
Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits Etc For B.I.M.S. Hospital Belagavi For The Year 2019-20, BELAGAVI-Karnataka

Medical Education Department has published Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits Etc For B.I.M.S. Hospital Belagavi For The Year 2019-20. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2020. Tape Supply Tenders in BELAGAVI Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits Etc For B.I.M.S. Hospital Belagavi For The Year 2019-20
Open Tender

Tender Details

Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents, Kits Etc For B.I.M.S. Hospital Belagavi For The Year 2019-20 1. Sensor Cassettes Sc-80 200 / 60, 2. Solution Pack Basic, 3. 100Bp Dna Ladder, 4. 1Kb Dna Ladder, 5. 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine, 6. 3-Aminopropyl Triethoxy Silane, 7. 4, 4, Diamino Biphenyl, 8. 6X Tri Gel Loading Buffer, 9. A.P.T.T.Reagent Kit Tulip, 10. Absolute Alcohol, 11. Acetone, 12. Acetyl Choline Chloride ( Mol. Wt .181.66 ) , 13. Acridina Orange ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 14. Acrylamide Hi-Ar, 15. Acrylamide Mb, 16. Actidine / Cycloheximide, 17. Actidione, 18. Activated Charcoal, 19. Agarase For Electrophoresis ( Cas9012 / 36 / 6 Loba ) , 20. Agarose, 21. Agarose Mb Grade, 22. Albers Stain A, 23. Alberts Stain B, 24. Albumin- Erba Xl System Pack, 25. Albumin -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 26. Alcian Blue 8G ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 27. Alizaurin Red S ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 28. Alkaline Peptone Water, 29. Alkaline Phosphatase - Erba Xl System Pack, 30. Alkaline Phosphatase -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 31. Alpha Naphthal 1, 32. Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate, 33. Amies Transport Medium With Charcoal, 34. Ammonia Solution, 35. Ammonium Molybdate, 36. Ammonium Sulphate, 37. Amyl Alcohol, 38. Amylase - Erba Xl System Pack, 39. Amylase-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 40. Anopheles Female Mouth Parts, 41. Anopheles Larva, 42. Anopheles Male, 43. Anopheles Wings, 44. Anti A1 Lectin, 45. Anti Ab Anti Seera, 46. Anti D Igg, 47. Anti H Lectin, 48. Aslo Latex Agglutination Test Kit, 49. Barium Chloride, 50. Bees Wax, 51. Benedicts Reagent, 52. Benzene, 53. Benzidine Powder, 54. Bhi Broth, 55. Bile Esulin Agar, 56. Bile Salt, 57. Bilirubin Direct- Erba Xl System Pack, 58. Bilirubin Direct -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 59. Bilirubin Total - Erba Xl System Pack, 60. Bilirubin Total-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 61. Blood Agar Base, 62. Blood Grouping Kit A B & D, 63. Blotting Paper, 64. Bovine Albumin, 65. Bromin Ampules, 66. Buffered Glycerol Saline Base, 67. Calcium Chloride, 68. Calcium-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 69. Capillary Tube, 70. Carbol Fuschin, 71. Carmine ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 72. Casein ( Extra Pure ) , 73. Cell Clean-For -Kx-21, 74. Cell Pack - For -Kx - 21, 75. Chikungunya Igm Rapid Test, 76. Chlamydospore Agar, 77. Chloroform, 78. Cholinesterase -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 79. Cidar Wood Oil 100 Ml, 80. Ck-Mb - Erba Xl System Pack, 81. Ck-Mb-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 82. Cled Agar, 83. Colchicine Solution, 84. Collagenase Type Iv Powder Molecular Grade, 85. Conc Hydrochloric Acid, 86. Conc Nitric Acid, 87. Conc. Sulphuric Acid, 88. Coombs Ahg Seera, 89. Copper Sulphate Crystals ( Cuso4 ) , 90. Corn Meal Agar, 91. Creatinine, 92. Creatinine- Erba Xl System Pack, 93. Creatinine-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 94. Crp Latex Agglutination Test Kit, 95. Csf Protein ( Micro Protein ) - Erba Xl System Pack, 96. Csf Protein-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 97. Culex Larva, 98. Culex Eggs, 99. Culex Female, 100. Culex Female Adult, 101. Culex Female Mouth Parts, 102. Culex Male Adult, 103. Culex Male Mouth Parts, 104. Culex Pupa, 105. Cupric Acetate, 106. Cupric Sulphate, 107. Cuvets For Prothrombin Machine Ca54 Genine Coaguletry Analyser, 108. Cuvets With Magnets For Pt Machine Tulip Model Hematology X F10 Sl No- L 10155189 ) , 109. Cyclops, 110. Cytochalasin, 111. D10 Hba1c Reorder Pack ( 22001010 ) For Biorad -D10 Hba1c Analyzer, 112. Dengue Igm Elisa Kit, 113. Dengue Nsi Antigen Elisa Kit, 114. Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, 115. Dextrose, 116. Di Sodium Hydrogen Ortho Phosphate, 117. Diapse Powder, 118. Diethyl Ether, 119. Di-Potassium Hydrogen Orthophosphate, 120. Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate, 121. Distilled Water, 122. Dmem High Glucose Hepes Cell Culture Media, 123. Dpx Mountant, 124. Drabkins Solution, 125. Easylyte Cleaning Solution - For Transasia Medica Easylyte Na / K Analyzer, 126. Easylyte Internal Solution - For Transasia Medica Easylyte Na / K Analyzer, 127. Easylyte Na / K Reagent Solution Pack - For Transasia Medica Easylyte Na / K Analyzer, 128. Edta Di Potasium Salt ( Excellar ) , 129. Eosin, 130. Eosinophils Diluting Fluid, 131. Erba - Micro Albumin ( Turbidimetric ) , 132. Erba Auto Wash - Erba Xl System Pack, 133. Erba Norm, 134. Erba Path, 135. Ethanol, 136. Ethidium Bromide, 137. Ethyl Alcohol ( Absolute ) , 138. Ethylene Diaminetetra-Acetic Acid Disodium Salt, 139. Ferric Ammonium Citrate, 140. Field Stain A, 141. Field Stain B, 142. Formaldehyde 30 Ltrs ( 37% To 41% ) , 143. Formaline, 144. Formamide ( Liquid ) , 145. Fructose, 146. Gentian Violet, 147. Giemsa Stain Powder, 148. Giemsa Stain Solution, 149. Giemsa Stain Solution, 150. Glacial Acetic Acid, 151. Glacial Acetic Acid, 152. Glacial Acitic Fluid, 153. Glucose, 154. Glucose - Erba Xl System Pack, 155. Glucose- For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 156. Glucose Phosphate Broth, 157. Glycerin, 158. Glycerol, 159. Grams Iodine, 160. Hard Tick, 161. Harris Hematoxylin, 162. Hbsag Elisa 96Test, 163. Hbsag Elisa Kit 24 Test, 164. Hbsag Kit ( Spot Test ) , 165. Hbsag Rapid, 166. Hcv Elisa Kit, 167. Hcv Rapid, 168. Hdl – Direct -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 169. Hdl Direct With Calibrator - Erba Xl System Pack, 170. Heamoglobin Standard, 171. Hematoxyline Powder, 172. Hi Adipo Xl Adipocyte Differentiaton Medium, 173. Hi Chondro Xl Tm Chondrocyte Differentiaton Medium, 174. Hi Osteo Xl Tm Oestocyte Differentiaton Medium, 175. Hi Sep Lsm1073, 176. Histopaque ( 1.077 ) , 177. Hiv Elisa Kit, 178. Hiv Rapid ( Tridot ) , 179. Housefly Mouth Parts, 180. Housefly Wings, 181. Hydrogen Peroxide ( 30% W / V ) , 182. Hydroxymethyl ( Methylamine ) Tris Buffer, 183. Iodine, 184. Iodine Crystals, 185. Ishiharas Chart, 186. L- Aspartic Acid, 187. L Phenylalin, 188. Lactose, 189. L-Alanine, 190. Lead Acetate Solution, 191. Lead Oxide ( Yellow ) , 192. Leishmans Stain, 193. Light Green, 194. Lipase - Erba Xl System Pack, 195. Liquid Phenol, 196. Litmus Ph Indicator Ph Range 4.9-6-9, 197. Liver Fluke, 198. Loeffler Medium Base, 199. Low Melting Agarose Powder, 200. L-Phenylalanine, 201. L-Proline, 202. L-Tryptophane, 203. L-Tyrosine, 204. Lypocheck Diabetes Control ( 740 ) For Biorad -D10 Hba1c Analyzer, 205. Lysine, 206. Mac Conkey Agar, 207. Magnesium Chloride, 208. Magnesium Sulphate, 209. Maintaining Kit For Hematology Analyzer, 210. Malaria Elisa Kit, 211. Malaria Rapid Kit, 212. Maltose, 213. Mannitol Motility Test Medium, 214. Methanol, 215. Methanol ( Acetone Free ) , 216. Methanol Ar Grade, 217. Methyle Blue, 218. Methylene Blue, 219. Molybdic Acid, 220. Mp Rapid Diagno Kits, 221. Mueller Hinton Agar, 222. N / 10 Hcl, 223. Natural Red, 224. N-Butyl Alcohol, 225. Neutral Red ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 226. Ninhydrin, 227. Nitrate Broth, 228. Nitric Acid, 229. Oil Red ( Cell Culture Tested ) , 230. O-Phosphoric Acid ( Extra Pure ) , 231. P. T. Reagent, 232. Paraffin Wax, 233. Paraffin Wax, 234. Pbs Ph7.4 1X Sterile Tissue Cell Culture Grade, 235. Perimetry Papers, 236. Ph Range 5-7.5, 237. Ph Paper Range 3.5-6, 238. Ph Paper Range 3-9, 239. Ph Paper Range 6 To 11, 240. Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar, 241. Phenolpthalein Indicator, 242. Phenyl Hydrogen Hydrochloride, 243. Phosphomolibdic Acid, 244. Phytohemagglutinin M, 245. Platelet Diluting Fluid, 246. Polyvinyl Alcohol, 247. Potassium Iodide ( Extra Pure ) , 248. Potassium Iodode, 249. Potassium Permanganate, 250. Potassium Sodium Tartarat, 251. Potassium Tellurite 1%, 252. Pregnancy Test Kit, 253. Pro Analysis Acetic Acid Glacial 100% ( About 1.05 ) Indifferent To Chromic Acid Gr, 254. Propanol, 255. Proteinase K Molecular Grade, 256. Public Louse, 257. Qiaamp Dna Blood Mini Kit ( 50 ) , 258. Ra Kit, 259. Rapid Pap Stain Kit ( A3 Minutes Papaniculaous Stain ) , 260. Rbc Diluting Fluid, 261. Reticulocyte Dilution Fluid, 262. Rpr Test, 263. Sabourauds Dextrose Agar, 264. Safranine, 265. Sample Cups Erba Xl 640, 266. Schiff Reagent, 267. Sds Molecular Grade, 268. Selenite Broth, 269. Semen Diluting Fluid, 270. Sgot / Ast Hl - Erba Xl System Pack, 271. Sgot-For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 272. Sgpt / Alt Hl - Erba Xl System Pack, 273. Sgpt -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 274. Silver Nitrate, 275. Simmon Citrate Agar Medium, 276. Skimmed Milk Powder, 277. Snapak ( Na+, K+, Li+ ) 91809181- For Roche 9180 Electrolyte Analyzer, 278. Snapak ( Na+, K+, Li+ ) 91809181- For Roche 9180 Electrolyte Analyzer, 279. Sodium Acetate Solution 500 Ml, 280. Sodium Acitate, 281. Sodium Azide, 282. Sodium Bicarbonate, 283. Sodium Carbonate, 284. Sodium Chloride, 285. Sodium Dihydrogen Ortho Phosphate, 286. Sodium Electrode Conditioner - For Roche 9180 Electrolyte Analyzer, 287. Sodium Floride, 288. Sodium Hydroxide ( Pellets ) , 289. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 5%, 290. Sodium Nitrate, 291. Sodium Nitroprosside, 292. Sodium Nitroprusside, 293. Sodium Potassium Tartrate, 294. Soft Soap, 295. Soft Tick, 296. Spirit, 297. Spirometery Paper, 298. Stethography Paper, 299. Stromatolyser -For -Kx-21, 300. Stuart Transport Medium, 301. Sucrose, 302. Sulphur Powder, 303. Tapeworm Scolex, 304. Tartaric Acid, 305. Tcbs, 306. Temed Solution Molecular Biology Grade, 307. Test Tube Holder, 308. Thermal Paper Roll, 309. Tissue Freezing Medium, 310. Total Calcium- Erba Xl System Pack, 311. Total Cholesterol - Erba Xl System Pack, 312. Total Cholesterol -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 313. Total Protein - Erba Xl System Pack, 314. Total Protein -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 315. Tri Sodium Citrate, 316. Trichloro Acetic Acid, 317. Triglycerides - Erba Xl System Pack, 318. Triglycerides -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 319. Tris Buffer Extra Pure, 320. Troponin I- Strips, 321. Trypsin 2000U / G, 322. Tsi, 323. Urea Agar Base, 324. Urea- Erba Xl System Pack, 325. Urea -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 326. Urea Powder, 327. Uric Acid, 328. Uric Acid- Erba Xl System Pack, 329. Uric Acid -For Erba Mannheim Chembims7 Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzer, 330. Urine Keto Sticks, 331. Uristicks Ab+Swg, 332. Vaccutainer With Vaccum, 333. Vdrl Strips, 334. Watmans Filter Paper 125 Mm Round X 100, 335. Wbc Diluting Fluid, 336. Widal Antibody Detection Kit, 337. Wilson Blair Agar, 338. Xl Muticalibrator - Erba Xl System Pack, 339. Xylene 2.5 Ltr, 340. Xylene 500 Ml, 341. Isopropyl Alcohol, 342. Blood Culture Bhi Broth ( Adult ) ( Lq004a ) , 343. Blood Culture Bhi Broth ( Paediatric ) ( Lq004 ) , 344. Mc Farland Standard Set ( Hi Media, Code No-R092 ) , 345. Bowie-Dick Test Strips, 346. Sterile Cotton Swab ( Hi Media, Code No-Pw003 ) , 347. Sterile Cotton Swab ( Hi Media, Code No-Pw005 ) , 348. Hi Clean Ls Swab ( Hi Media, Code No-Pw2110 ) , 349. Steam ( Hi Media, Code No-La811 ) ( Size 112Mmx20mm ) , 350. Fixed Micropipette ( 50Ul ) ( Eppendroff / Finnpipette ) , 351. Phenolphthalein Reagent, 352. Nitroblue Tetrazolium, 353. Triphenyl Tetrazolium, 354. Sterile Wooden Cotton Applicatior 6 ( With Cap ) , 355. Sterile Wooden Cotton Applicatior 6 ( Without Cap ) , 356. Erba Protime Ls For Erba Automated Coagulation Analysier, 357. Erba Actime For Erba Automated Coagulation Analysier, 358. Calcium Chloride For Erba Automated Coagulation Analysier, 359. Erba Coagulation Cleaner For Erba Automated Coagulation Analysier, 360. Cuvette For Erba Automated Coagulation Analysier, 361. Diluent U For Urit Haematalogical Analysier, 362. Detergent U For Urit Haematalogical Analysier, 363. Lyse ( Latic U ) For Urit Haematalogical Analysier, 364. Urit Cleaner U For Urit Haematalogical Analysier, 365. Mission U 500 ( Reagent Strip ) For Urit Haematalogical Analysier, 366. Glucose Packets 75 Grams, 367. Bact Alert Fa Plus ( Adult ) , 368. Bact Alert Pf Plus ( Paediatric ) , 369. Gp Test Cards, 370. Gn Test Cards, 371. Ast N 280 Test Cards, 372. Ast N 281 Test Cards, 373. Ast P628 Test Cards, 374. Ast Ys08 Test Cards, 375. Unsensitized Tubes ( 69285 ) , 376. Saline Solution ( 3X500ml / Box ) ( V1204 ) , 377. Weil Felix Test, 378. Liquid Paraffin, 379. Tissue Paper Roll ( 42 X 2 Mtrs ( 200 G ) , 380. Filter Paper ( 45 X 45 Cm ) , 381. Tissue Paper Rolls, 382. Amoxycillin / Clavulanic Acid 30 Mcg, 383. Ampicillin 10 Mcg, 384. Ampicillin / Sulbactam 10 / 10 Mcg, 385. Azithromycin, 386. Aztreonam 30 Mcg, 387. Bacitracin Disc ( 1 Unit ) , 388. Cefazolin 30 Mcg, 389. Cefixime 5 Mcg, 390. Cefotaxime 30 Mcg, 391. Ceftazidime 30 Mcg, 392. Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid, 393. Ceftriaxone, 394. Cefuroxime 30 Mcg, 395. Chloramphenicol 30 Mcg, 396. Ciprofloxacin 5 Mcg, 397. Clindamycin 2 Mcg, 398. Cotrimaxazole 1.25 / 23.75 Mcg, 399. Doxycyline 30 Mcg, 400. Erythromycin 15 Mcg, 401. Gentamicin 120 Mcg, 402. Imipenem 10 Mcg, 403. Levofloxacin 5 Mcg, 404. Linezolid 30 Mcg, 405. Meropenem 10 Mcg, 406. Nalidixic Acid, 407. Netilmicin Sulphate, 408. Nitrofurantoin 300 Mcg, 409. Norfloxacin 10 Mcg, 410. Ofloxacin 5 Mcg, 411. Optochin Disc, 412. Oxacillin 1 Mcg, 413. Oxidase Discs, 414. Penicillin- G ( 10 Units ) , 415. Piperacillin 100 Mcg, 416. Rifampicin 5 Mcg, 417. Teichoplanin 30 Mcg, 418. Tetracycline 30 Mcg, 419. Ticarcillin 75 Mcg, 420. Ticarcillin / Clavulanic Acid 75 / 10 Mcg, 421. Amoxycillin, 422. Pipercillin / Tazobactum 10 / 10 Mcg, 423. Vancomycin 30 Mcg, 424. Cefoxitin 30 Mcg, 425. Cetepine, 426. Amoxycillin / Clavulanic Acid 20 / 10 Mcg, 427. Amikacin ( 30 Mcg ) , 428. Micro Pipette 100 Ml, 429. Micro Pipette 200 Ml, 430. Esr Pipettes With Stand, 431. Specific Gravity Canicar Jar, 432. Esr Pipettes ( Western Green ) Disposable, 433. Pasture Pipettes, 434. Wintrobes Tube, 435. Tissue Block Holder, 436. Acrylic Museum Jars - Big Size, 437. Acrylic Museum Jars - Medium Size, 438. Acrylic Museum Jars - Small Size, 439. Boiling Flask Flat Bottom 250 Ml ( Autoclavable ) , 440. Boiling Flask Flat Bottom 500 Ml ( Autoclavable ) , 441. Boiling Flask Flat Bottom 1000 Ml ( Autoclavable ) , 442. Pipette 5 Ml. Measuring ( 0.5 Ml. Distance 0.05 Ml. 0.1 Ml. Etc., 443. Pipette 10 Ml. Measuring ( 1 Ml. Distance 0.1 Ml. 2 Ml. Etc., 444. Petri Dishes 100 X 17 Mm, 445. Durhams Tube Glass, 446. Plain, Capacity 30Ml Glass Dropping Bottles, 447. Amber, Capacity 30Ml Glass Dropping Bottles, 448. Staining Troughs, Glass Make, For Slides, Schaffer Decker Type, Size: 25.4 X 76.2 Mm. Slide ( 1 Inch X 3 Inch ) Capacity:, 449. Flasks, Boiling, Florence, Flat Bottom 100. ( Autoclavable ) , 450. Flasks, Boiling, Florence, Flat Bottom 500. ( Autoclavable ) , 451. Flasks, Boiling, Florence, Flat Bottom 25. ( Autoclavable ) , 452. Flasks, Boiling, Florence, Flat Bottom 50. ( Autoclavable ) , 453. Funnels, Plain, 60O Angle, Long Stem 25. ( Autoclavable ) , 454. Funnels, Plain, 60O Angle, Long Stem 50 ( Autoclavable ) , 455. Funnels, Plain, 60O Angle, Long Stem 100. ( Autoclavable ) , 456. Funnels, Plain, 60O Angle, Long Stem 15 ( Autoclavable ) , 457. Micro Pippet Stand, 458. Micro Tip Box ( Holding Capacity -100 Tips- 0.1 To 20 Microne ) ( Autoclavable ) , 459. Micro Tip Box ( Holding Capacity -100 Tips- 2 To 200 Microne ) ( Autoclavable ) , 460. Screw Cap Glass Bottles ( Autoclavable ) , Tissue Culture Grade 500 Ml, 461. Diamond Marker Pen, 462. Glass Cupling Jar, 463. Speific Gravity Canicar Jar, 464. Glass Tray, 465. Watch Glass, 466. 24 Hours Urine Collection Plastic Container Capacity-3000 Ml, 467. Urine Collection Plastic Container-50 Ml Capacity, 468. Measuring Cylinder Plastic / Fibre 100 Ml, 469. Microtips- Blue ( 1000 Microliter ) , 470. Micropippettes - Variable Volume - 5 - 50 Ml, 471. Micro Pippettes - Variable Volume - 0.5 - 10 Ml, 472. Micro Pippettes - Variable Volume -10 - 100 Ml, 473. Micro Pippettes - Variable Volume - 50 - 500 Ml, 474. Micro Pippettes - Variable Volume - 100 - 1000 Ml, 475. Micropippettes - Fixed Volume - 0.5 Ml, 476. Micropippettes - Fixed Volume - 5 Ml, 477. Micropippettes - Fixed Volume - 100 Ml, 478. Micropippettes - Fixed Volume - 1000 Ml, 479. Micro Tips- Yellow ( 100 Microliter ) , 480. Eppendorff Tubes - 1.5 Ml, 481. Thermasthesiometer, 482. Compas Asthesiometer, 483. Aluminium Caps ( Suitable For 5 Ml / 10 Ml Vials ) , 484. Rubber Caps ( Grey Colour ) Fit Into 5 Ml / 10 Ml Glass Bottles., 485. Droppers, 486. Laboratory Centrifuge Remi Brushless R8c Bl -16 Tubes, 487. Laboratory Centrifuge Remi R8c -16 Tubes, 488. Serological Water Bath Pathak, 489. Khan Test Tube Racks Stainless Steel 48 Tube Capacity, 490. Khan Test Tubes, 491. Plastic Vacutainer ( Red Cap ) 4 Ml Capacity, 492. Plastic Vacutainer ( Purple Cap / Edta ) 4 Ml Capacity, 493. Plain ( Blue Toped ) Vacutainer 4 Ml Capacity, 494. Heparin Vacutainer 4 Ml, 495. Heparin Vacutainer 6 Ml, 496. Test Tubes 100Mm X 12Mm, 497. Test Tubes 75Mm X 10Mm, 498. Funnels, 499. Glass Rod 30 Inch, 500. Filter Paper Pk Brand 45 X 45 Cm, 501. Spatula, Stainless Steel, One Flat End And One Concave End, 6 Inch Excluding Ends, 502. Flask Cleaning Brush Small Size 50, 503. Test Tube Racks Alluminium, 48 Wells To Hold 100 Mm X 12 Mm Test Tubes., 504. Test Tube Racks Alluminium, 48 Wells To Hold 150 Mm X 18 Mm Test Tubes, 505. Test Tube Racks Alluminium, 48 Wells To Hold 75 Mm X 10 Mm Test Tube, 506. Multipurpose Container Sterile ( Sample Collection ) 30 Ml, 507. Microtips, Neutral Color 200 Microliter, 508. Micro Pippettes 1. 5 - 50, 509. Micro Pippettes 2. 0.5 - 10, 510. Micro Pippettes 3. 10 - 100, 511. Micro Pippettes 4. 50 - 500, 512. Micro Pippettes 5. 100 - 1000, 513. Beaker 50 Ml, 514. Beaker 100 Ml, 515. Beaker 500 Ml, 516. Beaker 1000 Ml, 517. Beaker 250 Ml, 518. Micro Slides ( Individual Wrapped ) , 519. Cover Slip 22 Mm X 22 Mm ( Square ) , 520. Cover Slip 22 Mm X 50 Mm ( Square ) , 521. Cylinders, Graduated, Single Metric Scale With Hexagonal Base 500Ml., 522. Cylinders, Graduated, Single Metric Scale With Hexagonal Base 1000Ml., 523. Conical Flask 500 Ml, 524. Esr Pipettes With Stand, 525. Urine Collection Jar 100 Ml, 526. Speific Gravity Canicar Jar, 527. Khans Tube Plastic, 528. Esr Pipettes ( Western Green ) , 529. K3 Tubes, 530. Flask Cleaning Brush Big Size 50, 531. Slides ( 1 Box = 20 Sub Pack ) , 532. Rbc Pippettes, 533. Wbc Pippettes, 534. Hb Pippettes, 535. Graduated Tubes ( Hb Tubes ) , 536. Neubars Counting Chamber Bright Line, 537. Mortar And Pestle, 538. Tissue Embedding Rings ( Plastic ) , 539. Plastic Microtip Stand For 100 Microtips Of 100-1000 Microliter, 540. Plastic Micro Pipette Stand To Hold 6 Micro Pipettes, 541. Glass Petridish 90 Mili Liter, 542. Filter Mesh / Cell Strainer, Plastic, Sterile, Individually Wrapped, 543. Serological Pipettes Dispsoable, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 2Ml, 544. Serological Pipettes Dispsoable, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 5Ml, 545. Serological Pipettes Dispsoable, Sterile, Individually Wrapped 10 Ml, 546. Purple Nitrite Powder Free Gloves ( Small ) , 547. Purple Nitrite Powder Free Gloves ( Medium ) , 548. Purple Nitrite Powder Free Gloves ( Large ) , 549. Filter System Disposable, Vaccum, Sterile, Individually Wrapped, 550. Tissue Culture Flasks With Filter Cap Sterile, Pp, Individually Packed, Autoclavable, 551. Tissue Culture Flasks Without Filter Cap Sterile, Pp, Individually Packed, Autoclavable, 552. Universal Microtips Filtered And Racked 1-10 Ui, 553. Universal Microtips Filtered And Racked 10-100 Ui, 554. Universal Microtips Filtered And Racked 100-1000 Ui, 555. Paster Pipette Disposable, 556. Isotherm System Started Set 0.5Ml, 557. Isotherm System Started Set 1.5Ml, 558. Pcr Cooler 0.2Ml Sterile Set, 559. Ge Loadar Tips & Rack, 560. Glass Slide Staning Jar ( Single Mould ) , 561. Packing Roll 200Mm X 70Mm - 8 X 70 Mm, 562. Packing Roll 250Mm X 70Mm - 10 X 70 Mm, 563. Ribbon Cartrigde Red / Black ( 4003174001 ) , 564. Eto Gas Cartridzes, 565. Eto Packing Roles 15 Cmx200 Mtrs, 566. Eto Packing Role 20 Cmx200 Mtrs, 567. Eto Packing Role 30 Cmx200 Mtrs, 568. Sterrad 100S Cassetts ( Pack 1X5 Cassettes ) , 569. Sterrad Packing Role 30Cmx200 Mtrs, 570. Sterrad Packing Role 20Cmx200 Mtrs, 571. Sterrad Packing Role 15Cmx200 Mtrs, 572. Three Way Line Colour Coding Stickers ( Steam ) -32 Roles, 573. Eto Colour Coding Stickers, 574. Surgistain, 575. Polyproline Paper, 576. Biological Indicator For Strd Plasma Machine, 577. Sterile Sure Indicator Tape 1 X 1 Box ( 6 Pieces ) , 578. Package Monitoring Sticker, 579. Liquizime, 580. Steam Indicator ( Strips Each Box 200 Piece ) , 581. Carttridge ( Sticker Machine Gun ) , 582. Steam Sterlizer Biological Indicator, 583. Ethyl Oxide Gas Cylinder ( For Eto Machine ) , 584. E.T.O Chemical Indicator ( For Eto Machine ) , 585. Printer Roll W.D Machine, 586. Carttridge W / D Machine, 587. Bacilocid Liquid 3 Ltr, 588. E.T.O Biological Indicator ( For Eto Machine ) , 589. Packing Roll 250Mm X 70Mm -Sterrad For Plasma Machine, 590. Fumigation Solution 5 Ltrs Can, 591. Decarboxylase Broth Base, 592. Emb Agar, 593. Lactophenol Cotton Blue ( Lpcb ) , 594. Potato Dextrose Agar, 595. Potato Dextrose Broth, 596. Sodium Taurocholate, 597. Sodium Deoxycholate, 598. Sodium Polynethol Sulfonate, 599. Tetramethyl P-Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride, 600. Auto Span Glucose Kits, 601. Plain Vaccutainers ( Without Anticoagulant ) 6Ml, 602. Silk Protein & Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Pu Foam ( 10Cm X 10Cm Non Adhesive ) , 603. Silk Protein & Silver Dressing ( 5Cm X 5Cm ) , 604. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Antimicrobial Wound Dressing Meshed ( 10Cm X 10Cm ) , 605. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Antimicrobial Wound Dressing Meshed ( 10Cm X 25Cm ) , 606. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Mesh Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 25Cm ) , 607. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Mesh Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 40Cm ) , 608. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Mesh Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 40Cm ) , 609. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 10Cm ) , 610. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 25Cm ) , 611. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 25Cm ) , 612. Silk Protein & Silver Oxide Based Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 40Cm ) , 613. Silk Protein Derived Foam Dressing ( 10Cm X 10Cm Non Adhesive ) , 614. Silk Protein Derived Meshed Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 10Cm ) , 615. Silk Protein Derived Meshed Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 25Cm ) , 616. Silk Protein Derived Meshed Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 25Cm ) , 617. Silk Protein Derived Meshed Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 40Cm ) , 618. Silk Protein Derived Microbicidal Dusting Powder 100Gm Bottle, 619. Silk Protein Derived Microbicidal Dusting Powder 50Gm Bottle, 620. Silk Protein Derived Ointment Loaded With Asiaticoside And Silver 25Gm Ointment, 621. Silk Protein Derived Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 10Cm ) , 622. Silk Protein Derived Wound Dressing ( 10Cm X 25Cm ) , 623. Silk Protein Derived Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 25Cm ) , 624. Silk Protein Derived Wound Dressing ( 20Cm X 40Cm ) , 625. Silk Protein Derived Wound Dressing ( 5Cm X 5Cm ) ,

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