
Supply Of Medicines , Medical Consumables , Surgical Suture , Laboratory Reagent , Laboratory Consumables ,Instruments And Equipment, ganjam-Odisha

Medical And Public Health Department has published Supply Of Medicines , Medical Consumables , Surgical Suture , Laboratory Reagent , Laboratory Consumables ,Instruments And Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-02-2020. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in ganjam Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Medicines , Medical Consumables , Surgical Suture , Laboratory Reagent , Laboratory Consumables ,Instruments And Equipment
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Medicines , Medical Consumables , Surgical Suture , Laboratory Reagent , Laboratory Consumables ,Instruments And Equipment- 8 Advance shape stackers (cognitive & Language enhancement) 9 Grade & stack squares (Math skill&cognitive development) 10 Math number & quantity, opposites, animals (math &cognitive enhancement) 11 Build ties (Cognitive,motor&perceptual skills) 12 Build block (Cognitive,motor&perceptual skills) 13 Our helpers (life skill) 14 Clock (Time concept) 15 Sound Boxes (Play) 16 Theatre (Play & Learn) 17 Triangle Market (math) 18 Exercise Board (concept & act of fitness) 19 Animals & home (matching, preacademic & cognitive) 20 Touch Boards 21 Touch Boards 22 Baric Tablets 23 Mastery Bags 24 Set of knobb less (to arrange cylinders in order accordingly sizes) 25 Geometrical solid shapes (to observ basic shapes) 26 Number Roads (to count partition and arrange roadsin order of acesinding quantity) 27 Spindle Box (to count spindle and place in right partion of box) 28 Sand paper number (to feel shape of number finger) 29 Arithmetic material (to observ value of unit, ten, hundred and thousand) 30 Arithmetic material (to observ value of unit, ten, hundred and thousand) 31 Ten board & bead box (To make tens in numbers & quantity in golden beads) 32 3000 cards (To make desired quantity till 3999 in figures) 33 9000 cards (To make desired quantity till 9999 in figures) 3 34 Golden chain of 100 9To count till 100 & use arrow) 35 Coloured bead stair (To use for any counting 1-9 quantity) 10x70x5.5,< 36 Addition snake game (To do addition with bead materials) 37 Multiplication snake game (To do multiplication with bead materials) 38 One to ten printed cards (To use for any counting from 1 to 10) 10 39 Sand paper alphabet capital letters (To trace rough part & say the sound of letter ) 40 Sand paper alphabet small letters (To trace rough part & say the sound of letter) 13 41 Sand paper phonograms letters 9To trace rough part & say the sound of phonogram) 42 Sand paper alphabet cursive small letters (To trace rough part & say the sound of letter) 14.8 43 Exercise of practical life material wooden empty tray (For storage of TLM & other for develop independent skills of children(motor)) 40 44 Handkerchife(To fold napkins as per given guideline) 45 Large button frame (To tuck large button) 24.5 46 Medium Buttons Frame (To tuck medium botton) 47 Small Buttons frame (To tuck small botton) 48 Zipper frame (To tuck zip) 49 Buckles frame (To tudk buckless) 50 Hook & Eye frame (To tuck vellro) 51 Lace frame (To tie lace) 52 Vellro frame (To tuck vellro) 53 Ribbons frame (To tie ribbons) 54 Art & craft animal (Enjoy colouring animals cutouts) 55 Pentagone dairy (Enjoying colouring your own mood in diary cover) 56 Hand gloves puppet of animals (To performing story,rhyme) 57 Lace on animals,on shoe,on shapes (Lace on the board) 58 Number Train (Enjoy makingtrain form part) 59 Circle,rectangle,trangle shapes (Lets complete picture) 60 Summer, garden,beach,winter (Lets complete complex picture) 61 follow the patterns, patterns writing, number tracking, upper case lower case (writing skill) 62 Flash cards (fruits,vegetables,flowers,birds,animal s,domestic,wild,vehicle,bodyparts,fam ily,shapes,colours,first aid (Academic) 63 First aid box, dressing & grooming kitchen set,box (practical life) 64 Black board,white board(small) chalk,markers,note book,pen, pencil,crayon,watercolours,A4bundles (Academic) 65 Day & night,calenders,clock,months chart,sessionchart,duster,pic,eraser (Time concept) 66 Ball 100pc&bucket(big) (Play & motor) 67 Picture books(all in one,profesional,variousenvironment, repositions etc,) (life skill) 68 Bell,ring,bells,whistls,car,roundbox (montessori) (language and auditory skill) 69 printing box, brush,sponge etc, (fine motor) 70 Story Sequences (language Development) 71 Music system-1 & rhyme-5,story-5& life skill-5 DVD,Gayatri (Language,visual perceptional skills) etc

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INR 2500 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
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