
Supply Of Chemical Glassware Chart And Model Patliputra Medical College , Dhanbad, Principal Patliputra Medical college,dhanbad-Jharkhand

Patliputra Medical College has published Supply Of Chemical Glassware Chart And Model Patliputra Medical College , Dhanbad. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-01-2020. Microscope Tenders in Principal Patliputra Medical college,dhanbad Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemical Glassware Chart And Model Patliputra Medical College , Dhanbad
Open Tender
Principal Patliputra Medical College,Dhanbad

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemical Glassware Chart And Model Patliputra Medical College , Dhanbad-1.1 Syrup Simplex 500 Ml 2.0 White Vaseline 500 Gm 3.0 Tr Beladona 450 Ml 4.0 Potassium Iodide 500 Gm 5.0 Sprit Ammonium Aromate 500 Ml 6.0 Glycerin 500 Ml 7.0 Potassium Citrate 500 Gm 8.0 Tr. Cardco Per Ltr 9.0 Ligext Glyceriza Per Ltr 10.0 Light Kaolin Per Kg 11.0 Bismuth Carbonate Per Kg 12.0 Gum Acacia Per Kg 13.0 Sulpher Powder Per Kg 14.0 Benzoic Acid Per Kg 15.0 Salieydic Acid Per Kg 16.0 Sodium Bicarbonate Per Kg 17.0 Spt. Choloroform Per Ltr. 18.0 Sodium Salicilate Per Kg 19.0 Calamine Per Kg 20.0 Ammonium Carbonate Per Kg 21.0 Sodium Potassium Tartar Ate Per Kg 22.0 Acid Tartaric Per Kg 23.0 Caster Oil Per Ltr 24.0 Bentonite Per Kg 25.0 Blood Sugar 26.0 Blood Urea 27.0 Sr. Creatnine ( Kinetic ) 50 Ml X 2 Test Kit 28.0 Sr Bilirubin ( A ) Total ( B ) Direct ( Endpoint ) 50 Ml X 2 Test Kit 29.0 S.G.O.T. ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 30.0 Alkaline Phosphate ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 31.0 Uric Acid ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 32.0 Serum Total Protein ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 33.0 Serum Albumin ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 34.0 Micro Protein ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 35.0 S. Cholesterol ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 36.0 S. Triglyceride ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 37.0 Direct Hdl ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 38.0 Direct Ldl ( Endpoint ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 39.0 Ck / Cpk ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 40.0 Ckmb ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 41.0 Ldh ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 42.0 S.Amylase ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 43.0 S. Lipase ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 44.0 Crp ( Kinetic ) 50Mlx5 Test Kit 45.0 T3 46.0 T4 47.0 Tsh 48.0 Free T3 49.0 Free T4 50.0 Fsh 51.0 Prolactin 52.0 Control Solution Hb Electrophoreses ( Alkaline ) 4X0.5 Ml 53.0 Normal Control For Serum Protein Electrophoreses 6X0.5Ml 54.0 Abnormal Control For Serum Protein Electrophoreses 3X0.5Ml 55.0 Hemoglobin Buffer 1 Liter Jar 56.0 Lipoprotein Buffer 1 Liter Jar 57.0 Plasma Protein Buffer 1 Liter Jar 58.0 Serum Protein Buffer 1 Liter Jar 60.0 Alkaline Hemoglobin Buffer 1 Liter Jar 61.0 Acid Hemoglobin Buffer 1 Liter Jar 62.0 Master Kit For Serum Protein Pack Size 48 Test 63.0 Master Kit For Hemogolbin Pack Size 48 Test 64.0 Lysing Solution For Hemoglobin 100Ml 65.0 Lipoprotein Kit Pack Size 96 Test 66.0 Cyanmet Hemoglobin Reagent For Hb – Estimation 1 Liter Jar 67.0 Ammonium Sulphate 500 Gm 68.0 Conc Hcl ( Lr ) 500 Ml 69.0 H2so4 Conc 500 Ml 70.0 Conk Hno3 500 Ml 71.0 Absolute Alcohol 450 Ml 72.0 Silver Nitrate 25 Gm 73.0 Antigen A, B &D 10 Ml Each For Set 74.0 R.B.C Fluid 500 Ml 75.0 Cedar Wood Oil 500 Ml 76.0 Acetone 500 Ml 77.0 Alcohol 90% 500 Ml 78.0 Distilled Water 5 Litter Jar 80.0 Methylene Blue 25 Gm 81.0 Sulphuric Acid 2.5 Liter Jar 82.0 Potassium Iodide 25 Gm 83.0 Mac Conkey Agar 500 Gm 84.0 Mac Conkey Broth 500 Gm 85.0 Muller Hinton Agar 500 Gm 86.0 Nutrient Agar 500 Gm 87.0 Nutrient Broth 25 Gm 88.0 Cled Medium 500Gm 89.0 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 500Gm 90.0 Simmons Citrate Medium 500Gm 91.0 Urea Agar Base 500 Gm 92.0 Urea Powder 500Gm 93.0 Agar- Agar Powder 500 Gm 94.0 Peptone Water 500 Gm 95.0 Crystal Violet 25 Gm 96.0 Grams Iodine 25 Gm 97.0 Liquid Paraffin 500 Ml 98.0 Safranine 25 Gm 99.0 Burner Fluid 1 Liter Jar 100.0 Gimsas Stain 100 Ml 101.0 Jsb Stain 100 Ml 102.0 Calco Flour White Stain 100 Ml 103.0 Lacto Phenol Cotton Blue 100 Ml 104.0 10% Koh 100 Ml 105.0 Sodium Hypochlorite 5 Litre 106.0 Hydrogen Peroxide ( 30 % ) 500 Ml 107.0 Gomoris Methnamine Silver Stain 100 Ml 108.0 Ampicilin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 109.0 Amakacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 110.0 Amoxyclin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 111.0 Ciprofloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 112.0 Cephalaxin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 113.0 Chloramphenicol ( 50 Disc Vial ) 114.0 Co-Trimoxazole ( 50 Disc Vial ) 115.0 Cefotaxim ( 50 Disc Vial ) 116.0 Cef-Triaxane ( 50 Disc Vial ) 117.0 Cefixime ( 50 Disc Vial ) 118.0 Gentamycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 119.0 Gemifloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 120.0 Levofloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 121.0 Nalidixic ( 50 Disc Vial ) 122.0 Narfloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 123.0 Nitrofurontoin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 124.0 Novobiocin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 125.0 P. Floxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 126.0 Ceftazidime ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 127.0 Gentamycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 128.0 Levofloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 129.0 Gemifloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 130.0 Nalidixic ( 50 Disc Vial ) 131.0 Novobiocin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 132.0 P. Floxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 133.0 Ceftazidime ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 134.0 Clindamycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 135.0 Oxacillin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 136.0 Oxidase Disc 50 Disc Vial Per Pack 137.0 O. Floxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 138.0 Sparfloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 139.0 Erytheromycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 140.0 Moxifloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 141.0 Roxithromycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 142.0 Azithromycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 143.0 Tabramycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 144.0 Netilmycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 145.0 Rpr Test Kit Per Test Kit 146.0 Ra Test Kit Per Test Kit 147.0 Asotiret Test Kit Per Test Kit 148.0 Hbs Ag Test Kit Per Test Kit 149.0 Widal Test Kit Per Test Kit 150.0 Rhabo Test Kit ( 5Ml ) Per Test Kit 151.0 Pregnancy Test Kit Per Test Kit 152.0 Hbc Ag Test Kit Per Test Kit 153.0 Igg, Test Kit Per Test Kit 154.0 Iga Test Kit Per Test Kit 155.0 Igm Test Kit Per Test Kit 156.0 Amonia Sol’N 500 Ml 157.0 Isoprophyle Alcohol 500 Ml 158.0 Benedict Sol’N. 5 Litter Jar 159.0 Burner Fuel 5 Litter Jar 160.0 Dextrose 500 Gm 161.0 Rapid Pap Stain 162.0 Egg Albumin 500 Gm 163.0 Xyline 500 Ml 164.0 Sodium Nitropruside 100 Gm 165.0 W.B.C. Fluid 500 Ml 166.0 Sodium Citrate Sol’N 500 Ml 167.0 Leishman Stain Liquid 500 Ml 168.0 Acetic Acid 500 Ml 169.0 Alcohol 50% 450 Ml 170.0 Alcohol 70% 450Ml 171.0 Alcohol 90% 450 Ml 172.0 Benzoine 500 Ml 173.0 Dpx Mount 250 Ml 174.0 Ethonol 500 Ml 175.0 Eosine 500 Ml 176.0 Formaline 5 Liter Jar 177.0 Heamatoxoline 200 Ml 178.0 Lead Oxide Per Kg 179.0 Leishman’S Stain 1 Litter Jar 180.0 Litheum 100 Gm 181.0 Mercurocrome Paint 1 Litter Jar 182.0 Microscope Cleaner –Xylol 500 Ml 183.0 Savalon Lotion 500 Ml 184.0 Sprit Rectified 500 Ml 185.0 Wax With Seracin Per Kg. 186.0 Pro Bnp – T 25 Test Kit 187.0 Trop – I 25 Test Kit 188.0 Ck Mb 25 Test Kit 189.0 Albumin 10X44ml 190.0 Alkaline Phosphatase 2X11ml 191.0 Amylase 5X22ml 192.0 Bilirubin Direct 6X44ml 193.0 Bilurubin Total 6X44ml 194.0 Cholestrol 10X44ml 195.0 Creatinine 5X11ml 196.0 Direct Hdl Cholestrol With Calibrator 4X10ml 197.0 Direct Ldl Cholestrol With Calibrator 2X10ml 198.0 Total Protein 10X44ml 199.0 Triglycerides 5X11ml 200.0 Urea 5X11ml 201.0 Uric Acid 5X11ml 202.0 Erba Autowash 10X100ml 203.0 Erba Path Control 1X5ml 204.0 Erba Norm Control 1X5ml 205.0 Alkaline Phosphate Powder 5X20ml 206.0 Amylase Powder 5X2.2Ml 207.0 Cholestrol Powder Des 5X20ml 208.0 Glucose Powder 2X200ml 209.0 Ldh-P Powder 5X6.5Ml 210.0 Sgot Powder 5X20ml 211.0 Sgpt Powder 5X20ml 212.0 Triglyceride Des Powder 5X20ml 213.0 Urea Bun Powder 5X20ml 214.0 Uric Acid Des Powder 5X20ml 215.0 Albumin Lsr 5X50ml 216.0 Bilirubin ( Total & Direct ) 217.0 Ck-Mb 2X8ml 218.0 Ck 2X8ml 219.0 Creatinine 4X60ml 220.0 Microprotein 1X50ml 221.0 Total Protein 5X50ml 223.0 Blood Sugar 224.0 Blood Urea 225.0 Sr. Creatnine 226.0 Sr Bilirubin ( A ) Total ( B ) Direct 227.0 S.G.P.T 228.0 S.G.O.T. 229.0 Alkaline Phosphate 230.0 Uric Acid 231.0 Serum Total Protein 232.0 Serum Albumin 233.0 Micro Protein 234.0 S. Cholesterol 235.0 S. Triglyceride 236.0 Direct Hdl 239.0 Direct Ldl 240.0 Ck / Cpk 241.0 Ckmb 242.0 Ldh 243.0 S.Amylase 244.0 S. Lipase 245.0 Crp 246.0 Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium ( Rcm ) 5Oogm 247.0 Autoclave 30 Ltrs 248.0 Bacterological Loop Nichrome Wire ( 0.04 ) 249.0 Bacterological Straight Wire Nichrome 250.0 Paraffin Oil 251.0 Macintosh Field Anaerobic Jar 252.0 Gas Pack Kits 253.0 Neomycin Blood Agar 254.0 Metronidazole 255.0 Test Tube ( 25Cmx1.5Cm ) 256.0 Digital Weighing Machine 257.0 Aluminium Foil 258.0 Cotton Role 259.0 Filter Paper Role 260.0 Methanol 261.0 Dpx Mount 262.0 Gentamycin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 263.0 Crp 264.0 Teracyclin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 265.0 Narfloxacin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 266.0 Nitrofurontoin ( 50 Disc Vial ) Per Pack 268.0 Leishman Stain 200 Ml 269.0 Thermometer 110 Deg.C.Alcohol Colour 270.0 Urinometer 271.0 Ayers Spatula Wooden 272.0 Esr Stand Western Grens 6 Tubes 273.0 Western Green Pipettes 274.0 Wintrobe Tube 275.0 Wintrobe Stand 276.0 Shahli S Haemoglobinometer German Make 277.0 Improve Neunour Haemocytometer German Make 278.0 Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle 18G And 20G 279.0 Pasture Pipette 280.0 Leishman Staining Tray 281.0 Rubber Bulb For Esr Pipette 282.0 Sprit Lamp Ss 283.0 Test Tube Stand Pp 13X48 284.0 Test Tube Stand Pp 15X48 285.0 Teracyclin ( 50 Disc Vial ) 286.0 Burner Fuel 5 Litter Jar 287.0 Histo Pathological Slides Set

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INR 40000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 8 Lakhs /-
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