Tender For Retail Outlet Construction And Other Allied Jobs As The Case May Be In Retail Outlets In Bangalore East And North Sales Area - Surface dressing of the ground including removing small plants, bushes ,vegetation (dia less than 4) and making surface levelled and disposal of rubbish outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge., Excavation for foundation upto required depth below existing ground level up to 1.5m in any tyoe odf soil except hard rock. Rate to include dressing the sides and bottom, bailing out of water if encountered, shoring, strutting, backfilling after the construction of foundation, trenches/plinth beam etccompacting by the side of the foundation and disposal of surplus excavated earth within/outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge including spreading, watering and compaction, complete. The measurement of the excavation would be based on actual depth of excavation with applicable rate for different depths., Excavation for foundation upto required depth below ground level in any type of soil except hard rock . Rate to include dressing the sides and bottom, bailing out of water if encountered, shoring, strutting, backfilling after the construction of foundation, foundation, trenches/plinth beam etc compacting by the side of the foundation and disposal of surplus excavated earth within/outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge including spreading, watering and compaction, complete . The measurement of the excavation would be based on actual depth of excavation with applicable rate for different depths.EXCAVATION IN EARTH BETWEEN 1.5 TO 3 M, Excavation for foundation upto required depth below ground level in any type of soil except hard rock . Rate to include dressing the sides and bottom, bailing out of water if encountered, shoring, strutting, backfilling after the construction of foundation, compacting by the side of the foundation and disposal of surplus excavated earth within/outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge including spreading, watering and compaction, complete . The measurement of the excavation would be based on actual depth of excavation with applicable rate for different depths. EXCAVATION IN EARTH BETWEEN 3 TO 4.5, Excavation for foundation upto required depth below existing ground level up to 1.5 m. depth in concrete road by chiselling / pneumatic drilling . Rate to include dressing the sides and bottom, bailing out of water if encountered, shoring, strutting, backfilling after the job to restore the original state of the ground and disposal of surplus excavated earth within/outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge including curing, watering and compaction and complete . The measurement of the excavation would be based on actual depth of excavation, Excavation for foundation upto required in hard rock and excavation shall be done by chiselling / pneumatic drilling or Blasting. Rate to include dressing the sides and bottom, bailing out of water if encountered, shoring, strutting, backfilling after the construction of foundation, trenches/plinth beam etc compacting by the side of the foundation and disposal of surplus excavated earth within/outside HPCLs premises to an unobjectionable place, as directed by the Engineer in Charge including spreading, watering and compaction, complete . The measurement of the excavation would be based on actual depth of excavation with applicable rate for different depths. EXCAVATION IN HARD ROCK 1.5 mts- 3.0 mts, Supply and filling with clean silver / river sand of approved quality in layers of 150 mm each including spreading, compacting by hand ramming and watering etc, all complete as per direction of Engg.-In-Charge. Measurement basis compacted thickness only, Supply and filling with Crush Sand as per IS 21116-1980-2 & IS 486:2000 & IS 383.1970 The particle shape is semi rounded or cubical & not flakey or elongated. Dust percentage is strictly controlled 10 - 15% with fineness modulus 2.6 to 3. Supply and filling with Stone Crushed sand of approved quality in layers of 150 mm each including spreading, compacting by hand ramming and watering etc, all complete as per direction of Engg.-In-Charge. compacted thickness only, Supplying and filling good quality murum in layers of 150 mm thick including watering and compacting till maximum compaction is achieved as directed by Engineer In Charge.Compacted volume shall be considered for payment, Supplying and filling imported murrum of approved quality in layers not exceeding compacted thickness of 200 mm inclusive spreading, Watering ,ramming, compacting, and if required, rolling and re-rolling with power roller, mechanical compactor of 80 KN to 100 KN capacity to achieve maximum compaction, all complete as per direction of Engg.-In-Charge. The murrum should be excavated from a quarry / mines, free from weeds, grass and other objectionable debris. Measurement basis compacted thickness only. Rate shall include conducting compaction test as per tech spect., Providing and laying PCC 1:4:8 using 40 mm and down size graded stone aggregates including machine mixing, providing formwork if required, placing, compacting by hand ramming , curing etc complete, Providing and laying PCC 1:3:6 using 20 mm and down size graded stone aggregates including machine mixing, providing formwork if required, placing, compacting by hand ramming, curing etc complet etc