
Schedule Of Rate For Maintenance Of Online Equipments Jobs And Safety, Fire Fighting Equipments And Other Associated Jobs At Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojur - 1 DRIVE UNIT / GEAR BOX/MOTOR 2 Keeping conveyor soap tray in proper place, fixing of motor canopies,coupling guards of rotating equipments where ever missing & ensuring chain Guards to all available drive unit. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 3 Checking & Servicing of all available gear boxes,arresting of leakage of lube oil from all availabe gear boxes/crank cases. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 4 Checking the condition of all available driving motor, if there is any noise it is to be reported to shed officer immediately and same to be rectified. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & broug, Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojpur-Bihar

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Schedule Of Rate For Maintenance Of Online Equipments Jobs And Safety, Fire Fighting Equipments And Other Associated Jobs At Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojur - 1 DRIVE UNIT / GEAR BOX/MOTOR 2 Keeping conveyor soap tray in proper place, fixing of motor canopies,coupling guards of rotating equipments where ever missing & ensuring chain Guards to all available drive unit. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 3 Checking & Servicing of all available gear boxes,arresting of leakage of lube oil from all availabe gear boxes/crank cases. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 4 Checking the condition of all available driving motor, if there is any noise it is to be reported to shed officer immediately and same to be rectified. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & broug. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2020. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojpur Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Schedule Of Rate For Maintenance Of Online Equipments Jobs And Safety, Fire Fighting Equipments And Other Associated Jobs At Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojur - 1 DRIVE UNIT / GEAR BOX/MOTOR 2 Keeping conveyor soap tray in proper place, fixing of motor canopies,coupling guards of rotating equipments where ever missing & ensuring chain Guards to all available drive unit. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 3 Checking & Servicing of all available gear boxes,arresting of leakage of lube oil from all availabe gear boxes/crank cases. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 4 Checking the condition of all available driving motor, if there is any noise it is to be reported to shed officer immediately and same to be rectified. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & broug
Open Tender
Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojpur

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Schedule Of Rate For Maintenance Of Online Equipments Jobs And Safety, Fire Fighting Equipments And Other Associated Jobs At Indane Bottling Plant, Gidha, Bhojur - 1 DRIVE UNIT / GEAR BOX/MOTOR 2 Keeping conveyor soap tray in proper place, fixing of motor canopies,coupling guards of rotating equipments where ever missing & ensuring chain Guards to all available drive unit. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 3 Checking & Servicing of all available gear boxes,arresting of leakage of lube oil from all availabe gear boxes/crank cases. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 4 Checking the condition of all available driving motor, if there is any noise it is to be reported to shed officer immediately and same to be rectified. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 5 Checking oil level inside the gear boxes/crank cases ,if insufficient,same to be added.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 6 Checking and rectification of condition of all available motor gear coupling and its alignment.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 7 checking the condition of SPIDER ,if worn out, to be replaced 8 Checking the condition of all available triplex/duplex chain ,dry chain to be lubricated and wornt out to be replaced. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 9 CONVEYOR SYSTEM 10 Monitoring the condition of all available sprockets on daily basis.If any abnormality found same to be rectified on priority basis. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 11 Inspection of conveyor sections, broken to be repaired/replaced. Adjustment of conveyor chain in length. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 12 Tightning the loose conveyor railing. Providing conveyor railings where ever missing. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 13 Checking & rectifying the alignment of all block bearing and its greasing on weekly basis.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 14 Checking/Replacing/modifying the condition of conveyor chain on weekly basis. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 15 Checking conveyor chain height wrt channel ,if level difference is less than 10 mm same to be made up. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 16 Monitoring the condition of available chain guides on weekly basis and worn out guides to be replaced. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 17 Starting of chain conveyor in no load condition after ensuring proper soap solution.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 18 Checking the condition of wear strips on conveyor. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 19 Chain cleaning on SUNDAYS/Holiday. Or as per instruction of IOCL officials.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 20 Tightning loose of all foundation Bolts. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 21 Day to day maintenance of auto malleting unit ,HOT AIR sealing unit, purging unit,WASHING UNIT, DRYING UNIT including their pneumatic controls that includes preventive maintenance replacement of spare parts.Assistance of OEM/Service Engineer, if required. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 22 FILLING MACHINE 23 Machine calibration with 40 Kg Weight / Standard weight & maintaining record for the daily maintenance.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be brought for verification to IOCL officials. 24 Ensure all available filling machine is not touching with other equipment and with the bottom screw.To ensure smooth running without any interruption.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 25 Clean the head cylinder arm /filling M/c with soft and clean cotton.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 26 Clean all the sensor and reflector for proper funtioning.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 27 Continous monitoring of filling machines for centering of cylinders,gas leackage from guns etc. Filling accuracy to be Maintained about 85 Percent or as per IOCl official instruction. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 28 Filling gun should be perpendicular wrt head. Tighten bkt. Screw with central chuck nut.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 29 Checking and servicing of all available Bay of filling machines including checking of clamping cylinders,pusher,cylinders,gun lowering cylinder,checking of FRL units,pouring oil in it,checking the condition of central column seal and record to be maintain. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 30 Check the load cell of all available filling machine/equipments. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 31 Maintain the min. 3mm distance between upper base and lower base in the filling machine with 40 kg. Weight. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 32 Servicing of all available filling gun and any defected O ring should be replaced. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 33 Check the central column Level.Apply the silicon grease in central column. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 34 Checking and servicing of carousal wheels ,rails including greasing of wheels if necessary. Checking condition of drive units ,replacement of tyre drive if necessary ,pouring oil in oil resevoir checking and servicing of oil pump. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 35 Checking Carousal Introduction Unit ,including replacement of all pneumatic items in case of damage to pneumatic. Apply the oil or grease into the shaft and leaner bearing in system. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 36 Checking,cleaning and Servicing of all available Gas stop Valve for proper functioning. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 37 Checking and servicing of ejection unit including replacement of all pneumatic system. Apply the oil or grease into the shaft and leaner bearing in system. Work Instructed By Plant Officer. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 38 CHECK SCALE 39 Calibrate all available C/S for proper functioning. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 40 Check lifting table base screw should be tighten for proper function. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 41 Check the isolator screw should be fully tighten and tighten the bottom screw. Thoroughly clean all the joints & plates of C/S. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 42 Check the load cell, bottom and top 8 screw for proper fuctioning. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 43 OD/VD SEGREGATOR 44 Maintenance of OL/VL Detectors (Repairing works like servicing of guns and associated pneumatic spare to facilitate smooth operation on daily basis and providing assistance during schedule preventive maintenance, calibration & at the time of service visit by OEM) 45 Apply oil/ grease whereever Mounting parts provided in the OD/VD centring arrangement,Gun Down Arrangement,Pusher Arrangement. Remove water from FRL. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 46 Check centring device for proper functioning.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 47 Check the clamping for proper centring,Check the sensing gun for blockage. Thoroughly clean the base and all links of Clamping arrangement.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 48 VCM 49 Day to day maintenance of VCM including their pneumatic controls that includes preventive maintenance replacement of spare parts.Assistance in Preventive/Breackdown Maintainance with OEM/Service Engineer. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 50 DEGASSING UNIT 51 Day to day maintenance of DEGASSING M/C including their pneumatic, mechanical, hydraulic controls that includes preventive maintenance replacement of spare parts.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 52 DESHAPING UNIT 53 Day to day maintenance of DEGASSING M/C including their pneumatic, Hydraulic, mechanical controls that includes preventive maintenance replacement of spare parts.Assistance in Preventive/Breackdown Maintainance with OEM/Service Engineer. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 54 INTEGRATED CORRECTION UNIT 55 Check proper clamping,lifting & tilting of the unit. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 56 Check for GUN Leakage and arrest the same. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 57 Proper cleaning and Greasing,servicing of Gun. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 58 Day to day Preventive/Breakdown Maintenance of all pneumatic system for SQC unit ,including CVT,market return C/S including replacement of spare parts. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 59 OTHERS 60 Providing Assistence in servicing of all Vapor compressors,LPG Pump. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 61 Checking & Fixing of wire mesh in the cold flare line.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 62 Cleaning of strainer in the cooling water pump ,LPG pump,LPG Compressor ,carousel inlet,vapour line etc. and record maintain. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 63 Draining water From all FRL units/drain point in the main air & air reciever.Pouring servo system 32 in all FRL units as per direction from IOCL official. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 64 Maintenance jobs anywhere inside the plant/ TT Parking area as per directive of IOCL official.Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 65 Thorough cleaning of all machines/pneumatics along with cover. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 66 Servicing/replacement of Valves (LPG PUMP/VAPOUR COMPRESSOR /AIR COMPRESSORS /WATER line of soap solution) as and when required. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 67 Checking /servicing of all divertors,stopper units that includes greasing of all stopper ,pusher shunter unit,checking /servicing of pneuamtic system. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 68 Servicing of LPG Pump, Vapour compressor,Air compressor,Evacuation compressor etc as per requirement. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 69 Servicing of Vapour Extractor Unit as per requirement. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 70 ROV maintenance 71 Checking of air leackage,closing/opening time,Greasing of ROV for smooth funtioning.Assistance & repairing of ROVs if required. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 72 Cylinder streghthening M/C 73 Day to day maintenance of Cylinder Streghthening M/C including their pneumatic controls that includes preventive maintenance replacement of spare parts. Spares & Consumable items to be provided by IOCL. Records to be maintained & brought for verification to IOCL officials. 74 Filling of 47.5 Kg on daily Basis 75 Filling and all types of Maintenance of 47.5 Kg of LOT / VOT in filling Shed 76 Filling of 5 Kg on daily Basis 77 Filling and all types of Maintenance of 5 Kg in filling Shed 78 Filling of 425 Kg on daily Basis 79 Filling and all types of Maintenance of 425 Kg in filling Shed 80 Checking, Maintenance of Prefilling O ring Machine to make Machine Operative 81 Apart from above, any other Maintenance related Job assinged by Location in charge of Patna BP from time to time 82 Supply of Oxygen Cylinders, Welding Rods, Grinding wheels, Ginder (m Complete set) 83 Maintenance of all types of DCP and CO2 FEs: Emptying of DCP from FE, Drying of DCP, Filling of DCP into FE, Weighing of CO2 Cartridges, Checking of Squeeze Grip Nozzle, hose, plunger, gasket, Stencilling of Test Dates on the FE, Positioning the same at the previous place. a)10Kg DCP, b) 75 Kg DCP, c) 2 Kg CO2 FE,d) 4.5Kg CO2 FE,e), 6 Kg CO2 FE The job includes maintainance of the same.Assistance in Hydrotest of All types of DCP as per schedule and directions of IOCL Officials. 84 Monthly checking & servicing of Double hydrant points, water monitors & hose boxes. The job include greasing and lubricating valves, tightening and replacement of valve glands, greasing of swelve joints of monitors, replacement of valves if necessary, replacement of coupling if necessary, replacement of landing valves, replacement of coupling washers, assistance in drying hoses as necessary and directed. Necessary spares and consumables shall be supplied by IOC. 85 Flushing of Hydrant System (Sectionwise) and record to be maintaine and repressurisation of same. 86 Monthly checking, servicing and Actuation By all the available Modes of All Deludge Valves system. The job include opening and inspection of internal components of Deluge Valves, cleaning and servicing of parts and replacement of spares or consumables as directed by Plant Official , assembly and testing of the Deluge Valve and re-setting of the DVs after operation. 87 Monthly checking & servicing of Hand Sirens , Manual Call Points and Emergency Shut Down .Job includes greasing of hand sirens and simulation of MCPs and ESDs. 88 Monthly checking & servicing of MV sprinkler system and globe & gate,Butterfly, NRV valves of Water Pipe-lines. The job include cleaning of sprinkler nozzles, checking and arresting of air-leakages from sprinkler network, providing circulation/ flushing of water in sprinkler pipe-lines, servicing/lubricating valves and servicing & tightening of valve glands in LPG/water pipe-lines system including replacement of gland-packing if necessary, replacement of air-line of sprinkler system for any leakages . Necessary spares and consumables shall be supplied by IOC. 89 Checking and servicing of Fire-Pump installations & jockey pumps. The job include daily checking of engine & pump conditions, checking for adequate water level in static water tanks, checking for any water leakage from pipelines & fuel leakage from fule lines, checking for any leakage from pump glands and repair of glands for any water leakage including servicing and cleaning of gland and replacement of gland packing if necessary, maintaining required fuel level in fuel tanks of fire engines & cleaning of pump stariners on quarterly basis as directed by plant officials. Monthly shut off pressure test ,Half yeraly pump performance and yearly four hour running of fire engine to be done as per direction of IOC official and maintenance of daily log book of fire engines.The necessary spares and consumables shall be supplied by IOC. 90 Monthly checking & servicing of all .ROV-s. Job includes checking & arresting any air leakage, checking for smooth operation and greasing (if necessary). 91 Daily checking,tighting & replacement of foundation bolts, checking and adjusting belt tensions, checking of coupling conditions and checking of lubrication levels of jockey pumps, fire pumps,security air compressors and Air Compressors. Necessary spares and consumables shall be supplied by IOC. 92 Maintaining preventive maintenance records and history cards of fire pumps, jockey pumps, Deluge Valves, hydrants,monitors & others as per norms. 93 Daily Operation of Air Compressors. Build up Sufficient air pressure to operate all the Hydraulic,pneumatics and Electronics Equipments.checking,tighting & replacement of foundation bolts, checking and adjusting belt tensions, checking of coupling conditions and checking of lubrication levels of air compressors and. Necessary spares and consumables shall be supplied by IOC. 94 Testing of LPG Hoses & Keeping Records as per IOCL Standards 95 Assistance in Checking, Servicing, & Testing of PAV and SRV & Keeping Records 96 Testing of Fire Water Hoses & Keeping Records as per IOCL Standard 97 CHECKING OF SAFETY TRIP OF FIRE ENGINE AND AIR COMPRESSOR 98 CHECKING THE CONDITION OF BATTERY FOR FIRE ENGINES. 99 EQUIPMENTS OF FIRST AID FIRE FIGHTING TROLLEY TO BE MAINTAINED IN HEALTHY CONDITIONS. 100 TO MAINTAIN 7 KG/CM2 WATER PRESSURE IN HYDRANT SYSTEM AT THE FARTHEST POINT WITH HELP OF JOCKEY PUMP OPERATING AUTOMATICALLY. 101 ALL VALVES ON THE FIRE WATER RING MAIN/HYDRANT/ MONITOR VALVES CHECKED FOR LEAKS/OPERATION AND LUBRICATED ONCE IN MONTH AND RECORD MAINTAINED & NO LEAKS OBSERVED. 102 FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM TO BE IN HEALTHY OPERATING CONDITIONS AND KEPT UNDER PRESSURE WITH JOCKEY PUMP. NO LEAKAGE / CORROSION SHOULD BE OBSERVED. Maintain frequency of security air compressor and Jockey pump not less than 30 minutes and arresting any leakage on air line/water line .Weekly water ring main inspection to be done and record to be maintained there off as per OISD-144. 103 Periodic maintenance of breathing apparatus and fire suit,Low temp suit,Low temp gloves,Water gel blanket etc.Proper cleaning and upkeeping of safety almirah. 104 Quarterly strainer cleaning of deluge valves ,Fire engines suction line of Jockey pumps and maintenance of record thereoff 105 Weekly Water seal level monitoring of Vapor trap of plant and maintainance of waterline and replacement fauly mettalic float if required .Mettalic float shall be supplied by corporation 106 Monthly checking of GMS sensors by leaking LPG in individual sensor and record keeping. 107 Assistance to be provided during fire fighting, Safety training and keeping of fire fighting material at identified place after drill and training. 108 Monthly inspection of fire proofing of horton sphere leg and maintenance of record thereoff. 109 Apart from above, any other Safety Related related Job assinged by Location in charge of Patna BP from time to time 110 Overtime considering Night shift/Sunday/Holiday Operation / Maintenance for Skilled per month 111 Overtime considering Night shift Operation / Maintenance for Semi-Skilled per month

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INR 41000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.20 Crore /-
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