
Supply Of Scientific Equipments To Maharanis Science College For Women,Mysuru, Mysuru-Karnataka

Department Of Collegiate Education has published Supply Of Scientific Equipments To Maharanis Science College For Women,Mysuru. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-01-2020. Electrodes Tenders in Mysuru Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Scientific Equipments To Maharanis Science College For Women,Mysuru
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Scientific Equipments To Maharanis Science College For Women,Mysuru 1. Audio Oscillators, 1Khz,(Fixed), Each, 2. Bod Incubator, 3. Bright Field Monocular Microscope With Mirror (Natural Light), 4. Calorie Meter Bigsize With Wooden Box, Each, 5. Capacitance Box, 6. Cathode Ray Ocilloscope, 7. Colorimeter, 8. Colorimeter, 9. Colorimeter, 10. Colorimeter, 11. Compressor For Refrigerator, 12. Compressor For Refrigerator(350 Liters), 13. Compressor For Remi Cold Centrifuge, 14. Conductivity Meter, 15. Dessicator150mm, 16. Digital Analytical Balance, 17. Digital Balance, 18. Digital Balance- Four Digits (1 Mg ), 19. Digital Electronic Balance, 20. Digital Ic Trainer Board, 21. Digital Multimeter, 22. Dissection Microscope, 23. Dna Estimation Kit, Each, 24. Electric Blender, 25. Electric Bunsen, 26. Electric Bunsen Buner With Temperature Control, 27. Electrophoresis Unit Vertical, 28. Electrophoresis Unit Vertical, 29. Electrophoresis Unit Vertical, 30. End Window G.M. Detector, 31. Epprovite (Small Silk Reeling Machine) Circumeference 1.1. Mtr, Type Sr5ll/Db/1:2 Ref : Kaycee Industries Ltd, Banglore, Each, 32. Extension Cord, 33. Fixed Dual Power Supply, 34. Flame Photometer, 35. Function Generator, 1 Khz Range, Only Sine Wave Generator., Each, 36. Geiger Counting System (Microcontroller Based), 37. Gel Electrophoresis Kit, Each, 38. Gm Counter Detector With Stand For Gc 601A Gm Counter., 39. Gm Counter Detector With Stand For Gc 602A Counter., 40. Heating Mantle, 41. Homogeniser, 42. Hot Air Oven, 43. Hot Air Oven With Temperature Control, 44. Ic Regulated Power Supply, 45. Induction Stove, 46. Induction Stove V3 2200 Watt, 47. Kent Grand 8 Liters Wall Mountable Ro Plus Uv/Uf + Tds Controller White Colour, Each, 48. Led Monocular Microscope., 49. Lens Set For Newton Rings Expt, 0.7 To 1M, Each, 50. Magnetic Stirrer And Hot Plate, 51. Microcentrifuge, 52. Microcontroller 8051, 53. Micrometers, 54. Micropipettes 100- 1000 Micro Ltrs, Each, 55. Micropipettes 1000-5000 Micro Ltrs, Each, 56. Microscope, 57. Microscope-Binocular Labomed/Magnus/Olympus, 58. Monocular Microscope, 59. Monocular Microscope Built In Light With Adopter, 60. Multi Function Printer (Mfp) Colour, 61. Optical Bench For Birefringence Of Quartz Qurter Wave Plate Experiments, 62. Optical Bench For Laser Experiments, 63. Peacock Vessel Holders (Tongs) Stainless Steel, Each, 64. Ph Meter, 65. Ph Meter With Electrode, 66. Plant Dna Extraction Kit, Each, 67. Polarizer For Attaching To Spectrometer, 68. Pressure Cooker, 3Ltrs, 69. Prestige Hard Anodised Tadka Pan 130Mm, Each, 70. Prestige Omega Select Plus Non Stick Omni Tawa 25Cm, Each, 71. Prestige Tru- Edge Kitchen Peeler, Each, 72. Prestige Tru-Edge Kitchen Knife Set With Wooden Block And Peeler, Each, 73. Prestige Tru-Edge Kitchen Utility Knife , Each, 74. Printer Balck And White, 75. Refirgerator Model: Haier 52L L3 Star Singles Door, Each, 76. Refrigerator , 165 Litres, 77. Regulated Powersupply(Fixed)5V, 1A,Visen Company, Each, 78. Resistance Box, 79. Rna Estimation Kit, Each, 80. Sodium Vapour Lamp Set Withwooden Box Housing And Transformer, 35W, Each, 81. Soxhlet Apparatus(Mantle, Flask, Condenser, Tubes), Each, 82. Spectrophotometer, 83. Stainless Steel Strainers Big, Each, 84. Stainless Steel Strainers Medium, Each, 85. Stainless Steel Table Spoons, Each, 86. Stainless Steel Tea Spoons, Each, 87. Stereomicroscope, 88. Thermister Charecteristics, 89. Triple Beam Balance, Each, 90. Ttk Prestige Omg Dlx Omni Induction Based Non Stick Aliminium Tawa 250Mm, Each, 91. Vaccum Pump, 92. Vegetables Cutting Boards Wooden, Each, 93. Verification Of Langmuir-Child’S Law Kit., 94. Vortex, 95. Water Bath, 96. Weighing Machine,Mg Range, 97. White Board With Stand 6 X 4Feet, Each, 98. White Board Without Stand 4 X 3Feet, Each,

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 22250.0 /-
Tender Value
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