
Supply Of Ayurveda Classical Medicines For The Year-2019-20 To Ayush Hospital Shivamogga-Karnataka

Department Of Ayush has published Supply Of Ayurveda Classical Medicines For The Year-2019-20 To Ayush Hospital Shivamogga. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-01-2020. Ayurvedic Medicines Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Ayurveda Classical Medicines For The Year-2019-20 To Ayush Hospital Shivamogga
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Ayurveda Classical Medicines For The Year-2019-20 To Ayush Hospital Shivamogga 1. Abhayarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 2. Amritarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 3. Aravindasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 4. Arjunarishta/ (Parthadyarishta) = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 5. Ashokarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 6. Ashvagandharishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 7. Balarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 8. Dashamularishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 9. Drakshasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 10. Draksharishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 11. Jirakadyarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 12. Kanakasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 13. Kumaryasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 14. Kutajarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 15. Khadirarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 16. Lohasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 17. Mustakarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 18. Rohitakarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 19. Sarasvatarishta = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 20. Usheerasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 21. Vasakasava = (450 Ml = 1 Unit), Bottle, 22. Agastya Haritaki I Agastya Rasayana = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 23. Drakshavaleha = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 24. Haridrakhanda Paka = (100 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 25. Kusumandavaleha = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 26. Vasavaleha = (100 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 27. Chawanprash = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 28. Brihat Manjisthadi Kwatha Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 29. Dashamula Kwath Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 30. Dashmula Katutraya Kwath Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 31. Pancha-Valkala Kashaya Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 32. Phalatrikadi Kwathchurna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 33. Punarnavadi Kwathchurna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 34. Pashanbhedadi Kwath Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 35. Rasnasaptaka Kashaya Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 36. Varunadi Kwathchurna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 37. Gokshuradi Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 38. Kanchanara Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 39. Kaishora Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 40. Lakshadi Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 41. Simhanada Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 42. Triphala Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 43. Trayodashanga Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 44. Punarnava Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 45. Yogaraja Guggulu = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 46. Guggulutiktaka Ghrita = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 47. Mahatikta Ghrita = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 48. Sukumar Ghrita = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 49. Indu Kanta Ghrita = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 50. Triphala Ghrita = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 51. Ajamodadi Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 52. Avipattikara Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 53. Hingwashtaka Chunaa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 54. Lavanabhaskara Churna/ Bhaskarlavan Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 55. Nisha Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 56. Panchanimba Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 57. Sitopaladi Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 58. Talishadya Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 59. Trikatu Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 60. Triphala Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 61. Dadimashtaka Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 62. Amalaki Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 63. Ashwagandha Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 64. Guduchi Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 65. Haritaki Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 66. Hingvachadi Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 67. Shunthi Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 68. Vidanga Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 69. Yashtimadhu/ Madhuyashti/ Yashti Churna = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 70. Balashwagandhadi Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 71. Bhringaraja Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 72. Dhanwantari Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 73. Gandharvahasta Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 74. Jatyadi Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 75. Ksheerbala Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 76. Marichyadi Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 77. Mahanarayan Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 78. Madhuyeshtyadi Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 79. Brihanmasha Taila/ Mahamash Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 80. Pinda Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 81. Sahacharadi Taila / Brihatsahcharadi Taila = (1000 Ltr = 1 Unit), Bottle, 82. Dashanga Lepa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 83. Chandraprabha Vati = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 84. Chitrakadi Gutika = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 85. Gandhak Vati = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 86. Kankayan Gutika = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 87. Lahsunadi Vati = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 88. Rajahpravartini Vati = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 89. Panchamrita Parpati = (100 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 90. Abhraka Bhasma (Shatputi) = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 91. Shankha Bhasma = (500 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 92. Punarnavadi Mandura = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 93. Agnitundi Vati = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 94. Anandabhairav Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 95. Arogyavardhini Vati/Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 96. Arshakutara Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 97. Kamadudha Rasa (Amlapitta) = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 98. Laghu Sutashekhara Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 99. Shirahshuladivajrarasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 100. Shwasakuthararasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 101. Smritisagar Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 102. Tribhuvankirti Rasa = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 103. Saptamrita Lauha = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle, 104. Navayasa Lauha = (1000 Gm = 1 Unit), Bottle,

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 35000.0 /-
Tender Value
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