
Supply Of Laboratory Consumables:--Kerala

University Of Kerala has published Supply Of Laboratory Consumables:-. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-02-2020. Chemical Supply Tenders in Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Of Laboratory Consumables:-
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Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Consumables:-1 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine 2 4 nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) 3 acetonitrile-analytical grade 4 Acid Fuchsin 5 Agar Agar 6 Amm. Hydroxide 7 ammonium alum 8 Amonnium Hepta Molybdate Tetrahydrate 9 anhydrous potassium nitrate 10 Aniline Blue 11 anthrone reagent 12 Ascorbic acid 13 Barium diphenylamine sulphonate 14 Beef extract Powder Type 1 15 Biebrich scarlet 16 Bis(trimethylsilyl) acetamide (BSA) 17 Bovine serum albumin 18 Bromine Water 19 Bromophenol blue 20 Calcium Carbonate 21 Carboxy methyl cellulose 22 Casein 23 Chloroform 24 Chloroform: Methanol Mixture 25 Cholesterol 26 Chromium alum 27 Crystal Violet 28 Dinitro salicylic acid 29 Disodium hydrogen phosphate 30 DPPH 31 EDTA 32 EHYLENE DIAMINE TETRA ACETATE DIHYDRATE 33 Eosin 34 Erychrome black T (0.2g) 35 Ferric Chloride 36 Ferrous ammonium sulphate 37 FOLIN- CIOCALTEAU reagent 38 formaldehyde in water CRM 39 Formalin 40 Glacial acetic acid 41 Glycerin 42 GRAM STAINING KIT 43 Grams Iodine 44 H2O2 (30%) 45 HBSS (Hanks balanced salt solution) 46 HCl 47 HCl 48 Hematoxylin 49 Isopropanol 50 KIO3 51 L-DOPA 52 Light Green 53 Lyophilized Micrococus lysodeikticus 54 MacConkey Agar 55 Manitol Motility Test Medium 56 Massons Trichrome 57 MC CONKEY AGAR 58 MEAT EXTRACT B POWDER TYPE - 1 59 MERCURIC IODIDE 60 Mercuric Oxide 61 MERCURRIC SULPHATE 62 Metacresol purple 63 Methanol 64 Methyl orange 65 Mg salt of EDTA 66 MRS AGAR 67 N Propanol 68 Na nitropruside 69 NEDA 70 Nichrome Wire 71 Nitric acid 72 NITROBLUE TETRAZOLIUM 73 NUTRIENT AGAR 74 ORTHOPHOSPHORIC ACID 75 Paraffin wax 76 Paranitrophenyl palmitate 77 Perchloric acid 78 Periodic acid 79 Phenol 80 Phosphate buffer 81 phosphomolybdic acid 82 phosphoric acid 83 phosphotugstic acid 84 Picric acid 85 p-nitrophenyl myristate 86 Ponceau De Xylidine 87 potassium (alum) 88 Potassium antimony tartarate 89 Potassium hydrogen phthalate 90 POTASSIUM HYDROGEN THALATE 91 POTASSIUM IODIDE 92 POTASSIUM SODIUM TARTARATE 93 Pottassium antimony tartarate 94 Resorcinol 95 Salicylic acid 96 Schiff Reagent 97 SILVER NITRATE 98 Silver sulfate 99 SILVER SULPHATE 100 Simmons Citrate Agar 101 Sod. Oxalate 102 Sodioum hydroxide 103 SODIUM CARBONATE 104 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate 105 Sodium hydrogen Sulfate (NaHSO4) 106 Sodium Hydrogen Sulfite (NaHSO3) 107 SODIUM HYDROXIDE 108 Sodium hypochlorite 109 Sodium iodide 110 sodium meta bisulphite 111 Sodium nitroprusside 112 Sodium oxalate 113 Stannous chloride 114 Starch 115 Sulphanilamide 116 SULPHURIC ACID 117 Tetramethylbenzidine 118 Trichloro acetic acid 119 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 120 Tryosin powder 121 Trypsin 122 VANILLINE 123 ZINC SULPHATE 124 Glasswares and other accessories Sl. No. Item 125 BEAKER 100ml 126 BEAKER 500ml 127 BEAKER 1000ml 128 BRUSH 129 BURETTE STAND 130 BURETTE 50ml 131 BURETTE 100ml 132 CONICAL FLASK, 250 ml 133 Culture Tubes with Cap 134 DROPPER 135 FILTER PAPER 136 GLASS SLIDE 137 Homogenizer Glass 138 Innoculation Loop Holder 139 INOCULATION LOOP 140 Mortar and Pestle 141 Parafin Film 142 Petri Dish 143 SPATULA 144 Spirit Lamp 145 STANDARD FLASK 100 ml 146 STANDARD FLASK 1000 ml 147 TEST TUBE(Large size)18×150; 25×150 148 Testube Stand 149 Testubes With Cap 150 Whatman® 541 (Hardened Ashless) filter 151 Gloves (s) 152 Gloves (M) 153 Gloves (L) 154 Mouth piece 155 Tissue Paper Roll 156 MEASURING CYLINDER 100ml 157 MEASURING CYLINDER 500ml 158 MEASURING CYLINDER 1000ml 159 PIPPETTE 5ml 160 PIPPETTE 10ml 161 cover slips (Large) 162 Cover slips (Small)

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