
Tender For Civil Structural Architectural Works At Ip And Sv Stations - Karnataka For Hassan- Cherlapally Lpg Pipeline (Hcpl)Project --Karnataka

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has published Tender For Civil Structural Architectural Works At Ip And Sv Stations - Karnataka For Hassan- Cherlapally Lpg Pipeline (Hcpl)Project -. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-02-2020. Toiletries Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Civil Structural Architectural Works At Ip And Sv Stations - Karnataka For Hassan- Cherlapally Lpg Pipeline (Hcpl)Project -
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Civil Structural Architectural Works At Ip And Sv Stations - Karnataka For Hassan- Cherlapally Lpg Pipeline (Hcpl)Project -Demolition of existing structures, walls including foundations, paving, trenches, underground pipes, cables if any etc. as per specification and instruction from engineer in charge, irrespective of its material of construction, height/depth, thickness etc. work shall be carried out in compliance with project specification for demolition work, clearing of debris from demolition site and disposing it to local authority approved location. This is inclusive of machinery, labor, temporary supports, scaffolding and transportation irrespective of distance to disposal point. This also includes back filling with borrowed soil/sand/murum at foundation location where required and all necessary measures to prevent damage to activities / facilities in the adjoining areas during demolition, and transportation as per the requirements of premises & statutory regulations. Complete as per project drawing, specification and as directed by engineer in charge.Note 1 : Rate shall be inclusive of all royalties / obtaining clearance of local authorities required for disposal & borrow area and no extra cost whatsoever than the quoted rates shall be paid by HPCL.Note 2 : Contractor shall select the location for dumping in local authority approved area with documentary proof, Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere Within HPCLS Plant Premises In Land Development And Also Under PCC, backfilling the sides of foundations, sub-structures Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till Maximum Compaction That Is 95% Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge, Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge. Contractor Has To Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The Above Tests, Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method Upto 1.5 M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations, Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, site grading Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCLS Premises Or Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs, trees Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less). Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In ChargeNote 1: Top Soil To Be Cleared Of Shrubs Grass, tress less than 30 cm girth Etc Including Roots And 150 mm Top Soil To Be Stored Separately Within HPCLS Premises Or Outside For All Leads And To Be Used For Micrograding As Required.Note 2 : The quoted rate shall include clearing & disposal of all Vegetation stumps, bushes, logs and other perishable and objectionable organic materials. It also covers clearing and disposal of jungle including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30cm, removal of all rubbish and disposal of the same.Note 3 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge InstructionsNote 5 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.Note 6 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement, For M15 Grade Concrete With 20 mm Max Size & Down Graded Aggregate Under Foundations,Culvert,Drains, Paving,Base Slab, Plinth Beams, Walls, Manholes,Pits, Tanks & Rafts Etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In Concrete Works Shall Be Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables etc. PCC - Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations Etc. Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing etc. Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Polythene Sheet As Per Drawing, For M25 Grade Concrete With Water Proofing Admixtures, Bonding Agent & Hydraulic Testing Of Leaks Wherever Required As Per Project Specification & Relevant Code For Below Ground Works For Duct Bank, Footings/Foundations, Plinth Beams, Raft Slabs, Pedestals, Trenches, Manhole Pit, Culverts, Drains, Sumps, Pits , Tanks, Equipment Foundations, Encasing Of Pipes Etc At Depth Below And Upto Plinth Level/Top Of Pedestal. Note : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying/Applying 3 Coats Of Modified Bituminous Paint As Per Drawing.RCC - Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary. (2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately. (3) Pit / Tank Shall Be Tested By Filling With Water For Required Depth And Maintaining It For 72 Hrs. For Checking The Leakages As Per IS 3370. (4) The Rate Includes Giving 10 Year Guarantee For watertigtness for tanks, For M20 Grade Concrete For Grade Slab / Paving Without Using Vacuum Dewatering Method (Tremix Flooring Or Equivalent). Including Supply And Application Of All Components Of Expansion Joint/Construction Joint Like Poly Sulphide Sealing Compound, Bitumen Impregnated Filler, Dowels ( Ms Bars), Pvc Pipes/Cap As Per Drawingetc. Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Polythene Sheet As Per Drawing.RCC - Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary. (2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately, Providing, Fabricating, Bending, Welding And/Or Bolting, As Required, Erecting And Fixing In Position All Types Of Structural Steel Works (E250 B) (Including Painting As Per Specifications) Viz. Columns,Beams, Rafters, Trusses, Purlins, Bracing, Ladders And Cage Ladders, Sag Rods, Metal Sheet, View Cutter, Cable Trey/ Instrument/ Jb/ Pannel/ Lcs Supports & Base Frames, Cross Over, Platform, Structural Supports (Except Cheqd. Plates, Grating & Pipe Railing Only) Made Up Of Rolled, Hollow & Built Up Sections With Moment Or Shear Connections, Shop/Site Fabricated Including All Accessories Viz. Anchor Fasteners, Nuts, Bolts, Cleats, Gussets, Suspenders Etc As Per Specification Complete As Directed By Engineer In Charge. The Rate To Include For Welding Weights, Site Connection, Anchor Fasteners, Nut & Bolts And Same Will Not Be Measured For Payment.(Painting & Shot Blasting Shall Be Included In This Item.) The Rate Shall Include For Preparing & Providing Detailed Fabrication Drawings Based On Design Drawings & Specifications And Getting The Same Approved From The Engineer In Charge. Painting With Primer & Paint Of Approved Quality & Make Including Preparation Of Surface Shall Be As Per Sa 2.5, Primer Coat Shall Be Inorganic Zinc Silicate Coating Of 75 DFT In Micron, Intermediate Coat Shall Be 2 Coats Of High Built Two-Pack Polyamide Cured Epoxy Paint @ 120 Micron DFT/Coat = 2X120 = 240 Micron & Finish Coat Shall Be Single Coats Of Aliphatic Acrylic Modified ( Isocynate Cured) Recotable Two-Pack Polyurethane Of 50 DFT In Micron, Work Shall Be Including Scaffolding Etc. All Complete As Directed & Instructed By Engineer In Charge. (Rate Shall Include Cost Of Supply Of Paint.) Payment Will Be On The Basis Of Weight Of Structural Steel Erected., Brickwork In CM 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand) For Foundation, Trenches And Storm Water Drains (Thickness As Per Drawings).Providing, Storage And Constructing Brick Masonry With Cement Mortar To The True Line, Level Using Best Quality Locally Available Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0 (Minimum) And Conforming To IS : 1077 Including Providing All Openings And Projections, Raking The Joints To 1 cm Deep, Scaffolding, Curing , Working At All Height, Treatment For Efflorescence If Required, Etc. Complete As Per Project Specification, Providing And Laying Waterproof 12Mm Internal Plaster Of Mix 1:6(1 Cement :6 Fine Sand ) As Per Project Specifications Including Water-Proofing Compound,Scaffolding, Curing, Etc. Complete, Providing And Applying First Single Coat Of Approved Primer And Two Coats Of Anti-Algal, Anti-Fungal, Acrylic Based Weather Proof Exterior Paint Of An Approved Make And Colour As Per Manufacturers Specifications To Any Surface, At All Levels And Locations As Directed Including Preparing Surfaces For Painting By Any Approved Means, Watering, Scaffolding, Cleaning And Curing Etc. Complete As Directed By Engineer-In-Charge, Providing & Fixing Ceramic Tiles (300X450X10 mm Thick) For Dado In Wet Area Of Approved Manufacturer Like Rak / Nitco/ Kajaria/Johnson/Spartek/Etc Conforming To IS 15622/ISO 13006/EN 14411 Of Approved Colour Over 12 mm Thick Bed Of Cement Mortar 1:4 [ 1 Cement :4 Coarse Sand ] With Laying And Pointing With Fix- A-Tile(Choksey/Sika/Pedelite/Roff)/White Cement Mixed With Matching Pigment To Match Shade Of Tiles Including Pattern , Preparing The Surface And Levelling In The Desired Line , Machine Cutting Complete Work At All Level As Per Manufacturer/Project Specification And As Directed By Engineer-In-Charge. Attic Stock Of 2% Of Tiles To Be Handed Over To The Client Post Completion Of Entire Flooring Works. (Rate For Tiles To Be Handed Over Should Be Included Within Quoted Rates), Providing And Fixing Polished Kota Stone (Minimum 20 mm Thick) Including Supply Of All Materials, Preparing The Surface And Levelling In The Desired Line, Machine Cutting, Complete Work For Floor, Staircase Treads And Risers Over 25 mm Thick Bed Of Cement Mortar 1:4 [ 1 Cement :4 Coarse Sand ] With Laying And Pointing With Fix-A-Tile (Choksey/Sika/Pedelite/Roff) White Cement Mixed With Matching Pigment To Match Shade Of Tiles, Including Pattern, Preparing The Surface And Levelling In The Desired Line, Machine Cutting, Complete Work At All Level As Per Manufacture / Project Specification And As Directed By Engineer -In- Charge. Including Protection With Gypsum / Pop Layer Over Plastic Sheet And Removing The Same Before Handing Over,Work, Providing And Fixing Acid Resisting Tiles Conforming To IS-4457 (Minimum Thickness 10mm) Including Bedding Of 25 Mm Thick In 1:4 Proportion, Including Supply Of All Materials, Using Chemical Resistant Mortar As Per Is 4832, Preparing The Surface And Levelling In The Desired Line, Machine Cutting, Jointing, Complete Work For Floor Etc. At All Level As Per Project Manufacturer/Specifications, Drawing And As Directed By Engineer In Charge. Attic Stock Of 2% Of Tiles To Be Handed Over To The Client Post Completion Of Entire Flooring Works. (Rate For Tiles To Be Handed Over Should Be Included Within Quoted Rates), Aluminium Door -Providing And Fixing Powder Coated Aluminium Fully Glazed Single / Double Shutter Door Including Providing Necessary Hardware, Shock Absorber, 8 mm Thick Fully Toughened Glass With Frame 75 X 50 mm And Fittings Etc. Complete As Per Project Specification & Drawing And Instruction Of Engineer Incharge. Includes Providing And Fixing Sun Film/ Anti-Reflective Film Wherever Required.Sample Approved By Engineer-In-Charge Shall Only Be Applied. The Vendor Shall Submit Required Warranty Certificates From The Manufacture. The Films Shall Be Of Approved Manufacturers Like Llumar, 3M, Garware Or Equivalent, Etc. Complete As Per Specifications, Aluminium Glazed Window / Ventilators Providing And Fixing Powder Coated Aluminium Window/Ventilator Including Providing Necessary Hardware , Providing And Fixing Full Glazing In Aluminium Window Frames , Ventilators Frames . With 6 mm Thick Toughened Glass As Per Project Specifications, Drawings And Direction Of Engineer-In-Charge Complete, Chain Link Fence: Provide Fabricate, Transport, Erect and Fix Complete Chain Link Fence with Gate including Its Accessories and Structural Steel Supports and Concrete Foundations. Work Includes Excavation For Posts, Fixing Of Chain Link Fence With Angle Post, Vertical Post, Bracings, and Foundation For Posts Etc All Complete As Per Project Speciation And Standard Drawings. (15963-000-CI-DST-0006)., Providing And Fixing Wash Basin With One Tap Hole Conforming To IS: 2556 (Part-IV) Of Make Jaguar Or Equivalent Approved Pattern, Quality And Color With Under Counter Size (mm) 190 X 550 X 430, 32mm CP Brass Waste Fittings, 32 mm CP Brass Bottle Trap, 15 mm PVC Inlet Water Pipe Connection, Painted GI Brackets, Single Lever Basin Bib Tap Of Make Jaguar Or Equivalent Etc. All Complete As Per Project Specification ( 15963-000-AR-SPC-0004), Drawings, Manufacturer Installation Method And Directed By Engineer-In-Charge, Providing And Fixing Fully Made Out Of ABS Plastic Body White Colored Finish Toilet Paper Roll Dispenser (HC-Jumbo) Of Technocrats Or Equivalent Make Size Of Dispenser L235 X W115 X H255 mm To Wall/Cubical Etc. All Complete As Per Project Specification (15963-000-AR-SPC-0004), Drawings, Manufacturer Installation Method And Directed By Engineer-In-Charge, Providing And Fixing Soil/Waste/ Vent Anti-Siphonage Pipes Along With Fittings Shall Be Cast Iron Pipes. All Pipes Shall Be Straight And Smooth And Inside Free From Irregular Bore,Blow Holes,Cracks And Other Manufacturing Defects Of 100 mm Dia Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Socket & Spigot (S&S) Pipe As Per IS: 3989, Supplying, Fitting And Fixing Superior Quality Gun Metal Gate Valve Of Leader Make Or Equivalent Approved With ISI Mark, Supply And Laying 300 mm Dia Reinforced Concrete Heavy Duty Pipes Conforming To Class NP3 ( As Per IS 458), Non Pressure Pipes with collars including cutting out pockets for collars, jointing in 1:1 cement mortar, cutting of pipes wherever required, curing and testing of joints ,excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where Required Etc . Complete as per specifications, Supply , Laying And Fitting Heavy Duty G.I. Pipe of 100 mm Below Ground As Per Specifications & Drawings Including Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where Required Etc. Complete.(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item), Supply , Laying And Fitting Heavy Duty G.I. Pipe of 200 mm Below Ground As Per Specifications & Drawings Including Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where Required Etc. Complete.(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item), Construction Of Soak-Pit Of Size 2500 mm Dia And 3000 mm Depth As Per Drawing And Directions Of The Engineer, Including All Materials, Labour, Excavation, Backfilling And Other Bye-Works, Complete In All Respects As Per Standard Drawing, Supply & fixing of aluminium composite pannel (Box type ) board for building names . Frame 25 mmX25 mmX 2.6 mm duly painted MS pipe. Background - ACP sheet white. Border -Vinyl 3M- 3630-157. Lettering- 3M vinyl (Black) 3630 series. The length will be based on the building size and as per engineer In charge. The lettering on the name board should be mun. 1ft. in height with min. 6 distance from the ends. The width of the border around the name should be 1. Shop Drawing And Sample To Be Approved From Engineer In Charge Prior Of Manufacturing And Installation, Room Identification Sign: Providing And Fixing Wall Mounted Curved Sign-Curved Sign Of Size 250 mm X 100 mm And End Caps Made Of Aluminum Alloy 6303. Room 1 To Be Printed On Longterm 3M/Avery Vinyl And Applied On The Front Fascia. Front Fascia To Be Covered With The Polycarbonate Sheet. Sign To Be Installed On The Wall With The Help Of Studs, Regulatory Signs: Providing And Fixing Sign Made Of Size 450 mm X 150 mm X 6 mm Thick Clear Acrylic With Lazer Engraving Of The Text With Green Led Or Reflective Vinyl To Illuminate The Text, Providing & Fixing Interlocking 80 mm Thick Grey Cement Concrete Unishape Pavers In Red ( Terra Cotta), Black, Brown Or Any Colour Unishape (Monolithic- Single Layer Precast Concrete Blocks) With Pigment @ 5% By Weight Of Cement Having Average Crushing Strength Of 40N/Sq.mm., Placed On Uniformly Graded River Sand Cushioning Of Average Compacted Thickness 50 mm With Proper Compacting With Mechanical Compactor With The Proper Level, Grade And Camber Etc.Complete As Specified And As Directed By The Engineer. Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Of Sand Bed & Sub-Base Preparation, Providing and laying borewell of dia 150mm having depth of up to recommendation of hydrological survey or maximum up to 200mtr including boring, upvc casing pipe, strainer, submersible pump & starter panel (which includes MCCB, Contactor, thermal overload relay with external reset PB on font facia of the starter, start &stop push buttons, LED cluster type indication lamps (Power supply ON, Pump ON, Pump Pump Trip etc.) of appropriate capacity along with necessary GI pipes and junction box, other necessary installations, etc. all works complete. Rate to include for cabling till nearest power point(local Junction Box)and necessary approvals from local bodies for operation of borewell. Rate to include hydrological survey for identification of borewell location for water availability. Minimum three points to be identified as per hydrological survey within the plant premises and payment shall be made for successful borewell (dig out of three) only with minimum yield of 2KL/HrNote : 1. The minimum length of cabling included in this item shall be considered as = depth of borewell + 10m. Cabling length above the minimum requirement mentioned in point 1., shall be paid separately. This motor cable shall be connected to local weather proof, IP55 Junction box with canopy mountedc on MS stand locally.2. The motor shall be single phase(240V AC) for all stations, Design And Construction Of Fully Integrated Rainwater Harvesting System (Conforming To IS 15792 & IS 15797 Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting, CPWD/ CGWB Guidelines) For All buildings/Sheds With Following Facilities:Storage/ Disilting Tank, Borewell And Recharge Pits Including The Following As Minimum Requirement:1) Providing And Laying Borewell Of Dia 300mm (1 Or More As Per Site Condition) Having Depth As Per Site Condition Including From Building, Chambers, Boring, Casing, Strainer, By Suitable Method Prescribed In IS: 2800 (Part I) Other Necessary Installations, Etc. Complete.2) Supplying, Filling, Spreading & Leveling Stone Boulders Of Size Range 5 Cm To 20 Cm, In Recharge Pit, In The Required Thickness, For All Leads & Lifts, All Complete As Per Direction Of Engineer In Charge.3) Supplying, Filling, Spreading & Leveling Gravels Of Size Range 5 mm To 10 mm, In The Recharge Pit, Over The Existing Layer Of Boulders, In Required Thickness, For All Leads & Lifts, All Complete As Per Direction Of Engineer In Charge.4) Supplying, Filling, Spreading & Leveling Coarse Sand Of Size Range 1.5 mm To 2 mm In Recharge Pit, In Required Thickness Over Gravel Layer, For All Leads & Lifts, All Complete As Per Direction Of Engineer In Charge.5) Supplying, Assembling, Lowering And Fixing In Vertical Position In Bore Well, Unplasticized PVC Medium Well Casing 150 Dia Pipe, Conforming To IS: 12818 Etc. All Complete, For All Depths, As Per Direction Of Engineer In Charge6) Design And Construction Of Storage/ Desilting Tank For 2 Days Building Water Demand (Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge). Note: 1 Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply, Transport & Installation Of All Material/Consumables Required To Complete The Job.Note: 2 Rate To Include Soil Investigation, As Required To Ascertain Number Of Borewell And Depth Required For Recharge.Note: 3 providing And Laying Piping Network shall be paid separately, FELLING OF TREES OF GIRTH MORE THAN 30CM (MEASURED AT 1M HEIGHT FROM NGL) INCLUDING CUTTING OF TRUNKS AND BRANCHES, REMOVING THE ROOTS, AND STACKING SERVICEABLE MATERIALS AND DISPOSAL OF UNSERVICEABLE MATERIALS AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER IN CHARGE. NOTE 1 : THE RATE SHOULD INCLUDE OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM LOCAL AUTHORITIES, FOREST DEPT. ETC. WHEREVER APPLICABLE PRIOR TO CUTTING THE TREES, Providing, Casting, Supplying, Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast ONE PIECE COMPOUND WALL Of M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating, Tamping, Curing, Finishing To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Etc. Providing And Fixing 0.6m high Angle post with Barbed Wire and concertina coil above the wall : The Galvanized Steel Barbed Wire Shall Be, A-1 Conforming To Is:278. Height of wall will be min 3.0m from FGL whichever is lowest on either side. Galvanized Steel Barbed Wire Shall Be Tied To The Structural Post With Welded Ms Nibs Or With G.I. Wire Through Holes In The Post Including Its Accessories. Work Includes installation of Posts, Fixing Of Barbed Wire With Angle Post, laying of concertina coil along the length Etc All Complete As Per Project Specification And Standard Drawing (15963-000-CI-DST-0007). The Angle Posts Shall Be Painted As Per Structural Steel Painting Specification. (Note: Price To Be Given In Per Meter Length Of Barbed Wire Fence)Complete as per project drawings and and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 2X20W, LED, White light, linear, suitable for suspended/wall/surface mounting complete with white light T8 LED tube lamps, housing, reflectors, Electronic ballest etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Electrical room, Mechanical Maintenance room (Fixture shall be suitable to FTL also). The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 4200 and PHILIPS make, model type: TCW450 P 2XTLED 19W P3397 or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares like GI threaded rods,spring nuts, anchor-fasteners, GI nut & Bolts etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-incharge. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 20W, LED, White light, linear, suitable for suspended/wall/surface mounting complete with white light T8 LED tube lamps, housing, reflectors, Electronic ballasts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Cable cellar (Fixture shall be suitable to FTL also). The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 2100 lumens and PHILIPS make, model type: TCW450 P 1XTLED 19W P3397 or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares like GI threaded rods,spring nuts, anchor-fasteners, GI nut & Bolts etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-incharge. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIC Temp. class T3), 240V, 2x20W LED tube light luminaire complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, 4 way junction box etc. and all other accessories as required at site for battery roomSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares like GI threaded rods,spring nuts, anchor-fasteners, GI nut & Bolts etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-incharge. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 45W,LED, White light, suitable for wall mounting, outdoor type, complete with white light LED lamps, LM11/LR21 housing with junction box , cross arm(Wall moun bracket) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Buildings periphery. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 4000 lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BRP409 LED 040 CW HO MR FG S1 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares like GI threaded rods,spring nuts, anchor-fasteners, GI nut & Bolts etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIC, Temp. class T3), 240V, Exit light fixture with 30 mins battery pack complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, 4 way junction box etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Battery roomSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares like GI threaded rods,spring nuts, anchor-fasteners, GI nut & Bolts etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 240V, 5/15A, 2P+E, decorative type Sockets with Switch & earth connectionSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 240V, 5/15A, 2P+E, decorative type Sockets with earth connectionSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Industrial type, 240V, 15A, 3 (2P+E) pin single phase socket outlet suitable for IP 55 protection, wall/structure mount with 16A DP MCB+ELCB and plug top with terminal suitable for cable termination (size to be confirmed during detailing) LM6 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, plugs, glands (size to be confirmed during detailing) etc. and all other accessories as required at site.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Industrial type, 240V, 15A, 3 (2P+E) pin single phase socket outlet suitable for outdoor installation, IP 65 protection, wall/structure mount with 16A DP MCB+ELCB and plug top with terminal suitable for cable termination (size to be confirmed during detailing) LM11/LM16 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, plugs, glands (size to be confirmed during detailing) etc. and all other accessories as required at site. (for substation outside)Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply and installation of 8 Module plastic front plate with GI flush boxSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Ceiling Fan, 1 ph.,240V, 48 sweep for security and maintenance roomSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting and small power equipment. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 240V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) indoor lighting and small power distribution board for Electrical/Telecom room consisting of 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer with 7 nos. 16A, 10kA SPN MCB and 2nos. 16A, 10kA DP MCB(for battery room) as outgoing feeders. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of above distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in- Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings., Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount/vertical type, Industrial type, indoor, 4ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) UPS power lighting DB for Electrical/Telecom room with 1 no.16A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 4nos 6A, 10kA DP MCB as outgoing feeders. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of above distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in- Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings, Supply & installation of 1100 V grade, PVC insulated, single core, fire resistant low smoke, stranded copper flexible 1C x 4sq.mm wire for Indoor Lighting and Convenience receptacles wiring, Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of Cabling with 3C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) cable (for battery room and split ACs small power). Rate shall include supply and installation of cables, JBs, holding clamps, glands etc.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial/flameproof glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site, Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of 3C x 6 sq mm, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable from borewell starter panel to junction box near borewell.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge, Supply and installation of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 400mm x 75mm x 12mm earth bus with suitable rated Earth Boss of 2Nos each, pre-drilled 10 mm holesSupply of earthing material and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials complete with all necessary materials, GI earth plate, laying of GI earthing strips / wires including necessary hardware like nuts, washers, lugs etc. termination as required, laying of conductor including bending, drilling, welding / jointing as required etc. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, Supply and installation of Horizontal elbow with cover for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories. Supply of Prefabricated GI erforated cable tray elbow with hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, Supply and Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere outside HPCLS Plant Premises In Land Development And Also Under PCC Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till Maximum Compaction That Is 95% Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge, Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge. Contractor Has To Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The Above Tests, Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method From 1.5 M To 3.0M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations, Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCLS Premises Or Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less).Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In ChargeNote 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.Note 2 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge InstructionsNote 3 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement, For M25 Grade Concrete Without Water Proofing Admixtures For Below Ground Works For Duct Bank, Footings/Foundations, Plinth Beams, Raft Slabs, Pedestals, Trenches, Manhole Pit, Culverts, Drains, Sumps, Pits , Tanks, Equipment Foundations, Encasing Of Pipes Etc At Depth Below And Upto Plinth Level/Top Of Pedestal. Note : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying/Applying 3 Coats Of Modified Bituminous Paint As Per Drawing.RCC - Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary. (2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately, Providing, Casting, Supplying, Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast Concrete Covers Of M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating, Tamping, Curing, Finishing The Top Surface To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Breaking Bricks & Or Concrete Surfaces & Making Good The Same Etc. Complete As Specified. Note:(1) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Steel Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately, Providing And ApplyingFirst Single Coat Of Approved Primer And TwoCoats Of Premium Acrylic Emulsion Paint, Having Voc (Volatile Organic Compound ) Content Less Than 50 Grams/ Litre Of An Approved Make & ColourAs Per Manufacturers/Project SpecificationsTo Any Surface, At All Height And Locations As Directed, Including Scaffolding, Cleaning And Preparing Surfaces As Required For PaintingBy Any Approved MeansWith Brush,Paint Roller, BroomApplied To Unaccessible Areas And Heights, Applying Additional Coats Wherever Required To Achieve Even Shade And Colour Etc. Complete As Directed By Engineer-In-Charge, Timber Door - Providing And Fixing Timber Doors Frames 140 mm X 65mm Thick With Holdfast & Flush Timber Door Of 35-40 mm Thick, Including Provision Of SS Handles Grade 304 With Mortice Lock & Key, 5 mm Thick Toughened Glass For Vision Panel Where Required, Both Side 1.5mm Laminate Finish, Edge Finish With Wooden Beading And Polished, Ironmongery Brush Steel Finish Etc. Complte As Per Project Specification & Drawing, Providing And Fixing Wash Basin With One Tap Hole Conforming To IS: 2556 (Part-IV) Of Make Jaguar Or Equivalent Approved Pattern, Quality And Color With Under Counter Size (mm) 190 X 550 X 430, 32mm CP Brass Waste Fittings, 32 mm CP Brass Bottle Trap, 15 mm PVC Inlet Water Pipe Connection, Painted GI Brackets, Single Lever Basin Bib Tap Of Make Jaguar Or Equivalent Etc. All Complete As Per Project Specification ( 15963-000-AR-SPC-0004), Drawings, Manufacturer Installation Method And Directed By Engineer-In-Charge, Construction Of Soak-Pit Of Size 2500 mm Dia And 3000 mm Depth As Per Drawing And Directions Of The Engineer, Including All Materials, Labour, Excavation, Backfilling And Other Bye-Works, Complete In All Respects As Per Standard Drawing, Supply, assembly, painting, quality assurance and quality control, inspection, documentation, Certification (As Applicable), shipment, installation, testing and commissioning at site of wall mounted DX split air conditioning units (5 Star Rating) complete with following:1. Outdoor condensing units.2. Indoor wall mounted fan coil units with high efficiency air filter, Stabilizer and Remote.3. First fill of all lubricants and refrigerant (Eco friendly Refrigerant).4. Refrigerant (copper) piping with 19mm thick insulation connecting to Condensing Unit and Fan Coil Unit.5. Condensate Drain Piping connecting to nearest drain point.6. Clamps / neoprene supports and Trays for Refrigerant Piping.7. Control Cabling with conduits interconnecting across indoor Fan Coil Unit & outdoor Air Cooled Condensing Unit. 8. Power Cabling with conduits for electrical power supply from nearest electrical socket.9. Supporting frame for mounting Condensing Unit and Fan Coil Unit.10. Vibration isolator for Condensing Unit and Fan Coil Unit.11. Other accessories not listed herewith but considered necessary for safe and smooth operation of the complete package, shall be included by the CONTRACTOR in his scope.12. Equipment selection considering derating factors shall be applied to Nominal TR, as applicable, to achieve room inside design conditions i.e. 22±C deg C, for minimum ambient temperature 50 deg C.13. CONTRACTOR to note that HVAC outdoor equipment shall be designed/selected for min. 52 deg C and shall not trip at the same temperature during summer season.Scada and telecom room for Electrical Room Building- Cooling Capacity - 2.0 TR; Qty mentioned is 2 working + 1 standby AC for each SV Station and Hiriyur IPS, Supply, design, engineering, materials, manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, inspection, quality assurance and quality control, inspection, testing, painting, documentation, certification (as applicable), supply and shipment of Utility Water Transfer Pumps complete with motor (approx. 1 hp) & motor starter panel (which includes MCCB, Contactor, thermal overload relay with external reset PB on font facia of the starter, start &stop push buttons, LED cluster type indication lamps (Power supply ON, Pump ON, Pump Pump Trip etc.) of appropriate capacity along with necessary GI pipes and junction box, other necessary installations, etc. all works complete. in accordance with Mechanical Data Sheet - 15963-000-ME-DAS-0011 & the requirements covered in the tender document.The motor shall be single phase (240V AC) for all stations, Supply and installation of Horizontal elbow with cover for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories. Supply of Prefabricated GI erforated cable tray elbow with hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, etc.

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