown female cotton 161 X-Raay ilm Hanger Chanel type short handed10x8 162 X-Ray View Box double Bar 163 X-Raay ilm Hanger Chanel type short handed12x12 164 X-Raay ilm Hanger Chanel type short handed10x12 165 X-Ray Film Hanger Chanel typeShort handed15x12 166 safe light set 167 X-Ray Patient Gown male cotton 168 X-Ray Fixer (9ltrs) 169 Digital X-Ray filling (Size-10x12)/150pcs/pkt 170 Digital X-Ray filling (Size-10x8)/150pcs/pkt 171 X-Ray cassettee 15x12 172 X-Ray cassettee 12x12 173 X-Ray cassettee 12x10 174 X-Ray cassettee 10x08 175 Intenseyfing Screen15x12 176 Intenseyfing Screen12x12 177 Intenseyfing Screen12x10 178 Intenseyfing Screen10x08 179 Ladies Patient Goun 180 Developer Tank 181 Lead Thyroid Shield 182 Lead Gugles 183 View Box single film 184 Stationery Grid (8:1) 185 approne white (cotton) 186 Intensifying screen cleaner 187 Patient gown disposable 188 patient Gown cotton 189 X-ray Tank 190 3 way Cannula 191 Absorbent Cotton-100gm pkt. Net. 192 Absorbent Cotton-500gm pkt. Net. 193 Adult Weighing Machine 194 Amber Color Jar (1ltr) 195 ambu bag Adult 196 ambu bag neonat 197 ambu bag paed 198 B. P insturment spare cuffs 199 baby Mucus Sucker 200 Digital Baby Weighing Scale with sling 201 Bacillocid 25% Spray 202 Bacillocid Extra (1ltr jar) 203 Bandage cloth 90 cm x 16.5 mts EPM specification. 204 Bed Sheet (cotton) white bleached both side stitching EPM specification 205 Bed side locker as per specification EPM rate 206 Black Braided silk 1.0 207 Black disinfectant fluid 4ltr /Jar 208 Blanket cotton for Adult as per EPM specification 209 Blanket cotton for child as per EPM specification 210 Borax Glycerine – 10ml bott. 211 BP apparatus Non Murcury LED Type 212 BP instrument dial type 213 catgut atromatric 1-0(40mm 1/2 circle 214 Catgut Chromic Atraumatic ( 30 mm needle) 215 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize:- 1-0, length: 76cm, 1/ 2 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needle) U.S.P,with CE certification 216 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize:- 1-0, length: 76cm, 1/ 2 Circle Round Bodied (45mm needle) U.S.P,with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 217 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize:-1, length: 76cm, 1/ 2 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needle) (Heavy) U.S.P,with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 218 catgut chromic atro 0 219 catgut chromic atro 3-0 220 Catgut ChromicSize:-1-0, length: 1 x 152cm, (without needle) U.S.P, with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 221 Chloroxynelol solution 500ml 222 chromic (2-0) with roundbody needle 223 Cidex (2%) - (5ltr / Jar) 224 Cord clamp 100/pkt 225 cutting needle suture curved 226 cutting needle suture st. 227 dark glass for cataract surgery 228 Diapar-Small 5 to 7 kg. 229 Patient Waiting Chair: 3 Seated Stainless Steel Width- 68.78Depth:25.55 Height:30.26 230 Digital Thermometer 231 Dimond Marker Pencil 232 Disp. Syringe-10ml. 22 G needle 233 Disp. Syringe-20ml. 22 G needle 234 Disp. Syringe-2ml. 23 G needle 235 Disp. Syringe-2ml. 24 G needle 236 Disp. Syringe-50ml. 22 G needle 237 Disp. Syringe-5ml. 24 G needle 238 dispo needle 23G,24G, 26 G 239 dispo urethral cathetor 12,14,16 240 Disposable approne plastic 241 Disposable Clean Sheet 242 Disposable Insuline Syringe 243 disposable Latex Rubber gloves size 6/ 6 .5/ 7 /7.5 244 Disposable Mask 3 layer 245 Disposable O.T. Cap. 246 disposable scapvein set 20/22/24 G 247 Disposable Tetra 248 Draw sheet 249 Duoline +Fluhale for nebulization 250 Durry 251 ECG PAPER ROLL 1200G/CONTEC 252 ECG PAPER ROLL 600G/ CONTEC 253 ECG PAPER ROLL BPL MODEL 6108T/20MTR 254 elastic adhesive bandage 255 Electrical Instrument Sterilizer 256 Electrical Vaccume Aspirator(EVA) 257 enema Glycerine 258 enema proctoclysis 259 Falcon Tube(Tarsen) (50ml) 260 Feeding Tube 5,& 6 size 261 Flexible Makintoush sheet 262 Foleys Catheters (Size-8,12,20,16,18) 263 Foot Operated 2 Bins Set (Red, Blue) - 30 ltrs 264 Foot Operated 2 Bins Set (Red, Blue) - 60 ltrs. 265 Foot Operated 3 Bins Set (Yellow, Red, Blue) -Capacity -30 lits. 266 Foot Operated 3 Bins Set (Yellow, Red, Blue) -Capacity -60 ltrs. 267 Foot Operated Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) - Capacity 30 ltrs 268 Foot Operated Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) Capacity - 60 ltrs. 269 Black Dustbin 100 ltr capacity with cover 270 foot step 271 freeze thermometer 272 Gauze cloth 60 cm x 16.5 mts. As per EPM specification 273 Gel ECG tube 274 Gel lincomycin 275 Gel Ultrasound 5kg 276 Gel. Diclofenac -30gm. 277 Glass marking pencil 278 gloves powder 279 Glucose vial (100nos pkt) 280 Glucostick Spark -(50 nos/box) 281 Glucostick Accucheck -(50 nos/box) 282 Glucostick Code Free -(50 nos/box) 283 glutaral dehyde 2% 284 Gun Boots # 8 (12) 285 Gypsona Bandage-4 286 Gypsona Bandage-6 287 Haemoglobinmeter 288 Halothane 100ml/bottle 289 Hand sanitiser 290 Hand Wash-500 ml. bott. (Dettol) 291 Handloom cotton cloth for plaster of paris 292 Height measurement Instrument 293 hub cutter electrical as per specification EPM rate 294 hub cutter manual as per specification EPM rate 295 Humidity Control Pack 296 Hygrometer 297 I.O.L (A.C) 298 I.O.L (P.C) 299 I.V set adult 300 I.V. Cannula No24, No26, no 20 301 Ice Gelly Pack 250 gm 302 Immuno-Wash Fluid 303 inflated Kellys pad 304 inhaer fonmotenol +budesonic 305 inhaler Asthalin 306 Inhaler Levosalbutamol 307 Inhaler Tiotropium 308 Inhaler Tiotropium + Formoterol 309 Inhaler.Formoterol&Budesunide 400mg 310 Intra Infusion Set (A) 311 IUCD Kit 312 IV cannulla 18/20/22/24/26G 313 Jerry Cane (White/Transperent) 314 Jumbo cylinder capacity 7cum/tare wt 54Kg water cap 46.7ltr 315 Ladies Patient Gown 316 Larryngoscope 317 Lead Gugles 318 Long cloth (green) as per EPM specification 319 Lotion Povidione Iodine -100ml. 320 M-95 mask 321 macintosh sheet 10 MTR 322 Malaria Larvacide Oil 323 Mannual Vaccume Aspirator(MVA) 324 Mersilk cutting Needle No. 1(12foils/pkt) 325 Mersilk cutting Needle No. 1-0 (12foils/pkt) 326 Mersilk cutting Needle No. 2-0 (12foils/pkt) 327 Mersilk cutting Needle No. 3-0 (12foils/pkt) 328 Micropore 1 Microporous Paper adhesive paper tape) 329 Microscopic Glass Slide3 x 1 x 1.1 + 0.1 / - 0.2mm thickness (75mm X 25mm) with ISI mark 330 Minilap Kit 331 Mosquto Net –Nylon ( White / Blue ) 332 Mouth Paint Clotrimazole 333 Mouth Wash Chlorohexidine 334 MTP canula 335 myo enositol and D-chiro inositol 336 N/10 HCL solution 5LTR JAR 337 Nasal Drop Oxymetazoline 338 nasal drop Saline (Adult) 339 nasal drop Saline (Pead) 340 nasal drop Xylometazolin 341 Nasal drop Xylometazolin and Oxymetazolin (Adult) 342 Nasal drop Xylometazolin and Oxymetazolin (Child) 343 Nasal feeding tube 344 nasal pronge neonate size 345 Nasal Spray Azelastin + Fluticasone 346 Nasal Spray Mometasone 347 nebulizer duolin+flohale 348 Needle Syringe Terminator - (Electrical) 349 Neil catheter 350 Neocaine Veinflon-24G 351 Neocaine Veinflon-26G 352 O.T.Plastic Appron 353 O.T.Towel Green 354 Oral Gel Chlorohexidine 355 Ortho Toluidine Kit 356 OT dress (Trouser & Half shirt) 357 oxygen concetrator bottle 358 Oxygen Cylinder Stand 359 Oxygen Face mask(Ad) 360 Oxygen Face mask(pead) 361 Oxygen flow meter with Humidifier 362 oxygen pipe line long tube 363 Paed. Micro Drip set(measuredVolume Fluid Infusion Set) 364 Paraffin Gauzedressing Pad (10cmx10cm) 10 nos/1 pkt. 365 Parafilm 5x125 366 Pedicroyl 367 Phenol500gm 368 Phenyl (40%) 5ltr jar 369 pillow(cotton)white bleached L=70cm/B=45cm excluding boarder ( white bleached) all side zigzag stiching with boarder of 2.5cm in each side 370 pillow(foam) L=70cm/B=40cm foam quality should confirm IS933:1975(Reaffirmed2003) 371 Plasma Expander -500ml. Bott. 372 Plaster Cutter Mannual 373 Plaster of Paris -1 kg. pkt. 374 polyamide (2-0) with reverse cutting needle 375 polyamide (3-0) with reverse cutting needle 376 Polyomide with cuting needle size 2-0 377 Polypropylene Size- 1 378 Polypropylene Size:- 1-0 379 PolypropyleneSize:- 2-0, length: 70cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 20- 30mm, with needle U.S.P, with CE certification 380 Polythene Black( of 50-60kg capacity) 381 Polythene Blue (of 50-60kg capacity) 382 Polythene Red(of 50-60kg capacity) 383 Polythene Yellow (of 50-60kg capacity) 384 Potassium Nitrate Mouth wash 385 Potassium Nitrate(5%)paste 386 pottasium permanganate powder 387 Povidine Mouth Wash 388 powder clotrimazole 389 PPIUCD Forcep (12.5”long) 390 prolene mesh 391 Proline mesh Size(15x7cm) and (11x6cm) 392 proline No1 with round body needle40mm heavy 393 Protective Eye wear 394 Pulse Oxymeter 395 Pure Crystaline Aminoacid (Astymine I.V.) 396 PVC Drain 397 R A Thermoseal Paste 398 Rate Lamp 399 Red,Blue, Yellow & Black Plastic Bag ( Biodegradeable, size(13”x09”), HDPE/LDPF/PE made with virgin, non chlorinated polymer material with minimum thickness of 55 micron & pre-printed Logo as per Biomedical Waste Management Rule. 400 Repsules. Ipratropium(500) &Salbutamol(2.5ml) 401 respule levosalbutamol+ipratropium 402 respule Budesonide nebuliser 403 Respule Combimistst 404 Respule levosalbutamol +Budesonide solution 405 respule salbutamol 406 Respule salbutamol +ipnatrpicin nebuliser solution 407 Respules Budesonide(0.5mg) 2ml 408 Rotacap formoterol + budesonide 409 round body needle suture 410 ryles tube adult 411 Ryles tube paed 412 Sachet- Prebiotic & Probiotic 413 Safeguard Gel 414 Shreedder 415 Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) - Capacity -30 lits. Without stand 416 Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) - Capacity -30 lits. Without stand 417 Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) - Capacity -60 lits. Without stand 418 Single Bin (Red,Blue,Black, Yellow) - Capacity -60 lits. Without stand 419 Slide Box (100 capacity) 420 Slit OT Towel 421 soap medicated 422 Stethoscope 423 Stomach Tube 424 Strecher with Stand 425 suckking pipe 426 Suction catheter (size 5,6,7 & 8 fr) 427 suction jar 428 Suppositories (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax 429 Surgical NeedlesSuture Needles, Straight Cutting Needle different sizes 6 to 10 430 Surgicals BladesPre - sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 sizes 10 ISI : 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 431 Surgicals BladesPre - sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 sizes 20, ISI : 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 432 Surgicals BladesPre - sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 sizes 22, ISI : 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 433 Surgicals BladesPre - sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 sizes 24, ISI : 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 434 susp bandage 435 Torch Light (Eveready)(Charging) 436 Towel (Big) Length 150,breadth=70 cm,wt minimum 500gm, (Cotton Turkish white double side stich) 437 Towel (Small) L=60cm/B=40cm wt min150gm cottton turkish white double side stich 438 Uro Bag. 439 Utility Hand Gloves -18 440 Vaginal jelly clotrimazole2% with applicator 441 vaginal pessary clotrimazole 442 Vantage Paste 443 ventouse cup 444 Vicryl No. 1 ( Polyglactin ) 445 vikryl catgut 446 weighing Scale Digital 447 Wheel Barrow 448 Xylocaine Jelly 2 % 449 Zipper Bag (size 8” x 6”, poly bag with one side zipper) 450 Blood Sugar (Lab method) 451 Blood Sugar(Glucometer Strip with lancet) 452 dropping bottle 500mg/bottle 453 (N/10) Hydrochloride Solution (Haemoglobin Estimation) 454 10 % Barium Chloride-500ml 455 250 Reference Fluid 456 3.8% Sodium Citrate Solution(ESR) 457 A.S.O. Antigen 458 acetone 500ml 459 Alkaline Phosphate 460 Anti Human Globulin serum ( Poly Valent) 10 ml 461 Anti-( A+B)(Lectin) ( IgM Monoclonal) 10ml 462 Anti-A1(Lectin) 5ml 463 Anti-H (Lectin) 5ml 464 Auramin-O (Himedia) 500gm 465 Australia Antigen Rapid (Strip/card)Hbs Ag Cassetes 50 nos. /Box 466 barium chloride 10% 467 Benedict Solution 500ml 468 Benzidine Powder(100gm pkt) 469 Bilirubin kit 470 Blood Collection Bag CPD-A1 100ml (single) 471 Blood Collection Bag CPD-A1 350ml (single) 472 Blood Grouping (ABO-RH typing)(ANTI-A,ANTI-B,ANTI-A,B,ANTI-D,ANTIH, ANTI-A1,BOVINE ALBUMIN,Antigen for Red Cell Pannel)( IgM Monoclonal) 10ml 473 Blood Grouping ABD 474 Blood Transusion Set (I.V. set) adult & Paed Needle-18G double drip cleearly visible 475 Blood urea, 476 Bovine Albumin 22% 10ml 477 BuBc 478 C.R.P. Antigen 479 Calibrater - Transasia 480 Calibrater - Transasia 481 Calibrator kit-1 482 Calibrator kit-2 483 Calibrator kit-25 484 Calibrator kit-25485 Calibrator kit-3 486 Calibrator kit-3 487 Calibrator kit-4 488 Carbol Fushion --25gm(Nice) 489 Carbol Fushion --500ml 490 Ceeder wood oil 491 Cell clean - Transasia 492 Cell Pack (Transasia) 493 Cell Pack - (Meril ) 494 Cholestrol Kit 495 Clot Activator Plain Vial 496 Control Solution(High)-Transasia 497 Control Solution(low)-Transasia 498 Control Solution(med) (Transasia) 499 Coombs Reagent (Direct & Indirect)(AHG Anti C3d monoclonal) 500 Copper Soleplate 5ltr jar 501 Cover Slip (English Glass ) 502 Creatinine Kit 503 Creatinine Reagent 504 CRP 505 Dengue IgM 506 Dengue NS1 507 Desiccant Pack 508 Diluent (3 part CBC)(Medonic 509 Disposable Poly Bag For waste disposal size 15 Ltr 510 Disposable Poly Bag For waste disposal size 40 Ltr 511 Disposable Poly Bag For waste disposal size 50 Ltrs 512 Dist. Water-5lts. Jar 513 Distile Water 514 DM Water 5ltr jar 515 E.D.T.A. vial -** benesphephra/ 100 nos./Pkt. 516 E.S.R Stand -6 tubes 517 E.S.R Tube 518 EDTA powder 25Gm 519 EDTA sample Tube 520 Erba active APTT reagent (5x6)ml 521 Erba Calcium Chloraide (10x5)ml 522 ET Tube (No2.5,3,3.5) 523 Ethanol (Chinamade) 100ml/Bottle (99.9%) 524 Ethanol (Chinamade) 500ml/Bottle 525 F.S. Vial Container 100 nos. /Pkt. 526 Falcon Tube 50ml 527 Falcon Tube stand 528 formal dehide 500ml 529 Fouchets reagent 500 ml 530 Glacial Acetic Acid -500ml. Bott. 531 Glass Slide 532 Glass Slide 534 Glass Slide ( Dimension25.4mmx76.2mm Thick1.35mm ISI mark) 535 Glucose Reagent- -500ml. 536 Glucose Vial 537 Gravindex Test Stick (Accurex) - 50 nos. Pkt. 538 H2S Strip 539 H2S Strip 540 Haematology test Reagent for Automated haematology Analyzer(5part/3part) 541 haemoglobin tube 542 Haemoglobinometer 543 Hb Pippete (marifield Germany) 544 Hb% SET ( Haemocyto Meter Set ( Marified Germany) 545 HbA1c Test Kit 546 HCV Elisa Kit Gen3 96 Tests 547 HCV Elisa Kit Gen3(V2) 96 Tests 548 HDL Kit- 549 Hepatitis C card test(HCV) Rapid (strip/card) test kit 550 HIV Rapid (strip/card) test kit 551 Humidity Control Pack 552 Hydrogen Peroxide -100ml. 553 hydroxy Methyl Celulose Visko 5ml 554 Immersion oil 555 Immuno-Wash Fluid 556 Isoflurane 100ml/bottle 557 iso-propyl alcohol 558 JSB Stain-I -500 ml 559 JSB Stain-II - 500 ml 560 K3/K2 EDTA Vial 561 Laboratory Stain(Giema Stain,leishman Stain) 562 Lead Thyroid Shield 563 Lens cleaning Tissue Paper-roll 564 Liquid Botroclote 565 liquid pottassium 566 Lysee (3 part CBC) (medonic) 567 Malaria Antigen Rapid (strip/card)Test Kit 568 Medical Addhesive Spot( Medigrip) 569 Methanol Solu.500ml.bott. 570 Methelene Blue --25gm 571 Methelene Blue --500ml 572 Micro Pippete - 100 -1000 Variable ( Nicholas/Glass GO/PFACT / Accurex ) 573 Micro Pippete -1000 574 Micro Pippete -1000 Fixed ( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT / Accurex ) 575 Micro Pippete 20-100 ( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT / Accurex 576 Micro Pippete -500 -Fixed ( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT / Accurex ) 577 Micro Pippete 5-50 ( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT / Accurex 578 Micro pippette for micropippette 100-1000 microltr 579 Micro pippette for micropippette 10-100 microltr 580 Micro Sample Cup 581 Micro Tip Big 582 Micro Tip Small 583 Microscope 584 Microscope Bulb ( Philips) 585 Occult Blood test kit 586 Pasteurer Pippete 587 Pasture Pipette with rubber tit 588 Pasturer Pepettes -(12nos X1 box) 589 Perform Verifier -1 590 Perform Verifier -2 591 Plain urine collecting vial 592 Plain Vial 100 nos. /Pkt. 593 Platelete Diluting Fluid(Platelet Count) 594 Pregnancy Kit 595 Protine LS (PT reagent) (2x5)ml 596 PT Reagent(Prothombin Time) 597 Q.B.C. Capillary Tube (200nos/pkt) (Becton dikson) 598 Q.B.C. Oil 30ml.(Becton dikson) 599 R.A. Factor Antigen 600 Rate Lamp 601 RBC Diluting Fluid(Total Red Blood cell Count) 602 Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor( antigen) 603 RPR Card (Syphilis) 604 S. creatinin 605 S.Albumin 606 S.Albumin 607 S.Albumin 608 S.Alkaline Phosphate 609 S.Alkaline Phosphate 610 S.Amaylase 611 S.Amaylase 612 S.Bilirubin (T) 613 S.Bilirubin (T) 614 S.Calcium/Potacium/Sodium 615 S.Calcium/Potassium/Sodium 616 S.Cholesterol 617 S.Cholesterol 618 S.HDL 619 S.HDL 620 S.LDH 621 S.LDH 622 S.Lipase 623 S.Lipase 624 S.Total Protein 625 S.Total Protein 626 S.Triglyceride 627 S.Triglyceride 628 S.Triglyceride 629 S.Uric Acid 630 S.Uric Acid 631 S.Uric Acid 632 S.VLDL 633 S.VLDL 634 Safelite 635 salbutamol nebuliser solution 636 Saline Stand 637 sanirary napkin belt type 638 scrub povidone iodine7.5 639 SEN bbSaG Elisa Kit 96Tests 640 Senquel- AD-Mouthwash 641 SG OT Kit 642 SG OT Kit 643 SGPT 644 SGPT 645 Sodium Citrate 500ml. Bott. 646 Sodium HypoChloride 2 % (5 lits. Jar) 647 sol potassium nitrate tropical 648 solution gluteral 649 Spinal Needle-25G 650 Spirit Lamp 651 spirit rectified 652 Sputum Container (Leak proof weight 10gm diameter 54mm,Height 33mm,Cap Knurled & Grip in container,non toxic,Non health hazardous,PP Virgin Material.) 653 SRC 10 Cuvatte 654 Staining Rods 655 Staining Tray (Plastic ) 656 Sterelised Ruber Catheter 657 Sterile Auto Clavable Water Bottle(250ml) 658 Sterile Auto Clavable Water Bottle(250ml) 659 Sterile Lancet /100nos/pkt 660 sterile water for injection 10ml 661 sterile water for injection 5ml 662 Sterilise Gloves, 6 1/2 , 7”, 7 1/2 663 Sterillium-500 ml. 664 Stromatolyser-4DL ( Transasia) 665 Stromatolyser-4DS (Transasia) 666 Sulfolyser-Transasia 667 Sulphar Powder-500gm 668 Sulphuric Acid - -500ml 669 sulphuric acid concentrated 670 Surgical Sprit 450ml/bottle 671 SWAB STICK 672 Temephos EC 50% (in Liter) 673 test kit widal 674 Test Tube 4 (Borosil) 675 Test Tube 6 (-do-) 676 Test Tube Hard Glass (Borosil) 12cmx100mm 677 Test Tube Hard Glass (Borosil) 12x75 678 Test Tube Holder 679 Thormocool Box (Medium) 680 Tissue Paper for hand drying 681 Torniquete 682 Total Eosinophil Count Fluid 683 Toxo Cassetes 10 nos. /Box 684 Toxoplasma( Rapid) 685 Triglyceride Kit. -500ml 686 Trop-T 10nos./box 687 Turpentine oil 100ml/bottle 688 Urea Kit 689 URIC Acid Kit.-500ml 690 Urine Collection bottle 691 Urine Collection bottle 692 Urine collection tube 693 Uri-SticK 694 V.D.R.L Antigen (RPR) test kit 50 nos. /pkt. 695 V.D.R.L Test 50 nos. /pkt. 696 WAX (Paraffin) 697 WBC Diluting Fluid(TLC) 698 Widal Antigen 699 Widal test kit 700 Xylene- 500ml. Bott. 701 Syp Pyracitam 702 susp ibuprofen+paracetamol 703 Susp. Azithromycin -100mg. 704 Susp. Azithromycin-200mg. 705 Syp .Cyproheptadine 2mg/5ml 706 syp amoxycillin 707 syp cetrizine 708 syp cetrizine+ Paracetamol+Phenylephrine 709 syp chloramphenicol 710 syp Deflazacort 711 syp dextromethophan+chloropheniramine 712 syp dextromethrphan+CPM+Phenylephrine 713 syp disodium hydrogen citrate 714 Syp Dry Cough (110ml) 715 syp lactulose 716 syp levosalbutamol 100ml 717 syp levosalbutamol+ambroxol+Guanifenesin 718 syp liquid paraffin milk of magnesia 719 syp Liver Tonic 720 syp multivitamin + mineral 721 syp ofloxacin + metronidazole 722 syp ofloxacin50mg+ornidazole125mg 723 syp paracetamol 724 syp phenobarbitone 725 Syp Pot-Chloro 200ml/bottle 726 syp pyracetam 727 Syp Quinine (100 mg) 728 syp salbutamol 729 syp sodium valproate 730 syp Sodium Valproate Oral -200mg./ 5ml. 731 syp Sucral Kid 732 syp sucralfate o 200 ml 733 syp vit b compex 734 syp. ambroxol +guanifenesin+Menthol+salbutamol 735 syp. ambroxol +guanifenesin+Menthol+Terbutaline 736 syp. ambroxol +guanifenesin+Terbutaline 737 Syp. Quinine (100 mg) 738 Syp. Albendazole 200mg/5ml 739 syp. ambroxol salbutamol 740 Syp. Amoxycilline + Clavunate Potassium ( 228mg) 741 Syp. Antacid-170 ml. bott. 742 Syp. Calcium 743 Syp. Cefixime ( 50 D/S) 744 Syp. Cefixime(100) 745 Syp. Cefpodoxime(100) 746 Syp. Cefpodoxime(50 D/S) 747 Syp. Chloramphenicol 748 Syp. Dicyclomine 749 Syp. Enzyme -200ml. 750 Syp. Iron 751 syp. Levetiracetam 752 Syp. Multivitamin 753 Syp. Nurocetam -100ml. 754 Syp. Ofloxacillin+Orindazole-30ml. Bott. 755 Syp. Ofloxacin + Metronidazole 756 Syp. Paracetamol – 250mg. 757 Syp. Paracetamol-125mg. 758 Syp. Phenobarbitone-30ml. 759 Syp. Sodium Valporate 250mg/5ml 760 Syp. Sucralfate -100ml. 761 Syp. Vitamin B-Complex 762 Syp.Lactulose(100ml) 763 Drop Azithromycin-(Jr.) 764 Drop Cefixime 765 Drop Enzyme 766 drop ambroxol +guanifenesin+Terbutaline 767 drop amoxycillin +pottassium clavunate 768 drop amoxycillin 5ml 769 Drop Anticold 770 drop calcium 5ml 771 Drop Cefadroxyl 772 drop cefpodoxime 773 drop cholecalciferol 774 Drop Colistin 775 Drop Dicyclomine 776 Drop Dimol 777 drop domperidon 778 drop iron 779 drop levosalbutamol 10ml 780 drop levosalbutamol sulphate+ ambroxyl hcl and gauiphensil 781 Drop Multivitamin 782 drop ofloxacin + metronidazole 783 Drop Paracetamol-10ml. 784 drop phenylephrine hcl+CPM 785 drop phenylephrine hcl+paracteamol+CPM 786 drop terbutaline 787 drop vit. B complex 788 Drop Vit. D3 789 drop vitamin C 790 Drop Vitamin E 791 Lotion Beclomethasone – 10ml 792 lotion betamethasone Dipriponate 793 lotion betamethasone dipronate + salicylic acid 3X 794 lotion betamethasone dipronate +salicylic acid 6X 795 lotion betamethasone diproprnate+salicylic acid+lactic acid 796 Lotion Calamine 797 lotion cotrimazole 798 lotion elovera 799 Lotion Emolient Glycerine 800 Lotion GBH 801 lotion permethrin 802 cream betamethasone 803 cream clindemycin cream 804 cream clotrimazole 805 cream elovera 806 Cream Silver Sulphadizine-15 gm Tube 807 Cream Silver Sulphadizine-500 gm Jar 808 cream fluconazole 809 Cream HH Derm 810 cream ketoconazole 811 cream Luliconazole 1% w/v 812 cream Miconazole 813 Cream Troxerutin 814 Cream.Methyl paraben(0.16) + Propyl paraben0.04 (hirudoid cream) 815 oint clobetasal proponate 816 Oint Betamethasone 817 Oint Clobetasol propionate,Neomycin Sulphate Miconazole Nitrate 818 Oint Mometazsone + Fusidic Acid 819 Oint Sodium fusidate 820 Oint Beclamethasone + Gentamycin + Miconazole 821 Oint Beclomethasone + Clotrimazole+Neomycin 822 oint belcomethasone + clotimazole 823 oint betamethasone+Neomycin+Gentamycin 824 Oint Clobetasol + Gentamycin 825 Oint Clobetasol Propionate + Saliaylic Acid3% 826 Oint Clobetasol Propionate + Saliaylic Acid6% 827 oint clotrimazole+bethamethasone 828 Oint Fusidic Acid + Beclamethasone 829 oint Fusidic Acid + Beclamethasone 830 oint Meghaheal 5gm 831 Oint Mometasone 832 Oint Mupirocine 833 oint povidone iodine 834 Oint Sucralfate+lignocaine HCL+Muperocine(30gm tube) 835 oint whitefield 500gm jar 836 ear drop wax 837 Ear Drop Ofloxacin 838 ear drop Clotrimazole +lignocaine 839 Ear drop Gentamycin Eye/ ear 840 Ear Drop Ofloxacin+ Beclamethasone 841 eye drop ciprofloxacin eye/ear 842 eye drop povidone Iodine 843 Eye Drop Timolol + Brimonidine 844 eye drop timolol maleate 5ml 845 Eye drop Anti Allergic 846 eye drop atropine 847 eye drop auricaine 848 eye drop brimonidine 849 eye drop brimonidine +timolol 850 Eye Drop Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 851 Eye Drop Chloramphenicol 852 eye drop chloramphenicol+dexamethasone+polymyxin 853 eye drop cyclopentolate 854 eye drop hypersol 5 855 eye drop momtastione besilate 856 Eye Drop Moxifloxacillin + Dexamethasone 857 eye drop moxifloxacin 858 eye drop Moxifloxacin + prednisolone 859 eye drop moxifloxacin +loteprednol 860 eye drop moxifloxacin+ dexamethasone 861 eye drop Napafenac E/D 862 Eye Drop Natamycin 863 Eye Drop Ofloxacillin 864 eye drop prednisolone 865 eye drop proparcain topical E/D 0.5 866 eye drop septilin 867 eye drop timolol 868 Eye Drop Timolol + Brimonidine 869 Eye Drop Tobramycin + Fluromethanol 870 eye drop tropicamide + phenylephrine 5ml 871 eyedrop cyclopentolate 872 eyedrop proparacaine 873 eye oint Gancyclovir 874 eye oint chloramphenicol 875 eye oint chloramphenicol+ dexamethasone 876 eye oint chloramphenicol+dexamethasone+polymyxin B 877 eye oint Acyclovir 878 eye oint Hypersol-6 879 eye oint moxiflaxacillin 880 Cap Acebrophylline- 100mg (AB Phylline) 881 Cap Acetyle Cystile – 300mg. + Pyridexamine Hydrochloride – 50 mg. 882 cap Vitamin AD 883 cap amoxy pottassium clavunic + lactic acid 625 884 cap amoxycillin+Clavu 625 mg 885 cap anti oxidants 886 cap chloramphenicol 500 887 cap Doxycycline 100mg 888 cap dutasteride 5mg 889 Cap Hydroxyurea – 250mg. 890 Cap Hydroxyurea – 500mg. 891 cap itraconazole100mg 892 cap lansoprazole 893 cap multivitamin+ mineral 894 cap nifedipine 895 cap Nifedipine SR 896 cap pantoprazole + domperidone 897 cap prebiotic 898 cap rabeprazole + domeperidon 899 Cap Vitamin B-Complex 900 cap asprin 75+ atrovastatin 10mg 901 cap Clopidogrel-75mg + atorvastatin 10mg 902 tab. cilnipine 10mg + telmisartan40mg 903 Tab. Fluvoxamine 50mg/Tab 904 tab. Amitryptiline 10mg 905 Tab. Artesunate(50mg)+Pyrimethamine (25mg)+Sulphadoxine(500mg [1-4year] kit 906 tab. Baclofen 10mg 907 tab. ofloxacin +ornidazole 908 tab. Thyroxine 50 mg 909 tab. torsemide 20 910 tab. acebrophylline 911 tab. aceclofenac 912 Tab. Aceclofenac(100)+ Seratopeptidase(15g) + Tab. Paracetamol(500mg.) 913 Tab. Aceclofenac100 +Paracetamol-500 914 tab. acetylcysteine and taurine 915 tab. acyclovire 200/400mg 916 Tab. Albendazole 400mg/Tab 917 tab. alpha ketonalogue ( Renoafa200mg 918 Tab. Alprazolan 0.5mg/Tab 919 Tab. Amisulpleride 100mg/Tab 920 Tab. Amitriptyline25mg+Chlordiazepoxide 2.5mg 921 tab. Amlodipine5mg+Atenolol50 922 Tab. Amlodopine basylate5mg/Tab 923 Tab. Amoxy +Clavonate(375) 924 tab. amoxycillin potassium clavunate 625 925 tab. anticold Pmol300+CPM4mg+caffiene15) 926 Tab. Artesunate(100)+Pyrimethamine (37.5)+Sulphadoxine(750mg) [ 8year] kit 927 Tab. Artesunate(100+50mg)+Pyrimethamine(25mg)+Sulphadoxine(500mg) [9-14year] kit 928 Tab. Artesunate(200mg)+Pyrimethamine (37.5mg)+Sulphadoxine(750mg) Adult kit 929 tab. aspirin 75mg 930 Tab. Atenolol 50mg/Tab 931 Tab. Atrovastin -20mg. 932 Tab. Atrovastin-10mg + Phenofibrate160mg 933 tab. Azithromycin 250 mg 934 Tab. Azithromycin(500) 935 tab. Bilastine 936 tab. bisacodyl5mg 937 Tab. Bitahistidine -16mg 938 Tab. Bupropion 100mg/Tab 939 Tab. Bupropion 15mg/Tab 940 Tab. Bupropion 7.5mg/Tab 941 tab. cabergoline 0.5mg 942 Tab. Calcium 500mg + Vit D3 943 Tab. Captoprile 25mg. 944 Tab. Carbamazepine 200mg/Tab 945 tab. carbamazepine CR300mg 946 Tab. Cefadroxil 250mg/Tab 947 Tab. Cefadroxil 500mg/Tab 948 Tab. Cefixime – 200 mg. 949 Tab. Cefixime - 200mg + Ofloxacin-200mg 950 Tab. Cefixime -100 DT 951 tab. cefixime200 + Clavunate 325 952 Tab. Cefpodoxime-100mg. 953 Tab. Cefpodoxime-200mg. 954 tab. cefpodoxime proxetil clavunic125 955 tab. cefuroxime axetil 500 956 tab. cefuroxime+clavunic 625 957 Tab. Cefuroxime-250mg. 958 Tab. Cetrizine HCL-10mg. 959 Tab. Chlorine 960 Tab. Chloroquine(250) 961 Tab. Chlorpromazene 50mg/Tab 962 tab. chlorthalidone 12.5mg 963 Tab. Cifrofloxacin (hcl)500mg/tab 964 Tab. Cifrofloxacin(hcl) 250mg/tab 965 tab. cilnidipine 10+ Metoprolol50mg 966 Tab. Cinarizine -25mg. 967 Tab. Cinnarazine-10mg 968 tab. ciprofloxacin 500+Tinizalone600 969 Tab. Citicholine -500mg. 970 tab. citicolin+piracetam 971 tab. clidipine 10 972 tab. clobazam5mg 973 tab. clonazepam 0.5mg 974 Tab. Clonazepam 0.25mg 975 Tab. Clonazepam 0.5mg 976 tab. clonazepam 1mg 977 Tab. Clonazepam 1mg 978 Tab. Clonazepam 2mg 979 tab. clonazepam2mg 980 Tab. Clonidine 0.1mg/Tab 981 tab. clopidogrel 75 982 Tab. DEC Tablets 100mg/Tab 983 tab. deflazacort 984 Tab. Deflazacort-24mg. 985 Tab. Dexamethasone- 986 Tab. Diazepam 987 tab. diclofenac50+Paracetamol 988 tab. diclofenac50+serrapeptidase10mg 989 Tab. Diclofinac Sodium + Chlorzoxazone 990 Tab. Diclofinac Sodium 50mg /Tab 991 tab. dicyclomine20+paracetamol500mg 992 Tab. Digoxin 0.25mg 993 Tab. Doxophyllin-400 mg. 994 Tab. Doxylamine (10mg) + Pyridoxine(10mg) 995 tab. drotaverine +Mefenamic acid 996 Tab. Duloxiline 30mg/Tab 997 tab. dynaglipt 998 Tab. Ebastine 999 Tab. Enapril Maleate 5mg 1000 Tab. Escitalopram 10mg + clorazepam 0.5mg 1001 Tab. Escitalopram 10mg/Tab 1002 tab. febuxostat 40mg 1003 tab. febuxostat 80mg 1004 tab. Fexofenadine + Montelukast 1005 tab. Fexofenadine 40mg 1006 tab. Fexofenadine 80mg 1007 tab. fluconazole -200mg 1008 Tab. Fluconazole-150mg. 1009 Tab. Fluconazole-50mg. 1010 Tab. Flunarizine-5mg. 1011 Tab. Fluoxetine 20mg/Tab 1012 Tab. Folic Acid 1013 tab. folic acid + Methyl cobalmine 1014 Tab. Frusemide 20mg/Tab 1015 Tab. Gabapantine 300mg/Tab 1016 Tab. Gincobiloba+ Methyl Cobalamine 1017 Tab. Glimepride – 1mg. 1018 Tab. Glimepride – 2mg. 1019 tab. glipazide+metformin HCL 1020 Tab. Glyceryl Trynitrate 1021 Tab. Halazone (4mg) 1022 Tab. Haloperidol-1mg. 1023 Tab. Haloperidol-5mg. 1024 Tab. Hydraxyzine -25mg 1025 Tab. Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg/tab 1026 Tab. Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg/tab 1027 tab. hydroxyzine Hydrochloride 10mg 1028 tab. ibuprofen+paracetamol 1029 Tab. Isosorbide-10mg 1030 tab. Isotretinoin 10mg 1031 Tab. Isoxsuprine-10mg 1032 tab. itraconazole 200mg 1033 tab. labetalol 100mg 1034 Tab. Lamotrigine 100mg/Tab 1035 Tab. Levetiracetam 250mg/Tab 1036 Tab. Levocetrizine 1037 Tab. Levofloxacin-500mg. 1038 tab. levothyroxine 100 1039 tab. levothyroxine sodium25 1040 tab. levovetrizine5+Ambroxol60 1041 Tab. Linezolid (300) 1042 Tab. Linezolid(600) 1043 Tab. Lithium 300mg/Tab 1044 tab. lorazepam 1045 Tab. Losertan 50mg/Tab 1046 Tab. Medoxy Progesterone-10mg. 1047 Tab. Memantine 10mg/Tab 1048 Tab. Memantine 5mg/Tab 1049 Tab. Metformin-500mg. 1050 tab. methotrexate 10mg 1051 tab. methotrexate 15mg 1052 tab. methotrexate 2.5mg 1053 tab. methotrexate 5mg 1054 tab. methotrexate 7.5mg + Folic Acid 1055 tab. methoxypregesterone 10mg 1056 Tab. methylcobalmine 1057 Tab. Methyl Dopa 1058 Tab. Methyl Prednisolone -8mg. 1059 Tab. Metoprolol-12.5mg. 1060 tab. metopropol 25 1061 tab. metopropol 50 1062 Tab. Metronodazole200mg/Tab 1063 Tab. Metronodazole400mg/Tab 1064 Tab. Mifepriston 1065 Tab. Misoprostol-200mg. 1066 Tab. Monotrate - 10mg. 1067 Tab. Monotrate - 20mg. 1068 Tab. Montelucast 10mg.+ Tab.Levocetrizine-5mg. 1069 tab. Naprosyn 500 mg 1070 Tab. Nifedipine retard 20mg 1071 Tab. Nitrezepam 10mg/Tab 1072 Tab. Nitrofurantoin-100mg. 1073 tab. Norethisterone 5mg 1074 Tab. Ofloxacin 200mg/tab 1075 Tab. Ofloxacin 400mg/tab 1076 tab. ofloxacin+Ornidazole 500 1077 Tab. Ofloxacin-100 +Orindazole-2501078 Tab. Olanzepine10mg/Tab 1079 Tab. Olanzepine5mg/Tab 1080 Tab. Ondansetron -4mg. 1081 Tab. Oxcarbazepine 300mg/Tab 1082 Tab. Oxcarbazepine 600mg/Tab 1083 Tab. Pantaprazole - 40mg 1084 Tab. Pantoprazole(40) + Domperidone(5mg.) 1085 Tab. Paracetamol 250mg/Tab 1086 Tab. Paracetamol 500mg/Tab 1087 tab. paracetamol 650 1088 tab. phenobarbitone 30mg 1089 tab. phenytoin soidum 100mg 1090 Tab. Pioglitazole 15mg/Tab 1091 Tab. Piracetam – 1200mg. 1092 Tab. Piracetam – 800mg. 1093 tab. Pramipexole 0.5mg 1094 tab. Prazosin 5mg 1095 Tab. Prebiotic & Probiotic 1096 Tab. Prednisolone – 10mg. 1097 Tab. Prednisolone – 20mg. 1098 Tab. Prednisolone – 30mg. 1099 Tab. Prednisolone – 5mg. 1100 Tab. Pregabaline 100mg/Tab 1101 Tab. Pregabaline 200mg/Tab 1102 tab. prevabalin 1103 Tab. Primaquine (2.5mg.) 1104 Tab. Primaquine (7.5mg.) 1105 Tab. Procyclidine 25mg/Tab 1106 Tab. Procyclidine 5mg/Tab 1107 Tab. Progesterone-200mg. 1108 Tab. Progesterone-300mg. 1109 Tab. Promethazine 25mg/tab 1110 Tab. Propranolol 20mg/Tab 1111 Tab. Propranolol 40mg/Tab 1112 Tab. Pyrazinamide 500mg/Tab 1113 Tab. Quetiapine 100mg/Tab 1114 Tab. Rabeprazole+Domperidone 1115 Tab. Rabeprazole-20mg. 1116 tab. rifaximin 200mg 1117 tab. rifaximin200 + metronidazole 1118 Tab. Risperidone 2mg/Tab 1119 Tab. Risperidone 3mg/Tab 1120 tab. salbutamol +budesonide 1121 Tab. Seratopeptidase-5mg 1122 Tab. Sodamint 1123 Tab. Sodium Valporate 500mg/Tab 1124 Tab. Sodium Valporate 750mg/Tab 1125 tab. sodium valproate200mg 1126 tab. tamsulosin 4mg 1127 Tab. Telmisetran + Amlodipine 5mg 1128 tab. telmisetran40 1129 Tab. Terbinafin -250mg. 1130 Tab. Terbinafin -500mg. 1131 tab. Terbutaline+Ambroxol+Guiapenesil 1132 tab. thyroxin 25mg 1133 Tab. Thyroxine -100 mg. 1134 tab. Thyroxine 150 mg 1135 Tab. Topiramate 100mg/Tab 1136 Tab. Torsemide-10mg. 1137 tab. tramadol 1138 tab. tramadol+paracetamol 1139 Tab. Tranexamic 500 mg 1140 Tab. Trihexphenydyl 2mg/Tab 1141 Tab. Trypsin + Chymotripsin 1142 Tab. Venlafaxine 100mg/Tab 1143 Tab. Venlafaxine 25mg/Tab 1144 Tab. Vilazodone 40mg/Tab 1145 Tab. Voglibose(0.3) 1146 Tab. Zolpidem 5mg/Tab 1147 Tab.Artesunate(25mg)+Pyrimethamine (6.25mg)+Sulphadoxine(125mg) [0- 1 year] kit 1148 Tab. Donepezil 5mg/Tab