Tender For Pipe Laying And Associated Works- Schedule-1, For Hassan - Cherlapally Lpg Pipeline (Hcpl)Project.- Mainline laying works 14 OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:The works shall include, but not limited to, the following;PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: Receiving and taking-over, handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractors own stock-yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW); the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company.Receiving and taking over, handling, including loading and unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owners designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for Contractors storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials (except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.Pre-construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the said authorities-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from concerned statutory / government Authorities. Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of DFO/concerned authorities and co-ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left-over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records thereof.Cutting of Scheduled Trees as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authoritys guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non-forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl. 5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell trees.Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963-000-PLDST- 0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC and to fit minimum bend radius, by excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled trench (in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part of road, etc. is in contractor scope.Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge) Aligning, bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld joints, and destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge, including providing Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine / external X-Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owners representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying out re-radiography and other non-destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by qualified coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturers recommendation.Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner-supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work /specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre-padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer-In-Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved by Engineer-In-Charge and as per dwg.no. (15963-000-PL-DST-0001), Tie-ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as directed by Site-Engineer/ Engineer-in-ChargeCarrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In-charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender including providing pre-testing of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the pipeline section including de-watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria , All tie-ins with the pipeline / piping, including tie-in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re-beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the pipeline ready for pre-commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.Final clean-up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration of their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, re-instate of breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of asbuilt drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002 and 15963-000- PL-SOW-0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. The above shall also include the following; 1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004).2. Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works, and - All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as per scope of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.4. The Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.NOTES: 1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings (diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area, underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those crossings identified as HDD and jacking/boring crossings for which relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different line item. 3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-0001. 4. Rate for laying / blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014 and Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-